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Lesson plan

Level: 1 st year “L” & ‘S’

Unit one : Getting through Sequence Two : Reading and writing

Rubric : Discover the language

Competency: interacting orally+ producing a written expression Time allowance: 01 hour

Function : Describing
Language Forms : Degree adverbs / Gradable and non- gradable Adjectives

Objectives : By the end of the lesson , learners will be able to use degree adverbs with the
suitable adj. Also; they will differentiate between ordinary and extreme adjectives .

Tasks/intera- Procedures/correction Objectives Time

Warm up - T sticks the pictures on the board and asks learners to match
each word with its synonym. Then, interacts with learners using
To Make the
different questions about: Extreme adjectives and the use of learners aware
degree adverbs with ordinary adjectives. of the
Key :
gradable and 20mn
The difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives :
gradable adjectives non-gradable adjectives adjectives
They are ordinary adjectives They are extreme adjectives
that might have levels of that can’t be graded. For
difference in them using degree example : we can’t say very
adverbs . For example we can huge or quite huge.
say : very big , quite big ,
extremely big .

Classify the following degree adverbs in the following pyramid:

extremely – quite- a bit – not at all – very – rather

Extremely To draw the

rule of using
Very the degree
adverbs and to
make them
Rather aware of the
difference in
A bit degree among
Not at all

Adverbs of degree are used to indicate the intensity, degree, or

extent of an adjective. They always appear before the adjective.
Task 03: Lrs complete the following sentences with their own words.

- I didn’t get good because the exam was …………………… To practice the 15 mn
- Yesterday I was ………………………… I could do my use of extreme
homework. adjectives and
- She doesn’t like reading the book because it is ordinary
……………………………… adjectives with
- I don’t think that I’m going to swim today. The weather is degree adverbs
- My sister got an expensive gift. She was …………………….

Task 04: Lrs write their own examples in stickers and stick them on the
To write their 10 mn
own examples
Ordinary Extreme using extreme
adjectives Adjectives adjectives and
adjectives with
degree adverbs

If you still have time

Task 8 p. 23 Lrs read again the e-mail and pick out sentence with adjectives and
degree adverbs
To pick out
Key : examples from
the text
Extremely : - winter is extremely harsh
Very : our town is very nice

Quite : kirsi is quite a common name

Rather : our house is rather small

A bit : our school is a little bit far from ..

Very happy
Very sad
Very funny
Very angry
Very intelligent
Very hot
Very good


A bit
Not at all

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