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His name is Spencer, he is 36 years old and he is

originally from Canada. His favorite hobbies are
sports, drawing, surfing the web and texting. His
Schedule is every Friday he plays soccer with
Friends and Monday to Thursday he Works from


Stephanie: Hello Carlos, how are you, how is your sister in Mexico?

Carlos: Hello Stephanie, well, thank you, and how are you?

Stephanie: Hey, we have to meet.

Carlos: yes, but when?

Stephanie: Do you think this Saturday?

Carlos: Sure!

Stephanie: It seems perfect to me, then I´ll call you, I have to go now.

Carlos: If i´m quiet, I´m on my way to work. See you later.

Stephanie: It´s later!

My personal description

My name is Alondra, I am 16 years old, I am originally from

Mexico. My favorite Hobbies are walking my dogs, shopping and
meeting people online. What I hate Is speakin in public and leaving
my house very early. From Monday to Friday I study and go to
school, from Saturday to Sunday I gowith my dad.

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