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Review Article

Insight into status of dental caries vaccination:

A review
Gayathri Cherukuri, Chandrasekhar Veeramachaneni1, G. V. Rao2, Venkat Baghirath Pacha, Sudheer B. Balla3
Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and 3Forensic Odontology, Panineeya Mahavidyalaya Institute of Dental Sciences,
Department of Conservative and Endodontics, Malla Reddy Dental College for Women, Hyderabad, 2Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Pathology, Mamata Dental College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Despite advances in the 21st century, dental caries still remains to be one of the most common infectious diseases. Its prevalence
was confirmed by the World Health Organization and affirms dental caries as a major health problem in all over the world.
Even though the process of tooth decay is multifactorial, the oral bacteria, mutans streptococci, such as Streptococcus mutans
and Streptococcus sobrinus, are considered to be causative agents of dental caries in human. Numerous studies carried out
on animals and various categories of vaccines were developed such as whole cell vaccine, subunit vaccine, and synthetic
peptides. Irrespective of success from active and passive immunization based on animal trials, it is the phenomenon of
human heart reactivity that limited the applicability of these trials in humans. Continuous efforts are being made to overcome
these limitations and for further success in human trials. With the advent of various antibodies against antigens of mutans
streptococci, local passive immunization has become the safer approach in humans against the colonization of bacteria and
caries induction. This review provided insight into epidemiology, active and passive immunization in both animal and human
trials, as well as the prospects of caries vaccination.
Keywords: Active immunity; dental caries vaccine; passive immunity; Streptococcus mutans

INTRODUCTION 40% for all ages combined, which is the most prevalent
condition among 291 diseases as per the Global Burden of
Oral health is considered to be a significant component Disease Study with approximate 3.9 billion people affecting
and is integral and essential to reflection of general health, worldwide.[2] On global scale, 60%–90% of schoolchildren and
well‑being, and quality of life. Unfortunately, dental caries that nearly all the adults have tooth decay, which often leads to
is an infectious microbial disease affecting the teeth remains pain and discomfort.[3] Therefore, clinicians must identify
to be a prime concern affecting oral health and not limited patients who are at higher risk for caries or who have active
to developed countries but also becoming prevalent in poor caries and must apply appropriate treatment or preventive
countries in world. Its prevalence was in turn confirmed by measures such as immunization, fluoride treatment, salivary
the World Health Organization and affirms dental caries as functioning, and antimicrobial agents.[4]
a major health problem in all over the world.[1] According
to Oral Health Atlas by the FDI World Dental Federation, Global epidemiology of dental caries
untreated decay of permanent teeth has a prevalence of As per the review of literature and the epidemiological
data of many countries, there is a marked decreased in the
Address for correspondence: prevalence of dental caries.[5] However, the situation was
Dr. Chandrasekhar Veeramachaneni, reversed during the past decade indicating alarmed increase
Department of Conservative and Endodontics, Malla Reddy in global prevalence of dental caries in both children and
Dental College for Women, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
adults, primary and permanent teeth, as well as coronal
and root surfaces. To obtain epidemiological data on the
Date of submission : 13.08.2020
Review completed : 21.09.2020 This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms
Date of acceptance : 18.12.2020 of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0
Published : 11.02.2021 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
Access this article online non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new
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How to cite this article: Cherukuri G, Veeramachaneni C,

DOI: Rao GV, Pacha VB, Balla SB. Insight into status of dental caries
vaccination: A review. J Conserv Dent 2020;23:544-9.

544 © 2021 Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Cherukuri, et al.: An insight into dental caries vaccination

prevalence and incidence of dental caries, a systematic Streptococcus mutans and dental caries
literature review was performed by Frencken et al.[6] In this S. mutans is the leading causative microorganism of dental
review, the authors divided the prevalence and severity of caries worldwide and also considered as most cariogenic
cavitated dental carious lesions as per broader age groups, among all oral streptococci.[14] S. mutans refers to a group
based on mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth (dmft) of seven closely related species which were collectively
scores in five countries. Among 4–5 and 5–6‑year‑old age referred to as mutans streptococci.[15] Multiple factors
groups, reduction in the rate of prevalence was observed in such as adherence to tooth surfaces, acid production,
the United Kingdom (UK) countries (46%) and Sweden (45%). building glycogen reserves, and synthesis of extracellular
For 12‑year‑olds, median prevalence of lesions was 69.4% polysaccharides are involved in dental caries formation.
in upper‑middle‑income groups compared to others, with These bacteria change the environmental conditions of
higher mean dmft score. In adolescents and adults, there the oral flora, which allows other fastidious organisms to
is big reduction in the prevalence as well as mean dmft colonize and further enhances dental plaque formation.
scores. In adults, the median mean dmft score among Specially equipped receptors with S. mutans allow them
35–44‑year‑olds was high in high‑income group and vice to attach to tooth surface, thereby creating a slimy
versa in low‑income groups. environment. Once they adhered to enamel salivary
pellicle, strong acid producers such as mutans streptococci
The prevalence of early childhood caries among and Lactobacillus create acidic environment to promote the
children aged 3–5 years varied on global scale. Mainly, process of cavity formation.[11]
it is higher in most of the low‑income countries such
as Southeast Asia and Africa, suggesting more among The ability of S. mutans as potent initiator of caries is mainly
socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. The USA has due to virulence factors that are mainly unique to itself,
showed higher prevalence than European countries with thereby playing an important role in caries formation.
40% of children effecting around kindergarten age, while Further, it produces lactic acid as part of metabolism and
12% of children had visible caries around 3 years of age in also its ability to adhere to tooth surfaces in the presence
the UK.[4] Accumulating evidence showed high prevalence of sucrose by formation of water‑insoluble glucans,
of 36%–85% in Asian countries, 38%–45% in Africa, and which are polysaccharides that help in binding bacteria
22%–61% in the Middle East.[7] Studies also revealed that to tooth surface. These characteristics of production of
preschool children with oral disease and decay have shown large amounts of lactic acid at rapid rate and tolerance
poorer quality of life.[8] to extremes of sugar concentration, ionic strength, and
pH make mutans streptococci efficient at causing dental
Microbiota and dental caries caries.[16]
The process of tooth decay (dental caries) is multifactorial,
which is caused due to interaction between the surface Molecular pathogenesis of dental caries
of the tooth, dental plaque, and the presence of sugars Initiation of dental decay mainly occurs due to the
obtained from food. An approximate of 700 different dissolution of minerals of enamel and dentine of
species of bacteria has been found from human oral teeth in the organic acids, such as lactic acid which
microbiome. Among all, bacteria that plays vital role in is produced by the microorganisms that were present
process of cariogenesis are oral streptococci, especially in the plaque. The molecular pathogenesis of mutans
the mutans group and lactic acid bacteria, i.e., Lactobacillus streptococci‑associated dental caries was divided into
species. In 1924, Clark found that Streptococcus mutans three possible phases by Taubman and Nash.[17] In the
grows best in a medium simulating saliva and is found in initial phase, attachment of bacterium to the dental
the earliest stages of decay process.[9] In a study by Meiers pellicle takes place[18] which is mediated by adhesin
et al., the authors collected water spray during restorative from mutans streptococci, known as antigen I/II.[19,20]
process of carious and noncarious lesions of naval recruits The second phase involves accumulation depending on
and found multiple organisms among which S. mutans was the presence of sucrose, glucosyl transferases (GTFs),
only bacterium found in significantly larger numbers in and glucan‑binding proteins (GBPs) from mutans
carious lesions than in noncarious lesions.[10] streptococci. After the breakdown of sucrose into
glucose and fructose, the GTFs of mutans streptococci
Microbial community is quite diverse, and often, the synthesize glucans which have various α‑1,3‑linkages
dentinal lesions contain many facultatively and obligately and α‑1,6‑linkages and different solubilities in water. In
anaerobic microorganisms that belong to genera such as the third and final phase, glucans that were produced
Actinomyces, Eubacterium, Parvimonas, Bifidobacterium, and interact with GBPs and with glucan‑binding domain of
Rothia. Dental decay can also be caused by other bacteria GTFs, on the surface of mutans streptococci.
which were mitis, anginosus, and salivarius groups of
Streptococcus, Propionibacterium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Further, colonization and multiplication of these bacteria
Scardovia.[11‑13] result in the accumulation of biofilms, leading to formation

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Cherukuri, et al.: An insight into dental caries vaccination

of dental plaques, with large masses of mutans streptococci. ANTICARIES VACCINATION

When these accumulations of bacteria are of sufficient in
magnitude with adequate available sugars, it results in Vaccines are immunobiological substances designed to
production of large amounts of lactic acid, which further produce specific protection against any given disease.
leads to dissolution of enamel structure and leading to They mainly act through stimulation for the production
dental decay.[14] of a protective antibody and other immune mechanisms.
They are mainly prepared from live‑modified organisms,
Historical background on caries vaccination nonvital organisms, extracted cellular fractions, toxoids, or
Clarke was the first to isolate streptococcus from carious a combination of these substances.[31,32] A caries vaccine is
lesions and identified its association with disease and mainly designed to play protective role against the process
further named his new species as S. mutans.[9] Later, of tooth decay. It is of a known fact that S. mutans plays a
its role in caries etiology was further questioned and major etiological role in the pathogenesis of tooth decay
led to disappearance of S. mutans from the literature. as its cell mainly contains substances such as adhesins,
Approximately 40 years later, again, the role of mutans GTFs, GBPs, a 13 kDa protein antigen (antigen D), a 39 kDa
streptococci in caries pathogenesis was resurfaced, protein (AgIII), a 29 kDa protein antigen (antigen A), a 70 kDa
establishing its infectious and transmissible nature.[21‑23] protein antigen (antigen C), and a 190 kDa protein (AgI/II).
Further, insight into the details of specific immune factors As these substances were thought to play a vital role in
was provided following the isolation of immunoglobulin interactions between the organism and host, most of the
A (IgA) by Heremans et al.[24] and Tomasi et al.,[25] who caries vaccine experimental designs were mainly directed
toward these compounds.
identified the secretory form of IgA (S IgA) in the saliva.
The principle of immunization against dental decay was
Similar to any other vaccine, caries vaccine should also
introduced by Bowen,[26] where the author showed that
be administered before the introduction of the infectious
monkeys that were immunized with S. mutans developed
agent into the system.[33] When hosts were immunized
less caries than those that were not immunized. Later,
with antigens from mutans streptococci, antibodies then
many authors in the early 1970s conducted animal
formed within saliva will induce a process called cellular
studies, regarding immunization against dental decay
aggregation. These large number of aggregates in turn
and demonstrated that caries is preventable by induction reduce the number of organisms adhering to the tooth
of specific salivary IgA response to the salivary gland surfaces.[34] These antibodies also act by interfering the
region.[27,28] As tooth surfaces are continually flushed epitopes of adhesins, the AgI/II (PAc), and the saliva‑binding
by saliva and S IgA being its principle immunoglobulin, region of the antigen strongly inhibits sucrose‑independent
induction of a salivary S IgA response against mutans adherence of S. mutans cells to tooth surfaces.[35] It was
streptococci would provide first line of defense against also found that the formation of aggregates, fine‑meshed
formation of bacterial colonies on tooth surfaces.[29] colonies, and long chains of bacteria promotes easy removal
Later, other studies used local immunization in rats to of these bacteria and further reduces their pathogenic
induce salivary S IgA that further exhibited reduction potential. Antibodies to GTFs further inhibit the synthesis
in mutans streptococci as well as the extent of dental of glucans by these enzymes, thereby the accumulation of
caries.[28] Russell et al. have explained the possible mutans streptococci on tooth surfaces.
mechanisms of action of salivary IgA antibodies through
interference of sucrose‑dependent and ‑independent Active immunization against dental caries
attachment of mutans streptococci to the surfaces of Animals
the tooth.[30] Many studies in the past have addressed active immunity
for dental caries in experimental animals such as rats and
Many efforts have been made continuously so far for its monkeys. It was found to be that in human unstimulated
prevention and cure, both in developing and in developed saliva, sIgA is in higher concentrations, with IgG the
countries. Currently, many caries prevention strategies were most abundant immunoglobulin in the human serum and
in practice such as topical fluoride applications, chemical gingival crevicular fluid. In animal models, the induction of
and mechanical control of plaque, and application of pit and salivary IgA and serum IgG has been studied using various
fissure sealants and through oral health education. Despite immunization routes, such as subcutaneous, oral, intranasal,
all these strategies, this dental disease is still remained and topical routes.[36] Lehner et al. in their study has reported
to be an epidemic owing to economic, behavioral, and a 70% reduction in dental caries following the subcutaneous
cultural barriers on a global level.[31] Keeping in mind about immunization of Rhesus monkeys with AgI/II in Freund’s
such barriers, it is vital for dental public health to develop incomplete adjuvant or “Alhydrogel”.[37] Subcutaneous
an effective caries vaccination, particularly for those who immunization of rats with peptide constructs and GTFs
fails to receive regular healthcare. near salivary glands induced high serum IgG and salivary

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Cherukuri, et al.: An insight into dental caries vaccination

IgA responses.[38] Gut‑associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) significant colonization and subsequent development of
is considered to be one of the principal inductive sites caries.[45] Ma et al. succeeded in cloning and expressing a
of mucosal immune responses, especially sIgA responses. plant secretory antibody. Later, sexual crosses between
Stimulation of IgA precursor B‑cells in GALT induces sIgA the transgenic plants and filial recombinants resulted
responses in remote secretions, including saliva, and to in the formation of high‑molecular weight secretory
enhance its response in saliva, various mucosal adjuvants immunoglobulin that retained for up to longer durations
and delivery vehicles such as liposomes have been used. in oral cavity and afforded specific protection in humans
When orally administered, these liposomes will be ingested against oral colonization by S. mutans for at least 4
into GALT through M‑cells of Peyer’s patches which further months.[46,47] Monoclonal antibodies, in the secretory form,
enhance the mucosal responses. The anti‑idiotype vaccine, are more effective as they have increased survival time in
which is specific for antibodies against S. mutans when oral cavity when compared to IgA.[43] Recently, local passive
incorporated into liposomes and administered orally in immunization using murine monoclonal antibodies,
rats, has significantly reduced caries and its colonization transgenic plant antibodies, egg‑yolk antibodies, and
in the oral cavity.[39] bovine milk antibodies to antigens of mutans streptococci
has been used to control the colonization of the organisms
In addition to GALT, nasal‑associated lymphoid tissue is and the induction of dental caries in human.[36]
a major inductive site for mucosal immune responses.
Advantages of nasal delivery for vaccine include lower Human heart cross‑reactivity and caries
doses of vaccine doses and relatively easier administration, vaccination
and it induces both systemic and mucosal immunities. Even though various types of vaccines have been developed,
Further, few authors attempted topical immunization tried, and proved to be successful in providing protection
routes using 3.8 kDa antigen applying on gingiva resulted against dental caries, literature evidence has reported for
in significantly lower incidence of dental caries and the evidence of cross‑reactivity with human heart tissues
colonization of S. mutans.[40] Despite availability of different and skeletal muscle tissues by the antibodies generated.[31,48]
routes and significant lowered incidence of dental caries in In 2013, Zhang tried to overcome the cross‑reactivity of
animals, main drawback of streptococcal vaccine regarding heart tissue using subunit vaccines; however, he reported
its applicability in humans is its cross‑reactivity with heart less immunogenicity.[49] Alam et al. believed that the
tissue antigens, which might due to whole cell vaccines. dextransucrase antibodies might have inhibitory effect
This further pointed out for the need of identification on the cariogenic potential of S. mutans, and they may
and isolation of fractionated “protective antigens” for the be helpful in combating the dental caries.[50] Recently, in
development of a safer vaccine for use in humans.[31] 2020, Rather et al. indicated that dextransucrase antibodies
inhibited acid production and reduced hydrophobicity
Humans of S. mutans, indicating the further enhancement of
Very few studies have analyzed the efficacy of active anticariogenic potential of dextransucrase antibodies.[51]
immunity against mutans streptococci in humans. Most Moreover, no cross‑reactivity with dextransucrase antibody
of the authors verified the efficacy of oral administration. was seen indicating no harmful physiological effects in the
Mestecky et al. demonstrated that ingestion of capsules humans. This has given the hope that effective, safer, and
that contained Streptococcus sobrinus and this effectively acceptable vaccines against human dental caries can be
induced sIgA in the saliva.[41] Contradicting to these achieved in the near future.
findings, Gahnberg and Krasse when orally administered
heat‑killed S. sobrinus cells given to six subjects, resulting PROSPECTS OF CARIES VACCINATION
in no salivary IgA response.[42] Oral immunization in seven
subjects with an enteric coated capsule containing 500 Conventionally available vaccines provide immunization to
µg of GTF from S. mutans resulted in elevated salivary IgA the before to the development of disease. It is important
antibodies to the antigen preparation. When similar antigen to make a note that the immunization following the
was administered intranasally or by topical application to eruption of the primary teeth can prevent the colonization
tonsils, it resulted in increase of salivary IgA antibodies.[43,44] of S. mutans, which may also provide extra benefit to the
permanent teeth through early immunization until their
Passive immunity against dental caries eruption.. And also, as the dental caries is a slow undergoing
Recently, local passive immunization has received much process throughout life, it would be considerably equal to
attention and is considered as a safe procedure for have an effective immunization mechanism that can exhibit
controlling S. mutans and preventing dental caries. Evidence similarly long‑lasting immunity against caries. It is also of
has shown that repeated application of local passive equal importance that developed caries vaccination must
immunization using anti‑AgI/II monoclonal antibodies not cause phenomenon of any human heart cross‑reactivity
to the deciduous teeth of Rhesus monkeys prevented following its consumption. The National Institute of Dental

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