Francisco, Kurtjhon - Act#3

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Scenario #1

The most appropriate ethical decision model that can be applied to Angela’s situation is Utilitarianism,
as it emphasizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism states that an
action is right if it satisfies the greatest number of people. In this case, Angela, the bank employee, is
seeking to raise funds for the medical treatment of her sick daughter through a charity auction in the
office. This action helps her daughter and the money collected through the auction can also be donated
to a charitable organization. Therefore, the action is considered to be right and ethical as it benefits
many people.

Scenario #2

The disparity between belief and behavior in Vince’s situation can be seen in the conflict between
personal morality and workplace instruction. On one hand, Vince wants to do the right thing by
disobeying his superior's request to deceive authorities through lying about the actual damage of the
police station. However, on the other hand, he also considers that the end result will be positive for the
police station and funds will be used to improve the infrastructure of the building, which is much
needed. This conflict highlights his struggle between personal beliefs and workplace instructions.

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