FA - Pool of Questions

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Q. Which is not a property of acids?

a) Acids do not change the colour of turmeric indicator.

b) Acids turn red litmus blue.
c) These are sour to taste.
d) Acids turn blue litmus red.

Products of neutralization reactions are always

1. An acid + a base
2. A Salt + a base
3. a salt + an acid
4. A salt + water

Which of the following is an acid base indicator

1. vinegar
2. lime water
3. Turmeric
4. Baking soda

Q. Fill in the blanks:

1. Litmus is a _______________ indicator while Phenolphthalein is a

2. Vinegar and lemons taste_________ because they contain ____________.
3. A substance if ___________ in nature will show no colour change with a
turmeric indicator.
4. Bases are often _________ in taste and ____________ to feel or touch.
5. Red litmus paper is dipped in a solution; it turns blue. The nature of the
solution is _______________.


Descriptive questions
Sana had yellow curry with chapati last evening and while eating she had spilled
some curry on her shirt. She then decided to wash it and while washing her shirt,
she noticed that there came a bright red patch as soon as she applied detergent
on it. That amazed her how only a patch changed into red while the rest of the
shirt remained of the same colour. Help Sana to know what might be the reason
for the colour change?

Antara is suffering from indigestion due to acidity. Is it advisable to give her

orange juice in this situation and why?

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