007 - Heidi 6 - A New Life Begins

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Level 5

A New Life Begins

T he next morning, Heidi opened her
eyes. She was in a high bed facing two
windows covered by long curtains. It was
very different from her bed in the hayloft,
with its view down the valley through the
hole by her bed. Heidi jumped out of bed
and ran to a window. The curtains were too
heavy for her to push aside, so she crawled
under them. Behind the curtains, the window
was too high. She could only just peer out
and couldn’t find a way to open it. Suddenly,
there was a knock on her door.
“Breakfast is ready,” said the maid. Heidi
had no idea what she was expected to do, so
she waited. Shortly after, Fraulein appeared.
“What is the matter with you, Heidi?” she
said angrily. “Don’t you understand what
breakfast is? Come along at once!”
Heidi had no difficulty understanding that.
She followed Fraulein downstairs. The
windows in the dining room were also too
high for her to see out of. Heidi was starting
to feel like she was in a prison.
Clara had been at the breakfast table for a
while and was smiling cheerfully. Heidi
didn’t know it, but Clara was often lonely
and glum. Now that Heidi was staying with
her, Clara was looking forward to all sorts of
new fun. As soon as the children were alone,
Heidi asked, “How can I open a window in
my bedroom?”
“You can ask Sebastian. He’ll be happy to
open one for you,” Clara assured her. Heidi
was very relieved.
While the girls were eating breakfast,
Clara’s tutor arrived. Fraulein took him aside
and told him all her worries about Heidi. He
was a patient man and said that regular
teaching would soon help her catch up to
Clara. After breakfast, the girls joined him
in the study and started their lesson. A little
while later, Fraulein was walking past the
study door when she heard a huge crash.
“Look at the state of things!” exclaimed
Fraulein when she opened the door.
“Tablecloth, books, work basket, everything
covered in ink. It was Heidi’s fault, I
“Yes, but it was all an accident,” said
Clara. “Heidi heard the carriages passing
outside, and they startled her.” Fraulein was
angry, but did not punish Heidi.
Later that afternoon, while Clara took her
nap, Heidi asked Sebastian where she could
go to see out over the whole city. “You
would have to climb to the top of a church
tower,” said Sebastian.
With that in mind, Heidi set off in search
of the highest tower she could find. On a
street corner, she saw a boy with a hand
organ and asked, “Do you know any
churches with high towers?”
“Yes, I know one. For two pennies, I will
show you,” the boy said.
“Clara will pay you. She has money,”
Heidi agreed. “And will you help me find
my way back home?” she asked.
“Yes, for another two pennies.”
“Okay,” said Heidi.
The boy led her through the streets to an
old church. A priest answered the bell and,
holding her hand, led Heidi up the winding
stairs. At the top, Heidi was disappointed. “I
wanted to see the mountains. All I can see
are roofs and towers and chimney tops!” she
“I have something else to show you,” said
the priest. “Follow me.” At the bottom of the
stairs, behind a closet door, he showed her a
basket. Heidi bent down and said with
delight, “Oh, look at the sweet little kittens!”
“Would you like to have them?” asked the
priest. Heidi could hardly contain her joy.

Level 5

A New Life Begins

Copyright c 2007 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.

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