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Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

QUALIFICATION B.Ed Intermediate Phase

A. Lesson Details
GRADE Grade 7
SUBJECT (CAPS) Natural Science & Technology
TOPIC Strand: Matter & Materials.
Content & Concepts: Separating Mixtures
DATE OF LESSON 30 May 2023
DURATION OF LESSON 1 Hour (9:15-10:15 AM)

B. Caps-Specific Focus

CAPS State your CAPS specific focus here…

of Basic  ‘Doing Science’.
Education. Learners should be able to complete investigations, analyse problems
2011. and use practical processes and skills in evaluating solutions.
and  ‘Knowing the subject content and making connections’.
Learners should have a grasp of scientific, technological and
environmental knowledge and be able to apply it in new contexts.
Grades 7-9.  ‘Understanding the uses of Science’
English Home

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

[Online]. Learners should understand the uses of Natural Sciences and

Available at: indigenous knowledge in society and the environment.
education.go CAPS Specific Skills:
0/CD/Nation  Accessing and recalling information – being able to use a variety of
al%20Curricu sources to acquire information, and to remember relevant facts and
lum%20State key ideas, and to build a conceptual framework.
d%20Vocatio  Observing – noting in detail objects, organisms and events.
ATURAL%20S  Comparing – noting similarities and differences between things.
 Measuring – using measuring instruments such as rulers,
thermometers, clocks and syringes (for volume).
[Accessed 25  Sorting and classifying – applying criteria in order to sort items into a
May 2023]. table, mind-map, key, list or other format.

 Identifying problems and issues – being able to articulate the needs

and wants of people in society.

 Raising questions – being able to think of, and articulate relevant

questions about problems, issues, and natural phenomena.

 Predicting – stating, before an investigation, what you think the

results will be for that particular investigation.

 Hypothesizing – putting forward a suggestion or possible explanation

to account for certain facts. A hypothesis is used as a basis for further
investigation which will prove or disprove the hypothesis.

 Planning investigations – thinking through the method for an activity

or investigation in advance. Identifying the need to make an
investigation a fair test by keeping some things (variables) the same
whilst other things will vary.

 Doing investigations – this involves carrying out methods using

appropriate apparatus and equipment, and collecting data by

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

observing and comparing, measuring and estimating, sequencing, or

sorting and classifying. Sometimes an investigation has to be repeated
to verify the results.

 Recording information – recording data from an investigation in a

systematic way, including drawings, descriptions, tables and graphs.

 Interpreting information – explaining what the results of an activity or

investigation mean (this includes reading and understanding maps,
tables, graphs). A Translation Task requires learners to make sense of
information and convert the information into a different format e.g.
from information captured on a table into a graph format and or
written format.

 Communicating – using written, oral, visual, graphic and other forms

of communication to make information available to other people.

 The Scientific Process is a way of investigating things about the world.

Scientists use this process to find out about the world and to solve

The steps that make up the scientific process are not necessarily in
order (sequential), and may include:

 Step 1: Identify a problem and develop a question. What is it you

want to find out?

 Step 2: Form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is your idea, answer, or

prediction about what will happen and why.

 Step 3: Design an activity or experiment. Do something that will

help you test your idea or prediction to see if you were right.

 Step 4: Observe/note changes/reactions (e.g. through measuring),

and record your observations (e.g. onto a table). What were the
results of your activity or experiment? Write about what

 Step 5: Make inferences about the observations recorded in the

tables, graphs, drawings, photographs. Make some conclusions.

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

What did you find out? Do your results support your hypothesis?
What did you learn from this investigation?
CAPS Specific Content:

Matter and Materials:

 Mixtures:
 A mixture is made up of two or more substances or materials that
have different physical properties. Where the properties differ, the
substances can be separated.
 Methods of physical separation:
 Methods of physical separation.
 The physical properties of the materials in a mixture determine the
separating method to be used.
Some methods used to separate materials include:
 Hand sorting (separating sheep wool from thorns), sieving (separating
stones from sand), filtration (separating sand from water) (refer to
Grade 6 Matter & Materials).
Additional methods include:
 Using a magnet (separating iron from sand).
 Evaporation (retrieving salt from sea water).
 Distillation (retrieving pure water from sea water). Distillation always
involves boiling and condensation [change from gas to a liquid].
 Chromatography (separating different colour pigments from one
colour pigment, such as black.
(DBE, 2011:22-23)

C. Summary of the content to cover

Briefly describe ‘what’ content you need to cover. This will inform the lesson objectives
and choice of teaching strategy.
The focus of this lesson is on cultivating learners’ ability to carry out experiments as well
provide them practice in terms of following the scientific process. Additionally, this lesson
will build on pupils’ collaboration skills because they must work together. Finally, the
specific content that is covered focuses on solidify their knowledge on the topic of
separating mixtures which falls under the strand of matter and materials.

Learners will be asked to get into 9 groups of 4 where they will work together for the
introductory phase as well as the teaching and learning phase of the lesson. During the
introductory phase, the learners will be shown a set of images as well as words that
describe different mixtures. Groups will then have 30 seconds to discuss which method of
separation will work best to separate the mixture. This will build on the previous lesson as
well as pave the way for the rest of the lesson. Learners’ will then have to choose one
person to run to a ‘box’ on the floor with the correct label.

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

To kick off the teaching and learning phase of the lesson, each learner in a group will
receive a card which will be explained later on. The class, together with the teacher will
then follow the recipe for an ‘alien soup’ where pupils will mix with different properties
such as rice, beans, paperclips, flour and water. When the last stage is reached the
teacher will say ‘oh no, the measurements are wrong. We will have to start again’. The
teacher will then ask the learners to complete an experiment where they follow the
scientific process to separate all the materials step by step recording their observations as
they go along. They will have to write down their question, hypothesis as well as their
observations. In the lesson to follow, the learners will communicate their findings with
the rest of the class.

As a means of concluding the lesson, the teacher will employ the ‘3-2-1’ exit ticket. The
learners will be given a blank piece of paper where they will be asked to write down 3
things they learned from the lesson, 2 questions they have and 1 thing they want their
teacher to know. The learners will then be dismissed for breaktime and the teacher will

D. Lesson Objectives

List the objectives for this specific lesson below. Use the verbs from Blooms Taxonomy to
frame your objectives.
1. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify a problem and formulate a
question for an experiment through the use of whole-class engagement.
2. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to work collaboratively to hypothesise
and later identify which method of separation will work best for a specific mixture by
conducting an experiment.
3. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to explain why a certain method of
separation worked best for a particular mixture, by analysing the properties of the
materials in the mixtures.

E. Curriculum Integration (if relevant)

Briefly describe how this lesson integrates content, skills or knowledge from other areas
of the curriculum (if relevant).
 English: Home/First Additional Language:
According to the Department of Basic Education (2011) some of the skills that are
developed in the science classroom are related to the subject of English. For instance,
language skills are mentioned in the CAPS document, specifically the skill of reading
and writing as well as that of listening and speaking. These skills will be developed at
all stages of the lesson. For example, in the introduction of the lesson, learners will be
asked to speak to their group about which method of separation is most fitting. This
portion of the lesson involves both listening and speaking since they will have to share
their opinions as well as listen to that of those in their group. Additionally, in the
teaching and learning phase of the lesson, the learners will be required to read the
instructions and write down answers to their questions. Overall, the subject of English

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

is integrated and developed in this particular lesson. These subjects are integrated
because some learners do not speak English as a first language, therefore the teacher
will have to make use of code-switching when they are explaining concepts to the
learners(where possible). This can be done by the teacher or the learners who are
proficient in both English and the language which other learners speak. English is also
integrated because of new terminology that will be introduced or cemented to the
learners throughout this lesson.

 Social Science (History) and Mathematics:

Both Social Science and Mathematics employ investigations and experiments which
allows for a very slight integration of both these subjects. Furthermore, both
Mathematics and Natural Science topics, specifically, this one ‘Matter and Materials’
requires a level of critical thinking and questioning.

 Information and Communication Technology:

This subject will be integrated at various levels for example, the introduction where
pictures will be displayed as well as the teaching and learning phase where the
learners will be guided with the use of technology. Finally, for the conclusion of the
lesson, learners will be asked to look at the board and answer the questions.

F. Rationale for Lesson Design

Consider the following questions and write a paragraph that responds to these questions
in the space provided below:

1. How does the knowledge of this topic inform choices for learning design?
• What is the main idea/s and most important things to know about this topic?
• What ways of thinking and doing are important for learning this topic?
• How do these inform the design of learning tasks and sequencing of lesson steps?

2. How do learners and their diversities inform choices for lesson design?
• How have you considered the learning support needs in this class?
• How have I ensured that all learners may participate and learn?

3. How do opportunities in this context inform choices for lesson design?

• What possibilities and constraints have I considered?
 The main aim of this lesson is for the learners to develop their skill of following the
scientific process by completing all the steps as outlined by the DBE (2011).
 In addition, the most important way of thinking should be for the pupils to think about
their previous learning by drawing on their prior knowledge of the ‘facts’ which they
were taught, in order to draw conclusions about which method of separation will work
best for which mixtures. With reference to Edward de Bono’s thinking hats, learners
would be encouraged to put on their white ‘fact hats’. Furthermore, they can be

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

encouraged to put on their black ‘judgement’ hats where they will be encouraged to
think carefully and cautiously about the content.
 The abovementioned skills, ideas and thinking approaches inform the design of
learning tasks as well as the sequencing of lesson steps in very important ways.

 In the introductory phase, gamification is used to spark an interest in the

learners. The task is therefore a competition which grade 7 learners generally
enjoy and their desire to learn is ignited.

 In the teaching and learning phase, direct instruction will be used, along with
discussion and group work. The learners will be able to share their thoughts as
well as receive direct feedback from the teacher to guide and scaffold learners’
understanding. Additionally, the pupils are also provided with an opportunity
to ask questions and work with others for added support. In this phase,
learners will also be taking an unusual and interesting approach to learning as
they will be engaged using a different, hands-on approach.

 The closure phase’s activity was chosen as a means of assessment of and for
learning since the teacher will answer the learners questions presented in the
closure phase on their exit tickets as well as determine whether anything was
taken away from the lesson.

 The activities are very simple because, the learners should be as creative and
engaged as possible which is often achieved when tasks are not overwhelming
or scary.

 The assessment for this Natural Science lesson, takes place throughout the
lesson from the beginning to the very end of the lesson. This is to ensure that
any gaps in the pupils’ learning is caught immediately and addressed.
However, the main assessment is the written portion of the experiment which
learners are tasked with writing in their groups.

 Because learners require stimulating and fun approaches to teaching that will
cause them to be interactive and involved, the use of gamification as an
approach is used in the introductory and closure phases. The learners are also
involved in the teaching and learning phase of the lesson where they must
conduct the experiment themselves. They are not passively receiving
information, rather, they are creating their own knowledge through their own
experiences. Moreover, each child in the group has a particular task which will
be alternated each round of the experiment to ensure that everyone is

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

 Peer interaction is also very important because weaker learners may be scared
of informing their teacher that they do not understand something. With group-
work, their peers generally address these shortcomings. Learners also learn
from each other just as much as they learn from their teacher, therefore, this
directed the use of tasks that allow for collaboration such as group-work tasks,
which will be conducted in introductory and teaching and learning phases of
the lesson.

 Additionally, this lesson is supposed to incorporate differentiation and cater

for the diverse learning needs of pupils, therefore, visuals will be used during
the teaching and learning phase which correctly, clearly and simply breaks
down the information in visual ways, thus catering for the visual learners. In
the introductory phase, learners will be playing a hands-on game where they
must run around the classroom thus catering for the learners who require
stimulation (kinaesthetic and tactile learners). In the teaching and learning
phase, pupils will be engaged in a hands-on experiment on ways to separate
mixtures. These tasks accommodate the kinaesthetic learners. In the same
way, direct instruction will be used to assist the auditory learners. Tactile
learners will also be accommodated with the writing tasks.

 The assessment activities in the written portion of the experiment sheet,

includes various levels of questioning, thereby, catering for the advanced
learners as well as those who are struggling.


 Some learners may have ADHD and may not be able to sit still. For these
learners, engaging activities have been incorporated into all phases of the

 Other learners may struggle with a language barrier, this will be combated by
using many visual aids, code-switching (where possible), using simple words to
explain tasks and grouping weaker English Second-Language learners with
stronger English Home Language-Learners for support.

 Some learners may lack resources therefore extra stationary will be supplied
for learners.

 Learners who are hard of hearing and in some extreme cases, learners who are
deaf or have hearing impairments will be catered for by the teacher speaking
loudly, slowly and repeating any confusing topics, when using direct
instruction. Seating these learners in the front of the classroom can also be

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

 Many pupils have problems with their eyesight and some even have visual
impairments, beyond just using glasses. To ensure that this barrier does not
affect the child/children’s learning, the teacher can ensure that the work being
displayed is large. Additionally, the teacher can also read any content to the
learners and ask them to come to the front of the classroom when explaining.

 Another possible constraint is the issue of loadshedding. In the case of there

being no electricity, the teacher can write the questions on the chalkboard and
adapt the lesson so that the learners are still exposed and engage with the
content as they would have with the electricity.

 Finally, some learners may work faster than others. For these learners, the
teacher will ensure to have extra work for them to complete and/or other
duties for them to fulfil in order to keep them busy.

DBE (2011) & Killen (2015).

G. Teaching and learning strategies

Select the Justify your choice/s of teaching strategy/s below by explaining the
teaching strategy (with references) and how this strategy will be used in this
strategies specific lesson plan.
you will
employ that
are suitable
for each
phase of your
lesson, for
your content
and context.
Introduction:  Gamification:
According to Kiryakova, Angelova and Yordanova (2017), gamification is a
teaching strategy which incorporates the utilisation of game systems to
advance pupils’ ability to acquire new skillsets in the teaching and
learning setting. Games are known to assist pupils with increasing their
levels of motivation and promise with tasks and exercises that learner
Gamification engage with. This is due to the fact that learners are familiar with and
enjoy games especially for the purposes of a reward. This approach to
education addresses the problems regarding engagement and
participation by taking an unconventional and fun approach to education.
Games have goals that learners must reach by working together, this is
important as social interaction contributes to learning. Learners will use
this approach in the

Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

introductory as well as the closure phases of the lesson when learners

engage in games to foster their desire to learn.

 Small-Group Work

Killen (2015: 204) asserts that this approach to education is when two or
more learners work together on a task without the instruction of the
Small-group teacher for a small section of the lesson time. While the learners use
group- work in their learning, the educator will be watching the learners
attentively and giving them direction, guidance and support, the teacher
will ensure that they are not directly involved in their pupils’ group work.
Learners will thus be in possession of great control of their education
when this strategy is incorporated into the lesson, specifically in the
teaching and learning phase. This is also useful since learners will be using
their prior knowledge and the help of their group-members to conduct an
experiment where they match the separation of materials to the correct
separation method.

Teaching and  Discussion:

Phase: According to the Washington University (2023), discussion as a teaching
strategy awards teacher an opportunity to stimulate critical and creative
thinking. Learners also feel that their contributions are valued, and
Discussion teachers can challenge them to think critically and put their ideas into
words more efficiently. This strategy will be used in the introduction as
well as the teaching and learning phase of the lesson. Learners will discuss
the different methods of separating mixtures as well as recap the content
associated with mixtures when they engage with their worksheet.

 Direct Instruction:
This is defined by (Killen: 136) as an educator-centred strategy to teaching
Direct where the educator brings the academic subject matter in a well-ordered
Instruction way which directs learner tasks and makes sure that the focus remains on
academic achievement. This is exactly what is needed throughout the
lesson but specifically in the teaching and learning phase particularly
when explaining the directions of the experiment to the learners as well
as the section just before the experiment, when the learners combine
ingredients with their teacher.

 Writing for learning:

Writing for The University of Waterloo (2023) contends that this approach is an
learning effective tool for learning which cultivates learners’ ability to understand
and develop skills through the process of writing. The institution
that writing tasks are valuable to education because pupils receive the
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motivation they need to learn and think critically about subject material
as well gaining, managing and joining their previously acquired knowledge
with new information while gaining, managing and joining their previously
acquired knowledge with new information (University of Waterloo, 2023).
Pupils will be required to showcase their understanding as well as their
skill answering questions based on the experiment as well as follow the
scientific process for example, formulating a question and hypothesis as
well as recording their results.

 Gamification
This strategy will be employed once more in the closure phase, in order to
Gamification draw the lesson to a close in a fun and unconventional way as well as to
gear the learners up for the lesson to follow. The learners will be tasked
with completing an exit ticket which they will squash up and attempt to
throw in a ‘private’ bin labelled with ‘toxic’ signs.

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H. Lesson Phases

Lesson Write, in detail, every element/step of your lesson for each Resources
phase.Include time on task for each phase.
Phases Required

Game | Four Squares

The learners will be greeted and seated and they will also be
reminded about the classroom management tools as well as
their rewards. For the introductory phase of the lesson, the
teacher will establish the learners’ prior knowledge in order to
build on it for the remainder of the lesson. The teacher will
begin with a game where learners are required to compete
against each other in 9 groups of ±4. Learners will be arranged,
based on where they sit to limit the amount of walking around
as well as the time spent on preparing and settling down. The
task is extremely simple; therefore, learners only have 10
minutes to complete the game. The teacher will use direct
instruction to explain the game to the learners. He/she will
explain that the rules are as follows:
Annexure A
 Each team will be given a set of 4 cards with a group number Group numbers

on it (Annexure A) each child will receive one card and the on coloured
learners will be in possession of these cards for the duration Paper
of the introductory phase.
 The learners will then be shown a sequence of pictures or Annexure B
written mixtures for example ‘paperclips and rice’ which will
be added to the slideshow (Annexure B).
 The learners will then be instructed to discuss among
themselves which method of separation will work best. Their
options are:
1) Hand-Sorting
2) Sieving
3) Magnetism
4) Filtering
 Pupils will then be instructed to choose someone who will
run around the room and step in the box of their choice.
The boxes will be labelled according to the 4 methods listed
 Once a learner has had the opportunity to run and stand in a
box, they are not allowed to run again for the rounds that
follow. They are only permitted to participate in the
deliberation process. This will ensure that all learners have a
chance to be involved in this particular phase of the lesson.

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 The first learner in each box’s numbers will be collected and Annexure C
stuck on a table (Annexure C) this will help manage the A table tracking
learners choices. All the learners’ who did not manage to the learners’
choose a box will be asked to leave their group number card guesses
on the teacher’s table.

This portion of the lesson incorporates direct instruction, group-

work and gamification. The game will form the foundation of the
lesson since it builds on the concept of ‘hypothesising’. This
segment of the lesson forms the foundation of the second
lesson objective however it does not meet it! The learners will
be required to make an educated guess in 30 seconds about
which separation method is best used to separate various
mixtures. The game is therefore an indirect formulation of a
hypothesis which links to lesson objective 2, which will be met
later, in the teaching and learning phase. The learners also make
use of group-work.

10 Minutes - [9:15-9:25 AM]

Alien Soup Recipe
For this portion of the lesson, the teacher will take take the Annexure D
learners through the recipe steps for an alien soup. She will hand List of
out the ingredients for the soup, a list of ingredients and the Ingredients,
containers to mix the soup in, first (Annexure D). The teacher Ingredients,
will then tell the learners to ensure that they follow her Containers &
instructions exactly as she says. The teacher will tell the learners Spoons

 Step 1: Check that they have all the ingredients listed on the
screen and on their list.
 Step 2: Check that they have all the materials they will need
to combine the recipe such as 2 containers and a spoon.
 Step 3: Combine the ingredients in two separate containers,
1 for only dry ingredients and 1 for dry ingredients and water
(wet ingredients) as per the recipe guidelines.
 Step 4: Mix the ingredients well with the spoon.
 Step 5: Recheck the ingredients. This is where the teacher
will introduce the problem. Upon the recheck, she will
inform the learners that she made an error with the
measurements, and the class will have to start again. She will
then tell them that it was actually meant to be half of all the
ingredients listed in the recipe.
These steps will present the learners with a problem and allow
them to complete the first step of the scientific process
(formulating a question based on a problem). This is a group task
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therefore 9 sets of the ingredients, recipes and containers will

be needed for each group of learners. This portion of the lesson
involves group-work as a teaching strategy where learners will
work together to combine the materials into mixtures. It should
consume about 15 minutes of the overall lesson time.

15 Minutes – [9:25-9:40 AM]

After these steps have been completed, the teacher will Annexure E
distribute experiment worksheets (Annexure E) to the learners. Experiment
One worksheet, per group will be handed out, where there will Worksheets
be a space for the learners to write down their names and
surnames. She will then get them to collectively discuss and
write down what the problem question for the experiment is.
This will meet the first lesson objective (LO1) which is to identify
a problem and formulate a question for the experiment.

The teacher will then ask the learners what they can do to
separate the mixture. In other words, ‘what methods of

separation will we use to separate the materials from each

other?’. The teacher will then direct their attention to the
second step of the scientific process which is formulating a
hypothesis. She will then ask the groups to write down which
method of separation they think will work best for extracting
paperclips from the mixture, then separating the flour, then the
beans from the rice and lastly, water from sand in the other
container. This will meet the second lesson objective (LO2)
which is for the learners to hypothesise which method of
separation will work best for which materials.

Due to the huge gap in the learners’ knowledge of the scientific

process and other science related concepts, this lesson as a
whole as well as the worksheet have been simplified to
accommodate the learners. The learners will complete the first
two portions of the worksheet using a whole-class approach
where the teacher will walk the learners through the question
and hypothesis.

Each of the 9 groups will receive a set of cards (Annexure F) with

numbers 1-4 on them. Each card holds a different responsibility Annexure F
for each learner in the group for the experiment to follow. The Numbered Cards
learners from each group with the card numbered 1 will be
responsible for reading the directions on the worksheet to the
rest of the group. The learners with the card numbered 2 will be
responsible for carrying out the instructions that were just read
by the person with card number 1. Number 3 will be responsible
for writing down everything that takes place throughout the

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experiment for example, which method was tried first etc. and
the learner with card number 4 will be responsible for holding
up a coloured paper to signal whether they have completed the
first step (green if they are complete or red if they have not).
This will allow all the learners to be involved in some way, in the
lesson. After each phase of the experiment, the learners will
swop responsibility cards so that each child has a chance to
perform all tasks. The teacher will explain these responsibilities
to the learners and then she will distribute the experiment packs Annexure G
(Annexure G). These include the items the learners will need to Experiment Pack
separate the mixtures. For example, 4 cups for each separate
material, a magnet, a sieve and a cloth to act as filter paper.

The learners will be asked if they understand all the instructions

and what is required of them. The teacher will clear up any
confusion if there is any and the learners will be told to begin
their experiments. They will be reminded that they can only
move on if the teacher has seen their written work as well as the
material separated from the mixture (in a cup).

The teacher will act as a facilitator during this portion of the

lesson as the learners will be in control of their learning. She will
walk around to see if the learners are on track and to determine
if anyone is in need of assistance. The learners with green cards
in the air will be asked to show their results before moving on as
well as their written work. They will then swop cards and each
child will now have a new responsibility. The learners will move
on to the next step until they have separated all the materials.
The learners will have 25 Minutes to complete their
experiments. The teacher will be sure to display the time on task
on the board so that the learners can manage their time wisely.

25 Minutes – [9:40 – 10:05 AM]

Since this lesson requires the completion of the scientific

process, all the steps may not be reached in this single lesson.
The portions to follow will have to be completed in a follow up
lesson, along with the communication of findings.



The teacher will monitor the time to determine whether there

will be ample opportunity to complete some questions on the
experiment as well as commence the closure activity. This will
meet the third learning objective (LO3) which is for the learners

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to explain why a specific method of separation worked best for a

particular material by touching on its properties. It will also
complete the 5th step of the scientific process (make

To be clear, the steps of the scientific process which will be met

in this lesson are:

Step 1: To formulate a question.

Step 2: To form a hypothesis.
Step 3 will be skipped as the teacher has designed the
Step 4: Observe and record findings.

The step which will be met in the next lesson is:

Step 5: Communicating their findings as well as drawing

To conclude the lesson, the learners will complete a ‘3-2-1 exit
ticket’. The teacher will hand out a blank sheet of paper where
the learners will be asked to write 3 things they learnt from the
lesson, 2 questions they have (for those who understood the
topic, it could be any 2 questions science related) and 1 thing
they want the teacher to know (this can be informal as well, for
example what they thought of the lesson). This will be a fun way
to draw the lesson to a close. It will also act as a form of
assessment along with the worksheet mentioned in the teaching
and learning phase.

The learners will be asked to pack up and bring their worksheets


as well as their exit ticket to the teacher. The teacher will ask
them to leave their worksheets on the table along with their
experiment packs. She will then instruct them to squash up the
ticket and try to throw it into a bin decorated with toxic symbols
to ensure privacy and confidentiality of the learners’ responses.
The learners will then be permitted to leave for break.
Altogether, this segment of the lesson should consume around
10 minutes of the lesson which brings us to a round figure of
exactly 1 hour for the lesson. The learners will be encouraged to
complete the exit ticket alone with the use of the classroom
management tool of the noise level lights [a picture of this can
be found in the TEIP7419 POE (lever arc file) under the section
other administrative items]. This will bring the lesson to a close
in a fun and unconventional manner as well as give the teacher
feedback on the learners’ comprehension of the activity.

10 Minutes – [10:05 – 10:15]

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Teaching Experience | IIE Lesson Plan 2023 | Natural Science & Technology | Lesson 2

Informal/ Daily/ Formative Assessments| Assessments for Learning

Assessments will be conducted throughout the lesson, in the introductory

phase, when the learners complete their group task game, the teacher is
conducting an informal diagnostic assessment which informs him/her of the
learners’ understanding of the various methods of separating mixtures into
individual materials. She then knows whether there are gaps that must be filled
or if they can shoot straight to the work. Additionally, when the teacher asks
the learners questions and gets them to engage in a discussion, they are also

indirectly assessing the children. Similarly, the teacher conducts further

assessments for learning in the teaching and learning phase when learners are
given the written activity to complete as well as in the closure phase when they
complete the exit ticket.

Formal/Summative Assessments | Assessments of Learning

This assessment is the questions on the experiment which the learners must
answer individually. This will possibly be completed in the lesson to follow since
there are time constraints. This tests the individual child’s comprehension of

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Killen, R. 2015. Teaching Strategies for Quality Teaching and Learning 2nd edition. Cape
Town: Juta.

Kiryakova, G., Angelova, N. & Yordanova, L. 2015. Gamification in education, 7 February

2015. [Online]. Available at:
teaching/ctl/Documents/Gamification%20in%20education.pdf [Accessed 20 May 2023].

The Department of Basic Education. 2011. Curriculum And Assessment Policy Statement
Grades 7-9: Natural Science [Online]. Available at:
9%20%20WEB.pdf?ver=2015-01-27-160159-297 [Accessed 20 May 2023].

The University of Waterloo, 2023. Using Writing as a Learning Tool. [Online] Available at:
tips/developing-assignments/cross-discipline-skills/using-writing-learning-tool [Accessed 20
May 2023].

Wolpert-Gawron, H. 2016. What the Heck Is Inquiry-Based Learning?, Edutopia, 11 August

2016. {Blog]. Available at:
learning-heather-wolpert-gawron [Accessed 20 May 2023].

Washington University, 2023. Teaching with discussion. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May 2023].

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The IIE Supervisor’s Date:

Signature OR

Mentor Teacher’s Date:


Student’s Signature Date:

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