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Subject/Grade: P.E.

20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Fitness Day 3 Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Students will be introduced to the Fitness Centre. The teacher will introduce the skills,
Overview: strategies, and variety of ways students can be fit in the fitness centre, which consists of
focusing on improving specific skills, such as endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power,
speed, coordination, and agility. Students at the end of the class will learn the uniqueness of
being fit and will have a better grasp of the skills, which will aid them to better their
understanding of ways that they can be fit. The focus will be on a Plyometric Circuit for Day 3
GLOs: Students will:
● General Outcome A
o Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
movement activities
● General Outcome B
o Students will understand, experience, and appreciate the health benefits that result
from physical activity
● General Outcome C
o Students will positively work together and/or with each other with specific
● General Outcome D
o Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life
SLOs: Students will:
● A20-1: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of locomotor skills and concepts—
effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to improve
personal performance
● A20-3: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of non locomotor skills and
concepts—effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities
to improve personal performance
● A20-5: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of manipulative skills and concepts
—effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance
● B20-2: Add to the variety of ways for achieving a personal functional fitness level

● B20-3: Plan, assess, and maintain personal fitness, using the principles of training,:
progression, overload, and specificity
● C20-1: communicate thoughts and feelings in an appropriate respectful manner as they
relate to participation in physical activity
● C20-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play.

● C20-4: describe, apply, and practice leadership and followership skills related to
physical activity
● C20-5: recommend practices that contribute to teamwork.
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Fitness Day 3 Time:
● C20-6: identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
● D20-1: participate regularly in, and identify, and describe the benefits of, an active
● D20-3: select and apply rules, routines and procedures for safety in a variety of
Lesson Students will:
● Learn a variety of workouts involving in Plyometrics

● Demonstrate the skills

● Learn how to be safe while working out

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● Rubric

● Observation

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Safety:
Lesson: ● Fitness Station
● Wear appropriate exercise attire at
all times
● Please do not disrupt or interfere in
another member’s workout.
● Please wipe down all equipment
after use.
● Eating or drinking inside the
Fitness Centre or Studio is not
permitted. Except water bottles in
capped bottles.
● Weight plates are NOT to be
leaned against equipment stands,
walls or machines. Please replace
weights after use.
● Dumbbells and weight plates
cannot be dropped on the floor.
● Return Equipment after use
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
● Blow whistle to get all the students attention and make them sit in
Pre-assessment (FA)
front of the teacher
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Fitness Day 3 Time:
● Briefly review the safety and rules at the Fitness Centre
o Do a quick walk through of the centre and talk about the
Transition: Get everyone to sit down or pay attention to focus on drills
Learning Activity 1:
● Demonstration
Plyometrics/Core Circuit
Students will get into groups of 3. There will be 10 circuits. It will consist of how to do
of a plyometric workout, a core workout, and a rest. It will be 1 minute, the activity
then the students switch. will help
Circuit Learners
1. High Knees, Reverse Crunches, Rest ● Allowing
2. Squat Jumps, Knee Crunches, Rest
Peers to do
3. Box Jumps, Full Sit Ups, Rest
4. Step Ups, Russian Twists, Rest demonstration
will allow
5. Split Jumps, Regular Plank, Rest
them to feel
6. Squat/Goblet Squats, Scissors, Rest
more at ease
7. Depth Jumps, Crunches, Rest
knowing that
8. Linear Jumps, Flutter Kicks
they can also
9. Lateral Jumps (Skate), Cross Crunches
perform the
10. Multi Directional Jumps, Plank Step Outs, Rest
● Observation
will allow
teacher to
feedback to
Transition: Get everyone to sit down and pay attention
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
● Remind students that we will be playing Volleyball at the Aux
Gym next week
Stage 4: Reflection
Students worked really hard during the circuit. I think they enjoyed having someone cheering them on and
telling them which exercise is next. For this class, it was during the longer period and I let students do their
own workout. They were doing okay and were on task, but they lost motivation and focus, due to it being a
long class. Perhaps I should have done a workout circuit after doing the plyometric workout

I changed the circuit a little bit, where instead of keeping everything for 30 seconds, depending on the
exercises and how hard they are, I made them either 30 seconds, 45 seconds, to 1 minute. This lasted longer,
which is good. Perhaps I should have let the students have more time for themselves to workout, but I was
worried about the Football guys not doing anything. After the circuit, I had to keep reminding them to do a
workout. They were all stretching and talking at one point, then I gave them a time on how long they can
stretch, then they have to do a workout, which worked better. They might have just been a little bit tired after
the circuit, which resulted in less people not working hard too much and it was also the last block of the day
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Fitness Day 3 Time:

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