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In this scenario, the PCs attempt to win a smuggling com-

petition for Bargos the Hutt. If they succeed, Bargos will win
over a contract from a spice merchant fro Olstra. If they fail, After about an hour, the droid returns to their suites and
Bargos will get angry. tells them to follow him for dinner with the master. They are
guided to a large dining room with a huge wooden table and
about 40 comfortable chairs. They are met by a charming
THE USUAL CALL Falleen dressed in immaculate clothes and graceful manners.
Any PC with Force Influence powers notices that behind the
The PCs get their usual comlink call from Bargos. Read aloud
graceful curtain there is a will of steel. Two professional look-
or paraphrase.
ing bodyguards are standing by the doors keeping a close eye
on everyone but from a respectful distance.

There are also three other people present. They are definitely
“Greetings gentlebeings. We have not at home in this environment and have the look of mer-
a new opportunity. One of Olstras cenaries or smugglers about them. They are introduced by
drug merchants, the Falleen Crix
Bathina as Olstra the Hutt’s delegation to this meeting, and
Bathina, has heard the rumors that
are very curt and short to the point with the PCs. As soon
her organization is in chaos. He
has reached out to us to give us a as the PCs arrive, dinner is served. The food is amazing and
chance to win the shipping con- contains some very hard to find ingredients. During the meal,
tract. I want my best guys on the Bathina asks them many times if the food is to their liking
job, and that is you. Rendezvous and tries to accommodate them if they have any request.
with him at his drop off point at The food stores at his mansion are very well stocked and can
Ylesia and see what he wants you produce most items the PCs ask for.
to do. And make sure you get that

the mission
The PCs probably get going right away. With Bargos provid- After dinner, the conversation turns to business. Bathina
ing them a temporary com code, they will not have to worry explains that he has become a bit worried about the organi-
about roaming around in Hutt Space (it is of course only valid zational stability of his current preferred shipping partner (to
for Ylesia). loud objections from Olstra’s crew). Therefore he proposes a
competition. The crew that makes the fastest delivery will win
the shipping contract for their employer. He adds the follow-

When they arrive, they can hail traffic control to get directions “Make sure you understand that this is a shipping contest. It is
to Bathina. His manor is situated beautifully at the shores of not a battle nor a fight. I do not want to know of any shooting
a small lake, on the outskirts of a small city. He seems to have matches between you, we have other people for that. This is
lots of hired help as well as heavy security. The PCs are direct- about making a delivery as fast and as clean as possible. If I
ed to one of the hangar bays located in the main building at found out any one of you has injured the other party they will
the lowest floor. forfeit the competition.”

Once inside, the PCs are met by a servant droid that shows Any PC making an Easy Knowledge (Underworld) (1) check
them to their quarters, luxurious suites that have large knows that while outright fighting is forbidden, small acts
transparisteel windows overlooking the serene lake. If any PC of sabotage and delaying tactics are probably encouraged
wants to stay behind and guard their ship, the droid explains and expected. If asked however, Bathina will err on the side
that there are security all hours of the day and the PCs would of caution and state that the PCs should concentrate on the
insult the master if they do not trust him. shipping part of the competition.

“You will get your cargo and the destination tomorrow morn-
ing. I suggest you use the evening for recreation and recuper-
ation. We have a lot of facilities here that you are welcome to
use while you are our guests. Please do not disturb the other
guests though, many of them value their privacy”
ReLAXING Attempt to discover their destination beforehand: The
only way for them to discover the location of the drop off
Bathina’s mansion is a huge estate. The main building is about point is by slicing the mansions security systems which are
seven stories high and features four hangar bays on the lowest very hard to breach. A Daunting Computers (1111) check
level. It has about 500 rooms and some larger recreational will get them access, A Hard Computers (111) check will
facilities comfortable (or adaptable) to most species. The find the right files and an Easy Computers (1) check will
PCs have the evening off for relaxation and are free to move discover the destination. Any double FAILURE on any of these
about. The staff will try to help the PCs with most request, checks triggers an alarm and the PCs will either be disquali-
but most guests (there are about 100 guests staying at the fied (without a good story) or put under surveillance for their
moment) keep to themselves. If the PCs are good at social entire visit (with a good story and a Hard Deception (111)
skills, they can probably make a few connections here with check).
the right rolls.
The PCs will undoubtedly come up with other ways to prepare
than those listed here. It is up to the GM how hard they are
preparation and how to achieve them. Any aggressiveness toward the
other group will be met with delays (the PCs get their cargo a
If the PCs choose to use their time preparing for the compe- couple of hours after the other group) or more severe punish-
tition instead, there are a few things they can do. The GM ment.
should probably not help them too much with these options
but some are presented here if the PCs try them
THe competition
Study the astrogation charts: Even if the PCs do not know
The other group of smugglers are a professional outfit that
where they are going, they know it is very likely they are going
has been through a lot together. Olstra is no fool and also
away from this planet. Studying the know routes from this
sent some of her best people for this job. She already had a
planet (there is an excellent data store in Bathina’s mansion)
pretty good idea what the competition was and has had time
and the surrounding ones will give them a free SUCCESS on
to prepare some surprises for the PCs along the way.
their Astrogation checks in Hutt Space made during the next
24 hours. If the PCs make a Daunting Knowledge (Under-
world) check (or are good guessers) they know that much of Kyrenic Soto [NEMESIS]
Bathina’s and Olstras operations are located in the Corellian Human male from Alderaan in his late 40’s. He is charming,
system. If they choose to study those charts as well, they cunning and an expert in talking his way out of sticky situa-
receive a free ADVANTAGE on any Astrogation check made tions. He is the groups obvious leader, making the deals and
around the Corellian system in the next 48 hours (the charts negotiation over the price. He is quite friendly to anyone he
found on Ylesia are not as detailed regarding the Corellian meets that he thinks he can exploit, but has no time left over
system). for people he feels he has no use for.

Sabotage the other crews ship: It is easy to find the other

smuggler’s ship in one of the hangar bays on the first floor. 2 2 3 3 2 3
Any staff mechanic around can point it out for them (there are
only a few freighters around, and only one that arrived on the
same day as the PCs). Security in the hangar bay is tight, and 2 14 15
anyone approaching the ship and not matching the crew that
stepped of it are approached and questioned, politely but Skills: Leadership 1, Ranged [Light] 1, Deception 2, Charm 3,
firmly. A Hard Deception check (111) and a reasonable Negotiation 3, Cool 2
story will allow the PCs to get close enough. If they want to Equipment:
start working and pull stuff apart, only a Formidable Decep- Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
tion check (11111) will allow them to make any lasting [Medium]), Comlink
damage to the vessel before they are interrupted by security.
If they get the time to work on it, the difficulty of the sabo-
tage are up to the PCs and the GM depending on what they Amaya Fess [NEMESIS]
want to achieve (Mechanics) and how well they want to hide it Human female from Corellia in her late 30’s. A silent, calculat-
(Stealth). ing type, Amaya is only interested in piloting her (she thinks of
their ship as her own) ship. She prefers to run rather than fight
and is only interested in her own survival. She secretly har-
bors a desire to be famous for her piloting skills, even though
she describes herself as only slightly above average.

2 4 2 3 2 2

3 12 14
Skills: Ranged [Light] 1, Deception 1, Astrogation 2, Piloting
[Space] 2, Gunnery 2
Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
[Medium]), Comlink

Krenis Dannuz [NEMESIS]

Human male from Brentaal in his late 20’s. A mechanical
whizz-kid that can fix anything but is built like an ox. Walked
away from a promising career in the Empire and vowed to
earn enough money to never have to work again. Brash, talk-
ative and confident, he is also a good shot and never backs
down from a fight.

4 2 2 1 3 3

6 16 12

Skills: Ranged [Light] 1, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Gunnery 2, Brawl

3, Melee 1, Mechanic 4
Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
[Medium]), Comlink, Heavy Clothing (+1 Soak), Tool kit
Once in space, the PCs need to find the fastest hyperspace
route to Corellia. Using known routes, the PCs first have to If they prepare to receive visitors, Lt Daniels will board along
travel to Nal Hutta, then to Kwenn and after that to Corellia. with two of his customs officers. The two officers will begin to
search the ship while Lt Daniels questions the PCs about their
Use the normal rules for hyperspace travel from the Core manifest, their cargo and their destination. Since the PCs hard-
Rulebook and remember the bonuses from Episode I if the ly have had any time to take on cover cargo, they might easily
PCs prepared themselves by studying astrogation charts. be exposed here.

If the PCs look for alternate routes, a Formidable Knowl- Luckily, Lt Daniels does what he always does, looks for a bribe.
edge (Underworld) (11111) check means the PC knows He is used to dealing with shipping captains on a regular basis
a shortcut. There is currently a stable underground route and explains to the PCs that a first time customary inspection
directly from Ylesia to Kwenn. This route takes only 8 hours fee of about 500 credits is normal. Then there are the goods
but requires a Hard Astrogation (111) check. tariffs and the administration fees and what not, so the whole
fee should land evenly on about 1000 credits. Negotiating with
Lt Daniels is possible but he is quite headstrong and knows he
has all the authority he needs. The two inspectors he brought
TRAVEL TIMES with him have worked with him a long time and are used to
It is up to the GM exactly how long it takes for the PCs to get overlooking things to make a bit on the side. They will follow his
from Kwenn to Corellia, but since it is a pretty significant way lead and even though they probably will find the contraband,
across the galaxy, the assumption is that they should be in a bribe is the prime objective. If the PCs pay the fee up front di-
hyperspace for at least a week. This part of the journey is rectly they will not lose much time, but Lt Daniels will tag them
not that difficult since they probably will travel through well as easy prey and keep looking for them on further visits.
known systems and not stop for sightseeing, but if the GM
wishes they can throw in some random encounters or hyper- The PCs can also solve the encounter with violence, although
space obstacles. It is recommended that the PCs will have they will be wanted by CorSec if they subdue or injure the cus-
to pass some ordinary Astrogation checks just to make sure toms team. Other methods that might work are deception (“uh,
nothing goes wrong. They can try to upgrade their astroga- yeah, we have a radiation leak somewhere around here but you
tion checks to shave additional time of their journey but it is are welcome to look around”) or powerful connections (“I’ll just
assumed Olstra’s crew will match their speed unless the PCs be in here, contacting the sector Moff, he is an old friend”). Lt
take way too long, in which case the other smugglers will beat Daniels is no fool though and is pretty hard to deceive. He is
the PCs easily. wary that his superiors find out about his operations though
but needs to be convinced that the PCs actually have these
accidents/connections before he leaves them alone.

ARRIVAL If stats for Lt. Daniels are needed, use a typical customs officer
from the rulebook.
When finally coming out of hyperspace, the PCs are almost
immediately hailed:

“Unidentified freighter. Please shut down your engines and

prepare to be boarded. We have reason to believe your ship
carries contraband. Cooperate and you will not be harmed. If
you attempt to flee, we will open fire.”

Since the PCs (almost certainly) travel the fastest route

available, Olstra’s crew alerted a corrupt customs officer they
sometimes encounter and told him exactly where to wait,
along with a description of the PCs ship.

Running from the customs vessel is not only hard, since they
are behind the PCs ship, and armed with ion cannons and
have relatively fast engines. The PCs can certainly try this and
might even escape. If they do, they will be wanted by customs
and CorSec will be looking for them.
After the customs inspectors in orbit, the PCs are cleared
to land in Coronet City. They are assigned a docking bay in
the industrial district, but about a 20 minute ride from their When arriving at the warehouse, the GM needs to decide if
destination with a landspeeder. Any attempt to deviate from the PCs beat Olstra’s crew. If they managed good rolls and
their course and use another berth will be met with CorSec overcame the obstacles quickly and efficiently, they arrive first
response that will follow and try to apprehend the PCs. A and win the smuggling contract for Bargos. If they botched
dignitary from another sector is visiting Corellia and security is most of their Astrogation rolls and/or took a long time to clear
therefore more alert than usual. the obstacles, they arrive after Olstra’s crew and they retain
the contract. If they had average rolls, they might spot Olstra’s
When the PCs disembark from their ship, they find a group of crew arriving from the opposite side of the warehouse at the
four people waiting for them. The man in charge, a Lt. Sordin, exact same time, and it will all come down to a mad scramble
introduces himself and his group as a customs inspection for the door. First to step over the line is the winner.
team. If the PCs would be so kind as to offload their ship he
will make certain all papers are in order. If confronted with the Dirk Sanders is waiting inside the warehouse, along with 4 of
fact that customs has already inspected the vessel in orbit, he his guards. He congratulates the PCs on a safe arrival whether
checks his customs log and finds no such record (Lt. Daniels they won or lost, and if they won he gives them 10 doses of
never filed a report of the encounter). Sodin is a much dif- Glitterstim as a bonus prize.
ferent officer than Daniels, and only goes by the book. He is
steadfast and thorough, and therefore quite slow. Since he is
also a stickler for the rules, he cannot enter the PCs vessel to
inspect their goods, since his jurisdiction only covers the area
of Coronet City and the PCs ship is technically their property. The PCs might decide to skip the whole contest and claim
He will however wait very patiently until they offload their they were waylaid by customs or otherwise lost the goods
goods. (and sell it themselves on the market). Bathina will of course
not be pleased and expect them to pay back the value of the
Possible ways to get rid of him are convincing him that they spice, and also tell Bargos he cannot deal with such pathetic
have no cargo on board (Hard Deception (111) check, and underlings. Bargos will not be happy.
he becomes suspicious if their ship is a freighter of some kind.
If so, add 3 to the check), faking an emergency in a nearby
docking bay (he has to respond to emergencies according to
his mandate), subdue the inspection team and keep them AFTERMATH
hidden until the goods are delivered or some sort of other
If they win the shipping contract, Bargos pays the PCs 3000
credits each for a job well done. If they fail, he still pays them
1000 credits each for trying. Give the PCs 25 XP each for
After getting out of the docking bay and heading for the
completing the scenario, and 5 extra XP if they succeed in
warehouse, a CorSec Investigator follows the PCs. An Hard
winning the contract.
Perception (111) check notices him following them from
the spaceport. If discovered and confronted, he makes no
Regardless of the outcome, all the operation against Olstra
move to escape. He introduces himself as inspector Godin and
(both by the PCs and other associates of Bargos) has now be-
explains that CorSec got a tip matching the PCs description
gun to get a noticeable effect. It is time to apply the final push
but after observing them for a while he cannot tie them to
towards destroying Olstra’s main base of operations. This
anything illegal. He asks what is in the crates they are trans-
will be carried out in the traditional Hutt manner - by letting
porting (if they have them in their landspeeder) and where
someone else do the dirty work.
they are headed. He is a seasoned investigator that will follow
the PCs for a while, but if they do not do anything suspect in
the next hour he will turn to other assignments. The PCs can
try to lose him (Hard Stealth (111) check for all PCs) or just
wait him out.

If they do not notice him, he will follow them through the

streets. After the PCs have reached the warehouse and deliv-
ered their goods, he will call in a CorSec investigation team
that will appear at the warehouse in 20 minutes. If the PCs
have not escaped by then, they run the risk of being captured
and charged with possession of illegal drugs.

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