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Institutional Biosafety Committee | Research Integrity and Assurance https://ria.princeton.


Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) provides review and oversight of all
University research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, sta�, students
and/or visiting scientists that involve the use of biological agents. Biological
agents include recombinant DNA molecules as defined by the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
(NIH Guidelines), infectious and potentially infectious agents, human and non-
human primate materials, and biological toxins.

Princeton University’s biological safety program is managed by the O�ce of

Environmental Health and Safety ( and IBC is
administered by the O�ce of Research Integrity and Assurance

The IBC Responsibilities:

Review research involving biological agents conducted at or sponsored by the University and approves those projects that
comply with NIH Guidelines, applicable regulations and University polices.

Develop and implement policies, procedures, and guidelines related to the use of biohazardous agents.

Assist Principal Investigators and others at the University in meeting their responsibilities for assessing risks, establishing
policies and procedures, training personnel, and maintaining facilities and equipment.

Provides guidance and support to the Biological Safety O�cer and the O�ce of Environmental Health and Safety in carrying
out the requirements of the University’s Biosafety program.

Investigate any significant problems, violations of NIH Guidelines, or any significant research-related accidents and illnesses
and issues reports to the NIH.

The following University entities oversee the Institutional Biological Safety program:
Dean for Research (

Environmental Health and Safety (

Institutional Biosafety Committee (/research-biohazards/committee)

IBC Roster
Alexander Ploss, Chair, Molecular Biology

Mridula Bajaj, Non-a�liated member, Mount Laurel Schools

Laura Conour, ex o�cio, Laboratory Animal Resources

Irini Daskalaki, MD, University Health Services

Meagan Fitzpatrick, ex o�cio, Environmental Health and Safety

Je�rey Grosser, Non-a�liated member, Deputy Administrator/Health O�cer

Oliver Huang, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Andrew Leifer, Physics and Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Jamus MacGuire, ex o�cio, Laboratory Animal Resources

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Institutional Biosafety Committee | Research Integrity and Assurance

Cameron Myhrvold, Molecular Biology

Celeste Nelson, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Samuel Wang, Molecular Biology and Princeton Neuroscience Institute

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