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Canals - Classification - Distribution network - Cross

sectional details - Sedimentation in canals - Silt
theories - Design of canals based on silt theories and
use of charts - Balancing depth of cutting - Design
procedure for fixing longitudinal section - Canal losses
- Canal maintenance - Canal lining - types - Design of
lined canals.

• A canal constructed in full cutting has the FSL below ground level and
the banks are above the ground level.
• In case of a canal in partial cutting and partial embankment the FSL
and the banks will be above the ground level.
• In both these cases it is always preferred that the volume of filling
should be equal to the volume of cutting, so that the excavated soil
alone will be sufficient to construct the embankment and soil from
other sites need not be transported at extra cost.
• The depth of cutting at which the volume of cutting is jest equal to
the volume of embankment is known as Balancing Depth of Cutting.
The seepage losses and growth of weeds can be controlled by covering the sides and
the bed of the canal with a suitable material. This phenomenon is called as Lining of
Canals. By lining a canal the seepage losses can be minimized, velocity can be
increased so that the discharge can be increase without increasing the section at the
same time preventing erosion and hence maintenance.

Prevent seepages, water logging, silting and weed growth, decrease Rugosity co-
efficient, minimize evaporation losses, provide narrow cross sections, flatter slope,
provide stable banks against breaching.

Heavy initial investment; difficulties in shifting the outlet; no provisions of berms;
difficulties in repairing.
Types of Lining:
There are three types of lining:

1. Hard Surface Lining: This includes cement concrete lining, shotcrete

lining, precast lining, cement mortar lining, brick lining, stone blocks
lining and asphalt lining.

2. Earth Lining: This includes soil cement lining, clay puddle lining and
sodium carbonate lining.

3. Buried and Protected Membrane Lining: This includes prefabricated

light membrane lining, bentonite soil lining and road oil lining.

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