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Android How to Program 3rd Edition

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Flag Quiz App
4.1 Introduction
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4.2 Test-Driving the Flag Quiz App

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4.2.1 Configuring the Quiz’s Settings

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4.2.2 Taking the Quiz

Q1. You must interact with a ________ dialog to dismiss it.
a. error
b. non-modal
c. modal
d. information
Answer: c. modal

4.3 Technologies Overview

No questions.

4.3.1 Menus
Q1. You override Activity method ________ and use the method’s Menu argument
to add the menu items—either programmatically or by inflating an XML document
that describes the menu items.
a. on-Create-Menu
b. on-Create-OptionsMenu
c. on-OptionsMenuOpened
d. on-MenuOpened
Answer: b. on-Create-OptionsMenu

Q2. When the user selects a menu item, Activity method ________ responds to the
a. onItemSelected
b. onOptionsItemSelected
c. onOptionSelected
d. onMenuItemSelected
Answer: c. onOptionsItemSelected

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4.3.2 Fragments
Q1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. A Fragment typically represents a reusable portion of an Activity’s user inter-
face, but may also represent reusable program logic.
b. Like an Activity, each Fragment has its own layout that’s typically defined as
an XML layout resource file (GUIs also can be created dynamically).
c. You can create an XML file describing the user preferences, then class Prefer-
enceFragment can use that file to build an appropriate preferences GUI.
d. Fragments can be hosted by an Activity or they can execute independently.
Answer: d. Fragments can be hosted by an Activity or they can execute inde-
pendently. Actually, Fragments must be hosted by an Activity—they cannot
execute independently.

4.3.3 Fragment Lifecycle Methods

Q1. Method onCreateView is called after onCreate to build and return a View
containing the Fragment’s GUI. This method receives a(n) ________, which you’ll
use to programmatically inflate a Fragment’s GUI from the components specified in
a predefined XML layout.
a. Inflater
b. GUICreator
c. GUIInflater
d. LayoutInflater
Answer: d. LayoutInflater

4.3.4 Managing Fragments

Q1. A FragmentManager can use ________ to dynamically add, remove and transi-
tion between Fragments.
a. Transactions
b. FragmentTransactions
c. FragmentTransitions
d. Transitions
Answer: b FragmentTransactions

4.3.5 Preferences
Q1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. A PreferenceFragment uses Preference objects to manage app settings and
stores those settings in a file via a SharedPreferences object.
b. A ListPreference creates checkboxes in which only one can be selected.
c. A MultiSelectListPreference creates a GUI containing checkboxes, any
number of which can be selected.
d. To modify a SharedPreferences file’s contents, you’ll use a SharedPrefer-
ences.Editor object.
Answer: b. A ListPreference creates checkboxes in which only one can be se-
lected. Actually, a ListPreference creates mutually exclusive radio buttons in
which only one can be selected.
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4.3.6 assets Folder
Q1. Files in the assets subfolders are accessed via an ________, which can provide
a list of all of the file names in a specified subfolder and can be used to access each
a. FolderManager
b. Organizer
c. AssetOrganizer
d. AssetManager
Answer: d. AssetManager

4.3.7 Resource Folders

Q1. Resource folder names that begin with anim contain XML files that define
________, which can change an object’s transparency, size, position and rotation
over time.
a. property
b. tweened
c. view
d. drawable
Answer: b. tweened.

Q2. Resource folder names that begin with ________ contain XML files that define
property animations, which change the value of an object’s property over time.
a. animator
b. anim
c. animation
d. None of the above.
Answer: a. animator

Q3. In Java, a property is typically implemented in a class as a(n) ________.

a. static method
b. instance variable with both set and get accessors
c. non-static method
d. enumeration
Answer: b. instance variable with both set and get accessors

Q4. Which of the following statements is false?

a. You can use a color state list to define separate colors for when Buttons are ena-
bled or disabled.
b. Resource folder names that begin with raw contain resource files (such as audio
clips) that are read into an app as streams of bytes. You use such resources to play
c. Resource folder names that begin with xml contain XML files that do not fit into
the other resource categories—often XML data files used by the app.
d. All of the above are true.
Answer: d. All of the above are true.

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4.3.8 Supporting Different Screen Sizes and Resolutions
Q1. You can provide String resources for different languages and regions. Android
uses resource folders with ________ to choose the appropriate images, based on a
device’s pixel density, and the correct language strings, based on a device’s locale
and region settings.
a. qualified names
b. disqualified names
c. unqualified names
d. None of the above.
Answer: a. qualified names

4.3.9 Determining the Device Orientation

Q1. An object of class ________ contains public instance variable orientation
device’s current orientation.
a. Settings
b. Configuration
c. Orientation
d. None of the above
Answer: b. Configuration

4.3.10 Toasts for Displaying Messages

Q1. ________ are often used to display minor error messages or informational mes-
sages that disappear after a short period of time.
a. Tweets
b. Tooltips
c. Toasts
d. None of the above
Answer: c. Toasts

4.3.11 Using a Handler to Execute a Runnable in the Future

Q1. Handler- method ________ receives as arguments a Runnable to execute and
a delay in milliseconds. After the delay has passed, the Handler’s Runnable exe-
cutes in the same thread that created the Handler.
a. executeDelayed
b. runDelayed
c. handleDelayed
d. postDelayed
Answer: d. postDelayed

Q2. In what thread does a Handler’s Runnable execute?

a. the GUI thread
b. the thread that created the Handler
c. a new thread that the Handler creates
d. None of the above
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Answer: b. the thread that created the Handler

4.3.12 Applying an Animation to a View

Q1. You specify the number of times an animation should repeat with Animation
method ________.
a. setRepetitions
b. repetitions
c. setRepeatCount
d. repeatCount
Answer: c. setRepeatCount

4.3.13 Using ViewAnimationUtils to Create a Circular Reveal

Q1. You can use the ViewAnimationUtils class to create a circular reveal Anima-
tor object by calling the createCircularReveal method. The animation appears
as a --------________ circular window that displays part of a UI element.
a. rotating
b. shrinking
c. expanding
d. shrinking or expanding
Answer: d. shrinking or expanding

4.3.14 Specifying Colors Based on a View’s State Via a Color

State List
Q1. You could define a ________ for a Button’s background color that specifies
different colors for the Button’s pressed, unpressed, enabled and disabled states.
a. color state list
b. color list
c. color group
d. color state group
Answer: a. color state list

4.3.15 AlertDialog
Q1. Which of the following statements about a standard AlertDialog is false?
a. Its negative action button cancels the dialog’s specified action, often labeled with
CANCEL- or NO. This is the leftmost button when there are multiple buttons in the
b. Its positive action button accepts the dialog’s specified action, often labeled with
OK or YES. This is the rightmost button when there are multiple buttons in the dia-
c. Its neutral action button indicates that the user does not want to cancel or accept
the action specified by the dialog. For example, an app that asks the user to register
to gain access to additional features might provide a REMIND ME LATER neutral
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d. Each of the above statements is true.
Answer: d. Each of the above statements is true.

4.3.16 Logging Exception Messages

Q1. Which of the next three statements is false?
a. When exceptions occur or when you want to track important aspects of your
code’s execution, you can log messages for debugging purposes with Android’s
built-in logging mechanism.
b. Android provides class Log (package android.util) with several static meth-
ods that represent messages of varying detail.
c. Logged messages can be viewed in the bottom of the Android Device Monitor’s
LogCat tab or with the Android logcat tool.
d. Each of the above statements is true.
Answer: d. Each of the above statements is true.

4.3.17 Launching Another Activity Via an Explicit Intent

Q1. Android uses a technique known as ________ to communicate information be-
tween activities within one app or activities in separate apps.
a. intent messaging
b. intent dispatching
c. intent broadcasting
d. None of the above
Answer: a. intent messaging

Q2. Each Activity declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file can specify

________ indicating actions the Activity is capable of handling.
a. intent extractors
b. activity filters
c. intent filters
d. None of the above
Answer: c. intent filters

Q3. An Activity is launched by using a(n) ________ that indicates an action to be

performed and the data on which to perform that action.
a. Action
b. IntendedAction
c. Launcher
d. Intent
Answer: d. Intent

Q4. If multiple activities can handle the action and data passed to startActivity,
the system will ________.
a. display a dialog in which the user can select the activity to use
b. choose the first matching Activity
c. select a random Activity
d. None of the above
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Answer: a. display a dialog in which the user can select the activity to use

Q5. If the system cannot find an activity to handle an Intent’s action, then method
startActivity throws an Activity-NotFound-Exception. You can prevent this
exception from happening by first using Intent method ________ to determine
whether there is an Activity to handle the Intent.
a. findActivity
b. findActivityForIntent
c. resolveActivity
d. resolveActivityForIntent
Answer: c. resolveActivity

4.3.18 Java Data Structures

Q1. You can use Collections method ________ to randomize the order of the el-
ements in an ArrayList<String>.
a. reorder
b. shuffle
c. srand
d. randomize
Answer: b. shuffle

4.3.19 Java SE 7 Features

Q1. If the Java compiler can infer a generic object’s type from the context, you can
replace <type> with <> when creating the object. In this context, <> is referred to as
the ________ operator.
a. type
b. less than–greater than
c. inference
d. diamond
Answer: d. diamond

*********************************Q2. Rather than declaring a resource, using

it in a try block and closing it in a finally block, you can use the ________ state-
ment to declare the resource in the try block’s parentheses and use the resource in
the try block. The resource is implicitly closed when ________.
b. try-with-resources
Answer: b. try-with-resources

4.3.20 AndroidManifest.xml
Q1. Which of the following three statements is false?
a. You must create the AndroidManifest.xml file when you create an app.
b. All activities in an Android app must be listed in the app’s manifest file.
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c. When you add an activity to a project, the IDE will also add it to the manifest file.
d. All of the above statements are false.
Answer: a. You must create the AndroidManifest.xml file when you create an
app. Actually, the AndroidManifest.xml file is created for you when you create
an app.

4.4 Creating the Project, Resource Files and

Additional Classes

4.4.1 Creating the Project

No questions.

4.4.2 Blank Activity Template Layouts

Q1. Which of the following three statements is false?
a. The Blank Activity template is a backward-compatible app template (for Android
2.1 and higher) that uses features of the Android Design Support Library.
b. The Blank Activity template must be used with a Fragment.
c. When you choose to use the Fragment option, the IDE creates layouts named ac-
tivity_main.xml, content_main.xml and fragment_main.xml.
d. Each of the above statements are false.
Answer: b. The Blank Activity template must be used with a Fragment. Actually,
the Blank Activity template can be used with or without a Fragment.

Q2. Which of the following statements is true?

a. The default activity_main.xml layout embeds (via an <include> element in
the XML) the GUI defined in content_main.xml.
b. The default activity_main.xml layout also contains a FloatingActionBut-
ton—a round image button from the Android Design Support Library that has a
higher elevation than the GUI’s other components, so it “floats” over the GUI.
c. Each app based on the Blank Activity template includes a FloatingActionButton
(which typically emphasizes an important action that the user can perform by touch-
ing the button) and other material design features.
d. All of the above statements are true.
Answer: d. All of the above statements are true.

Q3. When you choose the Blank Activity template’s Fragment option, this file con-
tains only a ________ element that displays the MainActivityFragment’s GUI
defined in fragment_main.xml.
a. <fragment_main>
b. <fragment>
c. <main_fragment>
d. None of the above
Answer: c. <fragment>

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4.4.3 Configuring Java SE 7 Support
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4.4.4 Adding the Flag Images to the Project

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4.4.5 strings.xml and Formatted String Resources

Q1. The Android design guidelines indicate that text displayed in your GUI should
be brief, simple and friendly with the important words ________.
a. centered
b. last
c. in italics
d. first
Answer: d. first

4.4.6 arrays.xml
Q1. By convention array resources are normally defined in arrays.xml, colors in
colors.xml, Strings in strings.xml and numeric values in ________.
a. numbers.xml
b. numeric.xml
c. digits.xml
d. values.xml
Answer: d. values.xml

4.4.7 colors.xml
Q1. As with any other resource, color resources should be defined in XML so you
can easily change colors without modifying your app’s Java source code and so you
can use Android’s ________ capabilities to provide colors resources for various sce-
narios (different locales, night and day colors, and so on).
a. color-choosing
b. value-choosing
c. locale-choosing
d. resource-choosing
Answer: d. resource-choosing

4.4.8 button_text_color.xml
Q1. When a color state list resource is provided for a Button color (either fore-
ground or background), the appropriate color from the list of colors is selected, based
on the Button’s ________.
a. relative horizontal position
b. importance
c. proximity to other GUI elements
d. state
Answer: d. state.
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4.4.9 Editing menu_main.xml
Q1. Select File > New > Vector Asset to display the ________—this tool enables you
to add to your project any of Google’s recommended material design icons. Each
icon is defined as a scalable vector graphic that smoothly scales to any size.
a. Vector Image Studio
b. Vector Asset Studio
c. Asset Studio
d. Image Studio
Answer: b. Vector Asset Studio

Q2. You can force a menu item to display on the app bar, in which case it’s known as
a(n) ________—by default, this is displayed as the menu item’s icon (if there is one).
a. task
b. button
c. action
d. None of the above
Answer: c. action

Q1. A(n) ________ is a collection of animations that make up a larger animation.
a. animation list
b. animation set
c. animation map
d. None of the above
Answer: b. animation set

Q2. Which of the following is not a tweened animation that you can include in an
animation set?
a. alpha
b. scale
c. rotate
d. flip
Answer: d. flip

Q3. A ________ animation moves a View within its parent.

a. alpha
b. scale
c. rotate
d. translate
Answer: d. translate

Q4. The ________ attribute specifies how long the animation lasts in milliseconds.
a. android:duration
b. android:length
c. android:playbackTime
d. android:time
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Answer: a. android:duration

Q5. By default, animations in an animation set are applied simultaneously (i.e., in

parallel), but you can use the ________ attribute to specify the number of millisec-
onds into the future at which an animation should begin. This can be used to se-
quence the animations in a set.
a. android:startTime
b. android:offset
c. android:sequence
d. android:startOffset
Answer: d. android:startOffset

4.4.11 preferences.xml for Specifying the App’s Settings

No questions.

4.4.12 Adding Classes SettingsActivity and

SettingsActivityFragment to the Project
No questions.

4.5 Building the App’s GUI

No questions.

4.5.1 activity_main.xml Layout for Devices in Portrait

Q1. According to the Android design guidelines, ________ dp is the recommended
space between the edges of a device’s touchable screen area and the app’s content;
however, many apps (such as games) use the full screen.
a. 1.6
b. 16
c. 160
d. 16.6
Answer: b. 16

4.5.2 Designing fragment_main.xml Layout

Q1. It’s often easiest to select a particular GUI component in ________.
a. the design area
b. the Component Tree window
c. XML
d. None of the above
Answer: b. Component Tree window

Q2. By default, the IDE set the layout’s Padding Left and Padding Right properties to
a predefined dimension resource named
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@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin—located in the ________ file of the pro-
ject’s res/values folder.
a. dimensions.xml
b. values.xml
c. strings.xml
d. dimens.xml
Answer: d. dimens.xml

Q3. Setting the layout:height property to 0dp will let a View’s height be determined
by the ________ property.
a. layout:weight
b. layout:width
c. layout:automatic
d. None of the above
Answer: a. layout:weight

Q4. Setting the ImageView’s adjustViewBounds property to true indicates that the
ImageView maintains its image’s ________.
a. width
b. height
c. resolution
d. aspect ratio
Answer: d. aspect ratio

Q5. It’s considered a best practice in Android to ensure that every GUI component
can be used with TalkBack. For components that don’t have descriptive text, such as
Image-Views, set the component’s ________ property.
a. description
b. contentDescription
c. talkback
d. talkbackDescription
Answer: b. contentDescription

Q7. Setting a Button’s style property to

@android:style/Widget.Material.Button.Colored causes the Button to take
on a colored appearance, based on the colors of the app’s theme. The Buttons’ color
will be the theme’s ________.
a. accent color
b. primary color
c. dark primary color
d. None of the above
Answer: a. accent color

4.5.3 Graphical Layout Editor Toolbar

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4.5.4 content_main.xml Layout for Tablet Landscape
No questions.

4.6 MainActivity Class

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4.6.1 package Statement and import Statements

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4.6.2 Fields
No questions.

4.6.3 Overridden Activity Method onCreate

Q1. When you install and launch an app for the first time, calling Prefer-
enceManager method setDefaultValues sets the app’s default preferences—this
creates and initializes the app’s ________ file using the default values that you spec-
ified in preferences.xml.
a. Settings
b. Preferences
c. SharedPreferences
d. SharedSettings
Answer: c. SharedPreferences

Q2. Method getConfiguration returns a Configuration object (package an-

droid.content.res) containing public instance variable ________, which speci-
fies the device’s screen-size category.
a. screenSize
b. size
c. layout
d. screenLayout
Answer: d. screenLayout

4.6.4 Overridden Activity Method onStart

Q1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. When the app first executes, onCreate is called after onStart.
b. When the app is running in portrait orientation and the user opens the Set-
tings-Activity, the MainActivity is stopped while the SettingsActivity is
displayed. When the user returns to the MainActivity, onStart is called again.
c. To get a reference to the MainActivityFragment so we can call its methods, use
inherited AppCompatActivity method getSupportFragmentManager to get the
FragmentManager, then call its findFragmentById method.
d. Each of the above statements is true.
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Answer: a. When the app first executes, onCreate is called after onStart. Ac-
tually, when the app first executes, onStart is called after onCreate.

4.6.5 Overridden Activity Method onCreateOptionsMenu

Q1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. You must create methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected
when you use Android Studio’s Blank Activity template.
b. Activity’s Resources object (returned by inherited method getResources-)
can obtain a Configuration object (returned by method getConfiguration) that
represents the device’s current configuration.
c. Inherited Activity method getMenuInflater returns a MenuInflater on
which you can call inflate with two arguments—the resource ID of the menu re-
source that populates the menu and the Menu object in which the menu items will be
d. Returning true from onCreateOptionsMenu indicates that the menu should be
Answer: a. You must create methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOp-
tionsItemSelected when you use Android Studio’s Blank Activity template.
Actually, meethods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected are
autogenerated by Android Studio’s Blank Activity template.

4.6.6 Overridden Activity Method onOptionsItemSelected

Q1. Method ________ is called when a menu item is selected.
a. onOptionSelected
b. onMenuItemSelected
c. onItemSelected
d. onOptionsItemSelected
Answer: d. onOptionsItemSelected

4.6.7 Anonymous Inner Class That Implements

Q1. Toast method ________ receives as arguments the Context on which the
Toast is displayed, the message to display and the duration for which the Toast will
be displayed. Toast method show displays the Toast.
a. makeToast
b. buildToast
c. makeText
d. buildText
Answer: c. makeText

4.7 MainActivityFragment Class

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4.7.1 package and import Statements
No questions.

4.7.2 Fields
No questions.

4.7.3 Overridden Fragment Method onCreateView

Q1. Method inflate returns a reference to a ________ that contains the inflated
a. Layout
b. Inflator
c. View
d. RelativeLayout
Answer: c. View

Q2. You can use a(n) ________ object to delay the performance of an action.
a. DelayedAction
b. ActionHandler
c. TaskHandler
d. Handler
Answer: d. Handler

4.7.4 Method updateGuessRows

No questions.

4.7.5 Method updateRegions

No questions.

4.7.6 Method resetQuiz

Q1. IOExceptions are ________ exceptions (so you must catch or declare the ex-
a. required
b. important
c. special
d. checked
Answer: checked

Q2. Which of the following is true?

a. Log static method error is used to log error messages.
b. Log static method e is used to log error messages.
c. Log static method exception is used to log error messages.
d. None of the above.
Answer: Log static method e is used to log error messages.

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4.7.7 Method loadNextFlag
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4.7.8 Method getCountryName

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4.7.9 Method animate

Q1. Which of the following is false?
a. Animator method createCircularReveal creates a circular reveal animation.
b. Animator method setDuration specifies the animation’s duration in millisec-
c. Animator method start begins executing the animation.
d. Animator method addListener registers a listener for various animation events,
such as when the animation ends.
Answer: a. Animator method createCircularReveal creates a circular reveal
animation. Actually, method createCircularReveal belongs to class ViewAn-

4.7.10 Anonymous Inner Class That Implements

Q1. Implement interface ________ to respond to Button events. The method re-
ceives the clicked Button as a parameter.
a. OnTouchListener
b. OnButtonClickListener
c. OnButtonTouchListener
d. OnClickListener
Answer: d. OnClickListener

Q2. Which of the following statements is false?

a. You can set an AlertDialog’s title (which appears above the dialog’s message)
with AlertDialog.Builder method setTitle.
b. According to the Android design guidelines for dialogs, most dialogs need titles.
c. A dialog should display a title for “a high-risk operation involving potential loss of
data, connectivity, extra charges, and so on.”
d. Dialogs that display lists of options use the title to specify the dialog’s purpose.
Answer: b. According to the Android design guidelines for dialogs, most dialogs
need titles. Actually, according to the Android design guidelines for dialogs,
most dialogs do not need titles.

4.7.11 Method disableButtons

No questions.

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4.8 SettingsActivity Class
No questions.

4.9 SettingsActivityFragment Class

Q1. As the user interacts with the preferences GUI, the preferences are automatically
stored into a ________ file on the device. If the file does not exist, it will be created;
otherwise, it will be updated.
a. Preferences
b. SharedPreferences
c. Settings
d. Configuration
Answer: b. SharedPreferences

4.10 AndroidManifest.xml
Q1. Which of the following is false?
a. Each Activity in an app must be declared in AndroidManifest.xml; otherwise,
Android will not know that the Activity- exists and will not be able to launch it.
b. By default each Activity you create uses the "standard" launch mode. In this
mode, when Android receives an Intent to launch the Activity, Android creates a
new instance of that Activity
c. With MainActivity’s launchMode set to "singleTop", when the user touches
the up button Android brings the existing MainActivity to the foreground, rather
than creating a new MainActivity object.
d. Each of the above is true.
Answer: d. Each of the above is true.

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