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Tsz Ching Chen Deborah

SID: 20811998

HKBN's talent management system is built upon the fundamental belief that human capital
is the company's most valuable asset, and that investment in talent development and
retention is key to driving business success. The systematic planning and implementation of
talent development programs at all levels of the organization is a strategic move by HKBN
to foster a culture of employee empowerment. Positive feedback from employees
demonstrates the effectiveness of these initiatives, with many employees feeling
encouraged to be entrepreneurial in their decision making. Ultimately, the result is greater
employee satisfaction and retainment.
Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Calculated Risk is Not Penalized
HKBN's investment in entry-level talent through the "Next Station University" program has
proven successful in attracting and retaining motivated employees. The program not only
provides employees with a job but gives them a supportive network of mentors and generous
financial support to navigate their career path. Edwin’s experience in installing networks for a
new customer proved to him that HKBN values flexible and critical thinking. HKBN's dynamic
work environment and entrepreneurial spirit attract ambitious entry-level workers like Edwin,
making their talent development programs effective in attracting top talent.
The CXO of the future program also heavily invests in entry level talent such as fresh graduates,
fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and supportive environment for their growth in their careers.
The company's philosophy of "over investing rather than under investing" is central to the
program's marketing campaign, which provides trainees with 40,000 HKD to exercise their
creative autonomy. By framing failure as a positive showcase, the program empowers trainees
such as Kiana, shifting their mindset and strengthening their faith in HKBN. Kiana's eagerness to
purchase HKBN shares is a testament to the program's success in aligning entrepreneurial
philosophy with the program structure to retain competent talent.
Are there risks to HKBN’s talent management system?
The current talent management structure and philosophy is effective in attracting and retaining
talent. However, there are financial risks. Having an entrepreneurial mindset is optimal for a
start-up stage business, but now that HKBN is established with clear operations and systems in
place, entrepreneurial initiatives may become a liability if it does not generate positive return
on investment. In addition, HKBN’s termination policy may be counterproductive to its
mission to create a supportive environment because it may foster competition and
undermine collaboration among employees.

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