Animal Diversity 7th Edition Hickman Test Bank

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Animal Diversity 7th Edition Hickman

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

Chapter 10

True / False Questions

1. Most molluscs are found in fresh water, but a few live in the ocean or on land.

2. Molluscs are important to humans because of their important ecological niches, because a
variety of them are eaten, and because some kinds produce pearls.

3. The mantle cavity in a mollusc houses the gills, foot, and head.

4. Members of the class Monoplacophora were believed extinct until some living specimens
were found off the coast of Costa Rica in 1952.

5. Chitons have eight plates embedded in their dorsal surface.


6. The class Gastropoda is the most diverse and ecologically the most successful mollusc

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

7. The cephalopods are the marine active predators.


8. The molluscs are the second most diverse phylum known.


9. Molluscs evolved in fresh water, and therefore the majority of species are found in fresh

10. Some bivalves have an operculum which prevents drying when the tide goes out.

Multiple Choice Questions

11. In coelomate animals, the coelom

A. develops as a secondary cavity within the mesoderm.
B. is filled with fluid.
C. can serve as a hydrostatic skeleton.
D. all of these

12. The characteristics that generally typify molluscs are

A. foot, mantle, protonephridia, shell.
B. radula, open circulation, mantle, shell.
C. coelom, mantle, closed circulation, radula.
D. no anus, pseudocoel, mantle, shell.

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

13. The Monoplacophora

A. lack a shell.
B. live in fresh water.
C. have several internal organs that are serially repeated.
D. lack a foot.

14. The Polyplacophora

A. have a coiled shell.
B. live in the ocean.
C. lack gills.
D. all of these

15. The Solenogasters

A. live on the sea bottom and feed on cnidarians.
B. have a shell of eight articulating plates.
C. resemble the squids.
D. are called chitons.

16. The nudibranchs belong to the

A. Prosobranchia.
B. Opisthobranchia.
C. Pulmonata.
D. Scaphopoda.

17. The cephalopod __________ has a mantle length of 5 to 6 m, eyes up to 25 cm in

diameter, and feeds on fish and other squids.
A. Tegelus
B. Cyphoma
C. Haliotis
D. Architeuthis

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

18. Locomotion in most of the Bivalvia is accomplished by

A. a muscular foot.
B. ciliary action.
C. jet propulsion.
D. all of these

19. Concerning reproduction in Bivalvia,

A. they tend to be hermaphroditic.
B. fertilization is usually external.
C. development is direct (no larva).
D. the adult stage is called a glochidium.

20. The water current in the body of a cephalopod mollusc provides

A. oxygen for respiration.
B. jet power for rapid locomotion.
C. a means of carrying wastes and gametes out of the body.
D. all of these

21. The circulatory system of cephalopods is more efficient than that of other molluscs
A. it has blood.
B. it is closed.
C. cephalopods breathe air.
D. all of these

22. One group of molluscs in particular, the _____________, serve as intermediate hosts for
many harmful parasites.
A. bivalves
B. chitons
C. gastropods
D. cephalopods

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

23. The muscles which hold the valves of a bivalve together are the
A. umbo muscles.
B. adductor muscles.
C. synergist muscles.
D. fixator muscles.

24. The group of molluscs which are most endangered are the
A. freshwater bivalves.
B. marine bivalves.
C. terrestrial gastropods.
D. marine gastropods.

Fill in the Blank Questions

25. The tongue-like, rasping organ in the head of most molluscs is the ______________.

26. The Polyplacophora are commonly called _______.


27. The shell of Polyplacophora is divided into (#) _________ valves.


28. Molluscs with a tubular shell, open at both ends are the class _____________.

29. Torsion in gastropods caused the mantle cavity and the organs it contained to lie above the

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

30. Opisthobranchs that have no shell or true gill are commonly known as ____________.

31. Though they evolved from a torted ancestor, opisthobranchs have undergone various
degrees of _________________.

32. The pulmonate snails lack gills, and their mantle cavity functions in an analogous fashion
to a __________.

33. The edible clams, oysters, and scallops belong to the class _____________.

34. With respect to obtaining food, most clams and related organisms can be described as
suspension feeders

35. Many freshwater clams have specialized, parasitic ___________ larvae.

glochidia or veliger

36. The empty chambers of Nautilus are connected by a cord of living tissue called the

37. Most cephalopods can move by a kind of jet propulsion by expelling water through their

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

38. The largest invertebrate known, the giant squid, belongs to the class _____________.

39. Most cephalopod molluscs can change colors because of special pigment cells that are
called _____________.

40. The circulatory system of cephalopods is more efficient than other molluscs because it is
____________ and has accessory ___________ at the base of each gill.
closed; hearts

41. Most cephalopods can secrete and expel an ink containing _____________ to confuse

42. The ______________ is the outer layer of a typical mollusc shell.


43. The shell of a mollusc is rich in the element _____________.


44. Because of "coiling," most gastropods can be characterized as being bilaterally


45. The ______________ is a rod in the stomach of a bivalve which aids in digestion.
crystalline style

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Chapter 10 - Molluscs

46. There are two hypotheses that explain molluscan evolution. In the _______ hypothesis,
the wormlike body is the ancestral trait, but in the ______ hypothesis the multiple foot
retractor muscles would be the ancestral trait.
Serialia; Conchifera

47. Classes _______________ and _______________ are small groups of wormlike molluscs
with no shell.
Caudofoveata; Solenogastres

48. The most primitive conditions in today's molluscs are found in the ____________ with a
mantle, calcareous spicules, a radula, and gills.

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