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Joshua Michael, Sheneice Rose and Drusilla Henry

Discuss two reasons why conflict resolution skills should be emphasized in our secondary
schools. Give an example to support your answer.
 In the home, resolution skills have deteriorated. Students come to school not being able to
display this skill effectively. Teachers therefore, now have the responsibility to
emphasize this skill.
 In secondary schools, children are adolescents as they go through puberty. Learning
conflict resolution skills will help to eliminate violence in schools.

Using the coaching technique, discuss three other questions that you could ask the students.
 How was the argument resolved?
 If the situation arises in the future with another classmate, how would you deal with it?
 Instead of looking at the conflict in a negative way how can you learn from it? What is
something positive that you can gain from the argument? How can you look at it as an
opportunity for growth?

Do you think the behavioural rehearsal model could be effectively used in Social Studies?

Yes, the behaviour rehearsal model can be effectively used in Social Studies because students are
given a chance to dramatize various situations and they would have to analyze the situation from
all perspectives engaging them in critical thinking and allowing them to evaluate which skills
would be more beneficial for them in society. This would aid them in their development to
becoming good members of society.

Suggest an activity for form 3 or form 4 where students will be involved in interpreting and
comparing data.
Voting head girl and head boy and prefects
Do a consensus or research on bullying in schools. Students will make use of research tools such
as questionnaires and interviews to obtain data from different sets of secondary school students.
Students will have to analyze and interpret the data given, coming to a general consensus based
off of comparison and results of the data recorded.

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