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Failure Analysis of wire rope of 50T capacity MN bay Crane

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On 19th Dec Slab yard crane (MN BAY Crane) wire rope was failed during operation. This Crane was
used to handle slab shifting at Slab Yard of SMS. Temperature of slabs was at around 800 OC. Wire rope
was failed from its thimble location and rest of the location was found ok condition. The failed wire rope
was referred to scientific services for failure analysis.

Failed Component Details:

Department : Crane Maintenance
Component : MN-bay Wire Rope
Equipment : Slab yard MN BAY Crane
Life expected : N/A
Life obtained : 8 Month
Supplier (OEM- Wire Rope) : M/s Usha
Martine Wire Rope details
Actual used rope
Wire Rope Construction 6X K36 SW (14-7+7-7-1) POWER FORM
Wire rope Length 100 m
Rope Nominal Dia in mm 24
Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 1960
Twisting direction RHO
Rope Lubrication Self-lubrication

Wire rope is a composite construction of different strands and a core wire strands. In this case, 6 strands
and one steel core strands is used. Each strand consisted of 36 numbers of individual wires (as per the
speciation: 6XK36 steel wire core). As per specification, wire rope was of 24 mm diameter and total 100
m length. It is used for lifting and shifting of slab at slab yard. Two ropes of 100m length and one drum
are used for crane with sheave. Rope was failed from west side and east side rope was found ok

Wire Rope

Over view of Slab yard Crane from north side

Closer view of Slab yard Crane from north side

1(b) SMS EOH


Wire rope


East West


Fig. 1(a): Overview of Slab yard crane; 1(b): Schematic diagram of SMS slab yard Crane
Site Visit Observation:
 Failed wire rope conformed to specification of wire rope specififed in drawing i.e 6 X36 SW.
There were two similar wire ropes used in the crane. West side rope was found fractured,
whereas other side rope was found in ok condition.
 Rope was fractured from its thimble location. Three pulley were used for each rope. Bottom
pulley having 3 groove sheave and top pulley having 2 groove sheave. Rope arrangement with
drum is shown in Fig. 2b. Damage mark was observed on groove of thimble (Fig. 2c). One of the
NP bay discarded rope with thimble was also examined. Internal broken wires were observed on
that thimble location [Fig. 2d-e].


Damage mark on
Wire rope at
thimble position



Visual observation at MN bay crane thimble of failed


Visual observation at NP b ay crane thimble location

Broken Wire

Fig. 2(a): Overview of rope at thimble location in crane; 2(b): Schematic diagram of rope arrangement; 2(c): Closer view of
thimble damage mark; 2(d-e) Closer view of damage marks on Wire near thimble.
Visual Observation:
The fractured wire rope was referred for analysis. Sample for investigation were prepared from two
different locations of failed rope (as marked on Fig. 3a). Visual observation of wire rope revealed some
of broken wires. In cross sectional view of rope, total 6 + 1 (steel core wire) strands were observed and
in compacted form. Each strands found 36 numbers of wires. Nominal diameter of wire rope was found
24.1mm which was ok as per specification.

Fracture end

Sample 1: Sample 2: Good

Failed location location

Failed wire rope referred for analysis

3(b) 3(c)

Broken wire

Close view of failed location Close view of good location

Cross sectional view of
wire rope
Fig. 3(a) Damage rope sample referred for analysis; (3b) closer view of
damage location; (3c) Broken wires shown in wire rope; 3(d) cross
sectional view of Wire rope shows strands.
Steel Core

Rope strand
Stereoscopic Observation:
Failed sample of wire rope was examined under stereo microscope. Individual broken wired were
observed at good location of rope (sample-2). Broken wires were observed on wire rope at multiple
location. Fracture end of wire revealed finger nail type failure. Stereoscopic view of fracture end
revealed crack originated from surface. Initially crack propagated in perpendicular direction of wire axis
and finally propagated towards parallel to wire axis direction [Fig. 4b-c]. This is a typical type of bending
fatigue crack of wire rope.


Broken wire

Sample-2: Broken wire at multiple location of wire rope


Over view of Fracture surface

Fracture surface
Fatigue crack propagation
perpendicular to wire axis

Origin of crack from


Fig. 4(a): Closer view of rope strand shows

individual broken wires; 4(b): Showing
fracture surface of wire

Final fracture

Origin of crack

Fracture surface

Fig. 4(c): Closer view of wire fracture surface

The wire rope was found of construction type Power form 6 (Make Usha martin). As per OEM catalogue these
wire ropes were lubricated previously means during manufacturing these wire ropes were lubricated internally.
But it was also specified as OEM USHA Martin, that during service the wire rope has to be lubricated externally
to increase the bending fatigue life & for reducing abrasion.

As per OEM USHA martin catalogue, wire rope with in service lubrication gives 220,000 bending life cycles as
shown in fig.5(a) whereas without in-service lubrication it gives only 90,000 cycles as shown in fig5(b). In this case,
lubrication was OK.

5(a) 5(b)

Rope Design and Bending Fatigue Life calculation:

Tabel-1: Wire rope capacity Calculation for Slab yard crane:

Wire Construction 6X 36 SW
Crane Capacity 50 Ton
Wire Core
Steel Core

Wire Dia (mm) 24

Wire Rope Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 1960

Total No of Wire rope falls 6 X 2= 12

Therefore load on per fall of wire rope 50/12 = 4.167 Ton

Min. Breaking load of wire rope as per
49.8 Ton
OEM Usha Martin Catalogue(T)
Operating Factor of safety 11.95
Factor of safety as per Indian standard
8 min
IS: 4137 for Heavy duty crane
As per safety factor, wire rope is OK for this application.
Tabel-2: Pulley/Rope Bending Ratio Calculation:
Wire Construction 6X 36 SW
Sheave Diameter (D) in mm 785
Nominal Diameter of Rope (d) in mm 24
D/d Ratio 32
D/d Ratio as per wire rope catalog (Specification) 28

 D/d ratio for 6XK36 SW was found to be satisfactory w.r.t. OEM catalogue.

Bending Fatigue Life Calculation:

It was found that the formula proposed by G.Niemann expressed by equation shown in equation-1, for calculating wire rope
fatigue life is the one which is on the safe side and gives results with comparatively less scattering as compared to other wire
rope life calculation techniques. Reference is taken from KAWASAKI STEEL technical report on Development of life
Prolongation Technology for crane wire rope [Ref: 1].

𝐷 9 2

𝑁 = 170000𝑥 [𝑎𝑥𝑏𝑥 (𝑑 𝑎)] ---------------------- Eq 1

Where, N: Number of bending at rope breakage

a: Coefficient of sheave shape
b: Coefficient of configuration
D: Sheave diameter
d: Rope diameter
σ: Stress of rope
 In G.Niemann equation, N is the wire rope bending fatigue cycle limit after which the wire rope elements wires start
 The value of coefficient ‘a’ sheave shape factor is given by formula given below,

It depends on the angle of the outer normal lines of the contact area (δ) and the angle of undercutting (β).For round grooves
angle of the outer normal lines of the contact area (δ) is 180 O and the angle of undercutting (β) is 0O. Thus the formula for
coefficient of sheave shape for round grooves becomes, a = 4/π.
Thus Value of ‘a’ coefficient of sheave shape factor for round groove is 4/π = 1.3

Tabel-3: Bending Fatigue Life Calculation:

Wire Construction 6X 36 WS
Average no. of handling of Slab by Crane per day ~350

Total number of sheaves for one wire rope in slab yard 3 (2 sheave and 1 drum)
Total no of bending cycles for one slab shifting 5

Total no of bending cycles of wire rope per day 350 X 5= 1750 Cycles

Relative bending Life factor(b)

Sheave Diameter (D) in mm
Nominal Diameter of Rope (d) in mm
D/d Ratio
Metallic Area of Wire Rope (A) [Calculated from eq:
A=FXd2; F=Construction factor]
W= load per fall of wire rope = Capacity of crane/No of
50/12= 4.16T
fall of wire rope
σ is the tensile stress of the wire rope. (W/A) 17.65 kgf/mm2
Also, Bending Fatigue life cycles for wire rope as per
calculated from G. Niemann equation
Thus, Expected Fatigue life for wire rope as per G.
Niemann equation 378 days

Thus, Expected Fatigue life for wire rope as per G.

Niemann equation in month. (Taking 365 working days ~ 1 year
for one charging crane in a year)
Actual Life Obtained of failed wire rope 8 month

Table 4: Result of chemical analysis (wt. %) of wire:

Sample C Mn S P Si Cu Cr Ni Mo

Wire Sample 0.88 0.76 0.013 0.007 0.11 0.003 0.013 0.002 --

Thimble ** 0.110 0.158 0.200 ** ** 0.068 ** **

Chemistry of wire sample revealed high carbon steel grade. This type of high carbon grade is commonly used in wire rope
application. Thimble part was made of plain carbon steel grade.

Microstructural Analysis:
Micro specimens were prepared from broken wires. Etched microstructure revealed cold drawn pearlite structure. Crack
originated from wire surface and propagated to perpendicular direction of wire axis and final fracture grew in parallel
direction of wire axis.

Propagation of crack
(Fatigue growth)

Propagation of crack
(final fracture)

Fig. 6(a): Microstructure of wire sample at fracture end


Fig. 6(b): Microstructure of wire at 500X magnification

Table 5: Result of Bulk Hardness:

Sample Details Average Hardness (HV/10kgf)

Wire rope 623

Thimble 209, 206, 207
Hardness of wire rope was found to be satisfactory as it was cold drawn wire. Hardness of thimble was ok as it was plain
carbon steel grade.

Results & discussion:

 Wire rope of 6XK36 SW was used in 50T capacity M-N bay crane. Failed wire rope conformed to specification of wire
rope specififed in drawing i.e 6 X36 SW. There were two similar wire ropes were used in the crane. West side rope
was found fractured, whereas, other side rope was found ok condition.
 Rope was fractured from its thimble location. Damage mark was observed on groove of thimble indicating that
rope was abraded with thimble groove. One of the discarded rope of NP bay crane was examined and internal
broken wires were observed at thimble location of that rope.
 Visual observation of wire rope revealed some individual broken wires. In cross sectional view of rope, total 6 + 1
(steel core wire) strands were observed and in compacted form. Each strands found 36 numbers of wires. Nominal
diameter of wire rope was found 24.1mm which was ok as per specification.
 Failed sample of wire rope was examined under stereo microscope. Individual broken wires were observed at good
location of rope at multiple location. Fractured end of wire revealed finger nail type failure. Stereoscopic view of
fracture end revealed crack originated from surface. Initially crack propagated in perpendicular direction of wire axis
and finally propagated towards parallel to wire axis. This is a typical type of bending fatigue crack of wire rope.
 Rope bending fatigue is caused by running over sheaves or on and off single layer drums. A fatigue crack normally
starts at the points of contact between individual rope wires. Finally creating a fracture which is perpendicular to
the wire axis [1].
 D/d ratio of used rope was found to be satisfactory.
 Bending fatigue life of rope was calculated for ropes and it was found that fatigue life of specified wire rope (6X36
SW) was 1year (approx.). However, used rope failed within 8 months of service.
 No material abnormality was observed in wire rope in terms of chemistry and microstructure. Lubrication was OK.

Wire rope was failed in MN bay crane from thimble location

Wire rope failed in fatigue mode

Damage mark observed on thimble part of failed rope

Wire rope on thimble portion abraded with groove of thimble. It led to fatigue crack
initiation on wires at thimble portion.

Either due to operation issues or due to loosening of wire ropes at thimble location might
have resulted into abrasion between thimble and wire rope, led to failure

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