The Speckled Band

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SHERLOCK HOLMES SHORT STORIES I go to Baker Streer, in London, to see the place where he had his fat. These ate fis about him, pictures of him ~ we all know what he looked like, we all know what kind of clothes he wore. A stories, So, why do we remember yet he never existed, The stories aboue hitn are just because he loves catching criminals, Sherlock: Holmes chases the criminal as a hunter chases a fox. He is a bloodhound, a police dog, with his nose 0 the ‘ground ~ following the criminal 10 the end of the world, ‘The criminal may try to hide ~ but when Sherlock Holmes has started the chase, we know that he willl finish ie with a 4 AuvarT sit¥OmOOR ant LORY ‘soapechtmoeensaa Supeoy sayy ssas1Au3¥ ‘any smn cs a Suipeoy apy ssaLLIALLOW poner amp Smpeoy s1oyeg st speea sero 2 sng 1009 fal ysestorong y ag ano spats wens y ayes SRO ng, SINFLNOD ‘The Speckled Band 1 Helen’s Story Ac the time of this story, L was ing ar my friend Sherlock Holmes's flat in Baker Sereet in London. Very carly one morning, a young woman, dressed in black, ‘came to see us, She looked tired and unhappy, and her face was very white. ‘Tm afraid! Afraid of death, Mr Holmes!’ she cried. ‘Please yet and look at my grey Very early one morning, a young wom, dressed in black, Fe ueipuy Buons siy Burjours seas aypeydars mo Sutua49 30 “s0pius09 ayp ort uado ysrya s100p pu “asnoy ‘ayp Jo apis wopre® ays uo smopurm sary [Je susoor SUL, Sem 02 Bxou st MOON At pure ‘SIR 09 ax—UE SF MOOT sem ‘woos sroypeydans Ata sf azaqp asny “sanasumop J axe smoospaq aang sng, “pazamsue ays jaun ajqesiay © sem ay “Yom Ava |[e 21 soquiowox ueD |, “pres ay “tpeap say snoge Sumpézaas ow Ta, “rauong waa 1 paxoo] pue urarp pousdo oy stow ang ‘pasopa soda sry yptas Suruaast] seas souory POTIOUS arnun so} pou pue so4> soy 3940 pury oy and roUOIS SSIPY -P2IP aqs stp Jaye Hoos ang ‘psavde raypeydass Ay “roy Aurem 0} poyse oyss went Bunod v rau EAN, aia WOpuo’] eau aay oN Apuney Aus JO auDS paLstA da soumamios anq ‘Anno aya wr Apogdue azur 334au 2g 2194 WH, Ay 8204p pu ‘OB szea om porp ous, SOuNIOH 7POPAYS PASE .ZOHP YS PIP UOYAL, mou aTey x any ‘dou Apeasye seas sey Jy pur “poIp ays ay damp Ajuo sem ef “amoy] ayp mT 57048 ayp [fe Op O1 ey om pur Sappeydans dm Jo prexye axam Kaqp asnit9q yp] skeaye Kay] “souEAras om peg ag, “Say Adee aaa poy | pue eqnf r00g “ayR] Say oxy OF pur aulon ura dap pur *ajdoed pri asoyp sony rompezdoas AW ‘sarsdi8 ose are oxy) cuapred amp uy sBumep jim S[mo oqp you are spewsree atp puy “eIpuy wory uy on wtp spuos pusey y -uopref oy punose éjaaqy an TMA SPUTUE pA weIpuy sty Jo preyE ose 24,Koys PUY “my 209 day maya eave un Aovp puw ‘mou uny Jo presye s{poqdiang “aBeipa oy wiosy ajdoad aya yar. sryBy sey souaMOs pur ‘mou 1U2jo1A a:0u! pale 2x0w s,>F}, s9UERG UD|aHY POIoMsUE jSAUIOR] IA ,, a0 fue rod 1,usem sypejdons fur os ‘fouow Jo 20[ © pet soipour ‘54 YO, “sarmoH] Opa poyse gsdeysod <‘Kouou wos pet, Joqour mn0%, aes nod ‘peap sea JOYE} IME “Bunos Ara asa | pure tenn soasts deu ways ‘Sraup ampoU! Aus patszeur pure 2000 2}f "EIpU] 01 MO IuaM pure LIOmoP € aq o1 PaxpRAs 24 OF suzog seas oypejdons Au uaqan Sauous ow pey Aoyp Ing ypu A394 aou0 sea Aqrurey sipy “Aaatm09 oxp at aBeyps © sau ‘no|oy Aqsounis aq “aypeydars sur ys ‘ufo ays YOUNG WapeEY St auIEH A, Aypury SoUpOHY pres {61018 mos sn [Jad pue UmOp Hs 3sn[, arp 1 pu F POET POPIOTS GT, SHOW Uogs SmjOH PORaGS z 7] 4 Sherlock Holmes Short Stories cigarettes in his room. Julia couldn't sleep because she ‘could smell them in her room, so she came into my room to talk to me. Before she went back to bed, she said to me, “Helen, have you ever heard a whistle in the middle of the night?” “{ was surprised. “No,” I said. ““Ie's strange,” she said, “Sometimes I hear a whistle, but I don’t know where it comes from. Why don’t you hear it?” ‘Tlaughed and said, “I sleep better than you d Julia went to her som, and locked the door after her.” ‘Why did you lock your doors?” asked Sherlock Holmes. “We were afraid of che wild animals, and the gipsies,” she answered. ‘Please go on,’ said Holmes. ‘T couldn't sleep that night. It was a very stormy night, with a lot of wind and rain. Suddenly I heard a woman's scream. it was my sister's voice. I ran into the corridor, and just then I heard a whistle, and a minute later the sound of falling metal. I didn’t know what ir ‘was. Iran to my sister’s door. She opened it and fell co the ground. Her face was white and afraid, and she was crying, “Help me, help me, Helen, I'm ill, fm dying!” I put my arms around her, and she cried out in a terrible voice: “Helen! Oh my God, Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!” She wanted to say more, but she couldn't. I called my stepfather, who tried to 0 The Speckled Band ‘My sister's face was white and afraid.” help her, but we could do nothing. And so my dear, dear sister died.’ ‘Are you sure about the whistle and the sound of falling metal?” asked Holmes. ‘Tthink so,’ answered Helen. ‘But it was a very wild, stormy night. Pethaps I made a mistake. The police couldn’s understand why my sister died. Her door was locked and nobody could get into her room. They didn’t find any poison in her body. And what was “the speckled band”? Gipsies wear something like that round their necks. [think she died because she was $0 afraid, but T don’t know what she was afraid of Perhaps it was the gipsies. What do you think, ‘Mr Holmes?” aomeoag 21 pasn 2949u | pue eM ng “auEALas & Buype> 20 say “oe sivad om azo ay and soyseydans Ay, 20 2 7940 asf x04 adosyjoq 3m s1 Ayu, “woos am Puno: p2x00] 2 ULL “PRES ay 2pIsINO OH} UE su10> pINED smopu ayp 3 paxoo] saurjory pure ‘azoor s,2yfnf On 19M 994 “SOWIOH Pres SOK, "too! s,s01818 Key O14 ata an0ur on upd © sea a1 UR J, “pres oys Aya 93,N04, (2) yale Buoses ZuMPOU 5794.1, “SOUNOH, fem wWoospeg anos Surpusus Loup ome A, “asiy woos Jay] Aves 2,4 “StHOOIPIq ‘amp alp sh pomoys ZaU0Ig uopaq] “paATTTE 24 GOH (SHoaSUE UR 9A8q| | YUP | INg ‘purrsi9pun or yeoygip asour axe doy — pueg axp “apstya aya ‘sarsdi parse aya ang -uruour sup ano rey pumoy | “opt peop. sty wrosy 3894 v Qgzy SEY AyuO oy DsMED0q ‘AattONE 13 aya spoatrnoféoy pussy snozoSuep Ino, “Us 02 SUITOR, pies ,'398 nox, -asnoy sno]kow IC] 02 Pkt B YOOR pure ‘Anunoo axp owt wrest Aq yuas warp ay “oMEB-ypUN] 3e youg sures ay ang ‘BurwsoM ayL OF WHO sUEA SOLIORY SHOP] Aq) USIA MOSTD AY PUD SAUL]OFT z cApeanye s3nq [29y | ‘SOUNfOH spy ‘MOK yey YO ‘Rod 995 3,u0M 2y Os ‘epor BopUOT UE 5.2F4, casos] 20u ast o4peydans anos ang gst00 Asay Ae YOO 240 HED ‘Aepor asnoy no. 01 08 a8 Ji, SUMO PIES 1889 anOUE SMUT 2/4, fon aueat 3,uop | |SommOH] spy ‘ou day aseapg “dpa N04 30} Se 02 WOpUOT oy auTE> pure Ajarespent asnoy fayp fo amo ues | jureBe spstyas reyp psvay f aysiu ase] Ue ‘yeas wooxpag dun Surpuaw are watts aus asme>9q suoorpag plo s,223sIs Aur o1 agour o pey y oe sXep oa ang “woos daseu1 on HuO8 a3,9m os pur ‘posse sey soqejdoss Ay “wry Aaseut 02 our payse puany 3eep v off (puour & ing Srarsts dus mOyHA Afouoy A72A U29q avy J, ‘pres sow0AS u2[apy ,“o8e szraK oaK sem IBY, (0 08 aseayd ang “uonsenb aynayzip & st 20yL, ples 9q Sump, “omurar © Joy aySnoys souOR, z Pag PoP PATS GL TuDIp HOGS PMO POMS 9 8 Sherlock Holmes Short Stories we didn’t have any servants, He also put in that air vent on the wall between his room and this one,’ Holmes pulled the rope. “But it doesn’t work,” he said. ‘How strange! And it’s just over the air-vent. ‘That also is interesting. Why have an air-vent on an inside wall? Air-vents are usually on outside walls.” Then we went into Dr Roylott’s room. Holmes saw a large metal hox near the wall “My stepfather keeps business papers in there, Helen. ‘Does he keep a cat in there too? asked Holmes. ‘Look!’ There was some milk on a plate on top of the said ‘The Speckled Band 9 box. ‘Now, Miss Stoner,’ he said, ‘Think your life isin dangez. Tonight my friend Watson and I must spend the night in your sister’s room, where you are sleeping at the moment, Helen Stoner and I looked at him in suxprise. “Yes, we musty’ he went on, “We'll take @ room in a hotel in the village. When your stepfather goes to bed, put a light in your sister's bedroom window and leave it open, Then go into your old room and we'll get into your sister’s room through the window. We'll wait for the sound of the whistle and the falling metal.” ‘How did my sister die, Mr Holmes? Do you know? -upee auays seat ammoy 9q3 UDI] “moor ax9U aq uu Aap ajgizsay © preay ax Afuoppns pure SuD4-ste ap 3 din payoo} ypog 2, "2pstyas asINd v sea as04py, “Burppout aces [ Ing “pamoys ay guOSEA, “1 995 MOK UE, -pary adox-yoq ayn ay pu dn poduint sousjory Ajpaerpanuiug “+ pumos apiab 494 e ‘punos soxpoue seas a1o(p doi] ep aup UT poem aa ureBe pue ‘pouaddey, Sunpou ang “woos s,nojkoy 2 tox pumos © preay, ue aaj e ates am <[uoppng ‘Saou 20u pyp pule sso Samp JO} Paves, 24) Pep 2x uy wooupaq alpprur ou ur SpuDps paves am ways “sopuim aq qBnOMy Spam us 308 | pue sumo, “yf s,7940IS UapEEY 2a 9a, uoyay “asno4f 4p 02 UG AM ons aysTS I!HLT, 1481 aqi ms que € cuoste ay yun “wey doas lWe> om ang “ueUE J949]> A194 B Sf IO190P SIRE "SOR, ouED Iq P 2et/A\ ipUEIsZapUN oF ufHq J, “PaHD | jssUO},, iuagcate ap 2eou Sf pups ‘adox ox zopun Aes asm af zp aaoue 3.2002 24 “2004 a2 02 POxy Sa] gp9q aq 298 NOX pIp PUY, “pou | god Jo son9q> mopy isouOH Swap AW, cousrep suo[hoy aq] fous Moo aars1s s,topap Aya sured sey, “swoox Oxta oy ooassag 2]oy v st azay) assno9 JQ) DuIE> aM 910}29 UDA “He amp ange mauy f cIUaK-sTE aun pure Sodox-]9q 2tp 298 nod Plc “Soy 20K paow | wosIe; “Rox YULYLL, es 1 jpeys | ‘souspory ‘doy ued 7 JI ang, Ov suJOU Aion 8 si nojkoy ‘wosiejg ‘snoreBuep 2q [Tat 14BIUC 5, ‘ou on pres sampopy pur ‘a8eita ays 02 poqeas 24h “souOHL spoyoys pordar presye aq a,uop pur ‘adqpoo8 on, “rouoag ssipy “tod 1]91 | ax0Faq sxoU no puy asm J, care s0uJO}H popays wo prey soy and sys “uaqopy pres jou qf) asvalg SeRDbIg Hogs SINPOH] YoHegy oF n Sherlock Holmes Short Stories 1 strange, yellow speckled band. He was ded. Round his bea “Whar does it mean?" I asked. My voice was shaking ‘It's finished,’ answered Holmes. ‘Let's go and see.’ ‘We went into Dr Roylott’s room. The metal box was open. Royloce was sitting on a chair, and his eyes were fixed on the air-vent, Round his head was a strange, yellow speckled band. He was dead. “The band! ‘The speckled band!’ said Holmes very quietly. The band moved and began to turn its head. ‘Be carefitl, Watson! It’s a snake, an Indian snake - and its poison can kill very quickly,’ Holmes cried. “Roylost died immediately. We must put the snake back in its box.’ Very, very carefully, Holmes took the snake and threw it into the metal box. ‘The Speckled Band B "But how did you know about the snake, Holmes?” I asked. “Ar frst, Wats i-was the gipsies. But then I understood. I thought that perhaps something came through the air-vent, down the bell-rope and on to the bed. Then there was the milk ~ and of course, snakes drink milk. It was easy for the Doctor to get Indi als. And because he was a doctor, he knew that this snake's poison is difficult to find in a dead body. So every night he put the snake thro vent, and it went down the b course, nobody must sce the snake, so every whistled to call it back. The sound of metal falling I thou home. Perhaps the snake came many times before it killed Julia. But in the end it killed her. And Helen, too, nearly died because of this snake. “But tonighe, when I hit the snake on the rope, it was angry and went back through che air-vent. And so it killed the Doctor. I’m not sorry about that.” Soon after this Helen Stoner married her young man and tried to forget the terrible deaths of her sister and stepfather. Bur she never really forgot the speckled band. ough the air-vent *

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