Infographics - Allanaraiz

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signifies a devotion to faith and spirituality.

It not
only represents tolerance toward religion and the
freedom to pursue one's beliefs, but it also promotes
collaboration among faiths and ethical government.
This concept encourages actions of benevolence and
empathy while highlighting the relevance of cultural
customs and environmental stewardship. In simplest
terms, "Maka-diyos" represents an atmosphere in which
faith and spirituality encourage people to respect
moral ideals, urging solidarity and cooperation across
varied populations.

represents a dedication to
preserving the health and
integrity of all people. It
incorporates principles of
fairness, empathy, and Socia
constitutional concepts, l justi
building a society that ce
cherishes equality of
opportunity of all
citizens. Being "Maka-tao"
is actively striving toward
a society with greater
equity and inclusion in
which all individuals have
equal access to prospects sivity
and their rights are
respected, ultimately
equa lity
contributing to the
"Maka-kalikasan" is a

improvement of the entire practice that fosters a

country as a whole. commitment toward
environmental conservation
and long-term viability. It
includes the prudent
handling of resources from
the earth, initiatives to
address warming
temperatures, preservation

of biodiversity, and the

Ma k a dissemination of

environmentally friendly
behaviors. One way to
demonstrate love for
nature is to put these
policies into action. It
represents a devotion to
safeguarding the
environment for future
generations while
acknowledging mankind's
mutual dependency.

"Makabansa" embodies unwavering loyalty, love for one's

homeland, and a profound sense of responsibility
towards the nation. To be "Makabansa" is to engage in
actions that propel the nation forward, protect its
sovereignty, and foster unity among its citizens. This
includes active civic engagement, advocacy for the
nation's interests in the international arena, and the
preservation of cultural heritage. It signifies a deep
commitment to the nation's prosperity and a
profound sense of belonging and pride in
being part of it.

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