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Dress Code Policy

The dress code policy provides information about the office attire the employee should wear in the
organization. The policy conveys the corporate dress code one should follow to maintain
professionalism in the organization.
There are different kinds of dress codes such as
 business dress code,
 business casual dress code,
The organization confirms the days on which employees can wear casual dress and the days on
which the employees have to follow the business dress code. There are certain attires that can be
offensive to the public or employees working in the organization and thus such clothing is
prohibited. Employees should consider the following points while following the dress code policy-
• The clothes of the employee should reflect professionalism.
• The appearance of the employee has a psychological impact on the client.
• It is important to follow the business dress code during meetings or client visits.
• The violation of the dress code policy can lead to disciplinary action from the organization
 Dress Code from Monday to Friday for all employees
 Navy blue colour or deep grey colour trousers
 Shirt as provided by the organization
 Leather shoes ( Colour Brown or Black only)
 Dress Code for Saturday
 Those who are in corporate can wear casual trousers (i.e. Jeans only) but a shirt has to be
 Business Attire
 Navy blue colour suit only
 Dress Code During Demo
 Official Shirt or Official T-Shirt without faded Jeans (Colour Blue or Black)
An Objective of Dress Code Policy
Each and every employee working for the organization represents the organization in public as well
as in front of customers or clients. Thus the personal appearance and hygiene of the employee is
directly linked with the organization. The objective of the dress code policy is to guide the employee
to dress in a befitting manner, appropriate to the job and considering the need of the company, and
their co-workers. The positive or negative impact of the appearance of the employee has an effect
on the Company culture. Henceforth the objective of the dress code policy is to convey to the
employee that we are all equal and related to each other by following the same work culture.

Scope of Dress Code Policy

The dress code policy is applicable to employees who are on the regular payroll of the company. The
dress code policy should be followed while working in the office as well as when the employees are
out of the office on company assignments such as client meetings, conferences, training programs or
business events.

General Guidelines of Attire Policy

Employees should follow the below-given guidelines for attire policy:

• Clothes should be suitable for the work environment, and properly ironed with no wrinkles.
• Frayed and dirty clothing is not acceptable.
• Clothing with offensive pictures, terms or words are not acceptable in the workplace.
• Disciplinary action will be taken by the organization if the problem of inappropriate attire persists.

Dress Code Violations and Disciplinary Consequences

It is the responsibility of reporting managers/supervisors/HR departments to inform the employees

that they have violated the dress code policy. In case of a violation, the employee can immediately
correct the problem. The supervisor may allow the employee to leave work and go out to change

The repeated violation of the dress code may lead to major repercussions and result in disciplinary
action which includes concluding of services can occur in case of dress code violation if repeated
dress code violations even after receiving a warning and memo from the HR department.

Prepared by Approved by
(Human Resources) (Co-Founder & Directors)

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