Asf3 Bsarch 1-E

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Carlus Alfonso C.

Margarico 19 September 2023

BS Arch 1-E ASF 3

Instructions: Cite a saying of St. Augustin about sin then write a short reflection about it.

"The will is truly free, when it is not the slave of vices and sins"

The quote "The will is truly free, when it is not the slave of vices and sins" teaches us that true
freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want, but the power to do what is good and right. He
warns us that vices and sins can enslave our will and make us act against our true nature and
dignity. When we sin, we lose our freedom and become slaves of our passions, habits, or
temptations. We also offend God, who created us in his image and likeness and gave us free will
to love him and to serve him.

To be truly free, we need to resist sin and follow God’s commandments. We need to follow his
grace and mercy, which can heal our wounds on our soul and restore our freedom. We need to
cultivate virtues, which are good habits that help us to act according to reason and faith. We need
to love God above all things and love our neighbor as ourselves. By doing so, we will fulfill our
true purpose and destiny, which is to be happy with God forever.

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