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October 2023 Volume 69 No.

 DX from the NC500

 Hear all of Europe
 Introducing PskovNDB
 WRTH 2024 – members offer
 Hpo propagation index
 World without Wellbrook
 +14 page digital supplement
Hon. President* Bernard Brown, 130 Ashland Road West, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. NG17 2HS
Secretary* Herman Boel, Papeveld 3, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst), Vlaanderen (Belgium)
 +32-476-524258
Treasurer* Martin Hall, Glackin, 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ
 07759 772 616
MWN General Steve Whitt, Landsvale, High Catton, Yorkshire YO41 1EH
Editor*  +44 (0)1759-377311
Membership Paul Crankshaw, 3 North Neuk, Troon, Ayrshire KA10 6TT
Secretary  01292-316008 (all changes of name or address)
MWN Despatch Peter Wells, 9 Hadlow Way, Lancing, Sussex BN15 9DE
 01903 851517 (printing/ despatch enquiries)
Archivist Peter Jones
Webmaster Stuart Heathcock
MWN Contributing Editors (* = MWC Officer; all addresses are UK unless indicated)
British & Irish News Dave Thorpe, 70 Willow Way Ampthill Bedford MK45 22P
Central American Tore Larsson, Frejagatan 14A, SE-521 43 Falköping, Sweden
DX Loggings Martin Hall, Glackin, 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ
 07759 772 616
Eurolog David Smith (UK)
N. American Desk Andrew Brade, Sand Gap, Bursea, Holme-on-Spalding Moor YO43 4DF
S. American Desk Tore B Vik, Post Box 88, NO-1851 Mysen, Norway
 +47-69891192
Utility Desk Jorge Garzón, Calle Torrelavega 39. 39340 SUANCES (España-Spain)
Verifications Graham Bell (UK)
World News Ton Timmerman, H. Heijermanspln 10, 2024 JJ Haarlem, Netherlands
MWC Online Group
Barry Davies Memorial Receiver

This month we welcome new members: Paul Flanagan, Billingham, Cleveland; Jim Upson,
Wilmington, DE USA; Valerio Cavallo, Torino, Italy; Paul Blundell, Wakefield, UK; Peter Scott,
Newmills, Fife, Scotland; Francis Moore, Solihull, UK; Nigel Bruce, OR, USA; Henry Behmann,
ON, Canada; Luciano Rinetti, Torino, Italy;. Rejoining: Tim Bucknall Congleton, Cheshire; Noel
Waddoup, Clacton, Essex Welcome to the Circle!/ Gracias por unirte


In our digital only supplement we have 14 more pages which we cannot print & post. Sadly 68
pages is limit we can afford to post without increasing membership costs.

 NC500 Photo Gallery – by Steve Whitt

 Radio Propaganda at 90 – by Christoph Hasselbach
 Transmitter Towers and WFME – by Andrew Brade
 Adventures in Dxing - by Kark Zuk N2KZ

Stop Press Deadlines: 30th October for November 2023 30th November for December 2023
Cover illustration: Mexican QSL card from the collection of the late Barry Davies
Medium Wave News is published 10 times a year by the Medium Wave Circle © 2023
 Landsvale, High Catton, Yorkshire YO41 1EH
with Steve Whitt e-mail:  +44-1759-373704

This month there is a lot happening and MWN is bulging at the seams again. Thank you to
everyone who has contributed to a column or produced a feature item for inclusion.

World Radio TV Handbook 2024

World Radio TV Handbook has often been referred to as the bible for SW listeners, MW DXers
and all radio enthusiasts. In 2022 publishing nearly ended after 76 years of publishing. Fortunately
a new team stepped in to take over WRTH and published the 2023 Edition. But they were working
to tight timescales and the resulting book disappointed many of its buyers and users. Lately Gunter
Lorenz and the WRTH team have been reaching out to the WRTH readership/user community and
they assure us that they have taken on board the criticism of the 2023 Edition. They tell us there
will be many changes which should make WRTH as usable and useful as in previous years. One
thing that fortunately isn’t changing is the pre-publication special offer. This is a pre-publication
price available to MWC members because we are again collaborating with our friends at the British
DX Club. (see page 23).

BDMR update
As we transition through the equinox radio signal propagation is changing rapidly, almost daily in
fact. So Martin Hall has been making frequent changes to the antenna schedule at the BDMR. To
see up to date antenna information please log on to the BDMR and find the details in the header
bar. Martin has been operating South American, North American and Asian Beverage antennas.

To access the BDMR please click here: And then enter this NEW password: amCITY63

After the first time you enter the password it will be stored as a cookie on your computer. So you
don’t need to enter the password every time you log in. If you don’t use cookies you could store the
password in a password manager or even in a simple text file from which you copy & paste it.

Eclipse reminder for North America

There will also be an annular solar eclipse on 14 October, 2023 when, at totality, the size of the
Moon’s disk will appear slightly smaller than the size of the Sun’s disk. This will be visible in
Latin and North America and is expected to have a similar effect on daytime medium wave
listening conditions as a total eclipse would and should not be missed by DXers. Please see the
feature article in the previous issue of MWN.

AM radio in the USA

On September 28, the National Association of Broadcasters conducted its second virtual town hall
meeting of the year to provide updates on its policy goals for the year and offer answers to member
queries. NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt and Executive Vice President of Industry Affairs
April Carty-Sipp led the discussion, covering a wide range of topics including AM radio advocacy.

LeGeyt delved into the ongoing “Depend on AM Radio” campaign and the AM Radio For Every
Vehicle Act. LeGeyt discussed the tremendous grassroots support the campaign has received. More
than 360,000 emails have been sent to Congress members from listeners across the country, along
with substantial social media engagement, thereby creating momentum on Capitol Hill for the Act,
which already boasts more than 190 co-sponsors in the House and Senate. He praised stations and

Medium Wave News 69/05 3 October 2023

talent, saying, “Local personalities have been highlighting this issue for their listeners, and as a
result, those listeners have been taking action.”

They also previewed the upcoming NAB Show New York, scheduled for October 24-26, which
will feature educational sessions, radio showcases, and the Marconi Radio Awards.

Pacific Asian Log

The latest edition of the Pacific Asian Log (PAL) is now available. It can be downloaded from the
Radioheritage website (click on either of the links near the top of
the home page).

As usual, many changes and updates have been incorporated into this latest edition. They include
new web links and parallel listings, updated station listings, and some minor organization and
presentation tweaks. Comments and updates from users are welcome and encouraged. They can be
sent to

First issued in 2001, The PAL lists medium wave and domestic shortwave broadcasting stations in
southern and eastern Asia and the Pacific. It lists about 4500 stations in over 50 countries, with
frequencies, call signs, locations, power, networks, websites, streaming audio, schedules,
languages, formats, networks and other information. (Bruce Portzer 18.9.2023)

Long wave radio fans mourn fading frequencies

This article is worth a read and it features a few
names that might be familiar.

Droitwich LW/MW profiled

Well worth watching this video In fact the
whole Ringway Manchester Channel is thoroughly recommended.

Welcome the first AI generated DJ

A radio station made history this summer by becoming the first in the USA to use an AI DJ for an
entire shift.

“AI Ashley” first appeared in June on Live 95.5 in Oregon, and used an artificially generated
version of the voice of Ashley Elzinga, a human host based in Michigan, with her consent.

At a recent radio conference in Dallas, Texas, many expressed skepticism about the presence of AI
in their industry.

But any time that companies can figure out a cheaper, faster way to do a job, they will go with it.
Read the full report here:

We are on the look-out again for a volunteer editor to take over the Utility Desk from Jorge. Sadly
Jorge is having to stand down for personal reasons but will continue to contribute. If you are
interested in this topic and can help please contact me directly. Volunteers always welcome.


Medium Wave News 69/05 4 October 2023

with Steve Whitt

Most members will be familiar with the Barry Davies Memorial Receiver located at Clashmore in
NW Scotland. This is also the location of our DX Log Editor. And over the years many Circle
members have travelled to Sheigra also in NW Scotland in search for elusive radio signals.

Recently I headed North to Scotland without a DXing motive and travelled the North Coast 500
route with my wife in her campervan. But I managed to hide my portable Tecsun receiver in a
secret storage area on the van.

Despite not intending to do much radio on this holiday trip I had the good fortune of visiting Martin
Hall, and meeting his wife Aileen for the first time. Martin has an amazing location for radio and
takes full advantage of it on most amateur bands – it’s surprising how he finds enough time for
MW, the Circle and life in general.

After enjoying Martin & Aileen’s hospitality we headed further north to visit Sheigra for old time’s
sake. The cottage that was first rented by MW DXers in 1985 is still extant and occupied by new
owners but looks considerably different following modernisation (see planning application
15/01084/FUL on the Highland Council planning website). We met the new occupants who
provided the old photo of Angie & Lena Mcleod. More recent DX-peditions to Sheigra have used
alternative rented cottages.

One aspect of Northern Scotland is the space available for remote camping and parking of
campervans. This means that a DXer equipped with a campervan, a receiver and some antenna
facilities could easily select from a wide range of sites that would make superb DX listen posts.
Sites can be found that would be great for running out Beverage antennas or smaller directional
arrays such as flags/K9AYs. Using portable FSL antennas (outside the campervan) would allow
quick and easy mobility. By choosing the right geography the DX possibilities open up for signals
from North America, trans-polar and to Asia.

Sheigra now has a field enclosure in the village with hard standing and fresh water rented out to
campervans at £10/night and this provides the same great opportunities for Beverage antennas that
we used to run out from the original cottage (on bearings of 270-360 degrees).

In addition to the physical space, Northern Scotland offers a very low level of atmospheric and
man-made electromagnetic noise/interference. This is well documented in DX Logs from Sheigra
and Clashmore where there is frequent DX signal reception 24 hours a day even around local noon
in winter.

Unfortunately the high latitude does expose this area to more of the effects of ionospheric
disturbance. Just prior to my trip there was a significant solar storm. I even selected an overnight
rest stop with a clear view north to the ocean horizon but a beautifully clear sky pierced by
thousands of stars had clouded over when I woke up at 2am to look for a visible aurora. 

Finally, even if you are not enticed by the radio possibilities, travelling round the Northern most
part of Britain is well worth the effort – remember to visit Smoo Cave, Sandwood Bay (an almost
Caribbean sandy beach) and Dunnett Head (the real northern-most point in mainland Britain). And
if the weather is forgiving, the scenery is amazing. When there is no DX at Sheigra there is always
the beautiful local beach.

See the photo gallery in the digital supplement – page 69

Medium Wave News 69/05 5 October 2023

with Steve Whitt

Regular readers of MWN will be aware that under the right conditions and with a bit of pre-
planning it is possible to hear so-called “daytimer” stations from the USA in Europe.

The last two weeks of October and November can be a very good time to search for these signals.

Target list
There are many stations that reduce power or change their antenna pattern at local sundown, so
selecting a target list is a bit tricky. We’ve opted for stations that are mostly located East of a high
power station that regularly dominates the channel at night time. We’ve also selected stations with
a high day power to increase the chance of some signal crossing the Atlantic. Also to make the list
practical most of the stations listed have already been occasionally heard in the UK.

Using the table: The table below lists over 50 possible daytimer target stations with their day
power. The best chance to hear these stations is in the last week of the month (in Autumn). You
should be listening about 15-20 minutes BEFORE the listed (UTC) times because the station will
normally reduce power or sign off at the listed time.

The QRM is shown as the main station the daytimer is trying to protect from interference. From the
point of getting a station identification only those that actually close down (rather than reduce
power) will make an FCC-mandated identification which usually includes a rendition of Star
Spangled Banner. Those that reduce power often change antenna pattern simultaneously, so they
may just seem to abruptly vanish into thin air as their signal towards Europe gets too weak to hear.
Sometimes there is a brief gap (a few seconds) in transmission as stations switch between different
transmitters or different antenna configurations.

Good luck! Please remember to let Martin know what you heard via the DX Loggings column in
the next issue of MWN.

kHz callsign City State Power ? QRM Oct Nov

780 WXME Monticello ME 5kW  WBBM 2145 2100
1160 WSKW Skowhegan ME 10kW  WYLL 2200 2115
1280 WHTP Gardiner ME 5kW  CFMB 2200 2115
1100 WTWN Wells River VT 5kW  WTAM 2200 2115
1110 WMVX Salem NH 5kW  WBT 2200 2115
1320 WDER Derry NH 10kW  CJMR 2200 2115
1420 WASR Wolfeboro NH 5kW  WOC 2200 2115
1540 WXEX Exeter NH 5kW  CHIN 2200 2115
1350 WEZS Laconia NH 5kW  AWR 2200 2115
1090 WILD Boston MA 4.8kW  WBAL 2200 2130
1550 WNTN Cambridge MA 6.7kW  CBEF 2200 2130
890 WAMG Dedham MA 25kW  WLS 2200 2130
1110 WPMZ E Providence RI 5kW  WBT 2200 2130
1120 WBNW Concord MA 5kW  KMOX 2200 2130
1180 WSKP Hope Valley RI 1.8kW  WHAM 2200 2130
1280 WPKZ Fitchburg MA 5kW  CFMB 2200 2130
1380 WNRI Woonsocket RI 2.5kW  CKPC 2200 2130
1540 WADK Newport RI 1kW  CHIN 2200 2130

Medium Wave News 69/05 6 October 2023

1420 WBSM New Bedford MA 5kW  2200 2130
700 WPVQ Orange MA 2.5kW  WLW 2215 2130
1500 WFIF Milford CT 5kW  WFED 2215 2130
640 WNNZ Westfield MA 50kW  CBN 2215 2130
760 WVNE Leicester MA 25kW  WJR 2215 2130
760 WCHP Champlain NY 35kW  WJR 2215 2130
1520 WIZZ Greenfield MA 10kW  WWKB 2215 2130
1480 WCFR Springfield VT 5kW  WSAR 2215 2130
1020 WHDD Sharon CT 2.5kW  KDKA 2215 2130
1100 WHLI Hempstead NY 10kW  WTAM 2215 2130
1110 WUPE Pittsfield MA 5kW  WBT 2215 2130
1320 WATR Waterbury CT 5kW  CJMR 2215 2130
970 WNYM Hackensack NJ 50kW  WZAN 2215 2145
820 WNYC New York NY 10kW  CHAM 2215 2145
1160 WVNJ Oakland NJ 20kW  WYLL 2215 2145
1280 WADO New York NY 50kW  CFMB 2215 2145
1040 WCHR Flemington NJ 15kW  WHO 2215 2145
1500 WGHT Pompton Lakes NJ 1kW  WFED 2215 2145
1290 WWTX Wilmington DE 2.5kW  CKBK 2230 2145
1550 WITK Pittston PA 10kW  CBEF 2230 2145
1000 WLNL Horseheads NY 5kW  WMVP 2230 2145
1040 WYSL Avon NY 20kW  WHO 2230 2145
940 WKGM Smithfield VA 10kW  CFNV 2230 2200
1110 WKQA Norfolk VA 50kW  WBT 2230 2200
1120 WUST Washington DC 50kW  KMOX 2230 2200
1290 WDZY Colonial Heights VA 25kW  CJBK 2230 2200
1310 WGH Newport News VA 20kW  CIWW 2230 2200
1580 WJFK Morningside MD 50kW  CKDO 2230 2200
1590 WHGT Maugansville MD 15kW  WAKR 2230 2200
890 WKNV Fairlawn VA 10kW  WLS 2245 2215
1290 WHKY Hickory NC 50kW  CJBK 2245 2215
1550 WKBA Vinton VA 10kW  CBEF 2245 2215
870 WKAR East Lansing MI 10kW  WWL 2300 2215
1040 WURN Miami FL 50kW  WHO 2300 2230
640 WBIN Atlanta GA 50kW  CBN 2300 2230
1040 WPBS Conyers GA 50kW  WHO 2300 2230
1540 WTBI Pickens SC 10kW  CHIN 2300 2230
1540 WKVQ Eatonton GA 10kW  CHIN 2300 2230
1070 WFLI Lookout Mt TN 50kW  CHOK 2300 2230
940 WCPC Houston MS 31kW  CFNV 2330 2300

 = closedown,  = power-down. You may find exceptions e.g. some stations stay on air past these
times to air local live sports commentary (e.g. High School Football).

Good luck. You will need it! And please remember to share all your results here in MWN.

Medium Wave News 69/05 7 October 2023

By Steve Whitt and Noel Waddoup.

Many MW DXers also enjoy hunting for non-directional beacons (NDBs) which operate worldwide
mostly on frequencies between 270-450kHz. Like many sub-activities of the listening hobby, NDB
monitoring has developed its own community of interest with its own online group and website

NDB DXing can be challenging because signals are low power, wavelengths are large (so big
antennas are often out of the question) and the radio spectrum is often plagued by high levels of
man-made and natural electro-magnetic interference.

Traditionally NDBs could be monitored on almost any receiver that could demodulate AM or CW
signals; most NDBs transmit in either double sideband AM but some use single sideband AM. All
that was needed was an outdoor antenna, some audio filters and a good pair of ears. In the 20th
century most NDB listeners had amateur radio or military training with Morse code.

Early Developments
Like most aspects our hobby digital processing and computers have changed the way we listen to
signals. In the past the DXer could really only monitor one signal at a time, and mostly listen in real
time. That has changed with the rise of Software Defined Receivers that can record whole chunks
of radio spectrum before signals are processed and demodulated.

That fact means that received signals can be post-processed to demodulate them and to determine
their identity.

In one respect NDBs are the DXers best friend because they transmit their identity every few
seconds. Contrast that with AM broadcast stations that might only identify once an hour and the
rare ID could be lost under a burst of noise or fading.

The first digital developments simply

took the audio tones that would be
heard by the DXer and processed them
digitally to display the “di/dah” pattern
on screen which augmented the audio
experience. The next step for the
electronics/computer was to take the
di/dah pattern and decode it into a conventional alpha-numeric character string.

Simple CW decoders with audio tone in and decoded code out on a display were expensive in the
1980s with hardware like ERA Microreader operating
here . Today a modern equivalent costs just
£13 on ebay!

This might be convenient but it didn’t push the “DX envelope”. In most cases an experienced
DXer’s ears would outperform the digital decoder.

Recent Development
The introduction of SDRs and extended recording of RF – allowing post reception trawling for
signals has transformed the hobby. One can record the whole NDB band and ID every audible

Medium Wave News 69/05 8 October 2023

signal. Single channel real time listening is analogous to fly-fishing because you need skill to pick
your location and timing to make a catch; on the other hand recording the whole band overnight for
post-analysis is more like deep sea trawling to catch everything at once.

Introducing correlation/convolution
With the ability to post-process large stored files using the power of modern computers this opens
the door to advanced signal processing.

NDB signals possess some very special characteristics that are not typical of other signals. Firstly
the call-sign is all that is transmitted and it is repeated over and over. Secondly the speed of
transmission is broadly constant and the time interval between repeated call-signs is also largely
constant. Thirdly the time interval between repeated call-signs is usually unique – at least when
comparing different transmitters on a given channel. And finally the actual frequencies associated
with the upper and lower sidebands of the AM signal reveal individual characteristics even though
they are nominally 400 or 1000Hz.

These characteristics open the door to convolution theory to extract weak signals from a
background of noise and other co-channel signals. Convolution is a mathematical way of
combining two signals to form a third signal. It is the single most important technique in Digital
Signal Processing.

Software tools use advanced mathematical techniques such as convolution to be able to extract
weak signals from under stronger interference and high levels of noise. Many DXers have
experienced situations akin to convolution without realising it.

Example 1: many MW DXers have listened to a weak unidentified signal that may be too weak to
understand the spoken word or the tune being played, whilst simultaneously listening in a better
quality parallel transmission on another frequency. This can be done with two receivers feeding one
signal in each ear. If the audio is synchronised in time the brain can easily determine if the two
signals are in fact the same. Even a small time shift of up to 50ms can help as it introduces a clear
audible echo. The net result is that a second signal has been combined with the weak first signal to
extract it from the noise. (Using audio from a webstream rather than a parallel signal doesn’t work
because the internet introduces delays of many seconds and the correlation is lost.)

Example 2: if you are listening to a clear signal from an NDB you’ll be able to ID its call-sign in a
just a single transmission (assuming you are competent in understanding Morse code.) But what do
you instinctively do when the signal is badly degraded especially with noise, static and fading? You
listen for longer. Each time the call-sign appears you build up more fragments of the call-sign until
you are eventually sure that you have a complete and accurate ID. You might need to listen for
several minutes or more under the most marginal conditions especially if there are multiple stations
co-channel. If you think of each transmission of the call sign as an independent transmission, you
are combining multiple transmissions together to effectively bring the signal up out of the noise.
This works because the noise and interference is not repeating at the same time as the desired signal
is repeating. In other words the desired signal has a repetitive structure but the noise is largely
random or uncorrelated with the desired signal.

Now imagine a piece of software that can do this for you? Welcome to PskovNDB.

Introducing PskovNDB
PskovNDB was written and developed by Ivan Monogarov based on convolution theory. The
methodology was devised in conjunction with Danila Fadeev. From its early stages in 2018, Ivan
generously made the programme freely available to the NDB community. Numerous powerful
enhancements brought it to its final v2.1b in early 2020.

Medium Wave News 69/05 9 October 2023

What does it do
Starting with a pre-recorded I/Q wav file, the software presents a visual rendering of a cyclical CW
ID and simultaneously calculates the cycle time and offset from the nominal carrier frequency.
Traditionally this identification process has used live audio or recorded wav files, good RF and
audio filtering followed by compliant ears, a stopwatch and a functional brain. The latter is still a
prerequisite for PskovNDB.

What do I need to run it?

You need a copy of Pskov software running on your computer and you need an I/Q recording of at
least 10 minutes duration. Multiple contiguous files spanning 1 or even 2 hours can be used for
deeper analyses.

Most SDRs will do the trick – Perseus, Elad, Airspy HF+ Discovery, SDRPlay, Kiwi and many
others. PskovNDB can read IQ wav files produced by a variety of proprietary and general software
– SDRConsole, HDSDR, Perseus, SDRUno, SDR#, to name a few. [I stand to be corrected, but I
don’t think it will work with Jaguar recordings.]

The frequency span of the IQ recording could be anything from a few kHz (10 is the norm on a
Kiwi) to 1600kHz. Most NDB’s are located between 190kHz and 530kHz. There are only 45
appearing between 1150kHz and 1725kHz.

Important note
PskovNDB has developed over the years and many users have grown up with the software along
the way. This meant that until recently a newcomer to the subject would find it very difficult to
understand the software, its method of use and the jargon associated with it.

Ironically trying to find help in the ndblist .io group was almost impossible because of the success
of the software. Any search for the term “Pskov” brought up almost every message in the group
because nearly every NDB listener was using the software and mentioning it in most messages.

Fortunately, in September 2023 the first edition of a “Users Guide to Pskov NDB” was published
by Noel Waddoup. This has got to be the first port of call for anyone interested in trying out this
powerful software. That’s not to say that you might not still need help. In which case please join
the .io group and become part of the community.

How good is PskovNDB?

There is no doubt that PskovNDB is able to extract weak NDB signals from noise that are below
the threshold for human detection. But, has anyone measured or calculated the dB advantage that
Pskov gives over traditional aural listening to Morse code? Not exactly, but DXers have made
extensive comparisons. For example Roelof Bakker has compared aural detection with Pskov
detection for the same 2 hour recording; in one case the results were 17 aural IDs versus 30 by
Pskov. Another example was 14 versus 60 IDs.

One philosophical question remains. If software decodes an NDB that you cannot hear, how certain
can you be that it is telling the truth and not presenting a false positive result?

Next Steps
1 Read/download the user guide first from the MWC Library
2 join the ndblist .io group
3 Download latest version of Pskov software from the file storage area of the ndblist group.
4 Get started and see what you can achieve.

Medium Wave News 69/05 10 October 2023

by Steve Whitt

On 8th September, Franck Baste in France reported on the MWC Online Group that he was hearing
a mysterious CW station on 1509.3kHz. Obviously this is not a normal home for such a signal.

It soon became apparent that this signal was being heard in many locations in NW Europe during
the evening of Friday 8th. That gave me hope that it might be possible to direction find the origin of
this odd signal using the TDoA (Time Delay of Arrival) network based on remote KiwiSDRs.

My first attempt at measurement suggested

a location in the English Channel. But with
more measurements I concluded that the
likely source was from Northern France.
The suggested location was north of Paris
at 49.70N 2.1E. 

Using various KiwiSDRs I eventually was

able to get a good signal that decoded the
morse code; it was running at 24-25wpm
and sending five character code groups like

Meanwhile Patric Robic was investigating and wrote, “Seems to be a transmitter fault or
intermodulation of FAV22 as the 5 character groups can exactly be found in REF morse training

I was surprised that Google found a clear result when I asked it to search for the character group
above. Clearly this wasn’t a very secret code! In fact it was part of a transmission used to train
listeners in Morse Code.

But why was it on the MW band?

It soon became apparent that this signal was also on many other frequencies such as 1522.2,
1956kHz (reported by Franck Baste and Dave Thorpe). The signal continued over the weekend but
daytime reception was quite limited by the fact that most KiwiSDRs could not hear the signal on
1509.3kHz. The correct listed frequencies for FAV22 are 6825 and 3881kHz and strong signals
were still being radiated there.

A reporter by the name of Token (based in the USA) did further research and reported as follows;

“This is part of the French FAV oddness that has been happening the last few days on ~ 1509 kHz
and ~ 1522 kHz. And in fact is happening on many other frequencies as well, some of which might
not have been reported yet.

Here is an image of the relationship of 1509 kHz to 1522 kHz.

The frequencies above 1509 kHz and 1522 kHz appear to be additional spurs. Starting at 1078.07
kHz (and may be on lower freqs, that is just the lowest I have seen) if you add about (it varies a bit
across the day) 215.6 kHz you will find another copy. From there on in steps of about 215.6 kHz
you will find another copy.

Medium Wave News 69/05 11 October 2023

So, approximate freqs of the spurs of 3881 kHz and 6825 kHz:
1078.07 / 1293.7 / 1509.3 / 1724.9 / 1940.5 / 2156.1 / 2371.7 / 2587.3 / 2802.9 / 3018.5 / 3234.1 /
3449.7 / 3665.3 / 3880.9 / 4096.5 / 4312.1 / 4527.7 / 4743.3 / 4958.9 etc etc

Now, your signal. Starting at 1522.2 kHz, you hear the signal you are reporting on 4349.34 kHz.
There may be copies below 1522.2 kHz, but there are strong MW stations on those calculated freqs,
so may be covered up. To 1522.2 kHz add (about this add, it drifts with time) 217.46 kHz.

1522.2 / 1739.65 / 1957.1 / 2174.55 / 2392.0 / 2609.45 / 2826.9 / 3044.35 / 3261.8 / 3479.25 /
3696.7 / 3914.15 / 4131.6 / 4349.05 (there is your signal) 4566.5 / 4783.95 / 5001.4 etc etc

The source was clearly FAV22 which is located
just outside Vernon (on the River Seine north of
Paris). Like other “sensitive” military sites in
France it is easy to find because it is pixelated on
Google Maps.
but labelled 8e Régiment de Transmission. This
site is 81km from my TDoA map location, which
isn’t too bad a result for night-time skywave
direction finding.

Given the wide spectrum of interference it seems

likely that FAV22 was using a broadband
antenna rather than a tuned antenna. (see photos: )

By the 10th of September the interference had disappeared, presumably because the transmitter was
being repaired.

Background reading about the Vernon site:


Medium Wave News 69/05 12 October 2023

by Steve Whitt

Once upon a time, Europe was a hot-bed of high power MW broadcasting. Nearly every country
was operating, including some of the smallest like Andorra, Vatican, and Luxembourg. Since the
Berlin Wall came down high power broadcasting has been decline and over the last 20 years many
national broadcasters have left MW all together. Today a cohort of low power community and
“hobby” stations have appeared especially in the Netherlands.

If you are new to MW DXing the challenge of hearing “All of Europe” remains a tough one. Even
if you live in Europe it is difficult. But if you DX from outside Europe the absence of megawatt
stations means you need to apply all your DXing skill and hope for a bit of luck too!

The following table lists the countries/territories of Europe and suggested frequencies. For more
details on the stations and their schedules please refer to World Radio TV Handbook or the online
MW List at

If you are a “completist” the only way to hear some countries is to look for navigation beacons
(NDB), (mostly 300-500kHz), Navtex (490/518kHz) or maritime information broadcasts (1600-
1800kHz). These are noted in the table below if they are likely to help you hear a specific country.

Sadly Albania, Andorra, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican
City are not listed as they have no suitable broadcast signals to hear.

Country kHz notes

Armenia 864, 1350, 1377, 1395 3 NDBs
Austria 1476 10 NDB left in Austria
Azerbaijan 493, 600 [N] 4 NDB operating
Belarus 458 36 NDBs including some in MW band
Belgium 360.5 [N] 11 NDBs
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1503 10 NDBs
Bulgaria 576 [N] 9 NDBs
Croatia 351.5, 400 [N] Many NDBs
Cyprus 639, 963 [N] 5 NDBs
Czech 792, 954, 981, 1062, 1260 19 NDBs including 3 in MW band
Denmark 243, 927, 1440, 1734U, LW closing soon, others low power
Estonia 1035 [N] 6 NDBs
Finland 1602 Occasional low power; 22 NDBs
France 162, 1467, 1593 [N] 122 NDBs
Germany 1485, 138.80, 147.30, 77.5 Low power MW; high power data [N]
Georgia 1350 7 NDBs
Greece 729, 1008, 1305 [N] Plus pirates above 1650kHz [N] [P]
Hungary 540, 1188 27 NDBs
Iceland 189, 1659U LW closing soon [N]
Ireland 846, 981, 1440 [N] 13 NDBs
Italy 1233, 1323, 1575, 1584 Low power MW [N] 33 NDBs
Latvia 1485, 1602
Lithuania 1386, 1557 3 NDBs

Medium Wave News 69/05 13 October 2023

Malta 999, 395 [N] only one NDB
Moldova 999. 1548
Montenegro 7 NDBs
Netherlands 1395 + others; 403 Many low power MW [N] [P] Only one NDB left
North Macedonia 3 NDBs
Norway 1314, 1611 [N] many NDBs
Poland 225 28 NDBs
Portugal 630, 666, 720 [N] 4 NDBs
Romania 153, 531, 1152, 1179 [N] And many more high & low power MW
Russia 549 [N] many NDBs within MW broadcast band
Serbia 1602 [P] 27 NDBs
Slovakia 391, 404 16 NBDs including 2 high power
Slovenia 549, 558, 648, 1170 6 NDBs
Spain Many frequencies [N] 43 NDBs
Sweden 17.2 Occasional special VLF broadcasts [N] 73 NDBs
Switzerland 375, 403 Just 2 NDBs
Turkey 630, 891, 927, 954, 1062 [N] 73 NDBs
Ukraine 1278 [N] 121 NDBs including many in MW band.
United Kingdom 198, 693, 909, 1053, 1089 And many lower power. LW closing in 2024 [N]
44 NDBs in England

Other radio territories

Azores 828 [N] 6 NDBs
Balearics 909, 1755U 6 NDBs on Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca
Canaries 576, 621, 720, 747, 837, 882, [N] 7 NDBs
1179, 1644U, 1689U
Channel Islands 1026, 1116, 329, 383 MW on Jersey & Guernsey; NDB on Jersey and
Corsica 5 NDBs
Faeroes 531, 1641U [N] 2 NDBs
Gibraltar 1458
Hoppen 1750U
Isle of Man 1368, 359 1 NDB
Jan Mayen 1743U (1757U?)
Madeira 1530 [N]
Northern Ireland 1026, 1883U 2 NDBs
Sardinia [N] 3 NDBs
Scotland 810, 1035, 1548 [N] 14 NDBs
Svalbard 1485, 1731U [N] 5 NDBs
Wales 882, 990, 1260, 1386 Strictly speaking 882 tx is in England; 4 NDBs

[N] means country operates Navtex broadcasts on 490/518kHz

[P] means pirate operators are common 1600-1750kHz
U after a frequency indicates an upper sideband (USB) transmission
The number of NDBs is based on those recently heard and reported active in the REU database.

Note that most but not all broadcast stations operate 24 hours a day. Some are transient and these
are shown in italics. Maritime weather stations and navtex stations only broadcast for a few
minutes several times a day.

Medium Wave News 69/05 14 October 2023

Oh yeah, it’s scary…

Wellbrook Communications
● Company existed 1996 to April, 2023
● Broadband loops, modules, controllers for serious
hobbyist, commercial, government customers
● 2004 WRTH Best Active Loop Antenna award
● Numerous excellent reviews - DX bulletins & mags
● Widely regarded as the best commercial loops
● Andrew (Andy) Ikin, owner/founder now enjoying
a well-deserved retirement

Where do we go from here?

● Obviously a HUGE void is left
■ Hoard any Wellbrook products you already own
■ Pay “collector” prices for used Wellbrook loops
■ Return to popular pre-Wellbrook antennas such as
dipoles, Windoms, inverted-L, random wires

● OK…what other alternatives exist?

■ Many are not ready-to-go antennas
■ Most are lesser quality than Wellbrook
■ Noise floor, uneven sensitivity, common mode
rejection can be issues in non-Wellbrook loops

Medium Wave News 69/05 15 October 2023

Observations & evaluation notes
● Assumed that Wellbrook loops
are the ~gold standard~
● Competing loops judged on weak DX signal
performance - MW, HF, and some LF
● Anecdotal comments, on-air tests, lab tests
● Input & measurements from seasoned DXers,
electronics techs in forums and on the Internet,
such as:
Steve Ratzlaff AA7U, Everett Sharp N4CY,
Clint Gouveia, Dan Robinson, Simon Phillips G0ZEN,
Andrew Ikin, Dominique Kremp

Three categories of loops

Compact Large Large

ALA1530 Aperture Aperture
style loop loop phased

Compact loops: roughly similar to

Wellbrook ALA1530 models
● MFJ 1886
● Chameleon CHA RXL Pro
● DX Engineering RF Pro-1B
● Cross Country Wireless V4 HF Active Loop
● LZ1AQ active loop amplifier / DIY loop elements
● NTi (Bonito) MegaLoop FX
● Wellgood loop newest V4 (reverse eng. Wellbrook)
● Everett Sharp’s LZ1AQ Wellbrook retrofit loop amp
All loops are broadband coverage of at least MW and HF

Medium Wave News 69/05 16 October 2023

MFJ 1886
● $330
● Only recommended for HF; poor match at LF & MW
● No input transformer & high input impedance
= poorer null depth & may be more prone to e-field
● Purchase it at MFJ Enterprises

● $345 (with transmit/receive switch $395)
● Needs more gain on LF, overloads on strong MW
● Noise floor tested 16dB higher (worse) vs
● Low measured IP3 of +25dBm
(worse) vs +50dBM of ALA1530LN
● For sale at

Chameleon CHA RXL Pro

● $525 pro-wideband-magnetic-loop-antenna/
● **Avoid the non-Pro version (tested poorer)
● Uses LZ1AQ amp version; tests very well down to LF
● Very sturdy construction, high performance
● Reviewed by Dan on the
SWLing Post
● Purchase at Chameleon Antennas
or DX Engineering

Medium Wave News 69/05 17 October 2023

DX Engineering RF Pro-1B
● $675 ! formerly Pixel/InLogis brand
● For sale at DX Engineering
● Reportedly very few component changes from 1A
● Best part is the Clifton Labs-designed preamp box
● However– A French DXer 7 miles from 250 kw
LORAN-C transmitter compared Pro-1B
directly against five Wellbrook antennas
and Wellbrook won every time
● My review of original 1A model vs
Wellbrook ALA1530 (non-LN)

Cross Country Wireless V4

● Was $170 in Nov 2022
● Sales halted due to backlog of orders after widely-
seen Tech Minds YouTube video
● Parallel loop design reportedly improves nulls
● Poor HF gain compared to Wellbrook & W6LVP, and
MW performance below average for DXing
● Worse performance (RFI-prone)
close to ground, unlike most other
magnetic loops
● Watch this page for availability
and new pricing

LZ1AQ loop amp AAA-1C

● 106 Euros (amp board, enclosure, control board)
● Four remotely switched modes possible:
■ Loop A
■ Loop B
■ Crossed parallel loops A and B
■ Vertical dipole mode
● YouTube: LZ1AQ vs Wellbrook ALA1530LN…a dead heat!
● DIY effort for loop elements and controller but
extensive docs available online
● LZ1AQ home page LZ1AQ sales page
● Everett Sharp sells variations on the design
● LZ1AQ arguably best performing, hobby-grade
commercial loop circuit; widely used & tested

Medium Wave News 69/05 18 October 2023

LZ1AQ loop kit components

User supplies shielded CAT5E cable for RF-to-shack and control lines

LZ1AQ loop elements

Different loop styles for various reception patterns (1-3 of 6)

LZ1AQ loop elements

Different loop styles for various reception patterns (4-6 of 6)

Medium Wave News 69/05 19 October 2023

NTi (Bonito) MegaLoop FX
● 479 Euros 5m steel wire 548 Euros 80cm rigid loop
● Excellent RF performance: +40dB IP3, +85dB IP2
● Flexible 5V USB power up to 15V DC
● FM bandstop filter
● Three-stage selectable amplification
● Very compact for travel
● Listen to it on a KiwiSDR in
● northern Germany
● For sale at
Wellgood loop V4
● Price?? Email George Smart M1GEO for info
● Originally a reverse-engineered ALA1530 for repair
● Long and detailed version history

● Newest V4 version is much improved over original

● Fits an electrical conduit box
● Supply your own tubular loop element

LZ1AQ retrofit Wellbrook loop amp

● $90 (assembled board only)
● Email Everett Sharp N4CY for info
● LZ1AQ circuit in a PVC cap as replacement for a failed
ALA1530 / ALA1530LN (or could be a full substitute ant.)
● Descriptive PDF document available on a Wellbrook Loop Antenna with a Improved LZ1AQ Loop amplifier.pdf

Medium Wave News 69/05 20 October 2023

ALA100 / FLG100 alternatives

for large aperture loops
● Everett Sharp N4CY: fully built preamp boards
of modified LZ1AQ design, W7IUV, Norton lossless-
feedback, modified M0AYF. email
● Cross Country Wireless: Tee

■ Loop Antenna Amplifier ++ ~$80 or via SDR

Kits ~$73
■ Flag Antenna Amplifier ~$80
■ All Ebay sales on hold – sales spike after
“Tech Minds” video on V4 loop

All amplifiers are broadband coverage of at least MW and HF

phased wire
● / RemoteQTH K9AY 4-way with controller
■ 355 euros / 380 euros (w/PC remote control feature)
● AY Technologies AYL-4 K9AY
(special order, from the original designer Gary Breed K9AY)

● Array Solutions Shared Apex Array (SAL) Mark II DX:

8-way antenna using time delay phasing
■ $865 / $885 / $910 depending on size, favored bands

All loops are broadband coverage of at least MW and HF

Images of…
4-way and 8-way phased loops / RemoteQTH K9AY++ Array Solutions Shared Apex Array

Medium Wave News 69/05 21 October 2023

Any other antennas
to consider?

Very low end option… maybe

● You don’t pay much, and you get what
you pay for: 0.5-500 MHz Small Active Loop
made by HFDY
● $42.40 + s/h maybe OK for general SWLing;
better than popular MLA-30+
■ Based on high grade LZ1AQ circuit, but with
performance-degrading parts substitutions
■ Not very suitable for outdoor use
■ NOT competitive with Wellbrook, but could be an OK
value for the low price (e.g., cheap travel loop)
■ Tech discussion at loop antennas

Very high end option…

Wullenweber array at Canadian Forces Stn. Masset, Haida Gwaii

(Walt Salmaniw is in charge of Wullenweber timeshare arrangements :^)

Medium Wave News 69/05 22 October 2023

World Radio TV Handbook 2024
78th Edition
The World Radio TV Handbook’s publisher, Radio Data
Center in Germany, has now released details of the new
78th edition which is due to be published in December.

Club members in the UK can order their WRTH direct

from us for £32.50 including delivery - a great saving!
The publishers have listened to feedback from DX clubs
and told us what’s “new and improved in WRTH 2024”:
 Larger Font for Effortless Reading: WRTH 2024
boasts a larger font size, ensuring you catch every detail
with ease.
 On-Air Call-Signs: Find stations listed with their
authentic on-air call-signs for the latest and most
accurate information.
 Seamless Spectrum Navigation: Explore radio’s
spectrum effortlessly, connecting MW, SW, and FM
stations for a comprehensive view.
 Station Identification Transcripts: Dive deeper
into radio culture with transcripts of station identifiers,
enhancing your listening experience.
 Comprehensive Transmission Times: Stay
synced with your favourite broadcasts using our user-
friendly transmission time format.

World Radio TV Handbook is the world’s most accurate and comprehensive directory of global
broadcasting. It contains full details by country of radio broadcasts and broadcasters on LW,
MW (AM), SW and FM, and details of national TV in over 750 pages.

Receiver reviews section this year includes: the TEF6686, Aaronia, Perseus22, and Airspy.

We will despatch in protective cardboard wraps by Royal Mail tracked delivery to UK addresses.

Special price for members in the UK: £32.50 including postage

We prefer payments by bank transfer or cheque (or Paypal - Friends & Family).

Bank transfers: Name: British DX Club Sort Code: 09 01 54 Account number: 99704401

Paypal payments to

Cheques/POs payable to British DX Club, in £ sterling drawn on a UK bank.

(N.B. if paying by Paypal or bank transfer, no need to send order by post but email your address)

Orders by post to: Andrew Tett - BDXC,

19 Park Road,
BN43 6PF Email any enquiries to

Medium Wave News 69/05 23 October 2023

The Hpo Geomagnetic Index
 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ, Scotland
with Martin Hall e-mail:  07759 772 616

DXers have been aware for a long time of the effect of geomagnetic activity on propagation,
particularly for high latitude and trans-polar paths, e.g. between Europe and North America. Since
1932 the Kp index has been publicly available as a simple measure of planetary geomagnetic activity,
with data calculated on a 3-hourly basis. It is available from many different sources, e.g. , and a 3-hourly forecast of Kp index for the
next 3 days is available by following a link from this web page. A series of consecutive 3-hour
periods with a Kp of 0 or 1 is often associated with good propagation along northerly paths, with
conditions usually peaking just before the onset of a geomagnetic storm, although other factors may
affect conditions. High values of Kp index are often indicative of good propagation on southerly
paths (as experienced in the northern hemisphere).
However, dedicated DXers will be aware that conditions vary from hour to hour, and that Kp
calculations released every 3 hours might not reflect current conditions, especially close to the onset
of a geomagnetic storm.
The Hp30 and Hp60 Indices
The half-hourly Hp30 and hourly Hp60 were developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for
Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany in the Horizon 2020-project SWAMI and are described in a
research letter ( byYamazaki
et al. These time resolutions are an improvement compared to the three-hourly Kp. Here, H refers
to the half-hourly, p refers to planetary and o refers to open-ended. The latter signifies that Hpo, in
contrast to Kp, is not limited to a maximum value of 9. This allows a more nuanced description of
the strongest geomagnetic events.
Hpo is provided in near real-time as nowcast values. These are preliminary values that are based on
all available data and might change once more data is available for their computation. Hpo goes back
to 1995.
These Hpo indices are calculated from the geomagnetic recordings of the following 13 geomagnetic
observatories: Eyrewell (New Zealand); Canberra (Australia); Uppsala (Sweden); Brorfelde
(Denmark); Wingst and Niemegk (Germany); Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland (United
Kingdom); Ottawa and Meanook (Canada); Frederiksberg and Sitka (USA).

Figure 1: Comparison of the Indices During a Magnetic Storm.

Medium Wave News 69/05 24 October 2023

More details of this research can be found at . Data is
available in tabular or graphical form, the latter being a more appropriate presentation for DXers. It
may be viewed at ; presentation of Hp30 data is very
similar to that of the Kp Index, and a typical graphic is shown below.

Figure 2: Typical Hp30 Data Showing Current Day and Previous 6 Days (Good Conditions)

Are the Hp30 and Hp60 Indices of Value to DXers?

Many other measures are useful in determining propagation conditions, for example Kyoto Dst, Bz
(the direction of the sun’s interplanetary magnetic field), and current proton flux. However, the
planetary K index, Kp, is probably most widely used indicator due to its simplicity, even though it
doesn’t always predict conditions correctly due to these other effects. So, we must ask ourselves –
does the added resolution of Hp30 or Hp60 bring value to our activities?
 If monitored on a continuous basis while listening in real time the Hp30 might provide an
early indicator of the onset of disturbed condition.
 Examined retrospectively the Hp30 might provide useful information when deciding which
times during an unattended recording are likely to be the most productive to examine.
 They might lead to a better understanding of the relationship between propagation conditions
and geomagnetic activity when compared with the variations observed on a minute-by-
minute basis during live DXing or when checking Perseus/Jaguar recordings.
Mauno Ritola has used these indices and writes: “I have followed this for some years and it shows
slight variation of course much more accurately. It can be observed in MW propagation but is hidden
in normal 3-hour Kp”. Andrew Brade reminds us: “Personally, I think that whilst these data can
give an indication, there is no substitute for listening”, something with which all experienced DXers
will agree.
What do you think? Do you have any of your own observations you’d like to share with our
members? Please send any views or comments to me at the email address shown in the header or
post them to the MWC Online Group .

Medium Wave News 69/05 25 October 2023

post: 70 Willow Way, Ampthill, Bedford MK45 2SP, UK
with Dave Thorpe e-mail:

The main news this month is the closure of the Gold service from London on 1548kHz.

Ofcom News
Revolution Radio Fine 20 September 2023
Northampton based community station Revolution Radio has been fined 400 pounds by Ofcom for
failing to comply with its broadcast licence conditions for failing to comply with its broadcast
licence conditions for a second time.

The regulator investigated the station after complaints in 2021 and 2022 about it not providing
sufficient music, information or entertainment for its target community.

BBC News
Radio 4 LW 25th September 2023
On 25 September Radio 4 long wave made the following announcement at the end of the Daily

'All programmes on Radio 4 longwave frequencies including the

Daily Service will end by 31 March 2024.

The Daily Service will continue to be available on BBC Radio 4

Extra and BBC Sounds, from 1 April 2024'.

This was verified by listening to BBC Sounds and appears to be the first message announcing the
timeline of the closure of Radio 4 LW. (source = jimbo on DigitalSpy)

Previously it was stated by the BBC that programmes were guaranteed only until this date. It's odd
that the announcement has been so low key.

It seems unlikely that all the remaining Radio Tele Switches (which use data transmitted by
198kHz) will have been replaced by then, and many were expecting the RTS contract to be
extended yet again. If the electricity companies continue with an unmodulated carrier for RTS,
perhaps they will try transmitting on reduced power to save on costs. (as has been the case with
162kHz from France where power was reduced from 2000kW to 800kW).

Commercial Radio News

Bauer Scotland 3 April 2023

The Stations that were previously named Westsound, Northsound 2, Forth 2, Clyde 2 and Tay 2 are
now all identifying as Greatest Hits Radio.

Medium Wave News 69/05 26 October 2023

Smooth Radio 29 September 2023
The two sites closed at Bexhill 945, and Brighton (Southwick) 1323 on Friday 29th September.
Transmitters were switched off abruptly with no closedown or retune announcement.

1323 switch off at 1055utc

945 switch off at 1120utc

Talksport 1053 Brighton 30 September 2023

Dave Hunt reported via MWC Facebook “Awful strangulated audio from 1053 here in Brighton
this morning”. Apparently causing spurious signals across the MW band and lots of splatter.
Problem arose the day after the Smooth Radio transmitter was switched off at the same site.

Radiated spectrum captured by Steve Whitt on M1CTK KiwiSDR (Oct 1st)

Gold `1548kHz London 29 September 2023

The transmitter for 1548kHz Gold service was switched of for the last time at 1100 on Friday 29th
September. The service originally carried the output of Capital Radio.

Here is a time line of the various frequencies and dates used for the London service.

October 16TH 1973 Capital Radio Launched at 5am on 95.8 MHz and on 539m (538kHz) from a
temporary site at Lots Road power station using a T antenna strung across the chimney.Sharing the
same antenna that had LBC. Lots Road continued to be used until 2001.

March 4th 1975 Relocated to Saffron Green site in Hertfordshire using a 4 mast directional array
directing its signal south into London, with a EMRP of 97 kilowatts. (The highest power AM local
radio transmitter In the UK) Using a frequency of 1546kHz. The transmitters used were 3 x
Marconi giving a transmitter power of 27.5kW.

Medium Wave News 69/05 27 October 2023

November 22nd November 1978, frequency changed to 1548kHz.

July 1st 1985 A serious fire in the LBC transmitter took of both Capital and LBC, a temporary
transmitter was used until the fire damage was rectified. Transmitters from LBC and Capital

July 2nd 1988 Capital Gold launched, as separate service to the FM Capital servic

August 7 2007 Following a merger of GCAP and GWR the service was renamed Gold.

28th September 2023 just before midnight the song Bridge over troubled water is played (the first
record played in 1973) followed by a closedown loop.The transmitter is switched of at 1100,
leaving LBC 1152kHz the sole service. Futher reading : This website has extensive pictures of transmitter sites.

Tricks of the trade number 56 which goes into detail by Dave Porter, can be found on

A series of programmes about the 50 year history of UK Commercial radio is being broadcast on
Boom Radio on Sunday 8th October from 6am to midnight, these maybe available via their listen
again service.

Building and Harris transmitter at Saffron Green (Taken on 29th just before cloedown)

1548 switch off at 1000utc 29/9

amazingly switching off the transmitter cutting short the short retuning message.

LBC radio on 1152kHz, which shares the Saffron Green site and antennas, remains on air.

Unlicensed/other news
A station relaying Radio Caroline Flashback has been heard 30/9/23 on 765kHz apparently in the
East Anglia area. Also detected weakly on the BDMR in NW Scotland.

Radio Blackbeard has teamed up with Buzz-FM Nottingham to bring EDM (electronic dance
music) to 1512kHz (heard well on BDMR at 1930ut October 1sT).

Medium Wave News 69/05 28 October 2023

 Sand Gap, Bursea, Holme-on-Spalding Moor York YO43 4DF
with Andrew Brade e-mail:

Hello again.

Thanks this month to: - IRCA, NRC DX News, FCC, CRTC, Canadian Radio News (rwcrn
at Dan Sys), Radio Insight, Inside Radio,

1220 WHKW Cleveland, OH – had been operating under an STA with 5kW day/night since October
2020. Station confirmed to FCC on 30th August that it returned to its licensed facilities
of 50kW unlimited on 20th April 2023.
1280 WNAM Neenah-Menasha, WI – has been granted STA to operate with its night-time pattern
during the day due to a technical failure.
1300 WJMO Cleveland, OH – licensed for 5kW, the station has suffered a lightning strike and is
operating under a 500W STA.
1360 WMOB Mobile, AL – The former Buddy Tucker station applies for a Construction Permit with
U1 1000/59, from a new site diplexed with WASG-540
1380 KRKO Everett, WA – on the air with a modified night-time pattern to increase signal strength
to the south-east.
1510 KPLS Littleton, CO – had been silent following a lightning strike, back on the air 28th August
with 7kW limited by power supplied from a portable generator. KPLS is licensed for
10kW days directional to the NE and 25kW nights to the NE/SW and resumption in
full power depends on the restoration of the mains electricity supply.
1600 WRSB Rockport, NY – on the air on 1600kHz vice 1590.

1590 WCGO Evanston, IL – sold to new owners

WCGO has been sold to Ambiente Clásico LLC who currently air Spanish talk programming at
night on the station. The station has a mix of English and multi-ethnic talk during the day. It
remains to be seen whether this will continue, or Spanish takes over full-time (Radio & TV
Business Report)



1210 CFYM Kindersley, SK // CJYM-1330 Rosetown SK.

1330 CJYM Rosetown, SK // CFYM-1210 Kindersley SK.

Medium Wave News 69/05 29 October 2023




850 WKVL Maryville, TN WSMM
1010 WHFS Seffner, FL WJBR
1110 KRDC Pasadena, CA KWVE
1240 WLSC Loris, SC WLSQ
1300 WCLG Morgantown, WV WPDX

The following callsign changes have been requested, but at the time of preparation of this column neither
the FCC’s CDBS not LMS databases show the new callsign, though the callsign change request is noted on
the database. In all cases the agreed date for change has passed.

910 WXJX Apollo, PA WJFG (to be effective June 1). Call change pending.
1010 WTZA Atlanta, GA WXKG (was to be effective May 23). Call change granted.
1240 WIOV Reading, PA WRLD (was to be effective May 1). Call change granted.
1480 WCNS Latrobe, PA WJFA (was to be effective June 1). Call change granted.



540 KNMX Las Vegas, NM “K- New Mexico”
590 WCAB Rutherfordton, NC “Pure Country”
660 WLOY Rural Retreat, VA “Classic 93.3 & 660”
860 WMRI Marion, IN “860-1350 The Score”
900 WSWN Belle Glade, FL “Radio Vision Nouvelle”
910 WFDF Farmington Hills, MI “News Talk Superstation”
910 WJFG Apollo, PA “Pittsburgh’s New Talk”
920 KWUL Saint Louis, MO “Rock N Americana”
1010 WJBR Seffner, FL “Podcast Radio US”
1020 WWAC Ocean City-Somers Pt, NJ “Hot Country 101”
1080 WUFO Amherst, NY “WUFO Power 96.5”
1080 WWDR Murfreesboro, NC “99.5 & 105.9 Jamz”
1110 KRDC Pasadena, CA “K-Wave 107.9”
1150 WTMP Egypt Lake, FL “Classic Motown”
1230 WAKI McMinnville, TN “The Ticket”
1230 WIBQ Terre Haute, IN “The Talk Station 1230 & 97.9”
1230 WMML Glens Falls, NY “Big Country 104.9 & 97.9”
1230 WTIV Titusville, PA “Alleghany News-Talk-Sports Network”
1250 WBRM Marion, NC “Bigfoot Country 103.9”
1260 WDKN Dickson, TN “101.5 The Ride”
1260 WWIS Black River Falls, WI “The Hill”
1270 WHGS Hampton, SC “Good News Network”
1290 WFBG Altoona, PA “Pop Radio 104.5”
1300 KDSO Phoenix, OR “The Dove”
1310 KMKY Oakland, CA “Radio Punjab”
1310 WEMG Camden, NJ “La Mega 105.7”
1320 KCLI Clinton, OK “The Ref” at night.
1340 KJMU Sand Springs, OK “Radio La Raza”
1340 KXEO Mexico, MO “The Rock”

Medium Wave News 69/05 30 October 2023

1340 WKCB Hindman, KY “Christian Radio 1340”
1340 WKGN Knoxville, TN “Fan Run Radio”
1340 WTRN Tyrone, PA “96.9 and 100.7 The Train”
1350 WIOU Kokomo, IN “860-1350 The Score”
1370 KIOL Iola, KS “KIOL 99.3/1370”
1370 WGHN Grand Haven, MI “94.9 The Channel”
1380 KKRX Lawton, OK “The Ref”
1400 KREF Norman, OK “The Ref”
1400 WGAP Maryville, TN “Fun 105.9”
1400 WIRA Fort Pierce, FL “Radio Caribbean”
1400 WMAN Mansfield, OH “NewsRadio”
1400 WSIC Statesville, NC “News Talk Now”
1400 WSMY Weldon, NC “NewsTalk 97.1”
1400 WYUP Loretto, PA “107.1 and 101.3 Jack FM”
1410 KTNK Lompoc, CA “Y’all 103.7”
1420 KGIM Aberdeen, SD “Fox Sports 1420/98.5 Aberdeen”
1420 WXGM Gloucester, VA “Good Time Oldies”
1430 KTBZ Tulsa, OK “The Ref”
1440 WLIM Medford, NY “En Vivo”
1450 WFRA Franklin, PA “Alleghany News-Talk-Sports Network”
1450 WHLL Springfield, MA “La Nueva 98.1”
1450 WKEU Griffin, GA “The Rock 1340/88.9”
1460 WMBA Ambridge, PA “95.7 The Beaver”; adds // W239CR-95.7
1480 WDYS Somonauk, IL “101.5 WDYS”
1480 WNKW Neon, KY “King of Kings Radio”
1490 KOSJ Santa Barbara, CA “Old School 94.1 FM and 1490 AM”
1490 KWAC Bakersfield, CA “Radio Punjab”
1490 WBGA Brunswick, GA “Real 96.3”
1490 WMGW Meadville, PA “Alleghany News-Talk-Sports Network”
1550 WAUR Somonauk, IL “101.5 WDYS”
1590 WCGO Evanston, IL “Ambiente Clásico” at night
1600 KGST Fresno, CA “Radio Punjab”
1600 KVRI Blaine, WA “Radio Punjab”
1600 WPOM Riviera Beach, FL “Radio Caribbean”

590 WCAB Rutherfordton, NC Oldies Country
600 WFRM Coudersport, PA Adult Standards Oldies
660 WLOY Rural Retreat, VA AC/Easy Listening Oldies;
680 WGES Saint Petersburg, FL Deletes // W225CQ-92.9
850 WKVL Maryville, TN Sport Stunting; adds // W265DR-100.9
860 WMRI Marion, IN Sport Sport (ESPN); adds // WIOU-1350
900 WSWN Belle Glade, FL Adds // W296DN-107.1.
910 KVIS Miami, OK Gospel/Religion Reported Silent 9/2023
910 WFDF Farmington Hills, MI Urban Contemporary:Talk Talk
920 KQBU El Paso, TX Sport Classic Rock
920 WMNI Columbus, OH Adds // W236CZ-95.1
920 WYMB Manning, SC Country Adult Contemporary
970 KKRK Rupert, ID Adds // K263BX-100.5
1000 WXTN Benton, MS Gospel Silent
1000 WYBT Blountstown, FL Classic Rock Oldies
1010 WJBR Seffner, FL Business Talk; adds // W221DW-92.1

Medium Wave News 69/05 31 October 2023

1020 WWAC Ocean City-Somers Pt, NJ SS:Nostalgia:EE/Talkwknds Country
1070 WEKT Elkton, KY Gospel Classical
1080 WWDR Murfreesboro, NC News/Talk/Sport HipHop
1090 KPTR Seattle, WA Sport Talk/Sport
1110 KRDC Pasadena, CA Sport (ESPN) Religion
1110 WKRA Holly Springs, MS Urban Cont:Gospel Sport; deletes // WKRA-FM-92.7
1220 WSLM Salem, IN News/Talk/Country; adds //
1230 KCUP Toledo, OR Talk Sport
1230 WAKI McMinnville, TN Sport Sport (FSR)
1230 WBVP Beaver Falls, PA Adds // W257EA-99.3
1230 WIBQ Terre Haute, IN Adds // W250BZ-97.9
1260 WDKN Dickson, TN Country Classic Rock
1260 WWIS Black River Falls, WI Adult Contemporary Adult Contemporary/Oldies
1270 WHGS Hampton, SC Country Religion
1290 WFBG Altoona, PA Adds // W283DI-104.5
1300 KDSO Phoenix, OR Silent Religion
1300 WPDX Morgantown, WV Contemporary Christian Cont Hits Radio
1330 KINE Kingsville, TX Adds // K221GP-92.1
1340 KXEO Mexico, MO Adult Contemporary/Oldies Classic Rock
1350 KRLC Lewiston, ID Country Silent
1350 WIOU Kokomo, IN Adds // WMRI-860
1370 KIOL Iola, KS Talk/Sport Classic Rock
1370 WGHN Grand Haven, MI Oldies Classic Rock
1390 KLOC Turlock, CA Adds // K290CN-105.9
1400 WGAP Maryville, TN Country Classic Rock; adds // W290DJ-
1400 WIRA Fort Pierce, FL SS:Hits SS:Tropical
1400 WSMY Weldon, NC Adds // W246DQ-97.1
1420 KGIM Aberdeen, SD Adds // K253AB-98.5
1420 WXGM Gloucester, VA Classic Rock Oldies
1440 KTUV Little Rock, AR R&B oldies
1440 WLIM Medford, NY SS:News/talk
1450 WHLL Springfield, MA Country SS:Cont Hits
1450 WKEU Griffin, GA News/Talk/Oldies Oldies
1460 WMBA Ambridge, PA Talk Country/Rock; adds // W239CR-
1460 WVOX New Rochelle, NY News/talk Silent
1490 KWAC Bakersfield, CA Sport (TUDN) Ethnic (Indian)
1490 WBGA Brunswick, GA Urban Contemporary:Gospel Urban Contemporary:HipHop
1520 WVXN New Holstein, WI Oldies.
1550 WAUR Somonauk, IL Classic Rock Country
1560 KNZR Bakersfield, CA Adds // KNZR-FM-97.7
1590 WCGO Evanston, IL Talk/Korean Talk/Ethnic/Spanish (nights)
1600 KGST Fresno, CA Ethnic (Indian)
1600 KVRI Blaine, WA Ethnic (Indian)
1600 WPOM Riviera Beach, FL Haitian SS:Tropical

Medium Wave News 69/05 32 October 2023


(A) = application, (G) = granted, (D) = dismissed

540 WGOP Pocomoke City, MD Silent Aug. 18 (2022); on the air with STA U1 10/10, rooftop
antenna Aug. 16.
560 KMON Great Falls, MT Had been granted STA for reduced power, back to full power.
580 WCHS Charleston, WV STA, U1 5000/1250, copper thieves at it again (A)
590 KSUB Cedar City, UT CP with U1 5000/138, all from existing day site (G)
620 WAKY Louisville, KY CP with U4 350/300, retaining 2 of current 5 towers (A)
640 KWPN Moore, OK STA, U1 250/250, power cable to one tower has failed (A)
650 KPRP Honolulu, HI Silent Nov. 25 (2022); had been erroneously dropped from
FCC list.
650 WSRO Ashland, MA Silent since Mar. 5; estate of late owner tied up in court.
670 WWFE Miami, FL Had been granted STA for reduced power, back to full power.
690 WADS Ansonia, CT Silent Sept. 1; brief period of STA operations has concluded.
700 WQVD Orange-Athol, MA STA, D1 50, backup transmitter (A)
720 KDWN Las Vegas, NV CP with U2 25000/4000, new site (triplexed with KXNT-
840/KXST-1140) (A)
750 WQOR Olyphant, PA Operating at D1 500 since Sept. 17, base insulator cracked.
790 KBET Winchester, NV Silent Aug. 29 or earlier; equipment loss and licensee
810 KTBI Ephrata, WA STA, D1 7000, backup transmitter (A)
860 KOSE Wilson, AR Silent Dec. 28 (2022); had been erroneously dropped from
FCC list.
860 WDMG Douglas, GA STA, U1 900/25, almost ready to cover CP (A)
880 KLRG Sheridan, AR Has been on STA for years, back to licensed operations Aug.
900 KMVI Kahului, HI STA, parameters at variance during KNUI-550 diplexing (G)
910 WSRP Jacksonville, NC Silent Aug. 7; on the air with STA Sept. 4. Silent Sept. 10, back
on the air with STA Sept. 24.
910 WTMZ Dorchester Tce-Brentwood, SC CP with U1 500/85 (G)
920 KQBU El Paso, TX Silent Sept. 19 (2022); on the air with STA Aug. 22. Silent
(again) Aug. 31; moving to new transmitter site. STA, U1
250/250 from former KXPL-1060 tower (G)
930 WRVC Huntington, WV Had been granted STA for reduced power, back to full power.
950 KAHI Auburn, CA Had been on low power STA; back to full power Sept. 24.
950 WBES Charleston, WV Holds CP with D1 5000 from a new site (diplexed with WVTS-
1240); applies to modify CP to D1 1000 from same new site.
950 WBES Charleston, WV STA, U1 40/40 from WVTS-1240 tower (CP site) (A) & (G)
960 KNEB Scottsbluff, NE STA, U1 1250/88 during KOLT-690 diplexing (G)
970 WCHN Norwich, NY Silent Jan. 30; had been erroneously dropped from FCC list.
970 WNNR Jacksonville, FL Silent Sept. 7; transmitter failure.
980 WPFP Park Falls, WI Operating at U1 500/105 since at least Sept. 19, antenna
990 WMYM Kendall, FL Had been granted STA for reduced power, back to full power.
1000 WMVP Chicago, IL CP with U4 50000/37000, new site (diplexed with WCPT-820
night site) (see September NA News) (A)
1000 WXTN Benton, MS Silent July 15; equipment problems exacerbated by storm
1040 WSGH Lewisville, NC CP with D1 1100 (A)
1100 WWWEHapeville, GA Silent Sept. 11; new owner will reconfigure station operations.
1130 WALQ Carrville, AL Had been on low power STA; back to full power Sept. 20.

Medium Wave News 69/05 33 October 2023

1140 KXST North Las Vegas, NV CP with U4 12000/1000, new site (triplexed with KDWN-
720/KXNT-840) (A)
1170 WFPB Orleans, MA CP with D1 1000, new site (G)
1180 KERN Wasco-Greenacres, CA Licence to cover CP with U4 10500/10500, existing site (G)
1190 KVCU Pueblo, CO STA, U1 1000/110, backup transmitter after fire (A)
1210 KQEQ Fowler, CA CP with U4 5000/138, all from existing day site (A)
1220 WHKW Cleveland, OH Had been granted STA for reduced power, back to full power.
1220 WREV Reidsville, NC Silent Aug. 25, damage from local storms.
1240 KCLV Clovis, NM CP with U1 1000/1000, new site with a drop-wire antenna (G)
1240 KRAL Rawlins, WY Silent Feb. 13; had been erroneously dropped from FCC list.
1250 WJIT Sabana, PR STA, U1 100/100, rooftop tower, has lost licensed site (A)
1250 WRBZ Wetumpka, AL Holds CP with U1 3800/65 from a new site (diplexed with
WMGY-800); granted modification of CP to U1 1000/80 at the
current licensed site.
1250 WSPL Streator, IL Silent Sept. 1; evaluating future of station.
1260 WCHV Charlottesville, VA Silent Aug. 14; moving to new transmitter site.
1280 KFRN Long Beach, CA Licence to cover CP with U1 430/237, new site and granted
STA to use these facilities on the air (A)
1280 KNBY Newport, AR Silent Dec. 9 (2022); had been erroneously dropped from FCC
1280 WNAM Neenah-Menasha, WI STA, U3 5000/5000, night pattern 24 hours (G)
1290 KJEF Jennings, LA Silent Jan. 4; had been erroneously dropped from FCC list.
1290 WVOW Logan, WV STA, U1 5000/250, vandalism at tower site (A)
1290 WXKL Sanford, NC Licence to cover CP with new tower, no other changes (G)
1300 KDSO Phoenix, OR Silent Sept. 1 (2022) as KAPL; back on the air Aug. 14.
1300 WJMO Cleveland, OH STA, U1 or U3 500/500, lightning damage (A) & (G)
1310 KKZI Barstow, CA CP with U1 1000/80 (G)
1310 KZYP Malvern, AR Silent Mar. 31; back on the air Aug. 31.
1350 KRLC Lewiston, ID Silent Sept. 1; has lost licensed transmitter site.
1360 WIBK Watseka, IL STA, parameters at variance, problems on Tower 2 (G)
1360 WMOB Mobile, AL CP with U1 1000/59, new site (diplexed with WASG-540) (A)
1380 KXFN Saint Louis, MO CP with U4 2000/1000, all from existing night site (A)
1380 WWNT Winston-Salem, NC Silent June 9; back on the air July 14.
1390 WAVP Avon Park, FL Silent June 11; has lost licensed transmitter site.
1400 WIRA Fort Pierce, FL Is on the air with U1 250/250.
1400 WVGC Elberton, GA CP to move to Clayton GA cancelled at licensee’s request.
1410 WZBR Dedham, MA Silent since Mar. 5; estate of late owner tied up in court.
1420 KGIM Aberdeen, SD CP with U1 1000/210, new site (G)
1440 KAZG Scottsdale, AZ Silent Sept. 12; wind damage severed feed cable to tower.
1450 KCYL Lampasas, TX Silent June 11; back on the air Aug. 23.
1450 KQTE Helendale, CA Licence to cover CP with U1 760/760, new site (A)
1450 WSNO Barre, VT Silent Sept. 18; has lost licensed site.
1460 KUTI Yakima, WA Silent Aug. 31; financial reasons.
1460 KZNT Colorado Springs, CO STA, U2 3500/540, power problems (A) & (G); back to full
power Sept. 25.
1460 WABQ Painesville, OH CP with U1 550/54, new site (G)
1460 WGMM Tunkhannock, PA STA, U1 1250/40, bad capacitors in ATUs (A)
1490 KIBM Omaha, NE Licence to cover CP with U1 970/900, new site (diplexed with
KCRO-660) (G)
1490 KPLT Paris, TX Silent June 14, back on the air with new transmitter Sept. 12.
1490 KVWC Vernon, TX Silent Aug. 12; has lost licensed transmitter site.
1490 WSIR Winter Haven, FL Silent May 30; has lost licensed transmitter site.

Medium Wave News 69/05 34 October 2023

1500 KSJX San Jose, CA STA, U4 5000/5000, failed cap in antenna tuning unit (G)
1500 WAKE Valparaiso, IN Silent Mar. 1; had been erroneously dropped from FCC list.
1510 KPLS Littleton, CO Silent June 22; on the air with reduced power STA Aug.
28.STA, U4 7000/7000, operating again after transmitter fire
but using generator until grid connection can be restored (G)
1520 WLUV Loves Park, IL STA, U1 13/13, stuck in night mode (A) & (G)
1520 WNDO Apopka, FL CP with U7 4000/8 (ch 3800), CoL to Fairview Shores FL, new
site (diplexed with WRSO-810); replaces similar CP which
expired unbuilt (G)
1520 WVXN New Holstein, WI Silent Mar. 25; back on the air Sept. 19.
1530 WCKG Elmhurst, IL CP with D1 270, new site (A)
1570 KUAU Haiku, HI STA, parameters at variance during equipment installation (G)
1580 WNTF Bithlo, FL CP with U1 4700/10 (G)
1580 WWDN Danville, VA Silent July 12; on the air with new transmitter Aug. 11. STA,
parameters at variance, defective RF amp meter (G)
1590 KLIV San Jose, CA CP with U2 6200/5000, new site (diplexed with KVVN-1430);
replaces identical CP that is about to expire unbuilt (A)
1590 WVNA Tuscumbia, AL In September’s NA News it was stated that a licence to cover
was granted at U1 550/1000 but LMS actually says U1 55/1000
(which makes no sense) and the hard copies say U1 1000/55
as in the original CP, so NRC thinks U1 1000/55 is correct.


The following CPs are on the air:

1190 KREB Gentry, AR Licence to cover CP with D1 3000, CoL ex-Bentonville-Bella
AR, new site (diplexed with KFFK-1390, below) (G)
1210 KGYN Guymon, OK Licence to cover CP with U2 22000/10000, existing site (G)
1380 KRKO Everett, WA Licence to cover CP to adjust night pattern, existing site (G)
1390 KFFK Decatur, AR Licence to cover CP with D1 800, CoL ex-Rogers AR, new site
(diplexed with KREB-1190, above) (G)
1450 WLAY Muscle Shoals, AL Licence to cover CP with U1 1000/1000, new site (diplexed
with WVNA-1590, below) (G)
1480 WNKW Neon, KY Licence to cover CP with D1 1000, new site (G)
1590 WVNA Tuscumbia. AL Licence to cover CP with U1 550/1000, new site (diplexed with
WLAY-1450, above) (G)
1600 WRSB Brockport, NY Licence to cover CP with U1 300/5, ex-1590 kHz (G)


580 KANA Anaconda, MT Licence cancelled Aug. 21 at licensee’s request; had been
silent since Aug. 21, 2022.
1330 KSWA Graham, TX Licence cancelled Aug. 29 at licensee’s request.
1340 WXKX Clarksburg, WV Licence cancelled Sept. 8 at licensee’s request.
1430 KROO Breckenridge, TX Licence cancelled Aug. 29 at licensee’s request.
1440 WIBU Paris, IL Licence cancelled Aug. 22 at licensee’s request; had been
silent since Aug. 30, 2022.
1580 KTLU Rusk, TX Licence cancelled Sept. 12 at licensee’s request.

73 and Good DX, Andrew

Medium Wave News 69/05 35 October 2023

 Kirkåsveien 15, NO-1850 Mysen, Norway
with Tore B. Vik (SW standing in) e-mail:  +47-69891192

The Partido de La Matanza is the most extensive district in the Province of Buenos Aires and the most
populated, with around 1,800,000 inhabitants. It is located to the Southwest of the Autonomous City of
Buenos Aires, which borders through Avenue General Paz. It is divided into 16 towns: June 20, Aldo
Bonzi, Celina City, Evita City, Madero City, González Catán, Gregorio de Laferrere, Isidro Casanova, La
Tablada, Lomas del Mirador, Rafael Castillo, Ramos Mejia, San Justo -head city of the match-, Tapiales,
Villa Luzuriaga, and Virrey del Pino.

In this territorial expansion, there are many broadcasting antennas. Infact it is the territory with the largest
number of AM radio locations, not only from Argentina, but from the entire Latin American region. As of
the date of this report, about 30 operating AM stations have their transmitting plant located in this district,
and others have done so in the past. Nearly all of these broadcasters—except one— operate without a
license, permission or authorization from the Enforcement Authority or the National Executive Power.

The only radio with license located in this location is LS4 RADIO CONTINENTAL (AM 590 KHz) in
Virrey del Pino; and there are several that have been registered to the Media Census instrumentated through
Resolution 001-AFSCA/2009, although this does not imply a lucky amount of "enabling" to broadcast.
Below is a list of broadcasters that during the current year 2023 have been reported on the AM spectrum
with "regular" broadcasts, although it is worth noting that some of them may be off the air today due to
technical problems or another circumstance:
Medium Wave News 69/05 36 October 2023
Here is a list of unlicenced AM station in the rest of Argentina

(Argentina en AM y FM)

The Telecommunications and Transport Regulation and Supervision Authority (ATT) of Bolivia has
reported the intervention of several radio stations that operated without the license, which is mandatory
under Bolivian legislation.

Specifically, it has reported interventions in El Alto, Cochabamba, Sacaba, Vinto, Santa Cruz, Montero,
Los Yungas, Viacha, Coripata, Irupana, Huancané, San Antonio or La Calzada, among other locations,
according to the official news agency. Bolivian, ABI. El Alto is “where the largest number of illegal radio
stations were identified.”

“Broadcasters are urged to operate within authorized parameters without making unauthorized use of the
radio spectrum. As for broadcasters that do not have authorization, they are urged to carry out the
corresponding procedure before the ATT to obtain a license that allows them to operate legally,” noted the

The executive director of the ATT, Néstor Ríos, reported last month that so far this year a total of 42
interventions by illegal radio stations had been carried out.

Ríos also recalled that illegal stations do not pay regulation fees, taxes, or frequency use rights and affect
air traffic because they cause interference. (Source: La Nacion)

Brazilian federal prosecutors on Tuesday June 27 filed a lawsuit to strip local media outlet Jovem Pan of its
radio broadcasting licenses for allegedly spreading disinformation and advocating for a military
intervention during last year's presidential election.

Medium Wave News 69/05 37 October 2023

The move against Jovem Pan - a freewheeling outfit best known for its close alignment with far-right
former President Jair Bolsonaro - is part of a broader reckoning in Brazil with the fallout from the country's
most fraught election in a generation.

Federal prosecutors in Sao Paulo state alleged that Jovem Pan spread baseless claims, many originally made
by Bolsonaro, that Brazil's electronic voting system was vulnerable to fraud.
Jovem Pan is the main Brazilian radio station based in São Paulo, Brazil. It is also the largest network of
radio stations of the southern hemisphere, of Latin America, and one of the biggest radio stations in the
world. The network has several bureaus, 109 affiliated stations all over Brazil. It was described in 2021 as
Brazil's largest conservative radio station. Most broadcasts are on FM but MW includes Jovem Pan News -
Brasília - 750 kHz, Ituiutaba - 1240 kHz, Joinville - 1250 kHz, Rio do Sul - 620 kHz

Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL) in Chile announced on May 16, 2023, that the FM band in
Chile will be expanded from 76 MHz to 108 MHz.

This measure occurs within the framework of the analog television blackout, projected for April 2024. That
is, part of the band that is currently occupied by analog TV will be available to expand the FM band. Which
will allow, on the one hand, the incorporation of new dealers, and on the other, the migration of current AM
radios to FM. At the national level, today approximately 2,500 commercial and community radio stations
operate and with the expansion of the dial, it is expected that more than 1,000 new radio stations throughout
Chile will come into operation, after a competition to access the concession.

It is expected that the new concession contests will be carried out during 2025, once the space is freed and
receiving equipment (radios) are available in the country.

Caracol Celebrates 75 years
The purpose is to commemorate the 75th birthday of the first Colombian radio station, Caracol Radio. The
slogan “first Colombian radio station” is not a simple advertising phrase, it is not a gratuitous adjective, but
rather it corresponds to a successful competitive strategy that has been in force throughout these seven and
a half decades.

According to the Ministry of Communications, in 94 years of radio in Colombia there are already more than
1,700 radio stations, 625 of which are community. Maintaining leadership in a market that is disputed by
more than 1,000 stations both in audience and from a commercial point of view is not an easy task.

In these Caracol 75 years specials, we are going to share with our listeners the first eyewitnesses of the
actions that Caracol Radio has taken and how it has managed to consolidate absolute radio leadership. Our
very early conclusion is that to achieve leadership in such a complex market, we must have very clear
competitive strategies.
Listen to the podcasts here

Medium Wave News 69/05 38 October 2023

(Europe, Asia, Africa) H. Heijermanspln 10, 2024 JJ Haarlem, The Netherlands
with Ton Timmerman e-mail:


Autumn has started. I just returned from Marrakech, Morocco. I did not bring a radio with me, so
no news from that country.

Country Radio will start broadcasting from the Liblice transmitter on October 1st.

From the tallest building in the Czech

Republic, the transmitter in Liblice
near České Brod, radio broadcasts will
be broadcast again. From October 1,
České Radiokomunikace (CRA) will
start broadcasting Country Radio here
on medium wave 639 kHz. The
transmission antenna will be the
current pair of antenna masts with a
height of 355 m.

“Operational tests are already

underway at the transmitter in Liblice, including occasional transmissions to the antennas. Regular
broadcasting will start on October 1st, and the masts will be permanently under high voltage,” said
the press release of České Radiokomunikace.

The original broadcast of Czech Radio from the Liblice transmitter on medium waves ended at the
end of 2021. The distinctive landmark of the Central Bohemian Region will therefore see a new use
after about a year and a half.
65DwtfAH3zSdx6M5wcETqiRZunBX2nLOXz8MGV6DUA . (Ydun Ritz via Mediumwave.Info)

"Elefthero Koinoniko Radiofono", Thessaloniki University Station reactivated on 1431 kHz. (Jim
Solatie via Mauno Ritola via ARC)

Correction: This is a pirate station Radio Ekfrasi, also from the Thessaloniki area. Apologies on
this! (Jim Solatie via ARC)

Indonesia chooses DRM as digital radio broadcasting standard.

The Digital Radio Mondiale™ (DRM) Consortium welcomes the announcement by Indonesian
authorities to adopt the global, open and ITU endorsed DRM Digital Radio Standard for national
adoption in a country of over a quarter of a billion people. This news was announced during the
DRM IBC Showcase event in Amsterdam. DRM is the only digital radio standard to serve all
coverage needs for the national and local public radio stations as well as for commercial and

Medium Wave News 69/05 39 October 2023

community broadcasters. Going forward, DRM-based digital radio services can be introduced in
the medium wave (MW) and FM bands, as well as in VHF band-III, for all of Indonesia’s 18 000

Read more at:

standard/ © RadioInfo Asia (sept. 16th, 2023) (Ydun Ritz via Mediumwave.Info)

Information about confirmation Italian radio station in MW

I would like to inform you that for a few months now, the Italian radio station Amica Radio Veneta,
which broadcasts on 1017 kHz, has been confirming the reception reports with a paper or electronic
letter. To receive it, please send the details (day, UTC time, frequency) and some comments on the
programme listened to, possibly with a recording in MP3 format to the following address: Amica
Radio Veneta, Via Paradisi 26 35010 Vigonza (Pd) Italy. email .

Those wishing to receive confirmation by traditional mail must enclose a stamp of 3,50 euro for
those writing from Italy, while those writing from Europe must send a contribution of 5,00 euro,
via PayPal to the following address

Thanking you for your attention. The staff of Amica Radio Veneta via Dario Gabrielli

Very recently Centrale Milano 1575, which for weeks has been testing with a sweeping tone at 10
watt of power, started a musical program, “PopUp Weekend”. Yesterday they have announced a
“Me & Blues” program presented by a Gianfranco Piria. Nothing is said about power but the station
has been widely heard in Europe, its low power notwithstanding. Reception reports to (Andrea Lawendel via A-DX)

Medium wave commercial broadcasts may disappear from Japan!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has announced that 13 commercial
broadcasters in Japan will participate in a “demonstration experiment” to temporarily suspend
medium wave broadcasting in some areas. Most of the 13 companies will stop broadcasting from
relay stations without stopping the parent station of medium wave broadcasting, but commercial
broadcasters in Yamaguchi and Saga prefectures plan to stop medium wave broadcasting from all
transmission stations.

The next renewal of broadcasting licenses will be in November this year. Due to special measures
under the Radio Law, it is expected that some stations will stop medium wave broadcasting as early
as February 2024. The following 13 stations will partially or completely stop medium wave

IBC Iwate Broadcasting Co.;

Ibaraki Broadcasting System;
Niigata Broadcasting System;
Hokuriku Broadcasting Co.;
Fukui Broadcasting Co.;
Tokai Radio Broadcasting Co., Ltd.;
Yamaguchi Broadcasting Corporation (→ complete cessation of medium wave broadcasting);
Nankai Broadcasting Co.;
RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Co.;
Kyushu Asahi Broadcasting Co.,Ltd.;
NBC Radio Saga (→ complete suspension of medium wave broadcasting);

Medium Wave News 69/05 40 October 2023

Kumamoto Broadcasting Co.;
Minaminihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

wUF3NjDVCUdLVVFufmF1kgXj3tfUxkXwxozzg3sinxitpljpbVicOI . (Akiyoshi Teraoka via

Translated from German:

The two medium waves on which programs intended for foreign countries are already broadcast
from Lithuania should not be enough: the aim is also to reoccupy the 666 kHz frequency. A
frequency tender is currently underway with a deadline of November 6th. There are likely to be
concrete plans behind this that have not yet been disclosed. The medium wave 666 kHz is the
former main frequency of the first radio program from Vilnius. Its shutdown in 2009 marked the
end of AM broadcasts from broadcasters in the Baltics as a whole. In Estonia and Latvia, this step
was already taken in 1998/1999.

The tender specifically mentions Sitkunai near Kaunas as the transmitter location. This continues
the unexpected revival of this station. It was only in 2017 that the broadcasting network operator
LRTC kicked out the last users and completely cleared out the technology building. If this address
can no longer be de-cluttered with a photo collection, we recommend taking a look at what
conditions existed when the business was still running.

The continuation of the 1386 kHz frequency, supported by US authorities, including the German-
language broadcasts from Polskie Radio, was only possible from a different location. Accordingly,
observers were astonished when broadcasts from Sitkunai began again. The transmission of
Russian-language programs was observed for the first time on August 5, 2022 on 1557 kHz. Since
then it has been running in the evenings.

It is a Dutch project that will officially be called “Radio Pravda”. However, this name is not used
anywhere. On air and online it is just called “Nascha Lenta” or “Radio Lenta”. Lenta is actually the
name of a Russian online newspaper founded in 1999, from which the Riga-based Medusa project
split off in 2014. As far as we can tell, the broadcasts on 1557 kHz have nothing to do with this.

It doesn’t look like it has a Ukrainian background, such as, which is now operating in
Kiev, but rather a simple hijacking of the well-known brand. While nothing is known about the
journalistic background of these broadcasts, a relevant report offered all the details about the
technology. The transmitter from a Canadian manufacturer that was active in the Netherlands on
1008 kHz until the beginning of 2019 is connected to one of the antennas still present in Sitkunai.

The chronicle included information that no one wanted to give at the time, namely the transmission
power used in the last operating phase of the Zeewolde medium wave station: it was 50 kW. (Kai
Ludwig, Radio Eins via Herbert Meixner via A-DX)O

A mass exodus of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh has virtually emptied the breakaway
territory after Azerbaijan took back control in a military operation. More than 100,000 have now
fled to Armenia from the disputed region, which had a population of around 120,000 before Baku
launched the successful lightning offensive, according to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR).

Medium Wave News 69/05 41 October 2023

As part of their take-over, Azerbaijan has announced (on 29/9/23) a reorganisation of mobile
communication service, television and radio broadcasting in the enclave.
service-television-and-radio-broadcasting-in-garabagh-413097 . (Steve Whitt)


Hello everyone:

The September, 2023 edition of the Pacific Asian Log (PAL) is now available. It can be
downloaded from the Radioheritage website (click on either of the
links near the top of the home page). Members of the IRCA list can also download the
PAL from the files page at: .

As usual, many changes and updates have been incorporated into this latest edition. They include
new web links and parallel listings, updated station listings, and some minor organization and
presentation tweaks.

Comments and updates from users are welcome and

encouraged. They can be sent to

First issued in 2001, The PAL lists medium wave and domestic
shortwave broadcasting stations in southern and eastern Asia
and the Pacific. It lists about 4500 stations in over 50
countries, with frequencies, call signs, locations, power,
networks, websites, streaming audio, schedules, languages,
formats, networks and other information. (Bruce Portzer)

After 90 year on air 882 kHz COPE Gijón is closing, here is the news: (882 kHz COPE Gijón echa
el cierre, aquí la noticia).
anos-despues . (Jordi Brunet via IberiaDX)

Ukrainian Radio's 1st Channel has been observed on 1278 kHz (tx in Odessa region) since Friday
morning [1 September]. Source:;topicseen#msg164085 (Alex Miatlikov
via MWlist)

NHK World Radio Urdu Service change of MW frequency.

Starting from the 18th of September 2023, Urdu service has changed its MW frequency to 1251
kHz (ex 927 kHz). SW frequency remains the same at 9440 kHz. . (Asian DX Review via DXindia)

This translated, cleaned up copy of the official state database of broadcast allocations was too good
not to share:
Stations-as-of-2020-edited-by-DANTE-ver.1.1.xlsx . (Tim Bucknall)

Medium Wave News 69/05 42 October 2023

with David Smith e-mail:

kHz Station, location. Details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
153 SRR Antena Satelor, Brasov, Romania. Folk Mx. 333 1936 23/09 DS
225 Polskie Radio Jedynka, Solec Kujawski, Poland. OM Polish. 333 1816 24/09 DS
243 DR Langbølge, Kalundborg, Denmark. YL in presumed Danish. TX 343 1616 29/08 DS
ended 1620.
540 Kossuth Rádió, Solt, Hungary. OM. 444 1936 15/09 DS
549 R Rossii, Kaliningrad. ID, Nx // 999 kHz Good 1700 12/09 SS
549 R. Koper/ Slovenija, Beli Kriz, Slovenia. Slovenian ID “Radio 343 2158 21/09 EG
Koper…..Radio Slovenija”
558 Panjab Radio, Crystal Palace. Asian Mx. // webfeed. 343 1946 15/09 DS
576 BNR Horizont, Vidin, Bulgaria. Bulgarian ID “Bulgarsko Natsionalno 344 0256 03/09 EG
radio program Horizont”
621 R PMR Pridnestrovye, Grigoriopol, Moldova. “Pridnestroye R” by YL, F to G 1800 01/09 SS
no sign of TWR 1830
630 SRR Antena Satelor, Voinesti, Romania. Romanian ID “Antena 222 0300 03/09 EG
Satelor” // 1314 kHz
648 Radio Caroline, Orfordness. ID. Ads. 444 1943 25/09 DS
657 R Murski Val, Murska Sobota, Slovenia. YL ID at TOH F to G 2200 02/09 SS
666 SER Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain. SS ID “Radio SER Cataluña” 332 2203 31/08 EG
675 R Calypso, Ostvold, Netherlands. “…low power AM, 675 kHz, R Fair 2100 30/08 SS
711 COPE Murcia, Spain. “Estas ecuchando COPE M. 100.6 y … en O.M. Good 0355 08/09 SS
747 MCB R, Alphen, Netherlands. “This is MCB, and now the Nx”, Dutch Good 2000 30/08 SS
nx by OM
747 R Seagull, Pietersbirum, Netherlands. “This is R Seagull”, AM freqs Fair 1800 03/09 SS
plus internet
747 R. Seagull, Pietersburum, Netherlands. EE ID “On Radio Seagull” 343 0400 01/09 EG
(MCB Radio off air)
792 SER R. Sevilla, Spain. SS ID “Radio Sevilla” 332 2103 06/09 EG
801 Chamer Rundfunkmuseum, Germany. Non-stop old German songs Fair 1900 30/08 SS
from 30-60’s
810 BBC Radio Scotland, Westerglen [DS – multi-site]. Football 222 1742 10/09 TDB
828 BBC Asian Network, Langley Mill. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan mx //837 333 1738 10/09 TDB
837 COPE Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain. ID, reg px //900 Granada (w) others Fair 0455 31/08 SS
loc px!
837 COPE Burgos, Spain. 95.0+837 “la radio mas importante de la Fair 0425 06/09 SS
837 COPE Ferrol, La Coruña, Spain. SS ID “COPE Ferrol 97.3, 101.3 FM. 322 0426 31/08 EG
837 Onda Média”
873 SER R. Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. “90 años…Radio 332 2102 06/09 EG
882 COPE Gijon, Spain. “Estas ecuchanda COPE Gijon 94.8 FM y 882 F to G 0354 30/08 SS

Medium Wave News 69/05 43 October 2023

kHz Station, location. Details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
900 COPE Granada, Spain. Estas Esc, COPE G. 87.6 (like Cordoba!) FM, Good 0455 01/09 SS
900 OM
900 COPE Granada, Spain. SS ID “COPE Granada 87.6 FM, 900 Onda 242 0426 01/09 EG
909 R Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. “R Cluj presenta…, Good 1800 07/09 SS
//1404 (Good)
918 Citrus AM, Emst, Netherlands. 5 x -.-. / .. / - / .-. / ..- / … / -. / -- = Weak 1900 08/09 SS
918 Sitara FM, Houten, Netherlands. Dutch ID “Goede morgen, dit is Sitara 252 0402 07/09 EG
927 Power 927, Abbiategrasso, Italy. “Power 927 (3x) brings the Medium Good 1900 30/08 SS
Wave Back to Live”, Pop Mx
945 Smooth Radio, Bexhill-On-Sea. EE ID “This is Smooth Radio….from 344 2140 21/09 EG
the end of September we will be no longer available on AM across
981 R Renascenca, Coimbra, Portugal. PP ID, nx //1251 Fair 0400 07/09 SS
1008 R Experience, Wageningen, Netherlands. Dutch pop, jingle “Dit is R Fair 2200 03/09 SS de nx”
1026 SER R. Asturias, Oviedo, Spain. SS ID “Hoy por Hoy Asturias” 343 0450 14/09 EG
1053 COPE Zaragoza, Spain. SS ID “COPE Zaragoza 97.5, COPE Más 88.5, 322 1959 06/09 EG
Onda Média 1053”
1080 SER R. Coruña, La Coruña, Spain. SS ID “Hoy por Hoy Galicia” 343 0450 14/09 EG
1098 R Seabreeze, Laren, Netherlands. Dutch pop, ID nx //1395 Grou (f-g) Weak 1800 03/09 SS
1107 Talk Sport, Lydd. [DS – multi-site] // 1089, 1053 233 1745 10/09 TDB
1116 SER Galicia, Pontevedra, Spain. “Hoy por Galicia” reg px Weak 0450 08/09 SS
1116 BBC Radio Derby, Burnaston. Asian px Ashe Bhosle mx 555 1744 10/09 TDB
1116 SER Galicia, Pontevredra, Spain. SS ID “Hoy por Hoy Galicia” 242 0450 31/08 EG
1134 COPE Salamanca, Spain. “COPE S. – la radio mas escuchada en la Fair 0455 08/09 SS
1143 COPE Ourense, E. SS ID “COPE Ourense 90.2, COPE Más 102.4 y 343 0426 31/08 EG
Onda Média 1143”
1152 GHR Greenside. ID “Across the Northeast, this is Greatest Hits Radio” 443 2259 22/09 EG
1161 Greatest Hits Radio, Dundee. YL Interviewing OM. Ads. “Across 333 1940 25/09 DS
Tayside & Fife”.
1170 R Capodistria, Beli Kriz wk clear f/in with Il Giornale della Serra then 252 1800 10/09 TDB
destroyed by local qrn
1179 SER R. Valencia, Spain. SS ID “Hoy por Hoy Comunitat Valenciana” 443 0450 15/09 EG
1179 SER R. Rioja, La Rioja, Spain. Hoy por Hoy La Rioja” 332 0450 14/09 EG
1188 Studio X, Momigno, PT, Italy. Italian ID “Radio Studio X, AM Stereo” 343 0302 01/09 EG
1197 R Targu Mures, Brasov, Romania. NA, ID, QRGs, 1593, Hung. px only Fair 0300 05/09 SS
on 1323!
1215 COPE Cordoba, Spain. Estas Escuchando, COPE C. 87.6 FM y 1215 Good 0455 01/09 SS
1215 COPE Leon, Spain. loc ID, 2xFM + 1xAM QRGS ads Good 0454 30/08 SS
1224 R 12-2-4, Lunteren, Netherlands. Dutch “Nonstop – Radio 12-2-4” Fair 2100 31/08 SS
German pop
1224 COPE Lugo, Spain. Estas escuchando, COPE Lugo 88.9 FM, en Good 0425 03/09 SS
1224 COPE Almeria, Spain. Estas Esc. COPE en la provincial de Almeria, Fair 0455 01/09 SS
90.0 FM...

Medium Wave News 69/05 44 October 2023

kHz Station, location. Details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1224 COPE Andalucia, 2 tx locations, Spain. SS ID “Escucha COPE en la 333 2156 05/09 EG
provincia Andalucia”
1233 R Rock Revolution, Ireland. Pop, ID Good 2000 30/08 SS
1251 R Renascenca, Portugal. “Renascnca-um emisora catholica Fair 2200 03/09 SS
portuguesa”, nx
1251 R. Renascenca, 2 tx locations, Portugal. PP ID “Renascenca emisora 242 2200 06/09 EG
1251 Dánkó Radio, 2 tx locations, Hungary. Hungarian ID “Dánkó Radio” 454 0300 05/09 EG
1260 Smooth R, Farndon //100.4 terrible qrn but Shazam ID’ed Living Years 322 1810 10/09 TDB
1260 SER R. Murcia, Spain. SS ID “Radio Murcia” 222 2101 06/09 EG
1269 COPE Badajoz and Zamora, Spain. Loc IDs and freqs at the same time F+w 1959 30/08 SS
1278 BFBS Gurkha R, multi-site. Nepali mx, BFBS+Gurkha IDs, nx // 1134 Fair 0355 30/08 SS
1278 UR1, Kurisove, fade in w/ current affairs // www 252 1814 10/09 TDB
1278 Ukraineske Radio, Kurisove, Ukraine. Anthem. 0300 UTC Ukrainian 354 0258 05/09 EG
ID “Ukraineske Radio”
1287 R 0-5-11, Osternijkerk, Netherlands. Dutch, YL nx, ad, pop, 220 deg F to G 1600 28/08 SS
1287 R Kilrock, Netherlands. “…Kilrock – op u smart phone, u tablet, u F to G 2200 03/09 SS
internet radio”
1287 SER R. Lleida, Spain. SS ID “Radio Lleida, Cadena SER” 322 2201 06/09 EG
1296 Radio XL, Langley Mill. Dilraj Kaur mx, Ads 433 1747 10/09 TDB
1305 ERT Tripolis, Greece. IS // 729 (F to G) Weak 0 05/09 SS
1314 Northern Star, Erdal, Norway. Px on inflation not //1611 in E Fair 0400 31/08 SS
1323 Smooth Radio, Brighton. EE ID “This is Smooth Radio…from the end 443 0040 23/09 EG
of September we will be no longer available on AM across Sussex” //
945 kHz
1332 R Extra AM, Netherlands. Dutch nx 2158, ID, pop Fair 2156 02/09 SS
1332 R Warrington. End nx “…on 1332 AM – Radio Warrington”. Pop Mx. Fair 0400 31/08 SS
1332 Radio Warrington, Warrington. Don Bryant–Everything’s gonna be alri 254 1817 10/09 TDB
1341 Onda Cero, Ciudad Real, Spain. SS ID “Onda Cero, Radio Ciudad 322 2158 06/09 EG
1350 R Z100, Milano, Italy. Motown “I love Radio+you should do – F to G 2100 28/08 SS
1368 R Caroline North via Manx R, Foxdale. Style Council “on 648 & 1368 333 1402 16/09 TDB
and DAB”
1386 C.M.Obrecht via RBWI, Viesintos, Lithuania. Electronic music IDs in 252 1710 01/09 PR
GG and EE
1404 SRR R. Cluj, Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania. Anthem. 0300 UTC 544 0258 05/09 EG
Romanian ID “Radio Cluj” //1593 kHz
1413 Premiere Christian Radio, multi-site. end of sermon, OM: “amen”, 233 1823 10/09 TDB
1431 R Redhill, Surrey. Pop mx, email, “100.4 FM, 1431 AM…R Redhill”, W to F 0352 01/09 SS
1431 Carillon R, Coalville. W. Houston song //1386 in LTH break, 04h ID W to F 0356 07/09 SS
1440 Unid, local pirate, cont. alternative-ish 80’s pop 555 1441 11/08 TDB
1476 Museumsradio AM, Bad Ischl, Austria. Slow old German songs, IDs W fpk 1955 01/09 SS
1476 R Seagull via R Wellbeing, Coalville. “This is R Seagull” hrd irr F to G 2300 01/09 SS
1485 Funklust Erlangen, Germany. 1 kHz tones, best on 180 deg, 19h Good 0145 29/08 SS
“Funklust” ID
1485 SER R Santander+R Zamora, Spain. S both IDs, FM and AM freqs, ads 2xFair 2100 31/08 SS

Medium Wave News 69/05 45 October 2023

kHz Station, location. Details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1485 R Merkurs, Riga, Latvia. 1940’s mx, simple R Merkurs in between Weak 1700 14/09 SS
1500 R Eule, Munich, Germany. GG tech tlks, no ID, daily between 20-01h Weak 2000 01/09 SS
1503 R 1503 Zavidovici, Bosnia. x ment Sarajevo, ads, blocked by Triest Fair 1800 08/09 SS
1503 R. Calcio FVG, Udine/ Muris, UD, Italy. Italian ID “Radio Calcio 343 2141 21/09 EG
FVG”. personal first
1512 Rfonikos Stathmos Adiaforos, Larissa, Greece (pres). Gr.songs+OM Fair 2000 30/08 SS
anns, no ID
1530 R Constanta, Nufaru, Romania. “R Constanta”- jingle in between Weak 0300 11/09 SS
Actualitati nx
1539 R Manresa, Spain. S loc px, R Manresa sev.times, ad for football event Good 2101 07/09 SS
1539 Unid Italian, nx, ads, wx, hrd daily, no ID, deep fadings W to G 1800 08/09 SS
1539 Radio Calcio FVG, Murris Ragogna, Italy. talk about amateur football 242 1757 03/09 PR
in Friuli-Venezia Guilia, time anns
1539 SER R. Manresa, Spain. SS ID “Hoy por Hoy Cataluña” & Catalan talk 544 0450 15/09 EG
1539 UNID Italian station (May be R. Calcio FVG // 1503 kHz). Italian talk 343 2249 07/09 EG
(non-stop & no music)
1548 Gold, Saffron Green. Mx - Love Is In The Air. “Here comes the 343 1943 15/09 DS
weekend. This is Gold”. Ads.
1548 Gold, London. EE ID “From the end of September we will be no longer 443 2044 22/09 EG
available on AM across London”
1557 Smooth, Southampton. ID 222 1837 10/09 TDB
1557 Smooth Radio, Southampton. EE ID “Spend your weekend with 443 0040 23/09 EG
Smooth, listen on your radio & on Global player”
1575 UNID. Non-stop pop, no IDs, pres Italy? Good 2000 30/08 SS
1575 R Seerah, Leicester. Quran over TOH, “R Seerah” by OM, pres nx Vy wk 0400 31/08 SS
1575 Mike R, English pop,, jingles Good 1800 13/09 SS
1575 Radio Centrale Milano, Alessandria, Italy. sweeping test tones 242 1929 28/08 PR
1575 Radio Centrale Milano, Alessandria, Italy. pop mx, ID "Centrale 352 2146 23/09 PR
Milano ... 1575 in onde medie ..."
1575 R. Armada, unid location, Netherlands. EE ID “You are listening to 342 2110 14/09 EG
Radio Armada”. 2117 UTC signing off
1584 Vocea Sperantei, Rom Gospel, Romania. OM ID //1485 w/f+1602 w Good 1920 01/09 SS
1584 ALT FM, Romania. Timisoara fighting with Vocea Sperantei, TOH ID, w/f 1800 06/09 SS
lots of ads
1584 Radio Piterpan, Vicenza, Italy. Pop mx, IDs 333 2254 17/09 PR
1593 R Neumarkt, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania. GG FM + MW (1323, 1197) Good 1800 31/08 SS
freqs, nx
1593 Bretagne 5, St Goueno, disco. El Nino by LT Nicholson (acc to 253 1848 10/09 TDB
1602 R Tsentr, Riga, Latvia. Nice song, ID and address at 1704 F to G 1700 14/09 SS
1602 SER R. Linares, Cartagena, Spain. SS ID “Radio Linares, Cadena SER” 322 2201 31/08 EG
1611 R Northern Star, Erdal, Norway. “North Atlantic Sound – R Northern Fair 1700 29/08 SS
1620 R Driland (pirate), Netherlands, Dutch songs, ID 343 2045 16/09 FB
1620 R King Kong (pirate), Netherlands, polka mx, ID, c/d at 2109 353 1815 01/09 FB
1620 R Zorro (pirate), Netherlands, polka mx, ID, c/d at 1944 343 1900 09/09 FB
1620 R Barones (pirate), Netherlands, oldies, ID, c/d at 2125 444 2100 14/09 FB
1620 R Delmare (pirate), Netherlands, EE ID 'R Delmare from Rotterdam” 343 2020 03/09 FB

Medium Wave News 69/05 46 October 2023

kHz Station, location. Details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1623 R Bizon (pirate), Netherlands, instrumental mx, ID 333 2000 14/09 FB
1638 R Osaka (pirate), Netherlands, polka mx, ID 353 2230 09/09 FB
1646 Radio Barones, unid location, Netherlands. EE ID “This is Radio 443 2102 07/09 EG
1655 R Yogi Bear (pirate), Netherlands, pop mx, ID, c/d at 2243 444 2200 16/09 FB
1660 Studio 19 (pirate), Netherlands, hard-rock mx, ID, c/d at 1938 333 1850 31/08 FB
1660 R Ena, Thessaloniki, Greece, ID, test with R Serbia in EE! 333 2035 08/09 FB

Thanks all for your logs – can you please use the new template at
when submitting your logs to save me hours of work getting everyone’s logs into the same format.

Welcome back to returning member Tim Bucknall from Congleton, Cheshire. Tim says “The
amazing performance of the TEF portable and the empty band have tempted me back to MW after
13 years after the noise drove me away. Listening will mostly be done at a local nature reserve
away from the noise. It’s very exciting to hear Ukraine fading in with no co-channel qrm on 1278
on a summer evening in my back garden. Hearing Capodistria on 1170 is still a novelty after
knowing nothing but Signal Radio [DS – local Stoke-On-Trent station] on that frequency my entire

I have two TEF6686’s which I use for FM DXing. Tim’s comments made me ‘flick the switch’ to
MW and indoors the radio is swamped by noise. However it’s incredible what the radio can pick up
at the end of my garden – just on a short telescopic. The TEF6686 does not contain a ferrite rod.
Stefan Schliephacke spent a month at DX183 in Northern Denmark with the luxury of 24 longwires
and beverages up to 200m in length.

Ehard Goddijn commented on the continued high noise levels of S7 - S9 + 5dB at his location in
the Netherlands.

Many thanks to the following contributors:

EG Ehard Goddijn, Almere, The Netherlands. Receiver Perseus and Antenna: AMLA-150 amplifier
combined with the homemade loop
FB Franck Baste, St Bonnet de Rochefort, France. Perseus SDR, Loop ALA 1530
DS David Smith, Huddersfield. Tecsun PL-990x with internal ferrite antenna/TEF6686 with telescopic
PR Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria. Rx: AOR AR7030, Perseus. Ant: RF Systems MLBA MK-1
SS Stefan Schliephacke, Northern Denmark. Perseus SDR with 24 long-wires and beverages up to
TDB Congleton, Cheshire. TEF6686 with stock telescopic whip outdoors

Please send your contributions for the November 2023 EuroLog by Thursday 26th October. Please note
that the EuroLog deadline is often different to other columns in MW News due to my other commitments.

73 and Good Euro-DXing, David

Medium Wave News 69/05 47 October 2023

 Glackin, 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ, Scotland
with Martin Hall e-mail:  07759 772 616

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
171 Médi Un, Nador, Morocco; AA talk & FF ID “Médi Un” 252 0302 6/9 EG
252 Chaîne 3, Tipaza, Algeria; sung FF ID “Chaîne Trois” 354 0400 7/9 EG
540 CBT Grand Falls NL; CBC Radio: music, OM promo mentioning W 0659 4/9 MH/c
Newfoundland, 0700 “The World This Hour”; // 640, 750 kHz;
CBC website no longer shows 540 Grand Falls on-air having
moved to 93.3 FM and closing 31/12/2022, but CBC email
reply confirms it’s still on 540 AM
540 CBT Grand Falls NL; //www noisy 0717 25/9 TDB/c
540 WFLF Pine Hills FL; ID in CBT gap “News Radio WFLA Orlando. W/F 0600 10/9 mah
Listen on the free iHeart Radio app”; under CBT
549 Jil FM, Sidi Hamadouche, Algeria; AA talk & FF ID “Jil FM” 444 0400 7/9 EG
550 WAYR Fleming Island FL; light instrumental mx, toth ID “… WAYR W 0600 10/9 mah
Fleming Island and WAOC Saint Augustine”
560 WGAN Portland ME; ads, ID P 0654 24/9 TDB/c
570 CFCB Corner Brook NL; ‘Bette Davis Eyes’; // 590 kHz; xf SS P 0641 24/9 TDB/c
570 CMBD Radio Reloj, Santa Clara; ticking away 0642 24/9 TDB/c
580 CFRA Ottawa ON; // www xf Spanish 0639 24/9 TDB/c
580 WKAQ San Juan PR; “WKAQ 5-80” W/F 0301 22/9 PC
585 Akashvani Radio, Nagpur, India; “Akashvani Radio” ID caught vW 2000 22/9 JF
under Spanish time pips. I initially thought I'd heard I Spy
Radio, but Simon Beavan came to my rescue and spotted the
correct ID; I queried this with John because the time is outside
the normal broadcast schedule, although checking his clip did
contain what certainly sounded like “Akashvani Radio” - mah
590 VOCM St John’s NL; ID “VOCM Weather” 333 0133 23/9 EG
590 WEZE Boston MA; “The Word AM 5-90 WEZE Boston”, religion G 0600 10/9 mah
594 SBA R Riyadh, Duba, Saudi Arabia; AA ID “Idha’at Riyadh” 333 0304 22/9 EG
610 WIOD Miami FL; call in talk W 0650 7/9 MH/c
610 WIOD Miami FL; ads then ID and back to talk show F 0714 24/9 SW/c
610 ZYL268 Rádio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte; football “Itatiaia” jingle at toth 323 2240 3/9 MP/c
610 ZYH321 Super Rádio Boa Vontade, Irandube (presumed); OM preaching 322 0535- 19/9 MP/c
in PP; no ID heard, matched to stream @ several points 0550
610 HJKL La Cariñosa, Bogotá; Latin pops; matched to stream 322 0550 1/9 MP/c
610 ZP30 La Voz del Chaco Paraguayo, Filadelfia; inspirational 332 0555 1/9 MP/c
sounding Latin pops, only in the clear for a few minutes;
matched to webstream
612 Jordan Radio, Shobak; AA ID “Idha’at … Mamlaka ... 343 0302 22/9 EG
630 WUNO San Juan PR; “Noti-Uno 6-30” ID W/F 0601 22/9 PC
630 WUNO San Juan PR; salsa version of happy birthday; // www 0603 27/9 TDB/c
639 CNR1 Zhongguo zhi Sheng, Beijing, China; CNR1 ID routine W 2200 20/9 JF
on the hour, as 1377, etc. Beijing is the presumed transmitter at
200kW but other, lower power transmitters, are listed.

Medium Wave News 69/05 48 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
660 WFAN New York NY; ID “On WFAN” 242 0323 3/9 EG
680 HJZO RN de Colombia, Barranquilla; “Radio Nacional de Colombia. W 0100 31/8 PC
Noticias de la hora”
702 R Coran, Laghouat, Algeria; Quran; 0400 Algerian anthem 353 0358 7/9 EG
702 R Coran, Laghouat, Algeria; ID, long NA, Quran chants; no G 0400 8/9 ss
Laghouat ID
702 IRIB Kiashahr, Iran; music tune, talk in Azeri? // 1197, 1512 343 0200 8/9 EG
711 IRIB R Ahwaz, Iran; Farsi local nx, local ID, corr rpt G 1900 2/9 ss
740 XE--- R Fórmula, 2 sites listed; “Grupo Fórmula”, Mexican NA Gpks 0558 10/9 mah
760 WJR Detroit MI; “This is the Great Voice of the Great Lakes. 7-60 G 0400 27/8 PC
WJR, Detroit.”
760 LU6 R Atlántica, Mar del Plata; EE & SS pop, OM presenter; G 0435 28/8 MH/c
“Atlántica 7-60”, 0550 YL
760 LU6 R Atlántica, Mar del Plata; "Atlántica de Noche" programme W 0159 2/9 AB
name; then Abba’s Waterloo
765 SBA R Quran, 3 tx locations, Saudi Arabia; AA ID “Idha’at 242 2259 8/9 EG
Quran al-Karim …. Arabiya Saudiya”
780 WXME Monticello ME; “W252DW Monticello 98.3 FM. AM 7-80 is F/G 0559 12/9 mah
WXME Monticello Houlton Presque Isle”; well over WBBM
783 IRIB R Zahedan, Iranshahr, Iran; Farsi ID instrumental mx; // W 1700 11/9 ss
1296 kHz (weak)
783 IRIB R Zahedan, Iranshahr, Iran; Farsi F 2200 14/9 MvA
790 WTNY Watertown NY; “… that’s your forecast on 7-90 WTNY W 0500 27/8 PC
800 CKLW Windsor ON; CTV promos, toth ID “This is AM 800 CKLW, Gpks 0600 11/9 mah
an iHeart Radio station”, CP News; dominant over VOWR
819 Akashvani, Delhi, India; EE nx; // 846 kHz etc F 1739 17/9 ss
820 WCPT Willow Springs IL; promo “… right here on WCPT AM 8-20 vW 0503 9/9 mah
Chicago’s Progressive Talk”
820 WBAP Fort Worth TX; “… join us Saturday afternoon, 4 pm right here W/F 0500 1/9 PC
on WBAP”
828 RDP Antena 1, Monte das Cruzes, Azores; PP TS, ID, nx; // W/Fpks0400 7/9 ss
666, 720, 756 kHz
828 IRIB R Khorasan, Tabas, Iran; Farsi ID, tlk; // 963 kHz (fair) G 0800 6/9 ss
830 XEITE R Omega, México DF; Mexican NA, SS ID “... 830 AM Radio Gpks 0602 12/9 mah
Omega ... desde Montes Urales 425, Colonia Lomes de
Chapultepec …”, another mention of “Radio Omega”
830 YVLT R Sensación, Caracas; “En Sensación es la 1 y 31” W/F 0532 14/9 PC
837 IRIB R Isfahan, Habibabad, Iran; Farsi ID, FM and AM freqs G 1800 2/9 ss
837 IRIB R Isfahan, Esfahan, Iran; Farsi F 2200 14/9 MvA
846 Akashvani, Ahmedabad, India; “… concert from Akashvani F/G 1727 17/9 ss
850 WFTL West Palm Beach FL; RER, toth ID “WFTL West Palm Beach, Gpks 0600 10/9 mah
WRMF HD2 Palm Beach … on your HD Radio 97-9 HD2”
followed by ABC News; xf WEEI
860 CJBC Toronto ON; FF “Vous écoutez Ici Radio Canada Première au F/G 0600 11/9 mah
860 AM Toronto”
860 KMA Shenandoah IA; “Thanks for listening to KMA 9-60 F/G 0500 12/9 mah
Shenandoah and KMA FM …”, ABC News

Medium Wave News 69/05 49 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
860 XECTL R Chetumal; SS ID “Transmitimos con 1000 Watts de potencia Fpks 0601 10/9 mah
desde ... XECTL 860 kHz en Amplitud Modulada”
870 CFSX Stephenville NL; songs, “VOCM” ID; under/over WWL and Gpks 0602 11/9 mah
another EE talker, also with CBS News
870 LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires; ID; // 1310 kHz P 2340 26/8 SW/c
870 LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires; “Nacional Noticias … en la F 0500 28/8 PC
República Argentina es la hora dos”
873 SBA Al-Quran, Ar Rass, Saudi Arabia; Quran chants; // 882 F 2100 8/9 ss
880 WCBS New York NY; CBS News F 0415 24/8 MvA
880 WCBS New York NY; ID “WCBS traffic & weather together” 242 0448 2/9 EG
880 WCBS New York NY; ID “... on WCBS” Fpks 0256 18/9 WFB
882 IRIB R Mahabad, Iran; VV OM tlk on Mahabad F/Gpks 1800 31/8 ss
890 WLS Chicago IL; “This is 8-90 WLS AM Chicago, 94-7 WLS FM W/F 0200 27/8 PC
HD2 Chicago”
890 WLS Chicago IL; trucker ads, ID “This is 8-90 WLS AM Chicago vGpks 0600 11/9 mah
94-7 WLS FM HD2 Chicago WLS Chicago (sung) A Cumulus
Media station”, WLS Weather and ABC News; xf WAMG
890 CMBC R Progreso, Chambas; “Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacional. La F 0130 22/9 PC
Onda de la Alegría”
891 R Thailand, Saraburi; IS, male ann Thai; very nice signal F/G 2155 14/9 MvA
891 Sor Wor Thor (Radio Thailand), Saraburi; top of the hour ID F 2200 20/9 JF
and jingle.
900 CNR2 Jingji zhi Sheng, Golmud, China; W 2200 20/9 JF
goAii8fg ; thank you to Mauno Ritola and Ivan Abilev for
pointing me to the Jinxi zhi Sheng part of the ID, which I had
initially overlooked
900 WURD Philadelphia PA; “This is Wurd Radio 900 AM and 96.1 FM W/F 0600 9/9 mah
WURD Philadelphia … streaming online at and
the WurdRadio App”
900 XEW W Radio, México DF; YL/OM ID, anns “W Radio … Colonia F/Gpks 0600 10/9 mah
Espartaco …”, Mexican National Anthem; 0604 more SS IDs
910 WFDF Farmington Hills MI; “News Talk Superstation”, ABC News vW/P 0558 12/9 mah
splash heard at 0600; this was the only audio copied on my toth
recording due to strong QRM from 909 kHz; AB confirms that
this slogan ID makes the log “totally reliable”; personal first
918 Akashvani, Suratgarh, India; non-stop Indian songs F 1700 16/9 ss
920 WDMC Melbourne FL; ID “ETWN Radio”, rel px, talk F 0130 5/9 WFB
920 WHJJ Providence RI; “Rhode Island’s news, traffic and weather W 0500 16/9 PC
station. News Radio 9-20 and 104.7, WHJJ, Providence”
920 ZP1 RN del Paraguay, Asunción; “Los Medios de Comunicación del F 0400 27/8 PC
Estadio Paraguay… de la ciudad de Santa Maria de la
Asunción, la madre de ciudades”
920 ZP1 R Nacional del Paraguay, Asunción; cervical cancer PSA “… F 0350 30/8 AB
ingresar a infórmate … es un mensaje del
ministerio de salud pública, Radio Nacional del Paraguay y las
redes de comunicación del Estado Paraguayo”
930 WFXJ Jacksonville FL; Spanish programmes but English adverts! Fpks 0644 27/9 TDB/c
930 WBEN Buffalo NY; “WBEN Buffalo, WKSE HD3 Niagara Falls” F/G 0200 16/9 PC
930 WBEN Buffalo NY; no sign of CJYQ; local ads for kitchens, G 0704 23/9 SW/c
bathrooms, and cemetery, ID

Medium Wave News 69/05 50 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
930 OAX4E R Visión/R Moderna, Lima (presumed); SS male rlg glorias y W 0415 26/8 MvA
hallelujahs; no ID hrd
930 CX20 R Monte Carlo, Montevideo; sung Monte Carlo jingle, then W 0400 2/9 AB
"informativos Monte Carlo 930 AM"
930 CX20 R Monte Carlo, Montevideo; “” etc Gpks 0403 9/9 mah
936 IRIB R Urmia, Fesanduz, Iran; Farsi; //1197, 1206 kHz F 2159 14/9 MvA
940 WINZ Miami FL; “Fox Sports 9-40, home of your Miami Dolphins. W/F 0500 27/8 PC
WINZ AM Miami, WZTU HD2 Miami Beach”
940 XEQ La Q, México DF; Mexican mx, SS ID “La Q-Q-Q 9-40 pura Gpks 0559 10/9 mah
música”; xd WINZ
940 ZYJ453 Boa Vontade, Rio de Janeiro; ID and good audio; also huge G 2240 9/9 SW/c
signal at 2323 on 19/9; // 1350 kHz
950 WORL Orlando FL; “… on AM 9-50 and FM 94.9 The Answer”, ads, F 0558 10/9 mah
“WORL Orlando” at toth
950 WNTD Chicago IL; “WNTD Chicago WKBM Sandwich and W256DU Fpk 0600 11/9 mah
Cloverdale. Relevant Radio. 9-50 and 9-30 AM, and 99.1 FM”
950 WWJ Detroit MI; “Now traffic and weather together on the 8’s, on Gpks 0458 9/9 mah
News Radio 9-50 WWJ”
950 WWJ Detroit MI; “WWJ Newsradio” traffic, weather and Michigan G 0649 23/9 SW/c
Dept of Health PSA
950 CMBD R Reloj, multiple sites; clearly audible under WWJ W 0649 23/9 SW/c
950 LR3 CNN Radio, Buenos Aires; many IDs between adverts G 2316 26/8 SW/c
950 LR3 CNN R, Buenos Aires; “…” W 0500 28/8 PC
950 ZYL212 R Atalaia, Belo Horizonte; “9-50 AM Rádio Atalaia, Belo W 0200 16/9 PC
960 ZYH802 R Deus e Amor, Aparecide de Goiânia; TS 2 minutes late, PP W/F 0502 23/8 mah
list of network stations by OM “Rádio Deus é Amor ZY …” etc
963 RTT Tunis, Tunisia; FF “RTTI les nouvelles”, TS, nx G 1900 6/9 ss
970 WGTK Louisville KY; “WGTK” heard in brief gap after Mexican NA W 0600 12/9 mah
from presumed XERFR; WZAN had disappeared at this time
970 ZP9 Universo 970, Asunción; “Universo 9-70. Universo 9-70 AM. F 0100 31/8 PC
Todas las caras de la realidad. Estas escuchando Agenda País”
970 ZP9 Universo 970, Asunción (presumed); long form discussion F 2335 4/9 SW/c
about football teams including Paraguay; // webstream)
980 WCUB Two Rivers WI; “… on 9-80 WCUB Two Rivers and 97.1 FM vW 0500 11/9 mah
W246DY …”
981 R Tis Snat, Ouled Fayet, Algeria; Tamazight ID “Radio Tis 443 2000 6/9 EG
981 CNR1 Zhongguo zhi Sheng, multi-tx, China; time pips, time vW 2100 23/9 JF
check, etc. as 1377 kHz
990 CBY Corner Brook NL; “This is CBC Radio One, 9-90 AM in Gpks 0359 10/9 mah
Corner Brook”
990 WTLN Orlando FL; “… for God’s work 50,000 watts AM 9-90 and Fpks 0600 12/9 mah
FM 101.5 The Word WTLN Orlando”; xd CBY
990 WNTP Philadelphia PA; “… Philadelphia … 9-90 WNTP Philadelphia Fpk 0600 9/9 mah
…”; xf CBY
1000 WMVP Chicago IL; “ESPN Chicago” ID F 0100 27/8 PC
1000 XEOY Radio Mil, México DF; Mexican NA, SS ID “… watts de Gpks 0602 12/9 mah
potencia XHMM en 100.1 de FM, 50,000 watts de potencia
XEOY en Radio Mil AM”; xd WMVP which also had Gpks

Medium Wave News 69/05 51 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1008 CNR1 Kunming, China; nice, clean ID "Zhongyang renmin F 2200 20/9 JF
guangbo diantai"; fair peaks;
1008 Akashvani, Kolkata, India; Hindi concert mx, Hindi/EE anns F/Gpks 1700 16/9 ss
1010 WINS New York NY; ID “10-10 WINS” nx, wx, talk W 0400 27/8 WFB
1010 WINS New York NY; ID “WINS 10-10, 92.3 FM ... all news station” 232 0330 2/9 EG
1010 WINS New York NY; "All the news, all the time WINS 10-10" F/G 0359 2/9 MvA
1010 WINS New York NY; nx, ID “10-10 WINS … New York” 232 0200 14/9 SDC
1017 BED53 BCC Country Network, Hsinchu; just making out the regular vW 1900 22/9 JF
top of the hour BCC jingle
1030 WBZ Boston MA; traffic on the 3’s, Accuweather weather forecast; G 0453 28/8 MH/c
“WBZ - Boston’s News Radio”, New England Patriots news
1030 WBZ Boston MA; "Boston News Radio" W 0416 29/8 MvA
1030 WBZ Boston MA; ID “On WBZ Newsradio 10-30” 232 0133 2/9 EG
1030 LS10 R Del Plata; La Plata slogans F 2334 26/8 SW/c
1040 WHO Des Moines IA; “Des Moines news, traffic and severe weather Fpks 0500 12/9 mah
station News Radio 10-40 WHO”
1060 KYW Philadelphia PA; sung ID “KYW News Radio” W 0300 1/9 PC
1060 KYW Philadelphia PA; news item ending "KYW News Radio 103-9 G 0307 9/9 AB
FM" followed by a police news report
1060 KYW Philadelphia PA; “KYW News time 12 midnight”, CBS News F/G 0400 10/9 mah
1060 XECPAE R Educación, México DF; SS TC, “Radio Educación” ID, and Gpks 0505 10/9 mah
brass band music, possibly a local anthem; xf WQOM
1060 WCGB Juana Diaz PR; light mx, SS ID “… cadena radial La Roca F/Gpks 2300 22/9 mah
WBMJ San Juan …”, tlk
1060 WCGB Juana Díaz PR; EE multi station IDs “(?) San Juan 11-90, W/F 0600 26/9 PC
WIVV Vieques 13-70, WCGB Juana Díaz 10-60” (then FM
stations). The Rock Radio Network”
1062 IRIB R Iran, Kerman; Farsi ID “Radiyoe Iran”; // 1026, 936 232 2100 30/8 EG
1070 WMIA Arecibo PR; "Borinquen Radio ?? AM"; later OM "escuchas W 0100 14/9 AB
Borinquen Radio ... en todo Puerto Rico"
1070 WMIA Arecibo PR; “Esta es La Poderosa…” Station list including F 0000 26/9 PC
“WMIA Arecibo”
1070 HJCG R Santa Fe, Bogotá; “85 años de Radio Santa Fe. 85 años de la F/G 0400 31/8 PC
Media Torta”
1071 Akashvani, Rajkot, India; Urdu FS, rpt on Pakistan, Indian song vG 1800 6/9 ss
1080 NMA 2 sites listed, Egypt; fanfare IS; // 819 kHz W/F 1900 2/9 ss
1080 WTIC Hartford CT; OM tlk about Hartford P 0706 25/9 TDB/c
1107 V o Sharia, Kabul, Afghanistan; Dari OM + chants, 1756 and G 1755 14/9 ss
1804 “…Sharia FM”
1116 RTD Afarasi R, Djibouti; VV 4xID + instrumental mx in 2 W 1900 6/9 ss
minutes of Hungary dead air
1130 WBBR New York NY; “From the financial capital of the world, W/F 0300 27/8 WFB
WBBR” ad for WBBR app
1130 WBBR New York NY; talk, ID “Bloomberg 11-3-0” 232 0414 8/9 SDC
1130 HJVA Fuego AM; Bogotá; ballads, “Fuego AM, la radio para adorar” Fpks 0338 21/9 PC
1134 R Kuwait, Kabd; fanfare & AA talk 232 2100 22/9 EG
1140 CBI Sydney NS; ID “CBC News” OM talks vW 0400 26/8 WFB
1140 CBI Sydney NS; unusually with ID “This is CBC Radio 1 90.1 in vG 2259 6/9 SW/c
Bay St Lawrence”

Medium Wave News 69/05 52 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1140 HJDL R Paisa, Medellín; lively music “Radio Paisa 11-40 AM” ID W/F 0545 26/9 PC
1143 BEL3 Taiwan Chü Yuyeh Kuangpo Tientai, Baisha; EE news, Radio F/G 2130 14/9 MvA
Taiwan Int ID
1150 CKOC Hamilton ON; “CKOC AM Hamilton is BNN Bloomberg Gpks 0500 11/9 mah
Radio an iHeart Radio station available at 11-50 AM and on the
iHeart Radio app”; xf WHBY
1150 WHBY Kimberly WI; “WHBY Kimberly, Appleton, Green Bay” W/F 0400 1/9 PC
1160 WYLL Chicago IL; “AM 11-60, Hope for Your Life. WYLL Chicago” W/F 0400 25/8 PC
1160 WCXI Fenton MI; ID insert over preacher at toth “This WCXI 11-60 F/G 0400 9/9 mah
AM Fenton”, Overcomer Ministry
1160 Caribbean Radio Lighthouse, St John’s, Antigua; talk from W 0600 26/9 PC
Power Walk Ministries, “This is the Radio Lighthouse. The
time in our studios is 2 o’clock”
1161 NMA Mid-Delta Radio, Tanta, Egypt; signing on with test tone; 332 0258 5/9 EG
0300 bells & AA ID
1170 TWR Africa, Mpangela Ranch, Eswatani; OM in heavily Exc 0328 5/7 SB
accented English giving the phone number 263 777 682 163
which is the number for TWR Zimbabwe; after a review of the
clip by AB this log has been upgraded from presumed to
definite. Andrew writes: “To my opinion the clip contains
continuity talk after the conclusion of the Shona language
programme "Shoko Roupenyu" - "The Word of Life" - which is
the Shona language version of the widespread religious
programme "Through the Bible". This programme is
transmitted on TWR 1170, Mon-Fri for thirty minutes from
0500 - 0530 Central African Time, which matches the 0328
recording time. I think that the telephone number (repeated) is
preceded by "SMS kana WhatsApp"”
1170 Sowt al-Jumhuriya, Al-Dhabbaya, UAE; male singer 1755 24/9 TDB/c
1170 WKFL Bushnell FL; jazz, ID “You're listening to Boss Hogg Radio, Wpk 0600 10/9 mah
11-70 AM WKFL Bushnell, your hometown radio station”;
under strong WWVA; tnx AB for filling in gaps; personal first
1170 WWVA Wheeling WV; half hour ID, covid, crashed flying saucer etc Ex pks 0633 25/9 TDB/c
1170 HJNW Caracol Radio, Cartagena; light songs and SS ID “Ultima hora G 0601 15/9 mah
Caracol Radio”, “Una (de) la mañana un minuto …”; by 0630
WWVA had taken over with good signals; by 0700 Smooth
Radio Hampshire was weak on the channel (G at 0500)
1170 HJNW Caracol Radio, Cartagena; rhumba mx (shazam didn't recognise Ex pks 0601 25/9 TDB/c
it), ID
1170 HJNW Caracol R, Cartagena; “En Caracol Radio son las 12 de la W/F 0544 26/9 PC
mañana y 44 minutos”
1180 CMBA Radio Rebelde, multiple sites; Latin pop mx, at least 3 different 432 0415 31/8 MP/c
tx, all out of sync, perhaps to stymie R Marti? Hard to catch IDs -
through murk; matched to stream 0430
1180 CMBA R Rebelde, multiple sites; SS ID “Rebelde La Habana” 242 0430 12/9 SDC
1180 OCU4K NSE R, Lima; SS rlg F/G 0415 26/8 MvA
1188 Radio Payam, Tehran, Iran; OM anns in Farsi, several “Radio 44 (3)4 1910 30/8 MP/c
Payam” or “Payam” IDs, tlk mixed w Mideast pop mx; strong -
signal, w increasing static after 1930 1945
1188 IRIB R Payam, Tehran, Iran; slowly overtaking Hungary, mx 1748 24/9 TDB/c

Medium Wave News 69/05 53 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne IN; ads, toth ID “WOWO, WFWI, WMEE-HD2 W 0200 9/9 JF
Fort Wayne 92-3 FM, 1190 AM The Legendary Wowo”, Fox
News jingle
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne IN; promo, “… sign up now at”, local Gpks 0358 9/9 mah
ads; at 0406 “WO-WO 92-3 FM and 11-90 AM, the station you
can depend on”
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne IN; ID “WOWO Fort Wayne … The Legendary Fpks 0500 12/9 WFB
1190 WOWO Fort Wayne IN; “…92-3 FM and 11-90 AM, The Legendary F 0600 12/9 PC
WoWo Fort Wayne”
1190 WLIB New York NY; “Entertainment, music and inspired. 11-90 F 0600 9/9 mah
WLIB 11-90, WLIB New York New York”
1190 WBMJ San Juan PR; English language OM discussion religion and Fpks 2350 24/9 SW/c
faith; // WBMJ webstream
1190 LRA15 RN San Miguel de Tucamán; “Radio Nacional Argentina …” Fpks 0602 30/8 mah
and “Diario de Radio Nacional”
1190 LR9 Radio Perfil, Llavallol; ID, reference to noticias and an ad break F 2344 25/8 SW/c
1190 HCDE2 UCSG R, Guayaquil; SS ID W/F 0459 18/9 MvA
1197 IRIB Radio Ardabil, Moghan, Iran; // 1512 kHz; OM tlk in 3(2)33 1945 30/8 MP/c
presumed Farsi (also broadcasts in Azeri), interspersed w -
Iranian classical mx, ID at top of hour drowned by static, but 2010
several mentions of Ardabil
1197 IRIB R Ardabil, Moghan, Iran; Farsi; // 1296 kHz F 2159 14/9 MvA
1197 IRIB Radio Ardabil, Moghan, Iran; clear teletlk alone on band W 1744 24/9 TDB/c
1200 CFGO Ottawa ON; ID "You are listening to TSN 1200" W/F 0230 1/9 MvA
1200 WXKS Newton MA; ID “Talk 1200”, Fox News 333 0400 28/8 FB
1200 WXKS Newton MA, "This is Boston's home for conservative talk, F/G 0400 1/9 WFB
WXKS AM Boston”, Fox News, wx
1200 WXKS Newton MA; nx, ID “Fox News” 232 0412 8/9 SDC
1200 WXKS Newton MA; “WBZ Newsradio” ID W/F 0430 15/9 MvA
1200 WOAI San Antonio TX; ads, "Newsradio 1200 WOAI" W/F 0415 29/8 MvA
1200 HJIJ La Voz de la Raza, Medellín (presumed); SS, no ID hrd; offset W 0423 1/9 MvA
suggests LV de la Raza
1200 OAU2A La Voz del Cumbe, Cajamarca; possible weak “Cumbe” F 0257 19/9 AB
before time check for 9:53; at 0257 echoing Cumbe ID, mention
of “La Voz del Cumbe … nuestra música” and TC for 9:57
1200 YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas; mx, SS promo ID “... a 12 AM el programa F 0005 24/8 mah
La <(programme name> por Radio Tiempo 1200 AM …”
1200 YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas; full ID and location sounded like top of Exc 0006 25/9 SW/c
hour announcement 6 minutes late
1200 YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas; “Desde Caracas, capital de la República F 0608 26/9 PC
Bolivariana de Venezuela, transmite Radio Tiempo 1200 en
Amplitud Modulada. Radio Tiempo, todo el tiempo en el
corazón de sus oyentes”
1206 IRIB R Kharavan, Nehbandan, Iran; Farsi; // 1197 kHz F 2159 14/9 MvA
1206 SBA R Jeddah, Al-Aflaj, Saudi Arabia; AA instrumental mx, W 1859 7/9 ss
YL ID; // 1215 kHz (fair)
1206 Akashvani, Bhawanipatna, India; Hindi nx; // 846 kHz G 1730 17/9 ss
1210 WPHT Philadelphia PA; CBS News W/F 0400 24/8 MvA
1210 WPHT Philadelphia PA; ID “Talkradio 12-10 WPHT”, ad Fpks 0330 1/9 WFB

Medium Wave News 69/05 54 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1210 WPHT Philadelphia PA; talk, ID “WPHT” 222 0417 14/9 SDC
1210 WHOY Salinas PR; “WHOY Salinas. Radio Hoy”; personal first W/F 0201 5/9 PC
1210 HCJM6 R SIRA, Ambato (presumed); music; (1209.77) W 0415 26/8 MvA
1210 OBX3X R Dios es Amor, Huánuco; SS invitaciones; (1210.07) W/F 0503 20/8 MvA
1215 SBA Radio Jeddah, Hafar al-Batin, Saudi Arabia; music & W 2250 25/9 MH/c
songs; // web
1220 CFAJ Saint Catharines ON; “… CFAJ Saint Catharines Niagara …” W 0400 10/9 mah
heard in gaps in WHKW speech; WHKW G at this time
1220 HJKR R María Colombia, Bogotá (presumed); SS prayers; no ID hrd W 0423 1/9 MvA
1220 HJKR Radio María Colombia, Bogotá; rosary in Latin; ID as “Radio 322 0512- 19/9 MP/c
María”; heavy QRM from 1215 &1224 0540
1220 HJKR R Maria Colombia, Bogotá; reflective music, “Radio Maria F 0331 22/9 PC
Colombia, continuamos aqui …”
1230 WBET Sturgis MI; “… Fox Sports App. We are ??? Sports Leader. W/F 0600 12/9 mah
Fox Sports Radio 12-30 WBET Sturgis”
1230 WCMC Wildwood NJ; Phillies Radio Network – MLB Phillies at F 0310 16/9 MH/c
Cardinals. Realmuto single scores Sosa, Phillies now 5-3 up in
the top of the 6th.
1230 WNIK Arecibo PR; “Única Radio, 12-30 AM”, Puerto Rican women’s W/F 0200 5/9 PC
basketball commentary
1230 WNIK Arecibo PR; very weak "Única Radio 12-30 AM" and "WNIK vW 0105 14/9 AB
12-30 AM Única Radio" - tropical music
1230 LT2 R Dos, Rosario; SS, 5 short pips, 1 long pip W 0400 1/9 MvA
1230 HJLK R Calidad, Cali; SS ID W 0402 22/8 MvA
1230 HJLK Radio Calidad, Cali; RCN ID heard under WCMC W 0300 4/9 JF
1240 CKIM Baie Verte NL; VOCM programming W 0300 23/8 PC
1240 WFOY Saint Augustine FL; barely audible “AM 12-40, WFOY Saint vW 0200 9/9 AB
Augustine, Florida” then CBS News sounder
1240 WMMB Melbourne FL; “92-7 FM WMMB Melbourne” W/F 0200 15/9 PC
1240 WBBW Youngstown OH; “We are Sports Radio 12-40 WBBW W 0400 10/9 mah
Youngstown, a Cumulus Media station”; personal first
1240 WBBW Youngstown OH; “Sports Radio 12-40 WBBW Youngstown”; W 0400 12/9 PC
personal first
1242 R Sultanate of Oman, As-Seeb; AA fanfare, ID, nx; // 1278 kHz G 1900 29/8 ss
1242 R Sultanate of Oman, As Seeb; AA ID “Idha’atu Sultanate 343 2100 22/9 EG
Oman” & AA news with sounder
1242 R Sultanate of Oman, As Seeb; weak, completely in the clear W 1732 24/9 TDB/c
1250 CJYE Oakville ON; rlg W 0417 29/8 MvA
1250 WJMK Bridgeport MI; “The tri-cities home for timeless and Gpks 0501 11/9 mah
memorable music. MeTV Music WJMK Bridgeport 12-50 AM
and 99.3 FM”; personal first
1250 WPGP Pittsburgh PA; “FM 92.5 The Answer. WPGP Pittsburgh” W/F 0500 27/8 PC
1250 KDEI Port Arthur TX; list of network stations heard, difficult in the W 0505 11/9 mah
mix “… Radio María … 359 87 … radio … 80 AM KJMJ …
15-60 AM KNIR New Iberia … Talk radio … Natchitoches
and 9?.1 FM … in Ohio …”; I was struggling to get the calls on
this one until I received PC’s log below – then all was clear!
Tnx Paul – the credit for this UK first goes to you; personal

Medium Wave News 69/05 55 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1250 KDEI Port Arthur TX; “… Radio Maria streaming live from our W/F 0500 12/9 PC
website at, thru your smartphone on Radio Maria
Player and on your home phone at 6313598743. On radio in
Lousiana 5-80 AM KJMJ Alexandria, 15-60 AM KNIR New
Iberia, 89.7 FM KBIO Natchitoches (pronounced ‘Naktish’)
and 91.1 FM KOJO Lake Charles. In Texas on 12-50 AM
KDEI Port Arthur and in Ohio on 88.7 FM WHJM Anna …”;
personal first
1250 WSSP Milwaukee WI; “WSSP Milwaukee. 12-50 AM on your radio. F 0400 1/9 PC
12-50 AM The Fan …”
1250 WSSP Milwaukee WI; “WSSP AM Milwaukee 12-50 AM on your W/F 0600 9/9 mah
radio. 12-50 AM The Fan on Twitter and always live on the free
Audacy App. 12-50 AM The Fan”
1250 HJCA Capital Radio, Mosquem; with Latin pops; ID at 0435: “Capital 333 0433- 31/8 MP/c
Radio” 0435
1250 HJCA Capital R, Bogotá; jingle “Capital Radio. Radio Capital” W 0500 6/9 PC
1250 HJCA Capital R, Bogotá; SS TC, ID, music W/F 0453 18/9 MvA
1251 RRI Pro-4, Banda Aceh, Indonesia; personal first! vW 2159 12/9 JF Interval Signal behind Radio
Renasnenca's two transmitters; chants heard afterwards for
almost half an hour; full details in video description
1251 RRI Banda Aceh, Indonesia; IS, instrumental mx and ann; F 2200 14/9 MvA
Qo'ran songs; also hrd 18/9, but much weaker; personal first
1251 RRI Pro-4 Banda Aceh, Indonesia; a cappella singing; // web vvP 2212 25/9 TDB/c
stream and Karelia SDR poking through Portugal and UNID
1260 WSUA Miami FL; in SS IDs “Radio República” & “America Radio” 433 0503- 31/8 MP/c
followed by conservative political talk 0530
1260 WNDE Indianapolis IN; “We are Fox Sports 12-60, Indy's Sports Fpks 0600 12/9 mah
Station … 12-60 AM and ninety-?-point-seven FM. We are Fox
Sports …”; difficult in the mix with WBIX and Relevant Radio
– tnx AB for help
1260 WBIX Boston MA; PP ad for "New America Cash for Cars" then F 0502 12/9 AB
Nossa Rádio USA sung jingle, EE ID “You are listening to
WBIX 12-60 AM Boston, WINE 9-40 AM Brookfield, WFLL
1400 AM and 107.1FM W296DK Fort Lauderdale. Nossa
Rádio USA"
1270 CJCB Sydney NS; px mx, ID “CJCB” 322 0422 13/9 SDC
1270 WIWA Eatonville FL; “WIWA 12- AM Eatonville. The Shepherd” W 0400 15/9 PC
1270 WXYT Detroit MI; “The Bet 12-70 is WXYT, WXYT HD and WXYT F 0500 1/9 PC
1270 WTSN Dover NH; “The Twin State home for news information and W/F 0300 16/9 PC
discussion. This is the Pulse of New Hampshire”
1270 LS11 R Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata; talk, mx, ID “Radio 232 0002 20/8 SDC
1270 HJAR La Cariñosa, Cartagena; px mx, ID “La Cariñosa Cartagena” 222 0355 27/8 SDC
1280 CFMB Montréal QC; FF “… Radio Montréal”, slow instrumental mx F 0300 26/8 WFB
1280 CFMB Montréal QC; FF, music F 0431 29/8 MvA
1280 CFMB Montréal QC; px mx, ID “CFMB 1280 Radio Montréal” 332 0416 8/9 SDC
1280 WWTC Minneapolis MN; “AM 12-80 <static> is WWTC Minneapolis W/F 0600 9/9 mah
Saint Paul FM 107.5 K298CO Minneapolis. Intelligent Radio”

Medium Wave News 69/05 56 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1280 WWTC Minneapolis MN; "AM 12-80 The Patriot is WWTC W 0300 12/9 AB
Minneapolis-Saint Paul, FM 107.5 K298CO Minneapolis.
Intelligent Radio", then SRN news
1280 WWTC Minneapolis MN; “AM 12-80 The Patriot is WWTC W/F 0600 12/9 PC
Minneapolis, Saint Paul. FM 107.5, K298CO Minneapolis.
Intelligent Radio”
1280 WHTK Rochester NY; “From the Bud Lite studio this is Fox Sports 12- W 0500 27/8 PC
80, WHTK Rochester”
1280 OAU1R Bethel R, Chiclayo; a promo for programme "A solas con F 0257 19/9 AB
Dios" ... "sintonízanos de lunes a viernes a los 8 de la mañana,
solo por Bethel nos une"; it was parallel with 1570 kHz but
slightly time delayed
1290 WIRL Peoria IL; “It’s serious talk, Freedom 95-9 and AM 12-90”, Gpk 0506 11/9 mah
1290 WHKY Hickory NC; “This is WHKY Hickory. 12-90 AM, 102.3 FM. W/F 0400 29/8 PC
Talk Radio for the Greater Hickory Metro”
1290 WHKY Hickory NC; promo for Nascar program, “… Nascar news and W/F 0458 10/9 mah
more at and click on Nascar”
1290 WHIO Dayton OH; “This is Coast to Coast AM, live all night on F 0606 9/9 mah
1290 KIVY Crockett TX; “You’re listening to KIVY, 12-90 AM, 102.9 FM W/F 0500 29/8 PC
and 105.5 FM Crockett, Texas”
1290 ZYH888 R Timbira, São Luís; px mx, PP talk 232 0406 20/8 SDC
1300 KGLO Mason City IA; “KGLO” IDs; heard under a strong WOOD W 0600 12/9 mah
1310 WDTW Dearborn MI; Mexican mx, ID “WDTW … Dearborn … W/F 0501 9/9 mah
W300DI Dearborn … La Zeta”
1320 CJMR Oakville ON; Indian px 0422 26/9 TDB/c
1320 WLQY Hollywood FL; “This is WLQY Hollywood, Miami” ID W/F 0302 26/9 PC
1320 WILS Lansing MI; “More Compelling Talk Radio from the capital Gpk 0600 12/9 mah
city. All day, all night, this is WILS Lansing. It’s 2 o’clock”
1330 WRCA Watertown MA; Bloomberg anns F 0425 28/8 MvA
1330 WRCA Watertown MA; // 1130 kHz WBBR W 0330 1/9 WFB
1330 WRCA Watertown MA; talk, ID “WRCA Watertown” 322 0413 8/9 SDC
1330 WRCA Watertown MA; ID “WRCA … Bloomberg Radio 106.1” 333 0500 8/9 FB
1330 WFNN Erie PA; “WFNN ... an iHeart Radio Station ... The Fan” IDs vW 0059 28/8 JF
heard mixing with WRCA; piano sports sounder
1330 WFNN Erie PA; “WFNN Erie, WEGB Mina, an iHeart Radio station”, F 0500 12/9 mah
Fox Sports Radio
1330 WHBL Sheboygan WI; “… Sheboygan. News, talk, sport 13-30, 101-5 W 0400 9/9 mah
1330 ZP13 R Chaco Boreal, Asunción; OM “Chaco Boreal 1330 AM” F 0046 31/8 AB
1340 WNCO Ashland MI; “Fox Sports 13-40 WNCO Ashland-Mansfield” W 0500 1/9 PC
1340 WWPA Williamsport PA; “The Twin Valley’s Talk Radio Network W 0500 10/9 mah
WWPA Williamsport W269 …”
1340 HJ-- RCN R, several locations; “RCN Radio, W 0400 15/9 PC
RCN Radio desde 75 años”
1341 NMA R Quran, 2 tx locations, Egypt; AA ID “Idha’at Quran al- 333 0259 5/9 EG
Karim min al-Kahira”; // 864 kHz
1350 Gavar, Armenia; Arabic 1815 19/9 TDB/c

Medium Wave News 69/05 57 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1350 Jiangxi RGD Zonghe Xinwen Guangbo, 3 higher powered sites W 2200 14/9 JF
listed, China; Jianxi ID heard before the hour; no time pips;
brief fade-in;
1350 WWWL New Orleans LA; “From the (?) studio it’s The Bet 96.9 FM W 0400 31/8 PC
and 13-50 AM … WWWL, New Orleans”
1350 WARF Akron OH; “WARF Akron, Cleveland. Fox Sports 13-50, The W/F 0600 12/9 PC
1350 WOYK York PA; “You’re on York’s home for the Phillies. Sports F/G 0500 29/8 PC
Radio 98-9 FM and 13-50 WOYK, York”
1350 WEGA Vega Baja PR; SS ID “… Puerto Rico, Candelita 7”, slow mx W/F 0405 24/8 WFB
1350 WEGA Vega Baja PR; SS ID W 0416 26/8 MvA
1350 LS6 Radio Buenos Aires; often good on 1350 kHz with ID G 2327 3/8 SW/c
1350 LS6 R Buenos Aires; SS several IDs, freq, nx W 0500 7/9 ss
1350 ZYH521 Super R Boa Vontade, Salvador; rel talk, PP ID 222 0239 20/8 SDC
1359 Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Mekelle, Ethiopia (presumed); VV; 2-3 1957 23/8 RS
typical Ethiopian mx, s/off 2002 UTC
1359 Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Mekelle, Ethiopia; song over toth,1802 G 1800 2/9 ss
ID, nx
1359 Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Mekelle, Ethiopia; sign on with 242 0257 4/9 FB
instrumental mx
1359 CNR1 var sites, China; TS at toth, CC anns; // 1377 kHz (weak) W 2000 10/9 ss
1360 WDRC Hartford CT; talks, multi-call ID mentioning 1360, 1470 and W/F 0430 7/9 MvA
610 kHz
1360 WDRC Hartford CT; ID “”, tlk Fpks 0424 15/9 WFB
1360 WKMI Kalamazoo MI; generic adverts then promo for “WKMI F 0618 24/9 SW/c
smartphone app”; personal first
1360 WTAQ Green Bay WI; “News, talk, sports. WTAQ Green Bay, WTAQ W 0400 25/8 PC
FM Glenmore”
1360 OAX7R R Sicuani, Sicuani (presumed); Quechua W 0427 26/8 MvA
1360 OAX7R R Sicuani, Sicuani; talk in presumed Quechua, “Radio Sicuani” W/F 0207 14/9 PC
1360 OBM2A R Capulí, Julcán; various liners “89.3 la número uno”; W 0254 19/9 AB
“Capulí, la número uno en sintonía”; programme of traditional
Ecuadorian music called “Acuarelas Ecuatorianas” (tnx to
Mauricio Molano for confirming the word “acuarelas”);
closedown announcement at 0257 just audible and off at 0300;
tnx to Fredrik Dourén for suggesting Capulí
1360 OCU2Z R Las Palmas, Querocotillo; jaunty classical style music then W 0301 19/9 AB
mention of “Radio Las Palmas” during OM talk; audio muffled
1377 Gavar, Armenia; Farsi 1809 19/9 TDB/c
1377 R Free Africa, Mwanza, Tanzania; Swahili Afro pop over toth, G 2200 30/8 ss
ad Mwanza shop
1377 Radio Free Africa, Mwanza, Tanzania, African mx, ID by jingle 232 0120 24/9 FB
1380 WWMI Saint Petersburg FL; “Relevant Radio. WWMI Saint W 0300 23/8 PC
Petersburg, Tampa”
1380 WPYR Baton Rouge LA; “Catholic News Radio is 13-80 AM WPYR W 0400 27/8 PC
1380 WPYR Baton Rouge LA; good to catch this rarity again, not a bad W 0500 28/8 JF
signal either! Crystal clear ID

Medium Wave News 69/05 58 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1380 WPYR Baton Rouge LA; "Heal? your heart. Catholic Community F 0400 11/9 AB
Radio is 13-80 WPYR, 105.9 WPYR-LP, K286CS 105.1 Baton
1380 WPHM Port Huron MI; “This is news, talk and sport 13-80” then sung F 0300 12/9 PC
“WPHM Port Huron”
1380 WKDM New York NY; “WKDM New York” ID, Chinese programming W 0200 16/9 PC
1380 ZYI773 R Continental, Recife; lengthy Deus é Amor ID before A Voz F 2158 30/8 AB
do Brasil, beginning “Atenção Operadores ...” – no mention of
1380 OAX2W R Campesina, Cajamarca; SS mx W 0415 26/8 MvA
1380 OAX2W R Campesina, Cajamarca; music – YL IDs “Campesina a tu G 0257 19/9 AB
servicio” and “… descarga la
aplicativa de Play Store y síguenos las 24 horas del día…”
1390 WEGP Presque Isle ME ; ID, “Relevant Radio” 333 0500 7/9 FB
1390 WEGP Presque Isle ME; ID “”, tlk Fpks 0400 10/9 WFB
1390 WEGP Presque Isle ME; talk, ID “Relevant Radio” 332 0421 13/9 SDC
1390 WLCM Holt MI; "... on Victory 13-90 WLCM ... the following W 0500 12/9 AB
programme was pre-recorded"
1390 WISA Isabela PR; multiple station ID including “WISA 12-90 AM en W/F 0200 26/9 PC
1395 Public R of Armenia, Gavar; VV, not Farsi, “… Yerevan …” F 1700 12/9 ss
1400 CBG Gander NL; CBC News W/F 0500 7/9 MvA
1400 WOND Pleasantville NJ; “You’re hearing news talk 14-hundred and W/F 0500 27/8 PC
92.3 WOND broadcasting live from the Hard Rock Hotel and
Casino studio”
1400 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carriacou, Grenada; rlg W 0337 23/8 MvA
1400 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carriacou, Grenada; ID, 333 0200 10/9 FB
religious px
1400 Harbour Light, Carriacou, Grenada; "You are tuned to the G 0100 14/9 AB
Harbour Light of the Windwards in Carriacou, Grenada. AM
1400 and FM 92.3 and 94.5. The time is 8.59. Now stay tuned
for ‘Expositions in Scripture’ with Pastor Simeon Western"
1400 OAU2H R Agricultura, Cajamarca; SS ID "Radio Agricultura 1400"; F 0400 20/8 MvA
1400 CX140 R Zorrilla de San Martín, Tacuarembó; Westminster Chimes W 0429 2/9 AB
and ID “CX140 Radio y Televisión Zorrilla de San Martín,
Tacuarembó, Uruguay"
1404 Hubei GD Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo, Jingzhou, China; usual W 2100 20/9 JF
top of the hour ID routine but with echoes. There are three
transmitters listed for Hubei here and I'm sure I can hear all
Again on 22/9 but with a different top of the hour routine. Woman announces FM and
AM frequencies at 36 seconds. ID heard at 40 seconds “Hubei
Guangbo Dientai”. Romania is dominant at the beginning but
kindly fades for me for this ID. Thank you! :O)
1410 WMYR Fort Myers FL; “WMYR Fort Myers and W294AN Fort Myers W/F 0600 16/9 PC
Beach. Relevant Radio 14-10 AM and 106.7 FM”
1420 WBSM New Bedford MA; WBSM and W258DR New Bedford. New F 0200 31/8 PC
Bedford’s new, talk station”

Medium Wave News 69/05 59 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1420 WACK Newark NY; “14-20 WACK Newark” F 0500 27/8 PC
1420 WACK Newark NY; mention of Hometown something, “WACK W 0300 28/8 JF
Newark 14-20 and 96.9”; tricky in splatter
1420 WACK Newark NY; "Celebrating 65 years of broadcast excellence, F 0500 9/9 AB
Hometown Radio WACK Newark, 14-20 AM and 96.9 FM"
1430 CHKT Toronto ON; CC program W/F 0430 8/9 MvA
1430 CHKT Toronto ON; ID "14-30 CHKT Fairchild Radio Toronto" 232 0500 21/9 FB
1430 WLKF Lakeland FL; “The Dave Ramsay Show weeknights on Talk W/F 0400 4/9 PC
Radio 96.7 WLKF Lakeland, WWRZ HD4 Fort Meade”
1430 WENE Endicott NY; ID, “Fox Sports”, YL talks “… Minnesota meets vW 0400 1/9 WFB
Nebraska ...”
1430 WENE Endicott NY; talk, sport, ID “Fox Sports Radio" 232 0430 8/9 SDC
1430 WENE Endicott NY; ID “Fox Sports 14-30 WENE” 222 0459 8/9 FB
1430 ZYJ200 Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba (presumed); Portuguese church F 2313 29/8 SW/c
congregation praying “live”; // Evangelizar AM 1060 w/stream
1430 OCU2U R Visión, Jaén; SS rlg, similar to 930 kHz W 0423 26/8 MvA
1430 OCU2U R Visión, Jaén; OM reference to “Iglesia Pentecostal 'la Fpks 0255 19/9 AB
cosecha', la voz del siervo de Dios, el pastor Francisco Córdova
Rodríguez”, then organ music
1431 VOA Djibouti; FF ID “VOA Afrique les infos” 343 2000 9/9 EG
1431 Voice of America, Djibouti; EE ID W 2200 14/9 MvA
1440 WMAX Bay City MI; “14-40 WMAX Saginaw Bay City ID, celebrating W 0400 25/8 JF
25 years of (static crash) broadcasting”
1440 WMAX Bay City MI; "14-40 WMAX Saginaw, Bay City an Ave Maria W 0400 9/9 AB
Radio Station, celebrating 25 years of Catholic broadcasting"
1440 WMAX Bay City MI; YL presenter listing affiliates and talking about 0435 26/9 TDB/c
station in Idaho, “we love all our WTN affiliates”; // www
1440 YNRM R Maranatha, Managua; programme of ballads “Cánticos G 0552 26/9 PC
Inolvidables” Mention of “103.5 FM”, “Gracias por sintonizar
la emisora con vida, Radio Maranatha”
1450 YVKJ R María Venezuela, Catia La Mar; rel talk, SS ID “Radio 232 0429 11/9 SDC
1460 WOPG Albany NY; “You’re listening to WOPG 14-60 AM and WOPG F 0500 27/8 PC
FM, 89.9”
1467 IRIB Radio Qom, Iran; HF of nominal causing het 1734 19/9 TDB/c
1470 WJDY Salisbury MD; “WJDY Salisbury … News Radio 14-70 an W 0000 1/9 PC
iHeart Radio station”
1470 WNYY Ithaca NY; “WNYY Ithaca. Pure Oldies 94-1 and AM 14-70” W 0400 31/8 PC
1470 WPDM Potsdam NY; part of legal ID: "Wild Country.FM is WICY W 0503 12/9 AB
Malone, Cornwall; WPDM Potsdam; 102-7, 103-5 and 100.1";
oddly Cornwall is just over the border into Ontario from the US
City of Licence, Akwesasne
1470 OAU4B R MegaMix, Lima; SS ID F 0415 26/8 MvA
1470 OAU4B R MegaMix, Lima; px mx, SS ID “Radio MegaMix” 333 0407 27/8 SDC
1470 OAU4B Radio MegaMix, Lima; Spanish songs, ID 232 0500 6/9 FB
1476 TWR Parakou, Benin; VV sermon by excited OM; TWR IS hrd F 1800 2/9 ss
0400 on 4/9
1476 Radio Keralam, Ra al-Khaimah, UAE; Hindi news many refs to Exc 1805 12/9 SW/c
UAE then ID in English “Radio Keralam 1-4-7-6AM”
1476 Radio Keralam, Ras al-Khaimah, UAE; //www 1733 19/9 TDB/c

Medium Wave News 69/05 60 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1490 WMBM Miami Beach FL; “You’re listening to south Florida’s best W 0230 27/8 PC
gospel station, AM 14-90 WMBM”
1490 HC0171 R Santa María, Azogues; SS male and female W/F 0426 22/8 MvA
1490 HC0171 R Santa María, Azogues; mx, rel px, SS ID “Radio Santa 332 0420 1/9 SDC
1490 HC0171 R Santa María, Azogues; music, talk "… desde el Santuario W 0248 19/9 AB
Franciscano de nuestra Señora de la Nube"
1490 YVXD R Dinámica, Caracas; talk, SS ID “Dinámica” 322 0432 11/9 SDC
1500 WFIF Milford CT; local weather. “15-hundred AM WFIF Milford, W 0000 1/9 PC
east Vermont, (another location)”
1500 WFED Washington DC; ID "Federal News Network" F 0200 9/9 WFB
1500 WFED Washington DC; nx, ID “WFED” 332 0421 14/9 SDC
1500 OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima; rel talk , SS ID “Radio Santa Rosa” 322 0406 27/8 SDC
1500 OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima; SS; (1510.15) F 0456 7/9 MvA
1500 OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima; “Radio Santa Rosa, una (enseñanza?) para F 0546 26/9 PC
la vida”
1503 NMA R Quran, El-Arish, Egypt; Quran & AA talk; // 864 kHz 222 2100 1/9 EG
1503 NMA Al-Quran al-Karim, El-Arish, Egypt; Arabic singing P 1725 19/9 TDB/c
1510 WMEX Quincy MA (pres); trailer for Perry Mason show on MeTV, W/F 2340 30/8 PC
then “And now more MeTV music”; daytimer
1510 WLAC Nashville TN; ID, “Fox News” 233 0500 9/9 FB
1510 HC0034 R Monumental, Quito; “Monu-Monumental. Carísima” F/G 0440 25/8 PC
1510 HC0034 R Monumental, Quito; px mx, SS ID "Monumental" 232 0428 10/9 SDC
1510 HC0034 Radio Monumental, Quito; ID “R Monumental”, Andean mx G 0430 15/9 WFB
1510 HC0034 Radio Monumental, Quito; music, two "Monumental" IDs Gpks 0525 17/9 JWe
1510 HC0034 R Monumental, Quito; nice music, anns W/F 0450 18/9 MvA
1512 IRIB Radio Ardabil, Iran; tele tlk; // www P 1721 19/9 TDB/c
1520 WWKB Buffalo NY; ID; QRM UNID music station F 0424 24/8 MvA
1520 WWKB Buffalo NY; ID “The Bet 15-20”, CBS Sports Radio 322 0500 8/9 FB
1520 WWKB Buffalo NY; “You’re listening to The Bet, 15-20 WWKB” W 0400 9/9 WFB
1520 WWKB Buffalo NY; nx, ID "CBS Sports Radio" 433 0429 9/9 SDC
1521 CRI Hutubi, China; CC EZL 1906 25/9 TDB/c
1530 PEF Funchal, Madeira; Fado + pop, ads, IDs; 0352-0455; VOA W/F 0352 7/9 ss
f/out 0420
1530 VOA Pinheira, São Tome e Principe; EE closing anns, repeated Exc 2200 30/8 ss
twice, and off
1530 VOA Pinheira, São Tomé e Principe; ID “This is VOA News” 333 2100 14/9 EG
1530 WCKY Cincinnati OH; “This is 15-30 WCKY, the 50,000 Watt orange F 0400 31/8 PC
and black home of the Cincinnati Bengals”
1530 WCKY Cincinnati OH; let’s get ready for kick off! 0448 26/9 TDB/c
1540 ZNS1 R Bahamas, Nassau; “This is Radio Bahamas, 15-40 AM 104.5 W/F 0600 15/9 PC
FM. The National Voice of the Bahamas”
1540 ZNS1 Nassau; full ID; excellent signal G 0500 18/9 MvA
1540 CHIN Toronto ON; radio play F 0437 8/9 MvA
1550 CMBA Radio Rebelde, multiple sites; nx, ID "Rebelde La Habana ..." 322 0430 12/9 SDC
1566 TWR Parakou, Benin; IS and FF rel px in the mix Fpk 1900 30/8 ss
1566 HLAZ FEBC Cheju; OM / YL Gospel mx, FEBC on toth; no VOA Wpks 1745 17/9 ss
1566 HLAZ FEBC Korea, Cheju Island; YL HLAZ ID before usual top of F 1900 22/9 JF
the hour jingle; fair at 1900 and good at 2000

Medium Wave News 69/05 61 October 2023

kHz Callsign Station, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1570 CJLV Laval QC; px mx, ID 322 0423 14/9 SDC
1570 CC157 Radio Cristo Llama al Pecador, Rancagua; folksy pop mx 343 0531 30/8 MP/c
(heavy on accordion), matched to stream at several points, -
mention of “Radio Cristo”; took a long time for this one to 0550
break through the scrum; good levels, but steep fades
1570 OCU4J Bethel Radio, Lima; light SS pop mx, ID as “Bethel Radio” on 344 0440- 30/8 MP/c
hour, then into talk; heavy QRM from R Carraviz & others, 0550
sharp fades
1570 OCU4J Bethel R, Lima; mx, SS ID “Bethel Radio” 222 0419 5/9 SDC
1570 OCU4J Bethel R, Lima; SS rlg W/F 0450 15/9 MvA
1570 OAU7Z Radio Carraviz, Juliaca; SS pop mx (more traditional than co- 343 0450 30/8 MP/c
channel Bethel R), mention of “Carraviz”, into preaching past -
top of hour, signal faded earlier than others on freq 0520
1570 OAU7Z R Carraviz, Juliaca; ID as “La Voz de la Liberacion”, bad static Fpk 2301 8/9 SW/c
1575 VOA Ban Phachi, Thailand; VV YL stating Washington and F 1700 12/9 ss
giving several kHz freqs
1575 Voice of America, Ban Phachi, Thailand; EE ID W 2200 17/9 MvA
1580 CKDO Oshawa ON; “Playing the greatest hits of all time, CKDO” F 2340 11/9 SW/c
1580 CKDO Oshawa ON; px mx, ID “CKDO” 232 0401 14/9 SDC
1580 CKDO Oshawa ON; CKDO jingle F 0443 15/9 MvA
1580 WSRF Fort Lauderdale FL; “WSRF 15-80 AM … Fort Lauderdale, W 0500 4/9 PC
Miami, Palm Beach and (?)”
1590 WHGT Maugansville MD; “… you’ll find that message right here on F 0000 23/8 PC
WHGT Maugansville, the witness of Hagerstown”
1593 Akashvani, Bhopal, India; Indian mx xf France; seemed // www 1655- 19/9 TDB/c
but with a big delay 1657
1600 WUNR Brookline MA (presumed); mx, no ID hrd W 0437 8/9 MvA
1600 WUNR Brookline MA; Spanish advert for restaurant in Boston area G 2338 10/9 SW/c
with 617 phone number; brief good peak
1600 WUNR Brookline MA; px mx, ID 322 0420 14/9 SDC
1600 WAAM Ann Arbor MI; “WAAM Ann Arbor … Real Public Radio” W/F 0200 24/8 PC
1610 CHHA Toronto ON; px mx, ID “CHHA …” 332 0417 14/9 SDC
1610 CHRN Montréal QC; bhangra mx; USB het from 1611 kHz P 0708 24/9 TDB/c
1620 CMBA Radio Rebelde, multiple sites; px mx, ID “Rebelde La Habana” 343 0430 12/9 SDC
1640 WSJP Sussex WI; “WSJP Sussex, WSJP FM Port Washington, W/F 0300 1/9 PC
W260DP Milwaukee. 16-40 AM, 99-9 and 100.1 FM”
1650 KCNZ Cedar Falls IA; “The Cedar Valley’s Sports Leader. 16-50 The F 0400 1/9 PC
Fan KCNZ Cedar Falls, Waterloo”
1650 WJFV Portsmouth VA; a couple of WJFV calls, also including W 0500 7/9 JF
W223CT and W285FM; deep in pile-up
1660 WCNZ Marcos Island FL; network ID “Relevant Radio”, followed by 323 0030 19/9 MP/c
Mass in EE
1660 WWRU Jersey City NJ; EE ID, Korean px with news 242 0500 15/9 FB
1670 WMGE Dry Branch GA; “16-70 WMGE, Dry Branch, Georgia. The F 0400 1/9 PC
Black Information Network”
1670 WMGE Dry Branch GA; ID, “Black Information Network” 232 0500 9/9 FB
1690 CHTO Toronto ON; Greek mx; // www P 0659 24/9 TDB/c
1690 WMLB Avondale Estates GA; ID "AM 16-90 WMLB Avondale 233 0500 24/9 FB
Estates", news

Medium Wave News 69/05 62 October 2023

kHz CallsignStation, location; details heard etc SIO UTC Date Who
1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD; ID “16-90 AM WPTX”, Fox News 242 0500 31/8 FB
1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD; px mx, ID “WPTX” 433 0419 14/9 SDC
1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD; ID “one break song after another, WPTX” F 0420 15/9 WFB
1700 WJCC Miami Springs FL; OM anns in FF, FF pop mx, ID on the hour, 333 0040 19/9 MP/c
followed by EE disclaimer for sponsored pgm
1710 WQFG689 Jersey City NJ; male ann W/F 0430 8/9 MvA
Many thanks to the following contributors:
AB Andrew Brade, Holme-on-Spalding Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire. Perseus SDR/Jaguar,
Wellbrook phased array 300°, 305m beverage at 220°.
EG Ehard Goddijn, Almere, The Netherlands. Perseus SDR, AMLA-150 amplifier combined with the
homemade loop.
FB Franck Baste, St Bonnet de Rochefort, France; Perseus SDR, Loop ALA 1530.
JF John Faulkner, Long Sutton, South Lincolnshire. Perseus SDR, 5m x 15m flag antenna. Wellbrook
FLG100LN amplifier with Vactrol remote tuning. Jaguar Pro software.
JWe Jack Weber, Welwyn, Hertfordshire. Perseus with Jaguar Pro, 13m reversible KAZ at 100°/280°
with Wellbrook FLG100LN, Wellbrook ALA1530 loop
mah Martin Hall, Clashmore, Sutherland, IO78hf. Perseus SDR with Jaguar-Pro, RPA-1 preamp,
beverages: 500m at 243° (South America), 920m at 305° (North America – from 02-Sep-23), 420m
at 46° (Asia – from 21-Sep-23), all terminated.
MH/c Mark Hattam, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall. Reception using the BDMR (Clashmore Kiwi SDR)
IO78hf – see mah for antenna details.
MP/c Michael Priebe, Seattle WA, USA. Reception using the BDMR (Clashmore Kiwi SDR) IO78hf –
see mah for antenna details.
MvA Max van Arnhem, Hoenderloo, The Netherlands. SDR Perseus, KAZ antennas 30, 50, 70, 160,
250, 290°, DKAZ antenna 340°.
PC Paul Crankshaw, Troon, Ayrshire. Perseus SDR, Jaguar Pro software, EWE antenna 12m x 4m at
270° with vactrol, Wellbrook FLG100N Antenna Amplifier.
RS Rudolf Schneeberger, Neustadt a.d. Aisch, Germany. Via remote-DX antennas in the Upper
Palatinate (Germany/Bavaria State), using an Airspy HF+ discovery and two double loop K9AYs
SB Simon Beaven, Cardiff. Perseus SDR, 4m x 10m Flag antenna.
SDC Saverio De Cian, Sedico (Belluno), Italy. Perseus SDR, Jaguar Pro software, Loop ALA 1530.
ss Stefan Schliephacke, DX183 Fjerritslev, Denmark. Perseus SDR, 22 longwires and beverages.
SW/c Steve Whitt, near York. Reception using the BDMR (Clashmore Kiwi SDR) IO78hf – see mah for
antenna details.
TDB/c Tim Bucknall, Congleton, Cheshire. Reception using the BDMR (Clashmore Kiwi SDR) IO78hf –
see mah for antenna details.
WFB Walter Fürstenhöfer, Baudenbach, Germany. Elad FDM S1 EWE 310 ° and 240°.
First, a very warm welcome back to Tim, who has recently re-joined the MWC. This is what our
contributors have to say about their activities and recent conditions:
Saverio writes: “After a break, I have started my radio listening activity again, but I no longer use
DKaz, due to space limits; now I radio-listen through ALA 1530 loop. It's not as performing as
DKaz but, with propagation, it has allowed me to reach station signals like Radio Caranavi last June
John F: “My flag now points towards east Asia for a few weeks so North America will take a back
seat. Again, work and various antenna issues cut down my DXing time. Conditions have not been
great either, but this is the solar maximum and so it is to be expected, but it was nice to get Indonesia
on 1251 in spite of the flag still pointing towards North America! Got to love those interval signals,
they know how to penetrate through the noise. Sadly, two new noise types have been creeping in

Medium Wave News 69/05 63 October 2023

over recent months. One of these, initially only heard in the daytime (thought to be solar panels
charging at the farm across the road) has now begun to extend into the evenings. Another, non-stop
‘crackle’ has also appeared very recently, obliterating all weak signals, 24 hours”. Max: “A DX
period without interesting logs, except one station. I managed to hear my first Indonesian MW
station: 1251 RRI Banda Aceh. I was in contact with the station and they published my reception on
their website including my recording:
Stefan: “I had three weeks in Denmark from end August until mid-September being the House
Keeper when Wilhelm went to Germany to fix a couple of things. Therefore, a bit too early in the
year. Not that much heard and TA-recordings not checked so far due to lack of time”. Michael:
“I've leaned a bit heavily on // with station webstreams, but some of the catches were striking enough
to merit a presumed report; thank God Latin American listeners still love pop music - it makes for
easy matching!” Walter: “It is slowly getting a bit better here in the south of Germany. I was pleased
to find WDMC on 920 and WDRC on 1360. These stations are not common here even in good
conditions”. Ehard: “Again no new ones and lots of static in addition to the man-made noises!”
Steve: “September is very much a transition month from Latin American DX through to the re-
emergence of higher latitude signals from North America”. Jack: “This is the shortest log I have
ever submitted, but that’s how it’s been recently. Potentially interesting signals have been getting
through but generally in very short openings that didn’t make it easy to find any IDs. Let’s hope for
more stability next month”.
In Clashmore propagation was particularly good between 9th and 12th September. On the 9th mid-
west stations were coming in on the South American beverage, so next day I switched to the North
American beverage. Conditions peaked around sunrise at 0540 UTC and brought in a mix of less
common North American stations and Mexicans, with the dominant station on each channel often
Tip of the month: UK and European DXers will know that autumn is the time to look out for
afternoon reception of stations from the Indian sub-continent and for obtaining local IDs near sign-
off. If you’re interested in broadcasting in India, you are probably already a member of run by Jose Jacob VU2JOS. He recently posted the following which
will be of interest: “The daily Minute to Minute Program schedule of Akashvani Stations (known
officially as Cue Sheet) and many other details is now available in the official website of Prasar
Bharati . Please login as guest and note:
 Timing given is in Indian Standard Time
 The schedule of Akashvani relay stations are not listed in it”.
The deadline for the November DX Loggings is Tuesday, 24th October. Please keep your recorder
running if you are DXing live – not only will this enable you to provide accurate transcriptions of
identification announcements you’ve heard, for inclusion in DX Loggings, it will also enable you to
extract corroborative information that you may have missed at the time. Should you be fortunate
enough to receive a UK First it will provide supporting evidence for peer group review before being
entered into the UK All-Time Lists.
Good DX and 73, Martin

NDB Monitoring as a Guide to Propagation – Steve Whitt

One aspect that is very difficult to appreciate is the occasional Arctic DX opening. This is difficult
because of the lack of MW broadcast stations at high latitudes, so a good opening can easily be
However, Mark Hattam and I were monitoring NDBs on LW frequencies using the BDMR following
the major G2/G3 solar storm that happened on the night of 24th - 25th. Mark had detected a couple of
Arctic signals the previous night during the intense geomagnetic activity.

Medium Wave News 69/05 64 October 2023

What was most unusual was the strength of OZN 372 in Greenland and then with an hour we had
heard a significant percentage NDBs in Greenland and Eastern Nunavut. Even the most northerly
station in the world LT on 305kHz was a strong signal. All this activity was observed as soon as the
NA Beverage switched in at 2310utc on 25th Sept.
This seemed to be a one-night event. Both Mark and I had been active in an NDB coordinated
listening event since the 22nd Sept and there was no such Arctic reception. And the following day
27th the favourable Arctic conditions had returned much to normal.
Had we been monitoring the MW band our only indication of good reception might have been 1230
kHz CFFB from Iqaluit – it actually wasn’t audible. So the simple conclusion is that if you are
interested in hearing the Arctic tune down to the frequencies shown in the map below. Your best
signpost is OZN 372 which often can be heard 24hrs a day on the BDMR at a distance of 2150km.
Another good signal to check is CA on Cartwright on 281kHz.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that Arctic propagation has been noted during or close
to major ionospheric disturbance. It has been observed on Sheigra DX-peditions in the past when
there still were MW stations in Flin Flon, Fort McMurray, The Pas, and Churchill in Northern

NDB stations heard on BDMR 2315 UTC 25-Sep-23 to 0030 UTC 26-Sep-23

Medium Wave News 69/05 65 October 2023

Graham Bell in Oxford, England e-mail:

Hello QSLers – the nights are lengthening and DX opportunities are ramping up, despite the faster-than-
forecast rise in the current solar cycle. Contributions from 4 DXers this month. A big selection of Euro
QSLs from Harald Süss in Austria, including stations heard on remote Sokotra Island, Yemen. Frank
Helmbold continues to reel in the Spaniards, with a group of 3 from Las Islas Canarias. Max van Arnhem
includes a beauty from RRI Banda Aceh which earned him a mention on their website. Mark Hattam
weighs in with one from an old NDB beacon in Sweden, using just one watt. I’ve added a few more from
my north Finland trips.

Station kHz Sent Received e Who Ref


Museumsradio, Bad Ischl 1476 3 cd 4d HS 1

BNR, Sofia via R.Bulg.Int 576 eRR+mp3 cd 228d HS 2

Czech Republic
Country Radio, Praha 1062 eRR+mp3 PPC 205d HS 3
Country Radio, Praha 954 eRR PPC 7d HS 4
R.Dechovka, Praha 1233 post cd 14d HS 5

TWR, Tartu 1035 eRR eQSL 24d HS 6

MTVA, Budapest 1251 eRR+mp3 eQSL 32d HS 7

KilRock Radio, s'Gravendel 1287 Post eQSL 29d HS 8

Amica Radio Veneto 1017 post lt 806d HS 9
Radio Studio X, Momigno 1188 eRR+mp3 eQSL 106d HS 10
Radio Studio X, Momigno 1584 eRR+mp3 eQSL 106d HS 10

Polskie Radio, Warszawa 1386 post cd 92d HS 11
NHK-R.Japan, Tokyo 1386 WebPortal cd 112d HS 12
Nasha Lenta via Telecentras 1557 eRR+mp3 eQSL 1d HS 13

R.Vocea Sperantei, Voluntari 1584 eRR+mp3 lt 36d HS 14
Medium Wave News 69/05 66 October 2023
Radio Capodistria, Beli Križ 1170 eRR+mp3 eQSL 280d HS 15

Spain (Canary Is)

RNE RNac. S Cruz de Tenerife 621 eRR+mp3 eQSL 14d FH 16
RNE RNac. Las Palmas 576 eRR+mp3 eQSL 14d FH 16
RNE R5 Las Palmas 747 eRR+mp3 eQSL 14d FH 16

SM4WII/b 476 eRR f/d eQSL 1d MH

Radio Redhill 1431 eRR f/d eQSL 5d MvA 17


TWR, Gavar 1377 eRR eQSL 11d HS 18

RRI, Banda Aceh 1251 Fbook rpt n/d Fbook QSL 1d MvA 19

QBS, Doha 675 eRR email 241d HS 20


FH - Frank Helmbold, Rotenburg, Germany; MH - Mark Hattam, St Just, Cornwall, England; HS -

Harald Süss, Strasshof, Austria; MvA – Max van Arnhem, Hoenderloo, Netherlands

Notes and veri-signers

1) email + letter+10 EUR:; Museumsradio 1476, Reinhard Pirnbacher, Golfstrasse

1a, A-4820 Bad Ischl
2) German Dpt - Ext Svce R Bulgaria
3) f/up:
4) DX-camp Döbriach/email:
5) Special QSL - 100 yr of radio/email:
6) DX-camp Döbriach/via Radio Eli/email: (Kalman Dobos)
7) Heard on Sokotra Island,Yemen/email:
8) DX-camp Döbriach/report to: Kilrock Radio,Marcel Strücker, Elshoffstraat 3, NL-3295 's-
Gravendeel/email reply:
9) Roberto Saccardo
11) via letter to German Dept
12) via WebForm: - QSL as cd from Russian Dpt
13) pagalba@telecentras-lt
Medium Wave News 69/05 67 October 2023
14) Romanian Dpt AWR
16) via SDR Bjargtangar/Iceland - QSL from RNE Madrid
17) after f/up
18) Heard on Sokotra Island,Yemen - (Kalman Dobos)
19) mention on website of reception report
20) Heard on Sokotra Island,Yemen:


A few more from my trips to Finland. Details/mp3 recordings available to anyone interested. Quite a few
1kW or less night-time rated transmitters here e.g. KZZJ below.

Station kHz Type

CHTM Thompson MB 610 Fbook QSL
KNUS Denver CO 710 eQSL
CFYM Kindersley SK 1210 eQSL
KJCR Billings MT 1240 eQSL
KZXR Prosser WA 1310 Fbook QSL
KXPO Grafton ND 1340 eQSL
KSRO Santa Rosa CA 1350 eQSL
CKAD Middleton NS 1350 Fbook QSL
KKBJ Bemidji MN 1360 eQSL
KRKK Rock Springs WY 1390 Fbook QSL
KRRZ Minot ND 1390 eQSL
KRWB Roseau MN 1410 Fbook QSL
WBEV Beaver Dam WI 1430 Fbook QSL
KZZJ Rugby ND 1450 eQSL
KELA Centralia-Chehalis WA 1470 eQSL
KGOE Eureka CA 1480 eQSL
KFCS Colorado Springs CO 1580 eQSL

That is amazing! Thanks so much Graham. Have a great rest of the week.

Bruce / KZZJ AM & FM

Medium Wave News 69/05 68 October 2023

NC500 photo gallery (continued from page 5):

Martin’s DX nerve centre – home of the BDMR

The Mcleods of Sheigra Martin Hall & Steve Whitt at Clashmore

Medium Wave News 69/05 69 October 2023

Sheigra beach - if DX is not coming in or you want a refreshing swim…..!

Potential DX hub in a parking layby; complete with room for 1000m Beverages pointing north to
the ocean on the horizon. Also a nice stone wall for large size FSL antennas and ultralight
receivers. Should be good for midday trans-polar DX in winter

Medium Wave News 69/05 70 October 2023

Another potential North Coast DX Hub (see map below) with a clear view to the North Pole over
the sea; 500m Beverages possible here

North coast DX Hub



Antenna planning at Sheigra Map of the North Coast 500 (Scotland)

If you feel like being King of the Road with your campervan then why not equip it with a battery
powered MW receiver and stow a good antenna. For a short stay I’d suggest a terminated Beverage
on the ground feeding an SDR so that you can record most of the MW band for post-event analysis.

Alternatively there are sites on the NC500 that would be worthy of Ultralight receivers being fed by
outdoor FSL antennas; look for sites with a beach location backed by cliffs or high ground (e.g
Scourie Beach or Tarbet (Ferry to Handa) should be great for N American DX). The quay in
Laxford Bay could be interesting as it has a clear sea path on a
bearing of 310 degrees but is surrounded by hills >120m high from the North East right round to
the West.

Medium Wave News 69/05 71 October 2023

by Christoph Hasselbach @ Deutsche Welle

Nazi Germany: Radio propaganda turns 90

The Nazis were masters of using propaganda for their purposes. The primary tool was, at the time,
a revolutionary new technology: radio.

When Adolf Hitler came to power in January 1933, radio then was similar to what the internet was
in its early days: a powerful, new medium to disseminate information. There was a big difference:
Radio was expensive, and having one at home could cost more than a month's wage.

From early on, the Nazis recognized the propaganda value of radio. They would soon use it to
influence Germany's then 70 million people. Shortly after Hitler became chancellor, Propaganda
Minister Joseph Goebbels compelled German manufacturers to sell cheap radio receivers.

The name of the first model,

the VE301, was composed of
the word Volksempfänger
("People's radio") and the date
when Hitler became German
chancellor: January 30. The
government set the price at 76
Reichsmarks, making it
affordable for most
households. 

The discount paid off. At new

the German Radio Exhibition
in Berlin on August 18, 1933,
100,000 sets were sold. Until
then, Germany was home to
about 4 million households
paying the public media license
fee. By the middle of World
War II, that number had
quadrupled. The monthly fee
of 2 Reichsmarks flowed to
Goebbels' Propaganda

Programming was
controlled by the state
To maximize influence, formerly independent broadcasters were combined under the policy of
Gleichschaltung, or synchronization, which brought institutions in line with official policy points.
Goebbels made no secret that "radio belongs to us.”

The only two programs were national and local information. They began with the standard "Heil
Hitler" greeting and gave plenty of airtime to Adolf Hitler.

Medium Wave News 69/05 72 October 2023

Radio became even more important with the start of World War II in September 1939. Military
marches replaced dance music, and there were constant — and frequently embellished reports —
from the front lines. When there was bad news, the radio turned to entertainment, such as concerts.

Goebbels turned the Nazis' 1943 defeat in Stalingrad into a campaign for more war. In a broadcast
speech in Berlin on February 18, 1943, he asked, "Do you want total war?" The response from the
enthusiastic crowd was a resounding
"Yes!" and massive applause.

 Joseph Goebbels Uses the

People’s Receiver [Volksempfänger]
(1933), published in: German
History Intersections

Radio played an influential

part in WWII
Propaganda, however, can only go so
far. With Germany losing the war,
Germans at home began to lose trust
in their national radio. Many turned
to foreign broadcasters, such as the
BBC. Doing so was strictly
prohibited, and those caught listening
to "enemy stations" faced the penalty
of death.

It isn't far-fetched to say that radio helped start the

war. On September 1, 1939, Germans heard a report
about a Polish attack. That was fake, of course, but it
allowed Hitler to take to the airwaves to announce
that fighting was underway. Germany invaded Poland
under false pretences.

Adolf Hitler making his address to the nation at a

Funk-Stunde microphone, following his appointment
as Reich Chancellor in 1933 

The war also ended the way it began: with

propaganda and fake news. Hitler's suicide, in his
bunker in besieged Berlin, was kept from the public.
Instead, his death was glamorously reported on May
1, 1945, as the result of fighting the Soviet invasion.

Another lie, but by then it didn't matter. The war ended in Germany's unconditional surrender a few
days later. With the end of Nazi Germany came the end of the Nazi propaganda machine, in which
radio played a leading role.

Medium Wave News 69/05 73 October 2023

Transmitter towers and WFME
with Andrew Brade e-mail:

In North American News, I have been reporting periodically about the transmission facilities of
WFME, 1560 kHz New York. WFME is an ex-Disney station that is owned by Family Stations Inc
(FSI). This station was quite well heard in Europe due to its 50kW transmitter power from a site in
Queens, New York. That was until 2020 when the station’s owner sold the site, demolishing the
facilities (see NA News September 2023 and earlier editions). In order to serve the city and
preserve its licence, WFME is now transmitting under Special Temporary Authority from the site
of FM stations WNSH/WFMU, which are also owned by FSI.

Following the update in the last issue on WFME’s transmitter facilities, I received a message from
Ben Dawson, a professional radio engineer in Seattle. Ben wrote to correct my terminology – I
wrote that the station was broadcasting from this site using “a slant wire antenna”. This was
incorrect – it is actually a slant wire fed antenna. Correspondence on the FCC’s website uses this
description, but somehow it had been changed in reports by the National Radio Club to “205' slant
wire”, and I compounded the error by adding the word “antenna”. I am happy to correct the matter
here, but it led me to find out more about the significance of Ben’s comment “a slant-wire antenna”
and “a vertical tower FED by a slant-wire … are two entirely different things”

Antenna Towers
The image of antenna towers is familiar – AM stations sometimes have just one tower, others have
an array of two or more – up to six sometimes. Why?

The first thing to understand (which I admit I didn’t realise) is that for AM stations, it is the
structure of the tower itself that radiates the radio frequency signal. One single tower will radiate in
all directions. A transmitter site with more than one antenna tower can be arranged such that its
signal radiates in a particular direction.

Single Towers
A single tower radiates the energy supplied from the transmitter approximately evenly in all
directions. The tower itself must be insulated from the ground by base insulators. The tower
structure is a fairly simple steel fabrication, but the insulators, which have to accept the
compressive load of the tower’s mass, are expensive items. In self-supporting towers, wind
moments also have to be considered.

Directional Antennas
Where directionality to the signal is required, more than one tower is needed. Multiple-tower arrays
will be discussed in a future article.

Tower heights in electrical degrees

The effective radiation of the tower is a function of its height AND the frequency of transmission.
A tower is a measurable physical height, but the physical height does not tell us about how well the
tower radiates RF energy at the frequency of operation.

To help us understand the tower’s performance, the tower height can be expressed in electrical
degrees where, when equal to the full wavelength, the height is expressed as 360°. At 540kHz, the
wavelength is 555m; at 1700kHz the wavelength is 176m. A 180° high tower at 1700kHz is 88m
high (176÷2m), while a 180° tower at 540kHz is much taller at 277.5m (555÷2m). AM stations
radiate their signal using a vertical polarisation in a sine wave pattern and the maximum current is

Medium Wave News 69/05 74 October 2023

theoretically at 90° from the top of the tower. The height of AM radio transmitter towers is
generally in the range of 90° - 225°, with the majority at the lower end of this range so as to
minimise antenna construction cost.

Practical performance
A single tower radiates radio frequency energy in a theoretical sine wave down the structure as
show in Figure 1 below

Figure 1 – antenna tower practical vs actual current distribution patterns1

The voltage and current distribution are as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – current and voltage distribution in a vertical antenna2

Medium Wave News 69/05 75 October 2023

The base voltage of a 50kW antenna with 180° height can be as high as 30kV. (Austin Insulators
brochure 1973) This is why the area around the base of antenna towers is fenced – both to restrict
exposure to potential voltages and also to RF energy.

Earth system
Typical AM towers are bottom-fed, with the transmitter output coupled across the base insulators,
with the centre coax feed going to the tower and the earthed screen to a system of buried radial
copper conductors disposed around the tower base. These radials are typically 120 in number and
90° long – so a significant cost to the antenna construction. They are typically ploughed in to place.

AM transmitter sites have higher redevelopment value

Most AM transmitters were built in the mid-20th Century on large sites which were outer suburban
at the time of construction. The cities served have inevitably grown, with commercial and
residential development surrounding long-standing transmitter sites. It is a fact that as land prices
rise, the value of the transmitter sites has increased. Station owners may either lease or own the
transmitter site. In either case, transmitter site redevelopment may appear lucrative to the land

This is reflected by the frequent “loss of transmitter site” reason for North American stations that
have gone silent, been forced to relocate, or have decided to realise the value of their transmitter
site (such as WMVP in September’s NA News and WBBM in May/June 2019). This is what
happened when WFME sold its transmitter site for a large profit in 2020. Family Stations Inc (FSI)
had purchased the station, with its transmitter site, from Radio Disney in 2015 when the station call
was WQEW.

To continue broadcasting, station owners are faced with having to find alternative transmitter sites
to allow them to continue to serve the community for which they are licensed. An increasingly
common solution is to transmit the signal from another transmitter site – known as “diplexing”. FSI
sought to find an alternative site from which WFME 1560 could operate. The answer was to transit
from the site of two New York FM stations – WFMU and WNSH – whose antenna site is owned by

FM station antennas
With their very short wavelength, FM stations don’t need large antennas, but they do need to mount
their antennas in an elevated position to ensure a large coverage area. These short antennas are
therefore mounted on tall transmission towers, but the towers themselves are not part of the
radiating structure and are usually grounded (electrically connected to earth). These towers, without
base insulators, are not suitable for
conventional AM transmission.

Slant-fed Antennas
When faced with the need for alternative
transmission facilities, existing FM
station sites may seem appealing – but
these towers are not suited to AM
broadcasting. They are not base-insulated
nor have they a ground network.

How could they be used for AM

transmission? The answer is a slant feed,
in which the transmitter output is applied
to the transmitter tower at an elevated

Medium Wave News 69/05 76 October 2023

point, or a “shunt feed” via a sloping feeder, rather than the series feed of a bottom-fed antenna.
The arrangement for WFME’s
alternative site is shown in the figure

This arrangement has the advantage that

neither ground system nor base
insulators are required and the lower-
cost FM tower structure can still be
used. It is both simpler and more
economic than a conventional AM

These designs were considered dubious

by the FCC because the presence of the
feed line was thought to compromise the
evenness of the radial signal
distribution, but this has been found to
be fallacious for a properly-designed
system. The FCC once discouraged their
use especially at night-time.

By appropriate design, the voltage at the base of the tower can be minimised and the tower will
function without base insulators or a ground system.

This is the design incorporated in the current WFME facility. Meanwhile, the station continues to
look for an alternative site from which they can resume their operations using their licensed

This article was written to correct an error that I and sources made in the last NA News. It is written
from the perspective of a chartered mechanical engineer – not that of an electrical, or, even less,
that of a radio engineer. However, it is hoped that it sheds some light not only on the correct
description of the antenna feed arrangements at WFME, but also on how AM transmitter towers
work. I would like to thank Ben Dawson for taking the trouble to get in touch with me. It has led
me to a better understanding of how AM transmission facilities work.

This article describes the operation of a single tower non-directional antenna. It does not venture
into the territory of how antenna heights can be electrically adjusted by “top loading”, nor skirt-fed
antennas. The operation of a directional multi-tower array will be the subject of a future article. I
am indebted to Ben Dawson, who kindly shared with me his paper “The Slant Wire Fed Monopole:
A Neglected but Invaluable Technique”.

Meanwhile, the transmissions have been causing interference at a local school and their current
STA allows operation at 500W to alleviate interference to the school, while seeking an alternative
permanent site from which WFME can resume its 50kW licensed facilitities.

1 National Association of Broadcasters AM Antennas 6th Edition

2 National Association of Broadcasters AM Antennas 6th Edition

Medium Wave News 69/05 77 October 2023

Adventures in DXing the dashboard of our rental car. I found myself listening
on the road or listening in the wee hours of the morn-
- N2KZ ing or late at night taking notes during every available
An American in Scotland It wasn’t as bad as it might seem. There was plenty
It was the trip of a lifetime, so long in coming. For to log and enjoy! In fact, every day brought fascination.
seventy years I wondered Scotland is much higher in latitude than any place you
about the home of my ances- might visit in North America. Full darkness didn’t come
tors: a place filled with cen- until after 11:00 p.m. and dawn’s light started around
turies of history and endless 3:00 a.m. Even in the wee hours, while the sheep were
magnificence. Upon arrival, still eating, the radio was filled with surprises.
you instantly become sur- Step one was to change my Walkman’s AM radio
rounded by beauty experi- to European 9 kHz spacing. In North America AM radio
enced with your eyes and stations are allocated to 118 channels, 10 kHz apart,
within your soul. My arrival fi- from 530 to 1700 kHz. In Europe, you’ll find 121 chan-
nally came true. Welcome to nels from 531 through 1602 kHz. Got it? One simple
Scotland! sequence of button pushing changed my Walkman’s AM
This remarkable nation is radio spacing to 9 kHz so I was all set! Thank you,
filled with warmth and wel- Sony, for making it so easy.
come. Everywhere the people Scottish rental cars are consistently well-fitted for
are forever happy and chatty. radio enthusiasts. Beyond classic AM (medium wave)
Smiles and welcoming hospitality follow you wherever and FM reception you’ll find access to the long wave
you go. Sit back, relax and enjoy. You are in a special broadcast band (150 to 280 kHz) and DAB (Digital Au-
place now! There is so much to discover! And where dio Broadcasting) on VHF Band III (174 to 240 MHz).
did they find all those sheep? All of this required some orientation! There was plenty
to hear!
Before You Go Driving the car radio was a little bit of an adven-
Traveling in the year 2023 requires thoughtful ture itself. Tune to any band and a constantly updating
preparation and planning. My wife meticulously re- menu would appear automatically offering you short-
searched and plotted our every moment and detail. Our cut buttons to choose an available station on the fly
visit was originally intended for 2020 but the dearth with one single touch. FM and DAB band stations all
created by COVID de- featured on-screen messages and descriptions. Another
layed us for three full added feature: Don’t be alarmed if your programming
years. Just arriving in is upstaged by a louder announcement alerting you to
Edinburgh felt like a detailed traffic advisories. Quite a smart radio!
Luggage contents
required careful con-
sideration. The era of
the large suitcase or steamer trunk is now in the past.
All your clothes and gear have to fit in just a compact
suitcase and a carry-on bag. Squeezing two daughters
and two parents into one mid-sized rental car was a
challenge. It was a cozy ride!
Needless to say, with a packed itinerary and many
places and people to
see, there was not a lot
of time (or room!) for
any elaborate DXing.
My entire roster of
equipment consisted of Car radio display in Karl’s Scottish rental vehicle. [N2KZ pics]
my tiny trusty Sony Navigating this new environment required a good
SRF-M37W very com- listing of all the stations I might expect and I found
pact digital AM/FM one! Just a little bit of Internet surfing uncovered the
Walkman and whatever Sony SRF-M37W covers weather, brilliant site. Everything you
radio was included in AM and FM stereo. ever wanted to know about broadcast stations in the
PCARA Update, September 2023, page 3
United Kingdom and Ireland is waiting for you there. It sports coverage and
is precise, concise, talk. All of the BBC
professional and quite services are commer-
up-to-date. This is a cial-free and are
BBC Radio Scotland is available on
masterful listing funded, in part, by na- VHF-FM and medium wave (AM)
sorted by frequency tionwide listener li- throughout the nation of Scotland.
and region including cense fees.
beautifully written The leading independent commercial radio group
and informative arti- in the United Kingdom is Global Media, presenting a
cles all about the cornucopia of music
broadcasting world services: Capital (hot
around you. It is an in- hits and dance,) Heart
valuable resource and (pop hits,) Smooth
highly recommended! (adult contemporary,)
With frequency- Gold (oldies,) and
finder now at my fin- Classic FM (classical
Sample PDF page downloaded from
gertips, I was all ready showing AM music.) Also notewor-
for informed discov- transmitters in Scotland. thy: Bauer Media
ery. I quickly devised a Group’s Greatest Hits
system for quick and immediate identification of the lo- Radio (oldies) heard especially on FM and AM in se-
cal stations I could hear at any location no matter lected areas of Scotland — and — News UK’s talk-
where we traveled. Even without a guide book, the SPORT, the centerpiece for every sports fan nationwide.
BBC made it easy to find a favorite service wherever In addition, an independent locally produced station or
you go. Each individual network is contained within a two can be found (most always on FM) with a distinct
specific range of frequencies along the FM band. For focus on the smaller areas that they serve.
example, BBC Radio Scotland could always be found My favourite programmes* are wildly varied. At
somewhere between 92 and 95 MHz FM. the top of my list is BBC Radio Scotland’s Take The
Finding the strongest local signals proved easy, Floor with Gary Innes presented from 7:00 p.m. to
too. My Sony radio includes a nifty little switch that al- 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evenings with traditional Scot-
lows you to attenuate all but the most powerful FM sig- tish dance music. It is literally a hoot and a holler!
nals by detaching your earbud wiring (which doubles Global’s brilliantly produced Capital mornings with Fat
as your FM antenna) from the receiver electronics. No and Tallia from Edinburgh is a superb flight every
antenna = a minus 20dB pad! I would quickly scan the weekday morning featuring the hottest music, star in-
FM band looking for only the terviews and endless fun. Just want to chill? Global’s
most powerful local stations, Smooth Radio plays familiar songs you love without
scribble down every fre- endless announcement clutter. A delight at any mo-
quency where stations were ment.
heard and then refer to fre- *[Karl is incorporating some British/Scottish spellings
quencyfinder for instant iden- this month. -Ed.]
tity. Quickly program my
found frequencies into my
Sony and I was all set for an- Long and Medium
other day of listening! Only a few high powered transmitters continue on
Omnipresent on FM good old AM radio. Most local and regional AM sta-
were the basic BBC services tions have already shut down or have plans to pull the
no matter where I went: Ra- switch in the near future. Some dominant legacy sta-
dio 1 (very latest pop music), tions still broadcast far and wide, especially useful in
Radio 2 (adult contempo- remote areas where other signals won’t reach. When all
rary), Radio 3 (classical and else fails medium wave and long wave stations still pull
jazz), Radio 4 (talk and through!
news) and BBC Radio Scot- A handful of dominant AM stations appeared
land (a full service, all-pur- nearly everywhere we went: BBC Radio 5 Live offers
pose format specifically for strong signals on 693 and 909 kHz. BBC Radio Scot-
Scottish audiences.) BBC’s land was quite reliable on 810 kHz. TalkSport is resi-
Radio 5 is only available via Logos of the BBC’s five main dent on 1053 or 1089 kHz and the pop oldies Greatest
medium wave featuring UK radio services.
Hits Radio would sometimes be available on 1161 kHz

PCARA Update, September 2023, page 4

or especially 1548 kHz. This re-
Medium wave nighttime reception reminded me of markable re-
my early experiences with shortwave in the 1960s. Find ception revela-
a good quiet reception site near a seashore or in a re- tion came to
mote area and there is no limit on what you might log. me while driv-
Domestic services arrive from all over Europe, Northern ing through
Africa and the Middle East filling the band with adven- the Isle of
ture. Lots of fun to hear! Skye along the
The signature sounds of these distant broadcasts western shore
are so unusual and exotic to this North American of Highland
DXer’s ears! Tune in and you’ll delight in great adven- Scotland.
turous fun that could entertain your DXing interests for BBC’s FM sta- UHF long Yagi for television reception
years at a time. There are so many frequencies free and tions nearly above a circular folded dipole for VHF-FM.
clear from dominant local transmitters. Expect to hear never faded.
Algeria, Spain, Portugal, France and beyond! You rarely encountered any multipath, picket fencing,
On long wave, BBC Radio 4’s half megawatt* sig- or co-channel capture effect from other signals as you
nal, on 198 kHz with talk and sports, was consistently drove up, down and around on challenging roads
there as the only station on the long wave band in Eng- through the beautiful countryside. Lock onto a signal
lish. At night, you can hear Polskie Radio from Poland and it would gracefully (almost endlessly!) carry and
on 225 kHz and the Radio Algérienne Chaine 3 from carry further. As I traveled to many other regions
Algeria on 252 kHz with little difficulty. High powered around the country I enjoyed similar reception. I could
longwave signals can travel for enormous distances only shake my head in amazement.
with amazing reliability day and night. You have to ex- I am sure the answer is the complex culmination
perience it to appreciate it. Simply superpowered! of decades of clever design and planning. Careful topo-
[* BBC Radio graphic studies, transmission tower placement, per-
4 LW is broad- fectly calculated antenna height and beam angling, use
cast on of circular polarization, appropriate and carefully con-
198 kHz from sidered audio processing and probably many more en-
Droitwich, gineering tricks all had a role in this ballet. The results
England with were really commendable. If it exists, I would really
500 kW — love to read a white paper describing this masterpiece.
and from The effort and skill brought impressive results. Bravo!
Scotland plus Rural Rarities
Westerglen, One particularly interesting place to listen was in
Scotland with Long wave and medium wave services are Southwestern Scotland near Stranraer in Dumfries and
50 kW each broadcast from two 500 ft masts at West- Galloway. From this remote southernmost location I ac-
erglen, between Edinburgh and Glasgow. tually found myself completely away from overbearing
FM signals. I enjoyed moment after moment of sur-
Defy the Terrain prise!
During my trip, I gained a grand appreciation of On the unusual frequency of 87.8 MHz, way down
the skill and design talents of BBC Engineering. Scot- at the bottom of the FM dial, I actually heard Ireland’s
land can be a very, very challenging place to distribute ‘RTE One’ service from across the Irish Sea. It reaches
radio and television signals. Vast and breathtaking vis- Stranraer with a 40 kW signal from atop the pic-
tas are everywhere. Many, many rocky peaks, crags, turesque heights of Clermont Carn just across the bor-
tors and remote islands pepper endless green land- der into the Republic of Ireland south of Belfast. Other
scapes as far as the eye can see. How do you transmit FM stations could be heard from as far away as the
infallible VHF signals to serve these areas? It can be English Lake District, the Isle of Man and beyond.
done! The BBC FM networks reach Dumfries and Gal-
The public’s demand for good FM reception was loway from their central transmission centres from afar
obvious wherever I went. Look up as you walk through as well: The core of the nationwide BBC transmission
the streets or drive through the towns. Often you will system for Scotland pivots on two centrally located
see FM folded dipole ring antennas mounted below sites: Sandale — just south of the Scottish border in
UHF Yagi arrays gathering TV transmissions. The BBC Northern England — and — Black Hill — nested neatly
gracefully meets the challenge with excellent coverage. between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Both of these sites
I want to know the secrets of their techniques! house six high-powered FM transmission systems each
PCARA Update, September 2023, page 5
boasting 250 kilowatts ERP apiece! Digital television DAB had a similar trial in Ireland but all hopes for
and digital audio broadcasts also emit from these its adoption were abandoned. Not enough DAB radios
fortresses of RF! I am sure the nearby sheep must glow available. Not enough interest. Not enough stations. A
at night from RF exposure. sad story... but it’s true!
Nearly all stations heard in Scotland are also avail-
able using Internet applications such as BBC Sounds
and Global Media Player or individual local station
apps. Bauer Media will be releasing a similar access
app called Rayo later this year. Many of these stations
can also be accessed in North America via the TuneIn
application. I am pleased to tell you that Internet-deliv-
Sk le o ⬤ Inverness ered audio works famously. I listen to BBC Radio Scot-
ye f land in my car in Westchester every day!

Get the Picture?

However...Digital transmission is already the sole
standard for television distribution nationwide. Televi-
sion can still be obtained via old-school ‘cable TV’ in se-
lect areas as part of bundled packages that often in-
clude Internet access.
Edinburgh Most people now use either FreeView delivered via
Glasgow Black Hill UHF transmission or FreeSat via Astra 2 satellite. Both
FreeView and FreeSat services are indeed free and
sometimes also offer
premium content for a
fee. Both TV systems
⬤ Dumfries
Stranraer ⬤ provide dozens of free
TV channels (BBC, ITV,
Belfast ⬤ Channel 4, Channel 5
LAKE and more) and also in-
clude many of the nationwide and regional audio ser-
Mae of

vices that you can also receive over the air with a radio.

Clermont Carn
With FreeView or FreeSat, your flat screen can double as
Locations in and around Scotland mentioned in this a TV and radio all in one device!
month’s ‘Adventures’.

Go All Digital?
The BBC is eager to eventually move all radio
broadcasting (AM/FM/LW) to a digital system called
DAB+, transmitting on VHF Band III (174 - 240 MHz).
Today’s digital audio broadcasts incorporate many,
many stations multiplexed onto digital streams called
ensembles culling all content onto only one or two uni-
fied RF signals. These signals bring the entire ensemble
of stations to your door! DAB+ brings broadcasting
into the 21st century — but it requires very solid crys-
tal-clear reception to be successful.
When digital signals can be locked and resolved, Freeview TV — BBC 1 Scotland HD guide shows program-
you hear all stations perfectly. If you lose lock, you lose ming on BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel
it all! If today’s DAB+ distribution could be fortified, it 5. [N2KZ pics.]
could become the solitary solution for audio broadcast-
ing in the future. Right now, the egg is only half BBC Television is underwritten by mandatory an-
cooked! My car radio could lock to these signals only nual TV Licence fees currently set at £159 (about $202
when strong, robust signals could be found — mostly USD) per household. Every home in the United King-
in or near big cities. It simply is not a viable medium dom must buy an annual license to legally watch TV.
for far and wide radio reception at present. One TV Licence will allow use of TV equipment (any
PCARA Update, September 2023, page 6
device) at the licensed travel through Scot-
address, by you, your land. If you possibly
family or any person can, see a demonstra-
working or visiting tion of border collie
there. dogs herding sheep
while listening to
Other Fun Facts commands from their
The standard for master. They really
AC power in the know how to corral a
Border collie ready to go.
United Kingdom and flock! You will be
Ireland is 240 volts. amazed and smiling for days after! Also, see if you can
This is twice the American standard of 120 volts. spot some hairy coos
Tourists need to check their device specifications very (highland cows) with
carefully. Many computer and phone chargers and their shaggy orange
power supplies will operate at 120 and 240 volts. In bangs and enormous
most cases, all you have to do girths. Very impressive
is adapt American two prong beasties... but don’t
spade plugs to connect with get too close!
hardy British Standard BS You have not
1363 three-prong sockets. Get been to Scotland if
ready to be amazed: charging Hairy coo. you haven’t spent an
your device batteries from 240 afternoon at a Highland Games. Bagpipe marching
volts will produce incredibly bands, Scottish traditional dancing, foot and potato
speedy results! Twice as fast! sack races, putting the
BS 1363 13-amp ‘square Driving on the left side of shot and tossing the
pin’ plug has an internal the road is a new and exciting caber! (A caber is very
fuse. experience for North Ameri- much like a full-sized
cans. You’ll find the steering telephone pole.) The
wheel over by the right hand seat. Most cars in the food trucks and sou-
United Kingdom are fitted with manual transmissions. venir stands put the
Shifting your car with your left hand takes practice and icing on the cake. A
patience! To inexperienced left-side drivers, rides in a grand time, indeed!
car can be an exciting experience! Watch out! So raise a Ten-
Trucks (known as lorries) can be much taller and nent’s lager or some
wider in the U.K. When you feel the terror of large lor- The Famous Grouse
ries rapidly approaching you from the other direction when the day is done.
you may be tempted to veer to the left. Don’t do it! You Grant yourself warm
may kiss your road shoulder, some overgrown brush or memories and enjoy
a wall. Be brave and skilled. Keep your course! You can the fresh seafood
always tell if a rental car was driven by a tourist if you wherever you go. Scottish caber tossing. [N2KZ pics.]
see scraping damage on a front left tire. Highly recommended
You’ll also need to navigate through roundabouts is a taste from Heaven: Cullen Skink — a creamy and
(known as ro- dreamy soup made with fresh haddock you will never
taries in Mass- forget! Scotland is not a place you will
achusetts). It want to leave! Haste ye back!
helps a great — 73 de N2KZ the old hairy coo!
deal to have a
second person
in your rental
car to act as
another set of
eyes as your
spotter. Re- Scottish roundabout — pay attention!
member: To
the left! To the left!
Finally, two things you should experience if you
PCARA Update, September 2023, page 7

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