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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, the King, the real truth, who

shows us with faith and certainty. bless our lord Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, and his

good family, and his companions the good companions, and those who follow them righteously until the Day of


Dear teacher council! Dear brothers and sisters! Let us say thanks to Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most

Great, who has given us many blessings, including the favors of Faith and Islam, as well as the blessings of

Health and Prosperity, so that we can meet in this blessed place. Shalawat and greetings may always and

forever be bestowed on our chosen lover, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW the leader of Creatures and


Well, on this happy occasion, I will give a word or two about

Respect both parents and teachers

Dear guests! Verily, both parents over their children have many rights and a great degree,

because both of them are the cause of your existence in this life, how tired they are because of you, how many

nights do not sleep for your comfort, and how many endure hardships and objections to make

you are comfortable

Dear guests! Verily, both parents over their children have many rights and a great degree,

because both of them are the cause of your existence in this life, how tired they are because of you, how many

nights do not sleep for your comfort, and how many endure hardships and objections to make

you are comfortable

Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam ditanya: Amal apa yang paling dicintai Allah? Dia berkata: (Sholat tepat

waktu. Dia berkata: Lalu apa? Dia berkata: Kemudian menghormati orang tua. Dia berkata: Lalu apa? Dia

berkata : Jihad di jalan Alloh.

Likewise for teachers, teachers have great virtue on our side. We must respect, appreciate, and glorify him,

because he is a father to each of his students. And a nation that does not respect its teacher is a backward


Dear gentlemen! Respecting parents and teachers means obeying them and showing them love and respect.
Including: helping them in every possible way, manpower and property, and listening to them when they speak,

and not ignoring and narrowing them down, and so on.

Therefore, Let us honor our parents and teachers with all their deeds, while they are alive and after their death,

by praying for them to be blessed and forgiven.

I'll finish my words here, and if you find me wrong, I apologize to you. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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