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Mobing and sexual harassment in the workplace

4.1. Moibng, sexual harassment, and coercion of employees are prohibited in

Center for Girls.
4.2. Mobing is any behavior by responsible persons or employees that creates a
hostile, humiliating, or offensive atmosphere at work or related to work.
4.3. Sexual harassment is any behavior of a sexual nature committed by a
responsible person or employee, against the will of another employee, which is
percieved by an employee as humiliating and offensive.
4.4. Sexual coercion is any behavior by a person in power that proposes or
demands sexual services, with the condition that such services are tied to a
change in employment-related status (such as hiring, professional
development, training, promotion, or rewards)
4.5. Protection procedure includes:
- informing all employees about the prohibition of harassment in the
workplace, as well as the prohibition of sexual coercion and harassment;
- an informal (advisory) procedure, the outcome of which is the cessation of
prohibited behavior;
- a formal, disciplinary procedure that involves verifying the allegations,
establishing disciplinary responsibility for the violation of the prohibition
of harassment in the workplace and sexual extortion and harassment, and
implementing appropriate disciplinary measures.
4.6. Protection includes all employees and any other individuals who participate in
work at CfG based on any arrangement (temporary or occasional workers,
individuals with service contracts, activists, collaborators, etc.).
4.7. During the protection process, confidentiality of data and privacy protection
will be ensured for all participants involved. An employee cannot be put in a
disadvantageous position compared to the one they had before for initiating a
protection procedure, making a complaint regarding harassment, sexual
coercion, and sexual harassment, or testifying about sexual harassment and
4.8. Employees can file a complaint regarding mobing, sexual harassment, and
coercion with the executive coordinator of CfG. If they are not satisfied with the
intervention of the executive coordinator or if the executive coordinator is
involved in the harassment, they can filea complaint with the Council of CfG, in
accordance with the CfG’s Statute.
4.9. After receiving a report, the responsible person conducts individual interviews
with both parties and gathers facts to assess whether there is a possibility for
mediation. If mediation is feasible, the process is initiated with both parties
involved. In the case of a breach of values and rules of the Center for Girls, the
provisions of the employment contract are applied, and the person may be


5. Risk management
5.1. The Center for Girls prepares a Strategic Plan every three years to define its
directions of action.
5.2. Monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plan are conducted continuously,
and risk assessment is performed during this process (risk assessment is
conducted as needed, even monthly if necessary).
5.3. In specific situations, a detailed risk assessment may be conducted before
certain specific activities such as training sessions, travel, workshops, and
similar events.
5.4. Monitoring and evaluation are conducted for each project.
5.5. Potpisivanje memoranduma sa institucijama sa kojima sarađujemo na
5.6. Potpisivanje saglasnosti od strane roditelja dece sa kojima sarađujemo.
5.7. Adresa CZD nije dostupna javnosti.
5.8. Sva dokumenta čuvaju se u ormarima koji se zaključavaju. Ključevi ormara sa
finansijama stoje kod koordinatoke finansija. Ključevi ormara sa opremom i
materijalima stoje kod izvršne koordinatorke. Ključevi ormara sa spiskovima i
projektnom dokumentacijom stoje kod koordinatorke programa.
5.9. SOS baza podataka korisnica usluga CZD se nalazi u svesci u ormaru na
zaključavanje i u računaru sa šifrom i bez interneta. Za bazu je zadužena
koordinatorka za rad sa korisnicama.
5.10. CZD uči, konsultuje se i radi sa internim zainteresovanim stranama i spoljnim
zainteresovanim stranama – korisnice, donatori, savet, kako bi identifikovali,
analizirali i procenili rizike.
5.11. Opštu odgovornost za upravljanje rizikom u CZD-u snosi izvršna
5.12. Savet je odgovoran za procenu efikasnosti upravljanja rizikom.

6. Bezbednosne mere prilikom ulaska u zgradu u kojoj je sedište CZD

6.1. U zgradu se ulazi pritiskom na dugme na interfonu.

6.2. Angažovana osoba koja se javi na interfon najpre će utvrditi da li je licu koje ima
nameru da uđe dozvoljen pristup.
6.3. Ukoliko utvrdi da je licu koje želi da uđe dozvoljen pristup, angažovana osoba će
omogućiti ulazak u zgradu pritiskom na dugme za otvaranje ulaznih vrata zgrade i
otključavši i otvorivši ulaznia vrata u prostorije CZD.
6.4. Ukoliko lice direktno zvoni na ulazna vrata prostorija CZD angažovana osoba će najpre
pogledati na špijunci te ako utvrdi da se radi o licu kome je dozvoljen pristup otvoriće
ulazna vrata i pustiti lice da uđe.
6.5. Ukoliko u zgradu ili prostorije CZD pokuša da uđe lice kome nije dozvoljen pristup,
angažovana osoba će obavestiti lice da mu pristup nije dozvoljen i neće mu omogućiti
ulazak u zgradu ili prostorije CZD.
6.6. Ukoliko lice kome nije dozvoljen pristup i pored dobijenog obaveštenja pokuša
neovlašćeno da uđe u zgradu ili prostorije CZD, angažovana osoba će najpre razmotriti
sa ostalim prisutnim angažovanim osobama, da li postoji potreba da pozove policiju.
Ako utvrdi da potreba postoji pozvaće policiju i prijaviti lice koje uznemirava i/ili
pokušava neovlašećno da uđe.
6.7. Angažovana osoba će pozvati policiju putem telefonskg broja policijske stanice
Medijana koji se nalazi na oglasnoj tabli u kancelariji .
6.8. Ukoliko je angažovana osoba sama u prostorijama CZD a lice kome nije dozvoljen
pristup pokuša nasilno da uđe u zgradu odnosno prostorije CZD bez odlaganja će
pozvati policiju.

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