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1. Privacy: The ability of an individual or group to keep their personal information and affairs away from
public scrutiny.
2. Health Care Ethics: The principles and values that guide the behavior of healthcare professionals and
organizations in their interactions with patients, families, and communities.
3. Justice: The concept of fairness and impartiality in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and
benefits within a society.
4. Fidelity: The principle of being faithful, loyal, and committed to one's obligations and responsibilities.
5. Veracity: The principle of truthfulness and honesty in communication and interactions with others.
6. Bioethics: The study of ethical issues arising from advances in biology and medicine, including issues
related to genetics, reproductive technologies, and end-of-life care.
7. Autonomy: The principle of respecting an individual's right to make decisions about their own life and
8. Beneficence: The principle of doing good and promoting the well-being of others.
9. Morality: The principles and values that guide human behavior and decision-making, particularly in
relation to right and wrong.
10. Ethics: The study of moral principles and values that govern human behavior and decision-making.
11. Confidentiality: The principle of keeping personal or sensitive information private and secure.
12. Nonmaleficence of Double Effect: A principle in medical ethics that states that it is permissible to
perform an action that has both good and bad effects, as long as the good effect is intended and the bad
effect is not disproportionate to the good effect.
13. Principle of Legitimate Cooperation: A principle in ethics that states that it is permissible to cooperate
with an evil act in order to prevent a greater evil from occurring, as long as the cooperation is not
immediate, there is no serious degree of scandal involved, and refusal to cooperate would result in a
greater evil.
14. Principle of Common Good and Subsidiarity: A principle in Catholic social teaching that states that
decisions should be made at the lowest possible level of authority, and that the common good of society
should be the ultimate goal of all decisions.

**These topics are often discussed in the context of healthcare and medical ethics, but they
have broader applications in many areas of life. Understanding these principles and values
can help individuals and organizations make informed decisions and act in ways that are
morally sound and socially responsible.**

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