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Worksheet -biomolecule

1. Activator of RUBISCO and PERPcase is …………….

2. Enzyme which change position of group come in category according to ………….
3. Inhibitor of succuniate is ………….. for enzyme succinate dehydrogenase
4. Pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme substrate is ……….. and product is ……….
5. Acid insoluble pool have Lipid, nucleic acid proteins and …………..
6. Polymer of alpha D glucose in plant is ………..
7. Haemoglobin have …………… Structrue
8. OH group containing amino acid is ………….
9. Acidic amino acid is …………… and form ………. Amide
10. Number of carbon is …………. In arachidonic acid
11. Number of Ester linkage between fatty acid and glycerol in phospholipid is ……………
12. Hydrogen bond not present in ………… structure of protein
13. Non reducing sugar is …………. Not give tollen’s test
14. Maltose and Lacotse both have common sugar is ……….
15. Amylose have linkage ……….
16. Amylopectin is similar to ………. And …………
17. Enzyme activity will change to ……….. when optimum temperature decrease by 10 degree
18. Highest turnover number is of enzyme ……………
19. Activation energy is average energy difference between Substrate and ………..
20. Denaturation of protein not break …………. Bond
21. Holoenzyme have apoenzyme and ………… inorganic part
22. Vmax will …………….. in competitive inhibition
23. Km will ………… in competitive inhibition
24. Enzyme change substrate ………. And physically
25. Sugar for DNA is ………. And differ from ribose at ………
26. Thymidylic acid is …….. and have …….. bond
27. In a 100 base pair DNA if A is 40 then G is ……
28. Inulin is polymer of ……….. and it is ……….(ketose or aldose )
29. Cellulose have ………. Linkage and starch have ……………linkage
30. Pectin , lignin ,suberin out of three how many are carbohydrate ………
31. Cell membrane have lipid other then phospholipid is ……….
32. ……….type of bond form by inorganic cofactor with active site
33. ………. ,………And …………. Are macromolecule in acid insoluble pool
34. Ash weight and fresh weight have common ………..
35. Percentage of …….. is highest after water in cell
36. Aromatic amino acid with OH group is …………..
37. Denaturation of protein with secondary structure have ……… bond intact
38. Active site is ………… when protein fold where substrate bind
39. Inhibitor and substrate differ in …………. In competitive inhibition
40. Sugar present in lactose is …….. and …………
41. Bond common in Amylose and Amylopectin is ………….
42. Monomer of cellulose is ………. And chitin of ………..
43. PPLO bacteria have genetic material ………….
44. Number of base pair in 68nm DNA is …………..
45. Optimum temperature of enzyme ‘P’ is 250C then at temperature 150C velocity is ………..
46. E.S complex and E.P complex also called ………….. stage
47. After Vmax is achieved , increase in substrate show …….
48. Competitive inhibition can be overcome by ……………
49. Pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme which reduce NAD are ……………. In nomenclature of enzyme
50. Pepsin and trypsin enzyme come in ……….. category in nomenclature
Answer key- biomolecule –
1. Mg
2. Isomerase
3. Malonate
4. Pyruvate , Acetaldehyde
5. Polysaccharide
6. Starch
7. Quatenary
8. Seriene
9. Aspartic acid ,Amide
10. 20 c
11. Two
12. Primary
13. Sucrose
14. Glucose
15. Alpha 1-4 linkage
16. Floridean starch and Glycogen
17. Half
18. Carbonic anhydrase
19. Transition state
20. Peptide
21. Cofactor
22. Not change
23. Decrease
24. Chemically
25. Deoxyribose , C-2
26. Nucleoside and N-glycosidic bond
27. 60
28. Fructose amd ketose
29. Beta (1-4) and alpha(1-4) and alpha(1-6)
30. Liginin and pectin
31. Cholesterol
32. Coordinate
33. Polysaccharide,protein,lipid
34. Inorganic
35. Protein
36. Tyrosine
37. Peptide
38. Crevice
39. Chemically
40. Galactose and Glucose
41. Alpha 1-4
42. Beta glucose and NAG
43. Double stranded DNA
44. 200 base pair
45. Half
46. Transition
47. No effect
48. Increase substrate concentration
49. Oxidoreductase
50. Hydrolases

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