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Essentials of Radiographic Physics and

Imaging 2nd Edition Johnston Test

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Chapter 07: X-ray Interactions with Matter
Johnston: Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging, 2nd Edition


1. Classical interactions are also known as

a. coherent scattering
b. Compton scattering
c. Thomson scattering
d. A and C
e. B and C
Classical interactions are also known as Thomson or coherent scattering.

REF: 73 OBJ: 2

2. Coherent scattering involves

a. an x-ray photon with high energy
b. an x-ray photon with low energy
c. ionization
d. all of the above
A low-energy x-ray photon may produce coherent scattering.

REF: 73 OBJ: 2

3. The x-ray photon produced during classical scattering

a. is lower energy than the incident photon
b. is higher energy than the incident photon
c. is the same energy as the incident photon
d. continues traveling in the same direction as the incident photon
Classical scatter photons have the same energy level as the incident photon.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

4. The x-ray photon produced during classical scattering

a. is lower energy than the incident photon
b. is higher energy than the incident photon
c. travels in a different direction than the incoming photon
d. travels in the same direction than the incoming photon
The x-ray photon produced during classical scattering changes direction when compared with
the incoming photon.

REF: 74 OBJ: 2
5. Most classical scatter photons
a. are the result of the removal of an orbital electron
b. are absorbed in the body
c. are transmitted through the body
d. become remnant radiation
Most classical scatter photons are absorbed in the body through other interactions.

REF: 74 OBJ: 2

6. In reference to patient radiation dose, classical scatter interactions

a. slightly increase dose
b. significantly increase dose
c. have no effect on dose
d. slightly decrease dose
Classical scatter interactions contribute only slightly to patient radiation dose.

REF: 74 OBJ: 2

7. The effect of classical scatter interactions on image quality

a. is significant
b. is minimal
c. is that quality is improved
d. B and C
In that most classical scatter photons never leave the body, the effect on image quality is

REF: 74 OBJ: 2

8. Compton scattering involves the x-ray photon

a. being absorbed in the atom
b. removing an inner-shell electron
c. removing a middle- or outer-shell electron
d. passing through the atom without any change
Compton scattering occurs when the x-ray photon removes a middle- or outer-shell electron.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

9. Compton scattering typically occurs with x-ray photons in the energy range of
a. 5–10 keV
b. 20–40 keV
c. 60–90 keV
d. 100–135 keV
Most x-ray photons that produce Compton interactions range from 20 to 40 keV.
REF: 74 OBJ: 3

10. Compton scattering typically occurs with

a. low-energy photons
b. high-energy photons
c. moderate-energy photons
d. all of the above
Although Compton scattering can occur with photons with energy that spans the diagnostic
range, the majority have moderate energy.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

11. With Compton scattering, the incident photon

a. loses none of its energy
b. loses up to one third of its energy
c. loses up to one half of its energy
d. does not lose any energy
After a Compton interaction, the photon loses up to one third of its original energy.

REF: 74 OBJ: 2

12. Compton scattering results in

a. a Compton electron
b. a secondary electron
c. a Compton scatter photon
d. all of the above
scattering results in a Compton electron (also known as a secondary electron) that was
removed from orbit along with a Compton scatter photon.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

13. If a middle-shell electron is removed during a Compton interaction

a. secondary photons are produced
b. a secondary electron is ejected
c. a Compton scatter photon is produced
d. all of the above
Compton scattering involves the incident photon removing an electron (now called a Compton
or secondary electron) and the photon becoming a scatter photon. In addition, a characteristic
cascade occurs when a middle-shell electron is removed, resulting in secondary photons.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3
14. The x-ray photons that are produced as a result of a characteristic cascade during a Compton
a. are characteristic x-ray photons
b. are brems x-ray photons
c. are Compton x-ray photons
d. are “braking” x-ray photons
The x-ray photons produced when the outer-shell electrons move into the vacancies produced
when a middle-shell electron is removed are characteristic photons.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

15. Secondary photons produced during a Compton interaction

a. are typically high energy
b. usually exit the patient and interact with the image receptor
c. contribute to patient dose
d. none of the above
In that the secondary photons produced as a result of the characteristic cascade during a
Compton interaction are low energy, they are unable to exit the body and instead add to
patient dose.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

16. The Compton electron

a. typically exits the patient as part of the remnant radiation
b. does not have enough energy to produce further interactions
c. has enough energy to produce further interactions
d. A and B
The electron ejected during the Compton interaction often has enough energy to produce
further interactions.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

17. The Compton scatter photon

a. may exit the patient as part of the remnant radiation
b. does not have enough energy to produce further interactions
c. has enough energy to produce further interactions
d. A and C
e. A and B
The Compton scatter photon may produce other interactions within the body or exit the body
as part of the remnant radiation.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3
18. When i does interact with the image receptor, the Compton scatter photon contributes no
useful information because
a. its energy is too low
b. its energy is too high
c. it has changed direction
d. none of the above
Because the Compton scatter photon has changed direction, the interaction with the image
receptor is in the wrong location, providing no useful information.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

19. The fog seen on the radiographic image is the result of

a. coherent scattering
b. classical scattering
c. photoelectric interactions
d. Compton interactions
Compton interactions produce most of the scatter that fogs the image.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

20. Reducing the amount of Compton scattering

a. is impossible
b. is extremely difficult to accomplish
c. is very important in producing quality images
d. all of the above
To produce quality images it is important to minimize Compton scattering.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

21. The greater the angle of deflection of a Compton scatter photon:

a. the more likely it will interact with the image receptor
b. the lower the energy of the photon
c. the higher the energy of the photon
d. the more likely it will become part of the remnant radiation
The closer the angle of deflection gets to 180 degrees, the lower the energy of the scattered

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

22. No matter which direction the Compton scatter photon goes, it retains approximately
a. one fourth of its energy
b. one third of its energy
c. one half of its energy
d. two thirds of its energy
The Compton scatter photon retains approximately two thirds of its energy.

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

23. The major source of radiation exposure to technologists is due to

a. coherent scattering
b. classical scattering
c. photoelectric interactions
d. Compton interactions
Compton scattering is the major source of occupational exposure.

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

24. The primary source of radiation exposure to the radiographer who is in the room during an
exposure is
a. from scatter from the table
b. from scatter from the patient
c. from scatter from the image receptor
d. hard to determine; it depends on the procedure being done
Scatter radiation produced in the patient is the primary source of exposure to the radiographer.

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

25. To minimize occupational exposure, the technologist should

a. never go in an x-ray room during a procedure
b. wear protective apparel (lead aprons, gloves, etc.) when in the room during
c. stand close to the patient’s head
d. B and C
To limit occupational exposure, the technologist should wear protective apparel when
appropriate and stand away from the patient.

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

26. For photoelectric interactions to occur, the energy of the incident photon
a. may be greater than the binding energy of an inner-shell electron
b. may be the same as the binding energy of an inner-shell electron
c. may be less than the binding energy of an inner-shell electron
d. A and B
e. B and C
For a photoelectric interaction to occur, the energy of the incident photon must be greater than
or equal to the binding energy of an inner-shell electron.
REF: 75 OBJ: 4

27. After a photoelectric interaction, the incident photon

a. loses some of its energy and changes direction
b. loses most of its energy and changes direction
c. loses all of its energy and no longer exists
d. none of the above
The photoelectric interaction results in the incident photon giving up all its energy and being
totally absorbed by the atom.

REF: 75 OBJ: 4

28. During a photoelectric interaction,

a. an inner-shell electron is ejected
b. an outer-shell electron is ejected
c. no electrons are ejected
d. electrons for all levels are ejected
During a photoelectric interaction, an inner-shell electron is knocked out.

REF: 75 OBJ: 4

29. The end product(s) of a photoelectric interaction is (are)

a. a high-energy x-ray photon
b. a photoelectron
c. an ionized atom
d. B and C
A photoelectric interaction produces no x-ray photons, only a photoelectron and the remaining
ionized atom.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

30. The energy of the photoelectron is equal to

a. the binding energy of the orbital electron minus the energy of the incident photon
b. the energy of the incident photon minus the binding energy of the orbital electron
c. the binding energy of the orbital electron plus the energy of the incident photon
d. none of the above
The energy of the photoelectron is equal to the energy of the incident photon minus the
binding energy of the orbital electron

REF: 75 OBJ: 4

31. The energy of the photoelectron is the least as a result of a photoelectric interaction in
a. bone
b. soft tissue
c. fat
d. the energy level is the same for all
Because it will use up most of its energy ejecting the tightly bound inner-shell electron of
bone, the photoelectron will be left with very little energy.

REF: 75-76 OBJ: 4

32. Photoelectric interactions

a. contribute significantly to patient dose
b. should be reduced as close to 0 events as possible
c. negatively affect radiographic image quality
d. all of the above
Photoelectric interactions contributes significantly to patient dose accrued with each
diagnostic image.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

33. Secondary x-ray photons are the result of

a. Compton interactions
b. Thompson scattering
c. photoelectric interactions
d. A and C
Both Compton and photoelectric interactions produce secondary photons.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

34. Photoelectric interactions are more likely to occur in

a. air
b. soft tissue
c. bone
d. they occur equally in all types of tissues
Photoelectric interactions are more likely to occur in bone because of the higher atomic
number of the atoms that make it up.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

35. Protective apparel is often made of lead because it

a. is very heavy
b. can be made very thick
c. is inexpensive
d. has a high atomic number
Lead is often used in protective apparel because its high atomic number results in most x-ray
photons being absorbed through the photoelectric interaction.
REF: 77 OBJ: 4

36. Barium sulfate is used as a contrast agent to visualize soft tissue structures such as the
stomach because it
a. is very heavy
b. can be made very thick
c. is inexpensive
d. has a high atomic number
Barium sulfate is used as a contrast agent because its high atomic number results in most
x-ray photons being absorbed through the photoelectric interaction, making it visible on the
radiographic image.

REF: 77 OBJ: 4

37. Pair production

a. occurs very often during radiographic procedures
b. seldom occurs during radiographic procedures
c. never occurs during radiographic procedures
d. it depends on the procedure
Pair production never occurs during radiographic procedures because it requires a photon with
more energy than is used in diagnostic radiography.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

38. Pair production requires an x-ray photon with an energy of at least

a. 0.51 MeV
b. 1.02 MeV
c. 1.51 MeV
d. 2.04 MeV
Pair production requires an x-ray photon with an energy of at least 1.02 MeV.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

39. Pair production occurs when the incident photon interacts with
a. an inner-shell electron
b. an outer-shell electron
c. inner- and outer-shell electrons
d. the nucleus of the atom
During pair production the incident photon interacts with the atom’s nucleus.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

40. As a result of pair production, a(n) ______________ and a(n) ______________ are produced.
a. electron; positron
b. electron; proton
c. proton; neutron
d. neutron; electron
Pair production results in an electron and positron leaving the nucleus.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

41. A positron is
a. the same as an electron
b. a positively charged electron
c. the same as a proton
d. a positively charged neutron
A positron is a positively charged electron.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

42. After ejection from the atom’s nucleus, when the positron interacts with an electron
a. an annihilation event occurs
b. the electron and positron are both destroyed
c. two x-ray photons are produced
d. all of the above
Interaction of a positron and electron results in an annihilation event in which both particles
are destroyed and their energy converted into two x-ray photons.

REF: 77 OBJ: 5

43. For photodisintegration to occur, the incident photon must have an energy level of at least
a. 100 keV
b. 1.02 MeV
c. 10 MeV
d. 100 MeV
For photodisintegration to occur, the incident photon must have an energy level of at least 10

REF: 77 OBJ: 6

44. Photodisintegration occurs when the incident photon interacts with

a. an inner-shell electron
b. an outer-shell electron
c. inner- and outer-shell electrons
d. the nucleus of the atom
Photodisintegration occurs when the incident photon interacts with the nucleus of the atom.
REF: 77 OBJ: 6

45. Following absorption of the incident photon in the atom’s nucleus, a photodisintegration
interaction may result in
a. positrons being ejected from the nucleus
b. neutrons being ejected from the nucleus
c. protons being ejected from the nucleus
d. B and C
A photodisintegration interaction results in ejection of a proton, neutron, or alpha particle
from the atom’s nucleus.

REF: 77 OBJ: 6

46. Photodisintegration interactions

a. occur very often during radiographic procedures
b. seldom occur during radiographic procedures
c. never occur during radiographic procedures
d. it depends on the procedure
Photodisintegration never occurs during radiographic procedures because it requires an
incident photon with more energy than is used in diagnostic radiography.

REF: 77 OBJ: 6

47. To produce a radiographic image that represents anatomy, there must be

a. photoelectric interactions
b. transmitted photons
c. differential absorption
d. all of the above
To demonstrate anatomy, differential absorption is necessary. Some of the primary beam must
be absorbed (photoelectric interaction) and some must be transmitted.

REF: 78 OBJ: 7

48. Radiation interacting with bone is more likely to be absorbed, resulting in that area of the
image being
a. a light shade of gray
b. a dark shade of gray
c. black
d. all of the above
Because few photons are transmitted through the bone, the result is that this area of the image
is lighter than the rest.

REF: 78 OBJ: 7
49. Radiation interacting with air is more likely to be _____________, resulting in that area of the
image being darker.
a. absorbed
b. transmitted
c. attenuated
d. scattered
Air absorbs very few, if any, x-ray photons, resulting in most of the photons being

REF: 78-79 OBJ: 7

50. Dense material, like bone, is considered:

a. radiopaque
b. easy to penetrate
c. radiolucent
d. less likely to absorb radiation
Bone is radiopaque because it readily absorbs radiation and prevents it from reaching the
image receptor.

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

51. Air is considered:

a. radiopaque
b. hard to penetrate
c. radiolucent
d. more likely to absorb radiation
Air is radiolucent because it readily transmits radiation, allowing it to reach the image

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

52. The greater the absorption of radiation

a. the greater the differential absorption
b. the better the image quality
c. the greater the patient dose
d. all of the above
Although absorption is necessary to produce an anatomic image, too much absorption results
in excessive patient dose.

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

53. A breakage of the major structure and framework of the macromolecule as a result of an x-ray
interaction is called
a. main-chain scission
b. cross-linking
c. point lesions
d. all of the above
Main-chain scission refers to a breakage of the major structure, the framework if you will, of
the macromolecule itself in response to an x-ray interaction

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

54. The most radiosensitive molecule in the body is

a. DNA
b. RNA
c. nerve cells
d. gonadal cells
Damage may occur in DNA as a result of radiation exposure and manifest as a range of
responses from minor damage that is reversible to malignant response and permanent damage.

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

55. Excessive absorption is the result of

a. using a mAs that is too low for the examination
b. using a kVp that is too low for the examination
c. using a kVp that is too high for the examination
d. all of the above
Insufficient kVp results in excessive absorption of radiation, increasing patient dose.

REF: 79 OBJ: 7


1. Potential biological damage can occur as a result of a Compton interaction because of the
ionization of atoms.

In that the atom is ionized during the Compton interaction (an electron is removed), the atom
is unstable and may cause biological damage.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3

2. The probability of Compton scattering depends on the atomic number of the atom.

The probability of Compton scattering does not depend on the atomic number of the atom.
Compton scattering can occur in any type of tissue.

REF: 74 OBJ: 3
3. The probability of Compton scattering depends on the energy level of the incident x-ray

The probability of Compton scattering does depend on the energy level of the incident x-ray

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

4. All Compton scatter photons travel in the direction of the image receptor.

Compton scatter photons can travel in any direction.

REF: 75 OBJ: 3

5. The photoelectric interaction and Compton interaction can both result in a characteristic
cascade, producing characteristic radiation.

In that both interactions result in a missing orbital electron, the characteristic cascade can
occur in both.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

6. The probability of a photoelectric interaction depends on the atomic number of the atom.

The probability of a photoelectric interaction depends on the atomic number of the atom.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

7. The probability of a photoelectric interaction depends on the energy level of the incident x-ray

The incident photon must be the same as or greater than the binding energy of the inner-shell

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

8. The more the energy of the incident x-ray photon exceeds the binding energy of the
inner-shell electron, the greater the probability of a photoelectric interaction.

As the photon’s energy increases beyond the binding energy, it is more likely that the photon
will be transmitted through the atom.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4
9. The higher the atomic number of an atom, the greater the probability of a photoelectric

Atoms with higher atomic numbers will be more likely to have photoelectric interactions.

REF: 76 OBJ: 4

10. Without differential absorption, the image would be a single shade of gray.

If all tissues absorbed radiation the same, the resulting image would be a single shade of gray
and it would be impossible to differentiate between anatomic structures.

REF: 77-78 OBJ: 7

11. Irradiation of water can create harmful free radicals that then indirectly damage molecules and

Because the human body is about 80% water, irradiation of water (interactions between x-ray
photons and water molecules) can create harmful free radicals that then indirectly damage
molecules and cells.

REF: 79 OBJ: 7

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