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You are on page 1of 47 ew) & coms Soro ogenUsnoOaQe .65.6. (6.686) Sema - 2020 31 - BISI6 Bo*MnS nd Sb6ezea@s C2E %o® Sarda Rejection Region 080 cuinday cimuaddaied goaline agn end onde, Qdom/ exoeod oSsue delSe® efSonOm geod GRO 08S Onda sd%q C109. qdast moatdn mad mE aQ0 GO. Fea EET SEEEN TY fos tet eee EP oa cet ato eo seo) loads cba 8 cum Ben ecostiontatg® &.65).8. (Cad coe) Smae - 2020 31 - dma6 B@AMABGS (md S6cE@o) (02H CE om epm16c logo - 1x 50 = 50 Iloe@a - 20x05= 100 100 Rom ENS =50+ Ti Ones cdma ne foe GBEDSIn Blazas| qoore (Ge0e) Corns - an [goo! eweaibo qeneHt Be GA mm Ee (fe AE en td tty ot ate wei 8 cums Deo oppitinetad CBNSSD CAH S605 orne GEES QO ediadog CAG B68 = CHG CiBHele CRG woes GOO wen |ea q_oore 869 GBdK20G89 mE gRED. 5 egw boD S6e BOQ DdzID. 1. Gatndey ere BOO digmd CAI EDIBAID Ona BOD odoin, 2. &O cHindogan® Od 8900 awd Saws coda gare Burt mista, aenin® Gde8? comk§ genineOsd Bazin. 3. a@niea® QBOSE O165.45 GOO ©D MO dco CUNEO BB QdBd me od NOs Ba emd exiam eargatn. 4 Ost dat gamed qm emiddde BBA oq SI emaG Se omon qdemed Act ge Gar gsOstn. gem ong gsin quad a8 Ls a6, tom eodoOnt ece mes ndsin. QE edo B69 aq oiaemddmed Qealine men 8 BAO mBo adatn. CemSes tEce gor 03 . @ @ Gii) Qo ++ @* eam = : Pe 3 AQO6m ExiadoD (@QO oga) 1. 46000. (C.08€) m OmMdNh mie Bm@w mgm B|d og eqowmsOsind O8s5 ame cred. KCL Ode me GOs me anGa min ce aQdoad GA eds soag C198. Orfim mE OO oped mOm B60 eSmmed O08 08. 2. GARD cxinday oma eine md Asin. BB gsinamd od BEQdmO OD CHG 2d GBA ent Ooo BEQcnOS cNG Bd MTD® owt DIG mE am 082 gat Eaten, Gum® 88 qagSenOt BBs Get cAG 2d HH BEQds Om ednsd EEgds CAH md Badd HOOD. dead OOH Ee COEdODE MELO Sm emwRF 9 OH Ct Does Oe ¢ gat Geoter. : 3 > Oncd Oma (oe (8 Daan Gtefaa| guoia. Gave) Bains - 19 ES ewoRio GIRET He BRO Hem Fe GSE) 800 Ohba ane (2 8 cums Pano ogatiaateiae 3. mQe ope crindage Om HOckO marin. HOWE BEQd V cResfisd ¢, OF Bad 0 CRESS ¢ OIG OD CHE Dd. BOE BEqa wed U F Odes Bdud swat Bao Bdain. qaggO 58 GOs dmq md QO HOCL BED GOO ewe emgo VE Gato. Qgmam dda) m dda Exide: 1 QagOadiOs Baal esindoged 880 mao GB BQ udm elHOsd exe moo oEstn. DCE ews mpage Bac, odet 9S gain. ca fo oF dome 08 CRE eateOst C0 eoxiduln. 2. CRG RODET BESWE OOS CTIO mOMBed cg oe Bde eung Om BO oO. 3. 0 gelnaw20 eg BO CAG edadoped Od A209 ah ewe em |e yar ome g@8eax gem eqns Gao qaldain. gan cyed & gS coeqd gae gd eomid O78 me ged. Bag © cuind CAG sd CAG Q¢ Bged cows moxin. gai oped & mB CoeqsOCS SOu1HO OF edn waimmd BEac Eo qoin® of CAE BBD BER BO Vs BdEID. 4, cSewen8D QO epg Osim Omg em Qd BGeH HaSe eidomed Gosin. eaiadoped m8 exindumo® f 418 CRE oun caindeged 89 exdeSa} OD Omg dun. 68 CE 28 B83 Ad GQED Omno ecw adv! Bd HH Ye CHO Or ¢B oO Sbswn od Agale. e2h @rScin wad 669: 2080 Bag © BeasiS glen CAG MOBS OiOes REx OsIN Dig emcwd. 0BEa OS Ox OQEd QwE Gem CRE COm COMO cag crfgl0cd eed ve Gao. I ORO HEN AQDIE BEN oQaD Socal q1H 5D CE CiSHQS CRS TET BeSe} 5g neds! Basin. geaad cxladog age Otiad cag ees! adoin. 51 89 Baced I, Tl 90 Ill eg8c2 ame CRG COD DDO CAE CrBHNOC NED Bd GREdE ¢ GO GR 6. i Ome’ oidwna Gee fo enEalnd dilejaa| nama (wae) Poona - 0H [gone amin RIMES BE GAP Om a] Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto 8 com Bons ocatitnine 5 —= : Coy eS qdsem emg onSm eg (ced cece) Sexo, 2020 soba Curis syram uy (@wiy oo ufiene, 2020 General Certificate of Education (Adv. Level) Examination, 2020 (oma eaaee I ea aeae seas ustotabogcBus T (Bren iomtetebumrosd (Business Statistics 1 Two hours Bag 8 gdndeo Bah seecin. calad oged Bake ddined G28 Ome qeaa Bacto. Ssdmen Og amen GLO. Ceie autg mBaad B® ogg em ered, exiad oped f mB coved ¢ seScecst Bab» BEskake, 1 80 $0 exe das xs gatencd (1)/(2),(3),(4),(3) 2m EQGDES BER ew! gar8d 20) 8nd exicioon, ba Cras oped OBER gdeOe Cores EOL aBCad 06 emo eOda, see 1, mm gusleden Om genas sens OD @? (1) 2008 oqisard 28m meadinnses FoSnssd Ce edna Qdertos Se SBaq Seas, Q) seouin chBBe wn ohBBa mem BIas god edHES Hargd oglus a8 Bag cred Q) Bd.yGees egies carBaxg® eels agus Send 08. @) qdranam f o8tes gin defame BEad qdas nO Odsnld autor Oa Oxfest Bao oxi eyed ge08 (S) msfioo matenc® ots 68 q% ere wa 0. 2. won guledn gana eeaute. A; 68 noone ag ofan enddm Bd Bonne oF 8408s Bdioaa me iS goin Dusdad| Sacaet yao 8598. B- gens? erdarm SxodBam addSbaet { eG 50 ecredzlet Opens eondim Be emsr8 ©. C- 86 exqeimne Bog0 nO dmamned 80m m9 emengd® miro mpa® goad CrseD| 80 298 oextg® 208 pon gessdGet ame Seles, () A 696% @ Cees. B) Aso Bees, @) Aw Coos 6) A.B C@ade @ 6. 2 ei BahOe f emnrBOm qo mEsi amet me GuBdos qaEd ysinocd 3. BQ® cBer08 eBasideaet emm qudade gave acadio, A= 90g o:Bie, 829 ooBa aw owe BeBe Savas! OOrd eH OVadece B68 mda VbBreia| ego Begun 8. B- oof e8Sreas we Eantnd E8Bein Gud Gow ede, yuuind COOrsied § B_® dam nS 8608, C- enstinom OzrdBiam oo8 Gretnd, grufad eSerecs ego Beggenst oD. oe pmadGss ems doled, () B ees, Q) Aw Bees. 3) Aw Coss. G) Boo Cove. (0) A,Ba CBads @ a 31 One autmna (One G8 Doan’ Gagan) gece (Gane) Boras - 2000 OSES eweaiow GOH RE GAD T Ea Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto 6 com Deve oxetinetsig® 4. cee quis ROD gonns ems oO ¢? () 468 ood afin Bixee mgm Silos om og cos eorOnSe emind @. Q) omg oo ong sdwme emg adin 08, OsodH 08409 BOB 06. @) emg oo ong sd0ns eng enslorS Bac gaass 25% goog e©. @) OnQe BR dom og adim Bh wdonBel EiGn cio god ae wi Sado goaB. (S) 68 qulad quinn 28 ecdmn agqgeast 80 Om gefaed dedgice te etaead| exfemtengacied aowgscic em 50 afm exe. 5. Om ew ebind Oro onde 2 BS COdanl BeoRst Bet 60, 100, 120, 150 Be oxsciDed Opesia| C108. 8828 oes 29 Gre wnda smqed f Sand JBad CO xk dae BS agen 8:70 adaiens 8, Same egocS BS Boda wes endz0n Be Oxiest, @) 696,00 (2) 6% 10200 @) 10750 (4) 110.00 (5) 150.00 | 6. 8809 Bdcsum Bixlees 0m goaiieind COvoss 142 oc omuns adm of BSui8D goo 21, oesned f 12 Oneaet cam GiB a0 Ege oma axiom Cl. BR mdm cf qeatsind SOrmes| xtoss, a) 14.20.7540 @ 1420370 @ eassyho @ aul (5) 2485 7, quBicens 8824 Ha qufedD gene actu. A- 288m quoene 280 omg BD GOamaa aoodns ened quinn qoasied ef AceOs, Be8. B- exia nomuts Gage qoario Senos eng me 80 cede qoaried Doan eugene cond emed. C- Ddemd am BEM quOdna oir eqnd9 Omd Bye somass 0D8. 900 yauabes eow Suet, () A 908, @ Aw Bees, @) Aw Cees, () Bem Coes, 6) A,Ba C Bade © «. 8. cnn quisdn disks wo og SDD wean, 0) 8 1/3 4 5 2}o0 1 2 3 3)0 o 1 4 7 4}o 0 2 4 slo 2 3 208 OmlBe wen emGod mm magesns Setexk () ~029 (2) -023 @) -022 (4) 022 (5) 0.23 9, BGctwes 100m oct dsb gooust 5.1 qwo ef mdm C2. qooSncsled dmgd uw quodnasied aboaried Sano BBOH-10 so 401 8, EmeGed Boem a.gesna Selec, (13% (2) 38% @) 40% (4) 78% (5) 80% 10. com qudoder gem gaune qwae of ¢? (L) Otis gaaSins ened quan gassed Acres em7O1D. Q) gala aon Sdensed BD qoodmartad dmg® GOI Sogo oD. G) See OmeiBam Boro quo aSo v8 O8e BO Satowied QIan axgeiins Osa 6 ex «. (A) 28882 dudBaci eqn educa, SEQ OntOned am QUOD H_losed SDanne 60. G) 98m Ordsest agen gBas OGO augema Sued 69. B1- Omod wanes Ga fod Baoan’ Baden guar (Gace) Bares - 200 Deel ewalow HoH BE BRO TH bes Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto IL, 8809 DedBiem Babested almmn exgeims 05st ¢ Boom enqcina dts ¢ dune 80h ¢ 0, OmdBed Siuma Ontos’, 40 2 100 @) 160 (4) 200 () 320 12, SG08 OadGas eaidGed glam a.gcine - 08x 28, ove ao qe Oatcm O¢ ogo 1006] 5m Sdsddo 58 ne owe eo IE HAD camer, () Q,=20,Q,=80 Q) Q,=25,.Q=75 8) Q,=30,0,=70 @) Q,=35,Q,=65 (5) Q,=40,Q=60 13, gBercina on emadariiond ebaideart oom qufede Rom ymowe ems ef GP () Xeaw ¥qod qe swaBauiiemdel O8xh VG eOmdE8 ones X cig add XS eomdds ened Y oxigoe 803 qgne! @D. Q) Bde etBe gBuran ePadeicmd qond dicen SOqzad quaed adm 80 ogie axa OW 08. @G) X Boeree8 Bag qesvieas! Sumas gf sdslost nO Xen V 8 yBowwn aqemne ond @8. (4) pirende cule eqn dBcbouied md enabartde aageins omnes me exon o G) BBaboxied mcr snabdeidm coqeine 96) end mid Batartod mein Ades enataridar esoqeinad 2820 28. Jia. Serco sSdeibeact con guiafn game acsafe. | A+ X8p Y8 pBoums ade ebfu mB X eOmed Om G0 YS gedaiin qaw 98208 adc | o8Bsisk GH eda oD, i B- X8n ¥8 g8eum sBadao Po-10+5x 38 YOm X8 Berm sSadess | X=02y-2 60. C- B80 pBewn dese Pa f,+fx,+hr, o8 fh; eqeima OBs5 x, Band 08 m8 x, Emme Obad dm 50 YB edme 50 Sysme 908. mo EenndES were Solos, Q) A eos. Q) Bees. @) Aw Bess, (4) Aw Cee, () A,Ben CBade @ a. 15. ouseuns (X) 09 8 astoxstes (Y) anos ages mdm Cx GAIN anders ene quel ¥ =36.4+0.05x quo e8adee atactcoust ons gue Osten (1) ¥ ay exmemd 908 rom 59 © qeinein 6. (2) ¥ ag cmmnemd €008 x Om BO 8 qdinzienS gedalGn qua eb. @) F 09 eorwad 8008 1 bm 80 5 gedweiond geddde good SBaa 60, @) eeremnd 6009 bo Camadd OB odelont o8 D qadiein daw 36.45itet OD o8. (5) eenemnd 558 Om deomasias OH Sen GO 8 qelthutn dom 36.4823 OO ©. 16. nOmBen gede s®astdoast om quisdm yae seme, A- SBslesic gmcOnd B, me emmy 95 BO glecEiGa a®mBmr gedoa O02 aac 28. B - naSend oSalesia Oxiost F808 emaaded qiadasd webmD ecw ent oS 02 28 BiGaxs sOmBmd values BSs0x! end CH oD 1B a. C- medaie aodne goles edad cA: culm Bilas wOmBmD 08 B(Sea8 sos] etenSemedsd eOrnd Bo 68 3. e0m geonbBst wine Oxon, () Bees. 4 2) As Bves. Q) Aw Coss, (4) Bo Cosa, @) A,Bes CBede @ Si Oncad eutina (emg fe8 COn:DGIND BUegas| gvena. (C208) Omee - 110 jgooe! ewalom mer ae EAP mm Ea [Az cro ESTEE EIT) fo 860 aw (ED ovo cnet ote i ob 880 sed win alevlaicom cds 17. 8800 naiosOn B58 E88 nucend aw mG €88 execomst BOS, eee seidrods! Ralscond antind ecm emkh oxies! 8, B08 88 eqeqensd ab o1m1G 688 Onlemowss ows BB 08 Stonead on o10148 C08 eqeqemnd enicrar ge ond BBe8 eBmrBmd cmasin. a4 oe ot 3 os 18. Ace Bag doraele B10 ees 28 Ang. Aen BAD a0 BcBo® aOts8m } Om quo do.8es emaided Be ormBa® wbertion® } 0. P(A)>P(B) w A cee adssOmnd Seiert, amt @d os ws oF 19. Awe Ba Gm® B43 ogass 3 Anata, Ano BEE eg BxBod aeindand, A Byom ngs B Brornde® wBmBmnd aw BE:0m agd A SgemBed BerBns0 a Badc® k PCO wr 08. A,B BGB0Gek coe ewe dm B(ast B:BeO aed Sxtork, ak Q) 2 @) 3k @ 3e or 20. A ee Bam P(A) =p, P(B) =p, 09 PAM B)=p, 28 BED eqns 8 P(AIB') exiexk, PtP Ps PAP Ps OH @ “Tr ° lpm ps 1=p.-pe- @ se eater 21. woe qutede gave eonein. A- XomBer® 88gr0c8 gedalBn que op Xe 8 qoaried eWssoBmOet sod aa] 89 execs, B - waWend Doqwam geese goo a CUlS Swslns Bod Bed qua 28. C- Xo ented Soqzed m8 a0 com d Ban 08, VarleX ed) = cVanX)ed 06, 950 GmmndGat aon Safer, () A 60s, Q) Aw Bees @) Aw Cos. ) Be Coss. (6) A,Bo CBade © a 22. quei Guogaoud eed Ruaxnecs! ePmvecd 25%e eqs wBa Om 80 gama md BD. ergiOeacie0s, ges 100 eubdeam og ques dnd DE Faq ooned 58 02 Be LOS. orGOsorOs Bist ques eadSaxs 8c 2 oxBo® qasin wBos8or0 eeraein (1) 0.1088 @) 0.2424 @) 0.5438 (4) 0.7576 (8) 0.8912 123. cat ont gitine equa OBnd Saf ellen ABOes yn 10f goa OOcinssamd Gszecs! end 808) | Gena on oct gained om BEgdst BOGE BERS ecm acm HeBmd eee GEN HEEB. Emes) | SORES mem Ey coat Sleakes 60%d BE BEar cdo gqB. Germ Smos soube® | cemtan Ros 0.05 2x88 H, eSeiouss emne goo (4) p—qoa = 0.2104 > 0.05 By828 H, oSsiods emme ga () Z=162< 1,96 Ee Hy pSsieds me ga «. | 136. AS¢8 AGO Swed 259 120m maberd Bakaw og mcead Oovmve at SOcmo F= 945 om) | 924240 § and BEG ARE Dtioed 239 1005 anBes8 FeaBaes qngmcecs GOuenna em BOCmO J = 940 eo 5} = 200 Ber, eoowen OOverscated e@reremo Hy ity = Hy meBae Hy: Mm) > M2 o deco, obit BOS Ewe GD evoge K-V >4 S6ui ey ced ne mcSo obulvie8 10m gored ecivs | Sates, | | d) 0.0228 @) 0.0250 3) 0.1103. (4) 0.3897. (5) 0.4772 a. | 137. gm excmmam SOsmse Hy: H=120 acBoe H,:1=122 mdBmsd SedGO mde HOD saber Baka caren ebuies B59 ogi 900 exeqs X> 1214 OB egy cred. B00 BHCmss) 0? = 240 08 oSsieoe® Bee Satest, @) 0.1173. 2) 0.24200, G) 0.3821. 4) 0.6179, (5) (0.8821 c. 38. BE08 qedionmcom go 50 NE J Saba srfim0 ow dged qutod. | Baie m0 o[t[2[3[4][s][e [7 | Bp wed 2{[s[e{}3i}stat[2ii 280 quin gm Gere OurdBa COsere 3 ain coented DuiBor gS 5% C090Be aSaiu B59) eeqin QOD qow Oxtext, qsditooanos| 3 | 8 |u| ul, si} 5s {3 it | 1 () 7822. Q) 9506. (3) 11.108. @ 12608, (5) 14.100. L Si Oma aetna ae R58 CDetaINe BUefas| geen (cece) Bored - 200 goes! ewenlza MREH Re BAP Ez Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto 8 use Deo egetinot igo 39, Saab Oto am COrmrsa golden EermgS Locke BIO eqns dm dass DID 5Um Ha Qed BeBend ece emi oxim Of oxime mdm Ce Dbo ng USD gteDD OOF oD. ge O80 San SsT=224 5 Bie qind Otis eoagd SSB = 128 Bc0Em Cduorasd eine am mene 5% SOB woxbe BSS ees GOD ovexe Oaiors, () F=534>3496, Q) F=8>3.890 (@) F=8<194a, @) F=8>3340 () F=867>3810. 140. 2010 60 2019 gei0 mc eg ain CoG Oud 58 SOemra 32.6 0 gad oydm Oud wort BOeDze 426 Bs, qhd.Oozam goed Cd oxo) ComB aban Suton, Q) Pa266+0 4 @) ¥=266428& 3) ¥=2924+1.67 @) 1326421 & () Faar6rra. \41. Oc Sdz0m a®axidees eon quiedm geen ecasin. A- 80 @0sa0 88 BC qanaried emsdBin Bow dame fo mS a. B- mes ogn® mdoom Bdorea qoosst gedimdms B68 O¢ Coren goakinda! eme®. C- que cand etiixe8 ent Bges8 FOdos emgsieat BO combs Bone 8600 oc] Sdnae geo earqED emo, &. goo gam08s ons Ostext, () A vee, Q Am Bvex. @) Am C008 | @ Bm Case. G6) A,Bws CBade & a |42. 2010 8 2014 gatos Ga Sem exnB moe egBioe ons ent mig agin comBa gost me} eSanadied bad 56 ay Ewe quled. Q Q Q. Q 450 350. 325 | 500 Ce8 mitigd om sim miteyD anion GABCD qUaw quonin Dacasd ecg cations, (1) 89, 104.0. (2) 90, 105 a. 3) 91, 106.2. (4) 92, 107 @, (5) 101, 106 |43. 2010-2014 ni) mag eg Bice SLBen cain sein GAB den oq pBexsn wBadesaY =50+161 (2012e¢mot=0) OFe! qubed. 2013 ddeed aged =ntigh aqwsimrc efHiesS nz g9e 7208 29 sotgd Oger conBa ox me BEna gos musin Dasues dele, ) 103, Q) lode, @) 1092 @ Be. 6) 16 44. age Sui® ous F —ndune vem BO NE EdBH gel 68 este GBs conBasd eusige 2cG 28 gal eonin® mdsions, (1) Gan08 wxemed oBe a0 Q) s@eobin axig 68x 30 «. G) Soexmd 6 5 gS a0 a. | A) 21060 8 ety odGm 89 «, G) satin Rad eaiSed % o¢Sa cOBn 20 a. 145. Ssuig0 emade noe Soca 60 m8, Srlagn daasn exe sOm0 sara BIO agm SD mE |) ga exdznés ann Seles, | @ p-odmm 0 2) C- edt a. @) U-eds= a. (4) X - e000 o. 6) mpedss «. | 31 Ome eum (one Go0 COoABaInO Biefao| geome (Cece) Bessa - 2000 qoaat ewalon wines me BAP em Em Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto 6 cone Dave opsibaodstan oe A BGoiQ® Bag erclds ewx emo aw ado ens edsind ogmoiHed S20 OC - Dns GE eonin® 08. B- Bilerenast eqn OC -bge angqam ened 0, Barf nd8 mo BEmA® acd ere) BSo0s 60 O15 tag me oS & C- emous nage sno Bogie So8 % ema gSslods Be® eSimBa00 OC -dae SBx5 16, 00-290 aeaxideudd eon quiooe gaa ecosto. \ aeed. gam gaoodGes ens Oetert, () Aves. Q) Am Bees. G) Aw Coes, | (4) Boo Cues. (5) A, Be Céade @ o 1AT. N= 1000, n= 100 20 BBoxg® sdmd C= | aGs BBog_® Bags excvd9 ecasin, AQL=0.01 9) | | LIPD =0.07 28 wxGenitis qdone eo Bdencin qoynd Satort BODE, (1) 26.42%, 0.73% o. (2) 26.42%, 99.27% @ 3) 36.79%, 0.09% a. (4) 63.21%, 0.09% a. ©) 73.58%, 0.73% 3. ORS Ge ergra® e¢Qes BOO m8, SaeGD Sc O18 we ga vied RED ghonsSe «? |s8, Ba2 grammes o® qBodam qeeBa Cd” Saat F 50%SS EE 08 a8 godine mG. oumned| | | ay 30% @ 335% G) 50% (4) 100% (5) 150% | 149, (Kanne s¥asiness! owe quedo gave ecaet. A- Sibed OSD atiane aoc gGbbe obidend mln ide mgt ends gD efile meek ; exes. B- 8c cxied ODeoSet wdHm natdam % cuslesatid Be qdane moved Bc gYamcd OD) | ROwes ydeinds ¢HOB. C- Bde w8s00d Be came BBD mate enedate Oyywais® aycSded emod. gna yaundel ans Seiexk () A 688. Q) Cxegs. GB) Am B c&&. @) Am Coes. (5) A, Bio C Bade 8 0. |50. Acw Bmmato Buexgma ager oQs0 Do eqns (1aw Il) edad eegeomazienss eax oxen Faget Bango araid og agen do oat ggce2 Oc Cased wre @8. Aaa | 2 Bag | Tqaeis ogm 83 (W)) o 70 | [lgged2 eam og Ow) # 30 | [Bonga Bag glows 170 165 | | gac0s Len Il ages Be char Boo8s quieduios nm OIGeES ¢? (1) 15,20 @) 50,45 (3) 645.1875 (4) 150,200 (5) 285,235 ae Sl JOnnd canoe lone tet cloDame Atefac| geore, (e.856) Dore «2020 jpbest oven gunedt BE GRO gm Ea [pepe EOE tte go oct at tal ot ads wien ta 8 cum Bese exestiontata® 8 com Smo ogertmeOatn® Borrimats ufLonsg BHenomedsemio £.000.0.(C.60@) BOG/s.Gur.g. (wih 5) ufLens - 2020 8 Sbedeo/ ySur um gALw Beae gona Seco um. @oodeib 31 ina Om GoOHOS Ory B69 SOSDs/ysto ouprisid BLL Lege/uggind I edo | B8as | ote | SEmc | oslo | Bac | oso | B8ac: | ode | BEns gone | gone | gona | qos | gona | gnc | qoma | qomm | qoma | gooa ailent | afl | alent | ofleor | aflant | afm | alent | afm | ifn | oilemt Qe. | ge. | Bx. | Ox. | Bo. | aa. Qe. | Qa. | ao. | aa. Sdede Coscd/alGa sass Das BEQ6DO/gq sfusrar olenss, * emntg 01 2x85 /ysioh gsd BO Emsy/Gwis gt! ysitofisst 1 X 50 = 50 7 Boe duona (GnG Go" CBaBane Btedas| aeons (Cave) Poms 2 eed aento anes nee? m. NP [pepe EET tte go Eo ct ti tal ot) ads wien ta 8 cum Bore ogerbine®rine Temoe 1. (@) gb0 wbrsu0d ww BOgbes mom eq GoemiOGard woelmdsica BOD gad ede erertE duh, ghd o6dwd CBs! aw aBgties aden cg gdemORard wotindess 08 OGs} wegmOD HS qAooQ Qa Sdind mdaten. (eae 048) (qo) emer quieter game ean ¢ Gams ¢ asin gave ad Gied BBad oinkG dein. @ gratnd ere qBOm qadBinm cofecss ww gen craced qd eboreecss S6e08500 edad Om S98 dam vdGH gd dag wn eons wd edast O80 a0 Agne exis a. (ii) GexBet agziod BaBe® wySind ¢—_® waPon2E0 Ong, sooBoenaa ew eBDWIO QE CEH OLBmdea B60 grind oBEoee agin Heeensd oD. i) Beguast, 890 O82 aemBd yoocndlos an qeiaidm Oneadt OUErdeia radeg Cr08. (cag 038) (@) om quidem def Ost gavame ager DOsd8 cation gain Onlded BEC® Oa qtdaten. Oat dss Q@a eancp,oxten qumda Ost DeBant ew Oat gOsB.axd wind Oeliad adzter. @ cwsdd goelados B8dq, gdnecS B50 x8 wOax1OD que eadyoas Bodomusd en Batnars 280 emBe oOtde0s oodena B59. (ii) 30 mbaast o9 B58 abaxideas enfasied atianlwOmd govane 860. (eG 038.) (©) ‘momen HO on mnt vB as Reactor Ry Con Tal @rSoo— Disla ep Bdsrt 08s Bjosa adQ Cee. Acba Bota 3} 23 {4s 4) 2 3 44134 45 67 5} 3 4 5 6 8 8 5}0 23 45 78 6} 14678 9 6f2 3 4 5 Wo 3.3°7 7 8 il45 5 s}0 267 9 81 6 gle 7 em® gddrded emg emt adoet emrdrm oof exon Gurariod afin Seoad mila ends wetaatina moisten. (eq 068) (c) eddaaet Ted at e088 wns Ogs® guste. 698 edDen woe 60-69 8 70-79 10 80-89 15 90-99 6 100-109 10 110-129 8 13( 39 3 Qo exddoxn OmdBis eqin dag ole ewotlenan eoB® 90-1199 Gras gedoo OD ms g oR gansta, (crag 048) Wl Omend Gdune (ERE od Towa) BD Helaalqous (Cwog) Coane - M0|qded ewok qaed BE Gad EE ed ove ESI nn) 00 Ohta) ave (2 8 comm Bima ogestine@aig® 1 (@) QBS cBaierds ag ePalwcted? eae (B90 Anetrecaig Om gamOGod gf vgmnBed QBs moonenss emis od MD Balad gcewOBa emQand cede emedad 49 edenbBed eQerQ xd nd orHie® Garo 08. nOghes mon cy armdRasd wueiadeie BO ap BBpbes mdm cy gdmOBNe rH emnIAROS BoOqumnda, CLORE BO, m0 AD, Hes BD oH HOdsBa GO aque Sake BED eD. BUD cSximeled mgmon ef goo . © 203 me ge gd wgmaHO. @ gan emdigd, yin GBxt Cd J mysin® egSst odo ened Be gay cain © qoute goin qdi@ 8 qutke asi. @ geinde ove oiBe® OC COB, avin. @ gdeode crabs AO COB; cxien. tecindeie GBs! wgmom oS 4HO% Gerke 88 (wom mB emrdiadhOe eeungEsOas! ePBy axtn) eBqo OO (B,6Z omdqe; aan Bede cole) gat ghes a8 (G80: exes Bed, cots) qeeain 8D (eee gS emdQcOe sOada® Hed cdi) Aqemecssig Q emdgc em S Hed asin mB HEsddass Hog 5 quay extn (cae 048) eoOOOO (ea) @) 288 gemee ems 08. tnafind HBere6a SWEEO HEI OD wyB Gnd qUOOS BEedemd mods» amd 5 quo. 550 Ba® dow wm 689m gxd8um cxiesand Bm sods gDd Bom Edndan COBH Ses EmyD ts 0908 Cor on wrS gst Qos en! 88S Oorg omed. (ii) e08 games gee 8. O52 BuxBried Babe® 07Ba09 qd OMBmdae adQ COD Psi o8HF nd S6O50 ends BOniin chee omg OD ge 08. (ieee genos enw 08. mmrBn 60.653 HH 9d) SBOreKs QeastOe BOgracd sqno eang OM COD End gooind BOreie oo qRLID COOKE GoemMOm BOgnaxt agen ear) OD GR eB. (C2q 038) (@) @ 008% 08 eatos O_ed eGo selne® Q0o 0D. s0O8xi gure HowgQeas HodeuGst oo qniqSemd os Q Beifnas G80 OmOd smd wd qui dims om oxBa. AWE BOLE MRS qovons me wy. ame B80 gnornaed 61080. 48 860. a8st gain det wd om wyB59. - SOost Baoadis oes qin duns om wyB59. BBO qed tor BBOS Erde ox 80. OOOO! Ti One eames (cag fe8 dora) HD Welaalgene (cs0g) Omne - M0|qoast seaide aE me GIO = Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto B com Beno eqerdine@aiegd @ @ q8nd emdnch chon oy85S. @ 8mOd OB BEamed xin defend om wyB59. © pace, Seidas ow qnigeB® OS qend&m quin dd wd oBOd eadon 5O. gO08 @ qBOm omdns; C159 age. OYE QODO 0,089. . © ain Bdodecia quog 8a S02, © Bo9D0ed deiG0 gOq 8a m0. Gi) 0882 8a calor Ouiost enh Bisse |80 08. enfasiod staswOmds edsans BIO goo woe BOnleeia eang om oS gad Om medi comded (CCTV mOci) amo eang 05 ISS. O08 © que Adogumdas 1,089. © qainde Oeogmds SwAOr B60 sein edad B® canto om ga exnBE. © 988s 8008 gue 58. © gdnde EiaBasioa gne 59. 908 © mBnw 88m 50, © png quicSslenast Sm dem OO mess and ow 860.0 gue 59. @ gaode gfoc AOmBbard OBS. E © mivGin comiade BcdaBasl0e gain emedS Bcr® (cme 038) Q—> 27+1=7 e088 Q—> 2Z7+1 =14 ed8e0 Q— 32741) =21 edsao 2 2 2 B_e Assia Bost 309 Goa 32 2 C088 Gon 86 97 Se Ogtame 44 58 Sqda OQUDSS 53 69 end OQlnae 64 80 Q-Q,=1QR 20 22 oo th th QQ 0%» i ome Gad O89 14 25 gme GAC 8239 94 113 ewe Bm O88 -16 8 gE Bdm OBO 124 146 AG ean, 2 17 88 ered 12 16 Dna GEREN (OB REGED) HO RERTRAGAE (C00E) BSS BHD|REGT STSIED FRET REE ed oe ESTEE SETI) bes xe ecw (3) os oe em ote lf 880 Goes wn alevelep com obo 8 com Se eqestineduig® ene qunes G89 = = Q,- 151QR POE GVRED OBO = Q+LSIQR ene 80m O89 = Q,-310R qne Ox 0288 = Q+IQR IQR = Q-Q aitio code Bq® Bae Assiée B oxi8o eandoo 53 69 CV=IQR x 100 , av 38% 32% CV=R x 100 Sy ; 80% ™ fo fo Roane an Rom 2888D ofa Bua age A oxiBec® Gendzied CRG Om ROD dodo eovig® 20E.(Q,-Q,>Q-Q, so R.W>L.W a8s) B oxtfiecS GexBeied cng HOS8n0 Onda 8 Gun (Q-Q,=Q-Q, oo RW=LWaSs) Acxiea8 BexBx0 0: B oxiGeaS Gex8et oGina Bea wen gnE CIE 0608S CH com go. Avsified BuvBsisd Sando Ged DO B oolGed GevBated Cdvdo ene que quad of (69> 53) Bolded Boer s.qeime A ovlGed BOem eoqesancd OB) qe. (32 <38) TOS ORES (ET CEE) BU SENT RSO (GRGE) ES TROT OE eA we oS Fe EET SEEEN TY fos tet eee EP oa cet ato eo seo) loads cba 8 cum Bene ogentine®=ig® sya (cae 068) ©) © cae obs (gekdos exes) © gis 28 B50 © He ctide BOreice ® ame gedao m0 B58 6838 grains ede erg GeO 60-69 8 8 70-79 10 10 80-89 15 15 90-99 16 16 100 - 109 10 10 110 - 129 8 4 130 - 189 3 05 (e2g 048) ee TE 1 | cam Bere egestins@aind 2. (q) eta eoBremnce Qeioo @OrO 47 GOrea, Conds wy Grad qed OO Qing Bind mdeion. (cag 048) (qp) to Remar Qeeiintad CQuara gb qsOotn. BBa® mannan qocHs 00d 10m me EBDodgor % ogges eb mB, OadiDO enBoer QGan OOD oBin camEOes ? (ores 058) (@) hie Semen 2 BBs vac een CAvOd CAGOS OAsmx 50 Q gad a8OD gaadae 10 Ba, Joo Busts 2 69 Bus aqin® COnarxe 60 Q Gnd wOEn qoo@oe 150 OB Ba, ewlow Si_@s! oxsena 190, 8nd oGonS Garasied manda axlougne moat, * (og 038.) (©) Benaet 100 eqenm Brace 2 chad cH Cwm edu Oxtfioass qudoO. Babextod o€Q mmm aoqeima an edn QIma gene Oca mdoin. GGed BBC qiqeds OmrdBed osu EBay qqoed qaloatn, (ca@ 088) 2. (@) eee eeoBoemncre qese0n ® ew 8E cee GUS quid B52. © oxime B50 agen Bad gain Hgn® Bd SSO. © goons Baes 50. © Bho Alar age mOgdod Ende DE S89 © quims qouxiod acwe8} em. > cme BOS Qoaet 5B. © Berk cBHoOma gQSO © BddrmBarideast gain Bo ge 50. (cre 048) 7 Saaat eins (eae Fo EES wo Benalaawin aes) Baas Hoel oan ae oe Oa EO Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto 8 cam Beno ogestinetaig® Gdsmse OGDOe Oneasd SLES gbe EsOo mB gad Bag quo On ocH® Oo BAS. d0 goons B_QOs Om gad Sha Bast com SOEs ocina S68 ago» ear om wyBa. dens Sdumna gains goasied ¢B ACT COD B_Oal Om Gnd Bio 0-8 Erstad aBo endo OmdBet gm onime me emufa gm ego gdm OndAstS? COsonse ghdds S_eas omned. Sosdee qaos Bg_Q@d Dn gud gains qoosled Agn{20 CS emda 8_eXB. BOw OoB Grind Bn edu OmdBatSl QOq ocima me MS qad Rs OmdOCE Onosd SQos eco emg 02 Be. dood P0zdde onde Oneasd owLBO QS quid. emir quad Bag gaia OD 0408 omdsD BOE, Ba Bad em OOgs oxsa BEB ag exoga oD oma Orns quinn goaslod ACH80 Cx emOD BQ BOrm 6.8 goulnd aBo adi OwdhuiOz 204 omnes DE mB gnd gendOs goin ogm eagon m8 TQlE RID OmdBOcz Ouosd Sy08. Gra gree emOD Qos Om gad Okina Oncast EEEO qd qo emoG 8QOS. 86a Bast ece OB) oxine S58 equ organ emis, (c2@ 048) (@) Om Siaiwes N adm qoedisind SAvmse oy 08 cdn00e Q&neas N Om |eo® X, Xp Xy X, Om Om BSsiwes NG Qeesisiad @Qvmve G= YX, xX, XXX. XXy B23 CdegB. gBam q_swn exo sOQOMmOe GOvasasd osina BO egw Qesiisind COsms eng. O88. a(t)” = 2a (uy? = 2 ltr = Wr ltr * 1.08 # r 0.08 1 Bad ena (ERG 8 HONG) wD Baleslqama (Eee) Camaa goad owaion Gea me awe > LON Apel EEE tes ate ce Enon tte oho eda wun aelpicom oto B com Dine ogentina@aigd eset 100 (1 + #/100)" (1+ 1/100) Ig(1+ 1/100)" 9 Ig(1+ 1/100) Ig(1+ 1/100) Ig(1 41/100) 1+ 1/100 1+1/100 1/100 r Oaded anOs gSam DOD edes @) 2eg Blea eosaxs =50 6805 qeodae=10 Boden soqesecs CV = $ «100% xX = 10x 100% 50 200 2 Ig2 0.3010 0.3010 9 0.0334 antilog 0.0334 1.08 0.08 8% (exe 058) o@n ot Sarmse 60 200m qrodms = 15 Boge esoqesens CV = $x 100% x = 15x 100% 60 SEG OnedB mili endma egDm Bd OO gHE ©OD8> OB. (ere 038) ©) c3ag Ger wodmd (A) 80x qa (x) u wv fu fu’ £ 0-9 6 45 3 9 418 54 6 10-19 8 145 2 4-16 3214 20-29 10 24.5 -l 1 -10 10 24 30-39 12 345 0 0 0 0 36 40-49 20 44.5 1 1 2 20 56 50-59 25 34.5 2 4 50 10081 60-69 10 645 3 9 30 «90 10-79 ae 4S 4 16 36 144100 100 92 450 Tbe ios Teas FE SEES) HO SIRTRaT QS ae REG) Bad HT aaa wee wa EO 8 com Broo ogerbine®aigd Oo M= 14 By Je ns, = 495+/(_5_)10 5415 = 495+ 5 x10 20 = 495425 = 52 L,= @m eaiBied one 8:80 A, = @s0 oxic em 80 ead exiled enfimm gas one A,= sn este ew 89 og onlBed mdm gad eee C = Gro caiBed vec eone2e A+{_2f)c af = 345+ 92 x10 100 = 34.5492 3.7 A = comd8e Sdzms0 usX-A EE = Qe exazome C = 0218 guntsdde see Batabsed ceg nIam soQeims SK, = &*) 280 aes RID Ordos = 39,5 +(50/2-36)10 20 = 395+ 14 x10 L, = €0ns5 oxifed exe 6229 10 Bren f = 20sdo esis qalds o908n edmas Sande sxifed eAmne Cond cxlGied vec 288m goons st = c[ Bat _ /Bhy =f =f = 10'[ 450 _ (92) 100 ~ \100 00 ( 4.5 - 0.8464) 00 x 3.6536 = 365.36 S = ¥365.36 = 19.11 Babiatisted ogden Orie toqesees Bt lesa) =3 (43.7 - 46.5} 911 19.11 = -0.44 280 ares Rm OmdGad Bando Sade mB ad AAG BEQKH HOC H® cpa cio oguin. (CRq 088) 37 Baas mina (Gad BO OED oS AIaIeaInaOe Cad) Baas TnI soad meaiba Faas we awe wm ETE FOVEI ore oc Oc rina) 00s C1hd0 eee (EE) ox caja! a abe oblnl ee ev80 GBeceo cba . 8 cum Bevo ogenbine®zind 3. @) @ “eWwSabed Be qbama OG Sq Gwe! 58 qBouiordd, 590 mBRos eB gad mowed Be qbamne OG: Se eOencd DS eDeratont’ BOO mAOS qed 2On08d Yime dg G68." ewig GOS COO gamAG Om {E movin. (came 028.) Gi) ime gBdtinn ofsimd mw ado GADOM oOabed a_eds! qqod! mdviert ROaga CAE aduin, Oobuc-LeObd Be bana me GEAOtem ebm mda mdq CAD 80 eostOutn. (emes 038.) (iii) 2016 ese 2018 Otie weno A,B,C eo D metodo Se mo goes sum Qed qqeso®. 2016 2018 meee? wens | te__—| eeee A 10 8 20 6 B 25 10 30, 5 ES 20 1s, 25 15 D 10 20 10 25 2016 tims eng Elias eee oor 2018 Deo agin Cited dots wm Bab pbes 6c gbam Sana td Fel gies Oc qYane agin bed SOU Be ame ewoq naimbweiandt AO aenowena tdotin. 2 atin evg Oded DOneasd dywmngB mduln. (omg 058.) () @ me eg Bias Cons apes qgod aduledd OnigD CungE mduin. coma Bone Bee qbO-Cduam GOs ev OC GDsae Ig8e Belad adel, (eae 038) (ii) 2015, 2016, 2017 db mcm BB® gnou mania Ba Ge qos Oud qwaORS) GoD HQEO que, dws ne qideOnlost cond qoowss eb. SD md Q, Q, 612) 15(15) 15(15) 20(18) 15(18) 20(20) 2520) 30(25) 25(25) 30(25) 2730) 25(35) 2017 CEmBa0 g_ED 998 OG qbOD dow HErna mdeso, 2018 26g enbiqQ eoeeo een B=gGe 5.100000 m8, mde mb/gO oain qorldBn Oxpe@I® ermoles ¢? (cag 07) 3. (2) @ creiBab Be qbomed? eng Ob Grciced Ad need! oa S88 COBm ¢{O0m sabsidast RE bag OUVAD OOs Otinn ObeeaS Oc NHS. gde® aud gq Fe NHSGY yoroio Q Bo ane. ngs org Bwod 596508 Sinn Oued! ¢ nSeniina sig Cam 8D sewn (Bet, CDea8 gow, Be gq g8re5a0 DO OS Ox A/Bo! crtBal Se ane Be eOnd 59 eGnsleri, F900 O18 manos qO8, cred Be qiamed? Olina Oe g@oeiael Ad Dacaa! ear 0B. Dow Oecd OO org Dbeed Be exist ea. O82 g¢e® mmo gm Olinn Dbeed Horesax!O OO OH g8resaxd ong Oteod? eBoniine me oO SBE denst ong Obsad® ¢ Olina Deed 9608 etowline még Cdn A ceag COD aBal, ndea8 qos, BBe ga goreiad OO Af QBs ned Be gba OG Se edautBO gdastodd; S608 mAROS qu. (e2@ 028) 3 Onieed mine (CRG GeO SEoiDa) OO Bhetaalgeais (soe) Sas MN|Goar aesion Neer He a oo ET FOVEI ore oc Oc rina) 00s C1hd0 eee (EE) ox caja! a abe oblnl ee ev80 GBeceo cba . B com Benn egestins®aiqQ0 (i) ng GHOlinm efsieed Bub BBs! vgsinvegn cxGeO Wamuw cams S6e0f cons 2D dE HOE 29 oBsler BIO aqua. me BHO oosero ary qarnmam ong Obes ew Otinm Ose 981; me BO 68 qbande Qéine dns 58 28. dn® da Banas gens Bones cdtdoda 8, Pi.xP,,=1 mdm 980tan ofsu0 ag Se glans on ge dane ees DE BD gow Bans CARE 28, Bab BBs} cds OHDinn oSalwsD wEsiOs eg Cie Fc eOmdBO eOz1O gee eOmdd® que HOO OG BOLO corig® mde avin oSaleo B60 wera, Pigg X Quo = Vaso + MEP, xMep, = 2C%*%) , BACht) 4 EP, (+4) =P, (4+) aber Sddbe Se gbame me gBdinn eSxiwO mdn dB, (er@ 038) (iii) woet | 2016 | 2018 okes ata [PCa +a) | PCa +d) Po} Go| Pa| Ga} Pode | Pode | Prdo Pde A [iol 8 | 20] 6| 80} 0] 160] 120] 14 140 280 B 25 lio | 30| 5 | 250 | 125 | 300 | 120| 15 37: 450 c {20 fis [25 |is | 300 | 300 | 375 | 120] 30 600 750 D__|10[20 | 10]25 | 200 | 250 | 250] 120] 45 450 450 830 _| 735 [1035 | 895 1562 1930 Owtad S80 Be ane EP, (+4) EP, = ——_—— x100 = 1930_x 100 = 123.5 EP, (4+ 4) 1562 Bet Se cbame LP yy PP, = ora x 100 EP, = WP. x Px “ = ViRAT x 1218 - «100 = VisT88.46 - = 123.2 = 1218 = B.bed eddtd Be ams CISD Gow Bel Bo done wer CeAS qOsO geo qoesalo goal Dn a8o) Bet Se came agen Obed edo Oe clans omg aolSabecias! 68. (cre 058) TI Onid wSnae (CAS FO Sowa) ae Btelaalgoons (eese) Omas -1|qooe Soaiom qmeT =e BAD > ESA FOVEI ore oc Ecce ca) 00s Cid0 eee (EE) ox caja a abe oblnl eye evd80 GBeceo cba . 8 com Emo ecentinedaigd (@) @ combo mg eg Bas %q mmo O83} mdm Fmd me of Bam comBe eee nisied. Gay® mc eg Bamd 0/5528, yHBe® ows dss comBant ods, ghd ona 980 q6d Goram |Os oR mc ogGast Orn ghd eemDd cds md Oat Ont qbooaB OOsamn 28m cb OxiDG Bd 49 QUO BOsaD e¢D Hin O83 BED CE CUmB EKO BLO50 B68 ©, Oc Saran B00 De Gdzn Deo a” mc e¢Bus CdHm elem dO aCHEeo cow gE Orpen omice com d gm) odin Ea me GID BANOM COrOE Sina HE8 GBs comBe CO B® ©. Y,, Yo Yo wrens Yq ME EYBOaB Orga K Om OC Osan Oged ee oes pees satyaystshs os BER CCD Cede qeart eb. (Re 038) i) Y/T= SCI qooss mibig® dao Qa a Q Q 2015 6 x 100=50 15x100=100 | 15x100=100 | 20x 100=111.1 12 15 13 i8 2016 15 x100=83.3 | 20x100=100 | 25x100=125 | 30x 100-120 18 20 20 25 2017 25 x100=100 | 30x100=120 | 27x100=90 25 x 100=71.4 25 25 30 35 e092 233.3 320 315 302.5 eobone goo] 777 106.7 105 100.8 = 390.2 ewe qos | _77.7 x400| 106.7 x400 | = 105 x490 | = 100.8 x400 390.2 390.2 390.2 390.2 woabieg@e geo} = 79.7 = 109.4 = 107.6 = 103.3, Daddm mbqod8 qodaiin S—yqG® gOoeso = 100000 x 103.3 797 = oe 129,611.00 (ex 078) ST Saad Sn ae BE SED BO Ralaalqann (rae) Faas Sin iyood aawe GaeT ee Om EE FOYE] ore oc Oc er cn) bos C00 ane EEE oxi onjeded a9 ae ll yo 680 Blosda oBs .

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