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Traduction Annale 2017 Community

1. Choose correct one about systems of health assistance with capitation payment:
a. There are initial risks of the professionals, to cover accumulated necessities
b. The professional receives a quantity per medical act
c. Stimulates the preventive philosophy
d. A and C are correct

2. Which of the following is not a model of dental assistance for young people in Spain:
a. State model
b. Mixed model, public-private
c. Public model
d. PADI model

3. The dental assistance in Spain for children and young people doesn’t include:
a. Fillings in permanent teeth for caries
b. Treatment of permanent incisors and canines due to traumatism
c. Fillings in temporary teeth for caries
d. Pulpar treatments for permanent teeth

4. In the PADI model for children and young people, it is true that:
a. The treatment is only done private centers
b. There is no free choice of dentist
c. The payment to private dentist is by capitation for general pathologies
d. The financing is private

5. Which is the correct response:

a. In a patient with hemodialysis, we should do the dental treatment to the patient 1 day
after the dialysis
b. Tranexamic acid is used in some irradiated patients
c. In patients older than 65 years old, persistent gingivitis is not very frequent
d. A and B are correct

6. Which of the following theoretical models used in Education for the Health is suggested by OMS:
a. Transtheoric model (Modelo transteorico)
b. Precede-Proceed model
c. Pragmatic model of Salleras
d. Health beliefs model (Model de creencias de salud)

7. Which of the following is a treatment during intra-radiotherapy period:

a. Artificial saliva and sialagogues
b. Usage of lead intraoral protectors
c. Extraction
d. Endodontic treatment

8. According to Lalonde, which of the following has the greatest importance is the determinants of
health in a community:
a. The environment
b. The lifestyle • Human biology
• Environment
c. The sanitary assistance • Lifestyle
• Healthcare system.
d. A and B are correct

9. Which of the following is false:

a. The primary prevention acts during pre-pathogenic period
b. The early treatment corresponds to primary prevention
c. The rehabilitation corresponds to tertiary prevention
d. The early diagnostic belongs to pathogenic period

10. In the fluorosis indices of Dean, number 4 corresponds to:

a. Questionable fluorosis
b. Discrete fluorosis
c. Moderate fluorosis
d. Severe fluorosis

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16. The lack of temporal sequence between the cause and the effect is: la falta de secuencia
temporal entre la causa y el efecto es propia de
a. Cases and controls studies
b. Transversal studies
c. Experimental studies
d. Cohort studies

17. The Odds Ratio is an association form proper of studies:

a. Ecological
b. Cohort relative risk
c. Cases and controls
d. Transversals
18. Which of the following is true:
a. 2 plaque indices are: Silness&Loë and Mühlemann
b. Indices of oral hygiene of Greene and Vermillion evaluates the superficies of: 11, 16, 26,
41, 36 and 46
c. The O’leary indice evaluates the 4 superficies of the teeth
d. A and C are correct

19. Which of the following is correct about Cohort studies:

a. Are studies of short duration
b. Allow calculation of the incidence of the disease
c. Are very useful to study diseases with little frequencies
d. Are longitudinal retrospectives

20. Which of the following is a position measurement (medida de posicion):

a. The median
b. The variance
c. The typical deviation
d. The amplitude

21. Which of the following…

a. Case and control studies
b. Ecological
c. Cohort
d. Transversals

22. Which is correct

a. In the post-radiotherapy period of head and neck …. Fuoride and Chlorhexidine
b. All cardiovascular patient need antibiotic prophylaxis
c. In disabled people, the application of fluoride is done according the caries risk and
deglutition control
d. All are correct

23. The desirable consequences of a program which measures in economic terms in:
a. Analysis Cost/benefit
b. Analysis Cost/Effectiveness
c. Analysis Cost/Efficiency
d. Analysis cost/utility

24. About Cost/Effectiveness analysis, which is correct

a. Is valid to compare program with different objectives
b. Is calculated dividing the health effects of the program by the costs of the program
c. Allows comparing programs whose results can be measure in the same units
d. Allows the integration of quantity and quality of life
25. Which is correct in respect to the process of planning and programming:
a. The identification of problems and necessities is the second step of the
b. The evaluation is the last step of the planning process
c. The establishment of priorities corresponds to the first step of the process of planning
d. A and C are correct

26. The measurement of the sanitary effects of a program in the individual which has benefited
for … denominated:
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficacy
c. Efficiency
d. Benefit

27. In the services of dental assistances, which is correct:

a. In the state system, the costs of treatments are covered by the patient
b. In the system of social security, the financing is public
c. In the private system, we can pay by capitation
d. B and C are true

28. The risk of appearance of the majority of oral diseases are associated to:
a. Poverty
b. Low levels of education
c. Behavior of the individuals and communities
d. All are true

29. Which of the following is not an action the health services direct for promotion…
a. Restorative dentistry
b. Sanitary/Health education
c. Nutrition hygiene
d. Environmental health

30. Which of the following is not a direct method of education for health…

31. Which of the following epidemiological studies is an observational study:

a. Descriptive study
b. Experimental study
c. Cohort study
d. Analytical study

32. The demand of dental assistance is augmented by:

a. The presence of perceived oral problems
b. The accessibility of the professional
c. The insurance’s covering
d. All are true

33. Which is incorrect in relation to health and social inequalities:

a. The most disfavored have less possibilities to have risky conducts for the health
b. The carious teeth or extracted due to caries increase in low socioeconomic levels
c. In Spain, the inequalities in oral health are bigger than general health
d. The performances of the promotion of health can help contribute to avoiding
inequalities in oral health

34. Which of the following oral pathologies aren’t related to radiotherapy of head and neck:
a. Caries
b. Osteoradionecrosis
c. Hyper-salivation
d. Trismus

35. In the Estetical Dental indice, it is true that:

a. It relates to the esthetic of teeth with determined occlusal positions
b. The measurements are expressed in millimeters and with the IPC probe
c. It is recommended the malocclusion register before 12 years old
d. A and B are correct

36. Which of the following are not a criteria to establish priorities in the planning and programing:
a. Vulnerability or efficiency: does reference to the solvability of the intervention
b. Importance of health problem
c. Feasibility of putting it into practice
d. Reliability

37. Which is wrong:

a. We should avoid dental treatments during the last weeks of pregnancy
b. The problems of oral health are important causes of morbidity
c. The planning of regulations establishes goals or objectives of short term
d. It is denominated “performance of a resource” at the time it is delayed (que se tarda) to
achieve/do an activity

38. Which of the following is not a buccal-dental pathological cause in disabled people:
a. Deficient oral hygiene
b. Medications that increase salivary secretion
c. Diet rich in carbohydrates
d. Dental malposition which make it difficult plaque control

39. In school program of oral health, the teaching contents don’t include:
a. Mechanical control of dental plaque
b. Control of cariogenic diet
c. Fillings of carious teeth
d. Sealants of pits and fissures

40. Which of the following is wrong:

a. In anticoagulation patients we should evaluate their INR
b. In patients with renal insufficiencies we should not use nephrotoxic medications
c. The radical caries are more frequent in mandibular incisors and canines
d. The elders are a population with oral cancer risk

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