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Campaign Problem Statement

Website link:

Brand: Women Fashion Apparel

Budget provided: Rs.1000 / - (Lifetime Budget)

Objective: To drive traffic towards the website (Prettify Clothing in my case)

TG: Fashion-forward Indian women, aged 18-35 years, spanning students to well-educated
professionals, with a passion for beauty, fashion, and online shopping.
Explain The Targeting Parameters

1. Age Range: 18-35 years female, group of young women who redefine style, intellect, and modernity,
traversing from ambitious students to accomplished professionals. Reason being the brand “Prettify
Clothing” is a contemporary and cutting-edge fashionable brand catering to the style-conscious young
Indian women.
2. Location: Prettify Clothing is based out of Surat (Gujarat) and delivers orders across India. However
keeping in mind the budget allocated for this project I selected cities where they get most of their orders
from – Surat, Ahmedabad & Vadodara (Gujarat), Mumbai (Maharashtra) and Bengaluru (Karnataka)
3. Interests: The TG share an unwavering passion for beauty and fashion, paired with a love for the
convenience and thrill of online shopping.
4. Any other relevant targeting parameters: Demographic & Behavioural parameters are shown in the
screenshot on next slide
Any other relevant targeting parameters
Campaign Summary Screenshot - 1
Campaign Summary Screenshot - 2
Primary Text:
Set your inner fashionista free and conquer the style scene with our
captivating array of trendy western T-shirts, tops, and dresses!
#StylishSummerWithPrettify #DressUpWithPrettify
Dive into our latest summer collection!
Explore now to look effortlessly chic and undeniably fabulous!
Shop Now
Preview of the ad on a Facebook Feed
Preview of the ad on Facebook dashboard
Campaign Result Screenshot - Performance
Campaign Result Screenshot - Demographics
Placement as per Platform
a) What KPIs will you use to analyze the ad performance?

To measure the performance of a Facebook ad with the objective of driving traffic to a website, I have considered the
following KPIs:
1. Cost per Click (CPC): This KPI determines the average cost incurred for each click on my ad. It allows me to assess the
efficiency of my ad spend and optimize my budget accordingly. The average CPC for link clicks is around Rs 0.51 to
Rs 2.26. For my Facebook ad I have received a CPC of 0.75 which is considered good. A lower CPC indicates that I
am achieving a higher number of clicks on my ad for the given budget. It implies that I am effectively driving traffic to
my website at a relatively low cost per click.
2. Cost per Result (CPR): Cost per Result is a broader metric that considers the cost associated with achieving a specific
goal & it encompasses all the costs associated with achieving that particular outcome. In my case, a CPR of Rs 0.82 for
a fashion apparel ad with a budget of Rs 1000 over a 5-day duration can be considered quite good. A lower CPR
indicates that I am achieving my desired results at a relatively low cost. It implies that I have efficiently utilized my
budget to achieve the desired outcomes from this campaign.
a) What KPIs will you use to analyze the ad performance?

To measure the performance of a Facebook ad with the objective of driving traffic to a website, I have considered the
following KPIs:
3. Click-through Rate (CTR): This metric measures the percentage of users who clicked on my ad compared to the total
number of impressions. It helps gauge the ad's effectiveness in capturing user interest. While the ideal CTR can vary
depending on factors such as industry, audience, and ad type, a CTR more than 0.90% considered above average range.
So, in my case , a CTR of 1.05% is good as a higher CTR indicates better engagement and suggests that my ad is
resonating with the target audience.
4. Engagement Rate: Engagement rate measures the level of interaction and involvement that users have with my ad. It
considers various actions like no of clicks in my case. For reach-based measurement, a 1%-2% Facebook engagement
rate is considered good. So with an Engagement Rate of 1.84% for my ad, indicates that a reasonable percentage of
viewers are actively engaging with my ad. It suggests that my ad is capturing the attention and interest of my target
audience defined in Facebook ad manager.
b) Was the campaign a success or not?

❖ Yes my campaign was successful as per the positive results I have received in order to achieve the objective of
driving traffic to the website of Prettify Clothing.
❖ The ad generated 1,035 clicks, reached 56,288 users (reach), and had a total of 1,07,412 impressions. These
numbers suggest that my ad has achieved a considerable reach and engagement with the target audience, leading to
a significant number of clicks and impressions.
❖ A CPM (Cost per Mille) of Rs. 7.92 indicates the cost of reaching 1,000 impressions. It reflects the efficiency of
my ad spends in terms of reaching the target audience. A lower CPM is generally desirable, and hence this is a
reasonably good CPM.
❖ All values at a glance :
Report Period: May 30,
2023 -report
Jun 4, 2023May-29-2023 to Jun-4-2023

Amount Cost per CPM (cost per 1,000

Reach Impressions Frequency Link clicks CTR (all) CPC (all) Reporting starts Reporting ends
spent (INR) result impressions)

56288 107412 1.91 851.03 0.82 1035.00 7.92 1.05 0.75 2023-05-29 2023-06-04

c) Based on the results obtained, suggest some targeting optimizations that you would perform. (atleast 2)
❖ Analyze the campaign data to identify any patterns or trends in the audience who engaged the most with my ad.
Based on this, I shall consider adjusting the current target audience to focus on specific segments that are more
likely to be interested in my fashion brand.
❖ Change the demographics, interests, and behaviors to create more targeted ad sets and tailor the messaging
accordingly. For eg target men between 25-40 years of age who would shop online and have interest in browsing
through beauty/fashion products for the females in their lives.
❖ Utilize the Facebook Lookalike Audience feature to reach new potential customers who share similar
characteristics and interests with my existing audience. This can help expand me reach and target a broader yet
relevant audience.
❖ Analyse the data from the campaign to identify specific days or times when my target audience is most active and
engaged. Accordingly adjust my ad scheduling to maximize visibility during those peak periods.

d) Based on the results obtained, suggest some creative optimizations that you would perform. (atleast 2)
❖ Experiment with different ad creatives, including images, videos, and ad copy variations, to identify which ones
resonate best with my target audience. Try using A/B testing as it can help me to understand what drives higher
engagement and click-through rates.
❖ Instead of featuring a single product in my ad, I can present a diverse range of product designs across various
types of western wear within the same layout. This allows viewers to explore multiple options and increases the
chances of capturing their interest.
❖ After assessing the performance of my ad across different placements on Facebook (e.g., News Feed, Stories,
right column) I feel that I should have adjusted the ad according to the placements in terms of layout, ratio,
visibility etc. This can help me optimize my ad budget and focus on placements that deliver the best results,
without compromising on my ad creative.

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