TV Time & GenderAge Relation All

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Do you watch TV? Do you watch TV?

Row Labels Sum of GroupA Male(14-18) Row Labels Sum of GroupB Female(14-18)
most of the time 1 most of the time 3
Never 10 Never 21
often 14 often 31
sometime 40 sometime 79
Grand Total 65 Grand Total 134

Do you watch TV? Do you watch TV?

Row Labels Sum of GroupC Male (19-24) Row Labels Sum of GroupD Female (19-24)
most of the time 1 most of the time 1
Never 30 Never 26
often 18 often 9
sometime 42 sometime 58
Grand Total 91 Grand Total 94
Sum of GroupA Male(14-18) Sum of GroupC Male (19-24)

Total Total

40 50
30 40
20 Total 20 Total
10 10
0 0
most of the Never often sometime most of Never often sometime
time the time

52. Do you watch TV? 52. Do you watch TV?

Sum of GroupB Female(14-18) Sum of GroupD Female (19-24)

Total Total

80 60
40 Total Total
20 20
0 0
most of the Never often sometime most of Never often sometime
time the time

52. Do you watch TV? 52. Do you watch TV?

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