Mis Assignment

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IBM, a global tech giant, excels in diverse sectors, from cloud computing to artificial intelligence. For
instance, IBM Cloud provides scalable solutions allowing businesses to adapt swiftly. Their Watson AI
platform aids companies in data analysis, enabling smarter decision-making. Moreover, IBM’s consulting
services assist businesses in optimizing their operations.


On the other hand, SAP specializes in enterprise software, streamlining various functions. SAP's ERP
software integrates core business processes, facilitating efficient management. For instance, a company
can use SAP's software to handle everything from finance to supply chain, ensuring smooth operations.
SAP's customer relationship management (CRM) tools enhance customer interactions, fostering better

Often, IBM and SAP collaborate to offer comprehensive solutions. For instance, IBM Cloud integrates
seamlessly with SAP applications, enhancing their performance and accessibility. This collaboration
empowers businesses by merging IBM's technological expertise with SAP's robust software, ensuring a
seamless experience.


Apache, also known as the Apache Software Foundation, is a leading open-source software organization.
One of its flagship products is the Apache HTTP Server, often referred to as Apache, which is the most
widely used web server software globally. Apache HTTP Server powers millions of websites due to its
stability, security, and flexibility. It allows website owners to serve content on the internet, handle user
requests, and manage various web applications.

Many high-traffic websites like Airbnb and LinkedIn rely on Apache HTTP Server to deliver their content
efficiently to users around the world.


Cisco Systems, commonly known as Cisco, is a multinational technology conglomerate specializing in

networking hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment. Cisco's products and services play
a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication and connectivity in the digital age. Cisco routers,
switches, and networking solutions are integral components of modern data centers, corporate
networks, and internet infrastructure.

Large enterprises such as Google and Amazon utilize Cisco networking equipment to ensure robust and
secure connections within their vast networks, allowing for reliable data transmission and


Hadoop is like a digital warehouse where companies store and manage enormous amounts of data.
Imagine it as a giant, organized filing system for data. Hadoop is open-source software that allows
businesses to store and process vast sets of data across clusters of computers using simple programming
models. It is highly scalable and can handle both structured (like databases) and unstructured (like social
media posts) data.

Think of a big online store like Amazon. Hadoop helps Amazon analyze the buying patterns of millions of
customers. It tracks what products are popular, what regions buy more, and helps Amazon offer better
recommendations to customers based on this data.


EMC, now a part of Dell EMC, is a technology company that specializes in data storage, cloud computing,
and other IT services. They create storage solutions that help businesses and organizations store,
manage, and protect their data. EMC's products range from storage hardware to software that ensures
data security and accessibility.

Consider a hospital. EMC’s storage solutions help hospitals keep patient records safe and easily
accessible. This means doctors can access a patient’s medical history quickly, leading to better and faster
healthcare decisions.

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