Cosc 472 Course Outline

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Course outline

Bachelor of Management Science and Computer Science


(1) Course Description

This course covers management of information systems. In our discussions we will focus on
the following:

Information gathering; processing, analysis and design techniques; techniques for developing
systems responsive to managerial needs; Computers and information management.
Information storage and security; Information and planning; Control and operational
functions; Business data processing systems, their capabilities, usage and limitations;
Management of Internet technology. (PREREQUISITE: BCOM 172 / COSC 100 and
COSC 101)

(2) Course Objectives

On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

 Understand the process of information gathering, processing, analysis, and design of

data collection tools
 Outline techniques for developing computerised systems
 Demonstrate the ability to plan, operate, manage, store, secure, and control computer
 Compare the data processing systems’ usage, capabilities, and limitations
 Discuss ways of managing internet technology

(3) Course Outline

Week 1 & 2: Information gathering: processing, analysing and design techniques

Week 3 & 4: Techniques for developing systems responsive to managerial needs
Week 5 & 6: Computers and information management. Information storage and security
Week 7 & 8: Management of internet technology, control and operational functions
Week 9 & 10: Business data Processing systems, their capabilities usage and limitations;
Week 11: Ethical issues, Impacts of IT on organizations
Week 12: Strategic advantage of information technology in organizations
Week 13: CAT + Assignments’ feedback
Week 14 & 15: Revision and Examinations

(4) Methods of Teaching

Lectures (3hrs weekly) and home assignments

(5) Evaluation

Evaluation will be based on:

a) C.A.T and Assignments – 30 marks.

b) Final Exam – 70 marks.

(6) References

 Laudon Kenneth & Laudon Janet. (2010). Management information systems:

Managing the digital firm. (12th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

 Lucey Terence (2005), Management information systems :( 9th Ed.). Zrinski: Croatia

 O’Brien, J (1999). Management Information Systems – Managing Information

Technology in the Internetworked Enterprise, Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.

 Pant, S., Hsu, C., (1995), Strategic Information Systems Planning: A Review,
Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 21–
24, Atlanta.

 Reddy P.C (2011), Management information systems. Katson Books publishers

 Online tutorials on some relevant topics to be covered

Kevin Gogo

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