Essentials of Political Analysis 5th Edition Pollock III Test Bank

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Essentials of Political Analysis 5th

Edition Pollock III Test Bank

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Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

1. Conservatism is an example of a(n) _________________ in political research.

a. Objective
*b. Concept
c. Agenda
d. Measurement
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction

2. The primary goals of political research are to describe ___________ and

____________ the relationship between them.
a. Ideas/understand
b. Representation/identify
c. Ideologies/explain
*d. Concepts/analyze
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction

3. A researcher creates a list of attributes she expects will be present in individuals who
describe themselves as conservative. She then narrows the list to include only the
essential attributes in order to _______________ her research.
*a. Clarify
b. Simplify
c. Begin
d. Amplify
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction

4. A _____________________________ describes clearly the concept’s measurable

properties and specifies the units of analysis.
a. Concrete statement
b. Concrete question
*c. Conceptual definition
d. Operational definition
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

5. Which of the following are not units of analysis?

a. Individuals
b. Countries
c. Wars
*d. Concepts
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction

6. A researcher is studying political ideologies and includes a question about an

individual’s views on same-sex marriage as one of the _______________.
a. Concepts
*b. Characteristics
c. Concrete statements
d. Distinctives
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1 Introduction

7. Two or more distinct groups of empirical characteristics are known as a

a. Conceptual dimension
*b. Multidimensional concept
c. Polyarchy
d. Concrete dimension
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

8. Which of the following is not essential when writing a conceptual definition?

*a. The number of characteristics included
b. The variation within a measurable characteristic or set of characteristics
c. The subjects or groups to which the concept applies
d. How the characteristic is to be measured
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

9. The extent to which individuals support government regulation of issues such as

abortion, guns, and marriage would be a conceptual definition of _______________.
a. Economic liberalism
b. Economic conservatism
*c. Social conservatism
d. Social liberalism
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

10. A researcher is studying the attitudes of liberals and determines that one characteristic
of liberals is support for abortion rights. Joe describes himself as a liberal so the
researcher concludes that Joe supports abortion rights. This is an example of
a. Systematic error
*b. Ecological fallacy
c. Random error
d. Reliability
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Template for Writing a Conceptual Definition

11. Public opinion polls are an example of __________________________.

*a. Aggregate level research
b. Individual level research
c. Group characteristic research
d. Unit of analysis research
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

12. _________________________ typically results from the use of a biased

measurement instrument.
a. Random error
b. Ecological error
c. Distribution error
*d. Systematic error
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

13. A measure that provides inconsistent readings of a concept probably suffers from
a. Systematic error
b. Ecological error
*c. Random error
d. Distribution error
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error

14. A group of research subjects who modify their behavior in response to being studied
will likely lead to ___________________ being present in the measurement.
*a. Systematic error
b. Random error
c. Ecological error
d. Reliability
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error

15. A research assistant is entering data into a dataset on individual attitudes regarding
social issues. He did not get enough sleep the night before and occasionally enters the
wrong code for some individuals. This is an example of _________________.
a. Systematic error
*b. Random error
c. Validity
d. Reliability
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error

16. The ______________ of a measurement is the extent to which it is a consistent

measure of a concept.
*a. Reliability (LO 6—Knowledge)
b. Validity
c. Fairness
d. Durability
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

17. One way to test the reliability of a measure is the ________________ method.
a. Concrete
b. Random data
*c. Test/re-test
d. Conceptualization method
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

18. A recent public opinion poll found that 47% of respondents approve of the job the
president is doing. Subsequent polls found approval ratings of 46%, 48%, and 49%.
Based upon this we can say the questions in the poll are what kind of measurement of
presidential job approval?
a. Valid
*b. Reliable
c. Fair
d. Random
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

19. A measure that records the true value of on an intended characteristic is said to be?
a. Reliable
b. Complete
c. Complex
*d. Valid
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

20. A researcher uses his judgment to determine whether support for welfare spending
measures economic liberalism. This is an example of ___________________.
a. Concept validity
b. Construct validity
*c. Face validity
d. Political validity
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

21. A researcher develops a survey to measure political ideology on a 7-point scale from
strong liberal to strong conservative. The result provides an accurate measure of the
ideology of the individuals in the study. This is an example of ________________.
*a. Construct validity
b. Face validity
c. Political validity
d. Concept validity
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

22. When studying the passage of Civil Rights legislation by Congress each bill is an
example of a(n) ___________________________.
a. Aggregate unit of analysis
*b. Individual unit of analysis
c. Complex unit of analysis
d. Simple unit of analysis
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

23. Opposition to burning the American flag is an example of a _________________.

a. Concept
b. Construct
*c. Characteristic
d. Definition
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Introduction

24. A question that may be answered empirically using tangible properties is called a
a. Conceptual question
*b. Concrete question
c. Complex question
d. Concept
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Introduction
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

25. A concept is an idea or mental construct that represents phenomena in the real world.
*a. true
b. false
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Introduction

26. Liberalism implies support for increased government spending is an example of a

concrete statement.
a. true
*b. false
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

27. Economic liberalism and social liberalism comprise a single dimension of the concept
a. true
*b. false
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

28. Every concept must have two essential properties, concreteness and variability.
*a. true
b. false
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

29. In a study of the presidency, presidential speeches are an example of a unit of

*a. true
b. false
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

30. Conservatives tend to oppose same-sex marriage. Paul is a conservative. Therefore

Paul opposes same-sex marriage.
a. true
*b. false
Learning Objective Number: 4
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

31. A measure is said to be reliable when it accurately measures the concept being
a. true
*b. false
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

32. An interviewer who records a respondent’s answer incorrectly has introduced random
measurement error into the research.
*a. true
b. false
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error

33. An _________________________ describes the instrument to be used in measuring a

concept and putting the conceptual definition to work.
*a. operational definition
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

34. The statement that a liberal is someone who supports abortion rights is an example of
a _____________________.
*a. conceptual definition
Learning Objective Number: 3
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

35. A concept with more than one distinct group of characteristics is known as a
*a. multidimensional concept
Learning Objective Number: 2
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Conceptual Definitions

36. In a study of Congress, bills passed during a particular session are an example of
*a. Units of analysis.
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Introduction
Test Bank
Pollock, Essentials of Political Analysis, 5e
Chapter One, The Definition and Measurement of Concepts

37. Provide an example of an aggregate unit of analysis.

*a. any collection of entities will work (countries, states, wars, etc.)
Learning Objective Number: 1
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Introduction

38. A measure that ‘picks up’ an unintended characteristic when studying human subjects
is known as the ______________________.
*a. Hawthorne effect.
Learning Objective Number: 5
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Measurement Error

39. A survey instrument intended to measure presidential approval ratings that produce
drastically different numbers each time it is administered lacks __________________.
*a. reliability.
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

40. A survey that measures exactly the characteristic it is designed to measure is

considered to be _______________.
*a. valid.
Learning Objective Number: 6
Bloom's Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Chapter 1, Reliability and Validity

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