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Student`s assessment of learning style What is Your Learning


Q1: What is your most preferred method of learning when you prepare for an exam?
● a) Write things out and practice diagrams.
b) Read notes and headings, as well as view diagrams.
c) Ask questions of others or recite silently to yourself.

Q2: What you do when you listen to music?

a) Sing along
b) Daydream about what’s going on with the music
c) Move with the music
● d) tap your foot, clap, etc.

Q3: What you do when solving a problem?

a) Ask a friend or expert.
b) Organise the steps, following each step and checking them off as they are done
● c) Visualise the steps in your mind.

Q4: What do you prefer when you read for fun?

a) A book with lots of conversation
● b) A tourism or travel book with lots of pictures in it
c) A general book in which you have to answer questions or solve problems.

Q5: What would you do if you want to learn how to use a computer?
a) Learn from a trainer
b) Watch a video clip
● c) Try to learn it yourself

Q6: What is the first thing you do when you enter a science museum?
a) Talk to a guide and ask about different locations and exhibits
b) Look for a map showing the locations and various exhibits
● c) Go to the first exhibit that is most inviting regardless of printed directions.

Q7: What restaurant would you prefer not to visit?

a) one with loud music
b) one with bright lights
● c) one having uncomfortable seating.

Q8: What would you like to attend?

a) Music school
● b) Arts school
c) A workout gym

Q9: What you like to do when you are really excited and happy?
● a) Smile
b) Shout
c) Jump up and down

Q10: What thing would you remember the most on the day following a party?
a) Names of people but not their faces
● b) Faces of people but not their names
c) All you did and said at the party.
Student`s assessment of learning style What is Your Learning

Can you now understand what kind of learner you are?

● Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic or Tactile

What are your strength and weaknesses as learner?

• Strength:

Critical Thinking Kindness Trustworthy Creativity Discipline

• Weakness:
Lack of Focus ,Impatience,Self Criticism,Fear of Failure

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