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Article by IZERE Ange Bertin

The third millennium has brought us in a world of automation and cyber lifestyle where
everything is influenced by inventions in science and technology. Man-made reasoning and
advanced mechanics, coupled with the very rapid digital transformation provided an avenue for
medical engineers to create medical robots.
Over the past two decades, medical robotics has been progressively revolutionizing treatment.
Replacing human doctors and nurses with robots in personal assistance is one of the more
prominent goals of medical robotics. No doubt, with each passing year, the fight between
human doctors and robot doctors is becoming more serious, intense and fascinating. It’s a long
on-going debate where supporters, believers, and experts are in the power of one form over the
other and one replacing the other.
Robots are now being intensively employed in surgery. The current use of Endoscopy-bot,
targeted therapy micro-robot, Disinfectant robot, Companion Bots, Telepresence robot
surrogates, robotic surrogates, robotic nurses, pharmarobots, robotic-assisted biopsy and
antibacterial nanorobots are a few examples among a broad group of medical robots.

Fig: A robot in operation hall

The debate never ceases, concerning the ethical view of applying artificial intelligence in human
healthcare. Many people consider this field in a positive way while others criticize the
invention. Should we let reasoning machines drive us to the future medical advances? I don’t
think so but I do agree that they can assist doctors and nurses in better and advanced service

Fig. A nanorobot in human blood

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