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Hello, everyone!

Seguem as orientações necessárias para a realização da atividade avaliativa de Inglês a ser

culminada em 25/10.

Atividade de Apresentação de Diálogos em Inglês (1,5)

Objetivo da Atividade: Promover a prática da fala em inglês, desenvolver as habilidades de

comunicação oral, bem como identificar os tenses verbais utilizados no discurso.

Tendo em vista a data de divulgação do presente informe, vocês irão dispor de tempo suficiente
para pesquisar, ensaiar e apresentar um diálogo curto em inglês.

Atividade: Duplas serão formadas e cada uma deverá apresentar seu respectivo diálogo à turma,
diálogos que se encontram logo abaixo. Durante as apresentações, os alunos devem se esforçar para
pronunciar corretamente as palavras e usar uma entonação adequada, bem como transmitir o
máximo de naturalidade possível.

ATENÇÃO: No momento da apresentação o aluno não deverá fazer uso de NENHUM suporte de
leitura. Como já foi expresso acima, todos disporão de tempo hábil para dominar suas respectivas
falas. Assim sendo, a leitura no momento da apresentação implicará na redução da pontuação da
atividade para 0,7 ponto.

Parte escrita da atividade: 0,5

Após apresentar a parte oral da atividade (1,0) a dupla deverá entregar, em uma folha de papel
pautado ou impressa, uma lista contendo os tempos verbais que foram usados no diálogo e explicar
brevemente cada um.

Critérios Avaliativos

Pronúncia: Será avaliada a clareza da pronúncia das palavras e frases em inglês durante a

Fluidez: Será observado o quão fluido os alunos conseguem apresentar o diálogo, evitando muitas
pausas e hesitações, mas também evitando uma fala apressada.

Compreensão: Mecanismos para atestar que a dupla entende o significado dos diálogos que estão
apresentando, bem como se conseguem responder a perguntas sobre o conteúdo do diálogo.

Relação das duplas e seus respectivos diálogos.

DIÁLOGO 15 - Victor e Matheus F.

DIÁLOGO 14 - Yasmim e Rafaelle
DIÁLOGO 13 - Wesley e Thaila
DIÁLOGO 12 - Mariana e Duda
DIÁLOGO 11 - Ana Luiza e Lucas
DIÁLOGO 10 - Carolina X. e Luís
DIÁLOGO 09 - Rômulo e Ityale
DIÁLOGO 08 - Matheus C. e Hugo
DIÁLOGO 07 - Gerson e Cristiano
DIÁLOGO 06 - Gab e João
DIÁLOGO 05 - Júlia M. e Thiago
DIÁLOGO 04 - Carolina S.P. e Maria L.
DIÁLOGO 03 - Erick e Antony
DIÁLOGO 02 - Smille e Pérola
DIÁLOGO 01 - Kaylane e Rena


Here's a fun dialogue in English between two friends planning a surprise party:

Character 1: Hey, do you know what we're going to do for Sarah's surprise party?
Character 2: Of course! I'm thinking we should rent a unicorn for her to ride to the party.
Character 1: A unicorn? Are you serious?
Character 2: Haha, no, of course not! But we need something really special. Maybe a crazy party
Character 1: A crazy party theme? Like a "Pineapple Submarine Party"?
Character 2: Exactly! Everyone has to wear scuba gear and bring pineapples as gifts.
Character 1: That would be hilarious! But I think Sarah might get confused.
Character 2: Well, let's keep the surprise until the last moment. What else can we do to make it
Character 1: How about a dance-off competition with a pineapple trophy for the winner?
Character 2: Brilliant! We could have some epic pineapple-themed dance moves.
Character 1: And don't forget the pineapple-shaped cake!
Character 2: Absolutely! This party is going to be unforgettable, and Sarah will love it.


Let's see another amusing dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their wacky dreams:

Character 1: Hey, you won't believe the dream I had last night!
Character 2: Tell me! I love hearing about crazy dreams.
Character 1: Well, I was riding a giant rubber duck through a chocolate river in a marshmallow
Character 2: That's... wow. Did you meet any marshmallow creatures?
Character 1: Yes! There were marshmallow unicorns with cotton candy horns.
Character 2: Haha, that's wild! My dreams are never that imaginative. What else happened?
Character 1: We had a marshmallow tea party on a gumdrop mountain, and the clouds were made of
whipped cream.
Character 2: I wish I could have dreams like that. Mine are usually just about everyday stuff.
Character 1: It was pretty awesome, but now I'm craving marshmallows for breakfast.
Character 2: I can see why. Let's make some marshmallow pancakes this weekend to bring a bit of
your dream to life.


Let's see another fun dialogue. This time, imagine a conversation between two friends who are
planning a wild adventure:
Character 1: Hey, I've got an idea. How about we embark on a daring adventure this summer?
Character 2: Adventure? Count me in! What do you have in mind?
Character 1: Let's rent a hot air balloon and explore the skies, chasing clouds and catching stardust.
Character 2: That sounds whimsical! What's our first stop on this airborne journey?
Character 1: How about we start by flying over the Grand Canyon at sunrise?
Character 2: That would be breathtaking! What about the in-flight snacks?
Character 1: Well, we'll need something special. How about a picnic basket filled with chocolate-
covered strawberries and sparkling grape juice?
Character 2: You've got the gourmet adventure spirit! What's our grand finale?
Character 1: We'll land in a secret meadow, set up a telescope, and stargaze until the Milky Way
feels like our own private galaxy.
Character 2: I'm in! Let's make this the most whimsical summer adventure ever.


Another entertaining dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their wild and imaginative
travel plans:

Character 1: Hey, have you ever thought about the most outlandish place you'd want to visit?
Character 2: Oh, absolutely! I dream about it all the time. What's your wildest travel idea?
Character 1: Picture this: we rent a spaceship and go on a vacation to Mars!
Character 2: Mars? That's on a whole new level of adventurous! What would we do there?
Character 1: Well, we'd need to wear those cool space suits, of course. And then we could explore
the Martian deserts, looking for alien rocks.
Character 2: Alien rocks? I never thought I'd put that on my bucket list. What's next?
Character 1: We'd have a picnic on Mars, with sandwiches made from freeze-dried astronaut ice
Character 2: Ha, that sounds both strange and delicious. But how do we get back home?
Character 1: Don't worry, I've got it all planned out. We'll hitch a ride on a comet!
Character 2: A comet ride? You've got to be kidding me! Alright, I'm in. To infinity and beyond!


Another light-hearted dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their wacky inventions:

Character 1: Hey, I've been working on something really cool lately!

Character 2: What's that? You've piqued my curiosity.
Character 1: I've invented a machine that turns pizza into energy!
Character 2: Pizza into energy? That's amazing! How does it work?
Character 1: Well, you put a slice of pizza in, and it converts it into clean, renewable energy. No
more electricity bills!
Character 2: That's revolutionary! What are you going to do with all that pizza energy?
Character 1: I was thinking of powering a theme park with it. Roller coasters powered by pepperoni
and ferris wheels fueled by fungi!
Character 2: Haha, that would be the tastiest theme park in the world! Can I invest in your pizza-
powered future?
Character 1: Absolutely! You can be the first to ride the Mozzarella Mountain.
Character 2: Count me in. Let's bring this cheesy dream to life!

Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their
whimsical plans for a weekend getaway:

Character 1: Hey, do you ever daydream about the most bizarre weekend getaway?
Character 2: All the time! Tell me, what's your most outlandish idea?
Character 1: How about renting a pirate ship and setting sail for the Bermuda Triangle?
Character 2: A pirate ship? That's already a wild start. What's the plan in the Triangle?
Character 1: We'd hunt for treasure, of course! X marks the spot on those mysterious maps.
Character 2: Treasure hunting in the Bermuda Triangle? This sounds like a movie plot. What's next?
Character 1: After that, we'd have a BBQ on a floating island made of pineapples and coconuts.
Character 2: A tropical feast in the middle of the ocean? You really know how to dream big. How do
we get home?
Character 1: Don't worry, I've thought of that too. We'll ride on the back of a friendly sea monster!
Character 2: A sea monster ride to cap off our adventure? I'm in! When do we set sail?


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends planning an outrageous
costume party:

Character 1: Hey, you know what would be a blast? Hosting a totally outrageous costume party!
Character 2: Oh, I'm all ears. Tell me more about this wild idea.
Character 1: Picture this: a time-travel-themed party where everyone comes dressed as a historical
Character 2: Time travel costumes? That's brilliant! Who would you go as?
Character 1: I'd be a disco-dancing Cleopatra from ancient Egypt!
Character 2: Haha, that's epic! What about the decorations?
Character 1: Giant inflatable dinosaurs, disco balls, and futuristic gadgets all around!
Character 2: Love it! But what about the food and drinks?
Character 1: Well, we'd have a snack table with "prehistoric popcorn" and "space-age smoothies."
Character 2: You've thought of everything! And the music?
Character 1: A mix of classical compositions and funky disco hits, of course!
Character 2: It's going to be the quirkiest party ever. When should we send out the invites?
Character 1: Let's set the date for a time warp next month!


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their bizarre
and entertaining hypothetical superpowers:

Character 1: You know what I've been thinking about lately? Imaginary superpowers!
Character 2: Oh, I love those! What's your ultimate, completely outlandish superpower?
Character 1: How about the ability to turn anything into chocolate just by touching it?
Character 2: Chocolate transformation? That's amazing! What's the first thing you'd change?
Character 1: Probably a traffic jam into a chocolate highway! No more road rage, just deliciousness.
Character 2: Haha, that's genius! What else can you do with this power?
Character 1: I'd create chocolate rainstorms for kids to enjoy, and I'd solve world hunger by turning
deserts into edible landscapes.
Character 2: You're basically a sweet superhero! Any limitations to this power?
Character 1: Well, I'd have to be careful not to accidentally turn my friends into chocolate during
Character 2: Fair point. But we'd all carry chocolate bars just in case! If you had a sidekick, what
would their superpower be?
Character 1: My sidekick would have the power to turn chocolate into money to fund our
Character 2: A delicious and lucrative team! When can I sign up for this sweet super squad?


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends planning an
unconventional charity event:

Character 1: Hey, I've got a crazy idea for a charity event that will really make a splash!
Character 2: I'm all ears. What's this wild charity event idea of yours?
Character 1: How about a "Pie in the Sky" event where we catapult pies into the air, and people
have to catch them with giant nets?
Character 2: Pie catapulting? That's hilariously unique! What's the cause we'd be supporting?
Character 1: We'd raise funds for underprivileged kids to attend circus school and learn circus skills!
Character 2: That's both fun and meaningful. What kinds of pies are we talking about here?
Character 1: All sorts! From classic apple pie to quirky flavors like bubblegum pie and jalapeño pie.
Character 2: It's going to be a pie-tastic mess! How about entertainment?
Character 1: We could have clown performances, acrobatics, and a pie-eating contest.
Character 2: A pie-eating contest at a pie-catching event? Brilliant! When do we launch this pie
Character 1: Let's aim for next summer. We'll make it a day of pie-fection!


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends planning a whimsical
and unusual restaurant concept:

Character 1: You know what I've been daydreaming about lately? Opening a truly bizarre
Character 2: Oh, I'm intrigued! Tell me more about this unusual restaurant idea.
Character 1: How about a "Gravity-Defying Café" where everything floats in the air?
Character 2: Floating food and utensils? That's delightfully quirky! How would it work?
Character 1: We'd use magnetic plates and utensils that hover above the tables, and customers can
pluck them out of the air.
Character 2: That sounds like a dining experience straight out of a sci-fi movie! What's on the
Character 1: We'd serve a mix of international cuisine, but it'll be miniaturized so customers can try
a little bit of everything.
Character 2: A world tour of tiny dishes! What about drinks?
Character 1: How about "levitating" cocktails that bubble and fizz without ever touching the table?
Character 2: That's mesmerizing! Any special entertainment?
Character 1: Live magic shows where objects float, disappear, and reappear would be the highlight!
Character 2: It's like dining in a magical wonderland! When can we make this gravity-defying
dream come true?
Character 1: Let's aim for the grand opening next year and leave our customers in awe!

Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their
whimsical plans for a backyard carnival:

Character 1: You know what would be a blast? Hosting our very own backyard carnival!
Character 2: A backyard carnival? That sounds incredible! What kind of attractions are you thinking
Character 1: Well, we'd have a "Dunk Tank for Grown-Ups" where you can dunk your friends with
water balloons!
Character 2: Dunk tanks and water balloons? That's a guaranteed hit! What else?
Character 1: How about a petting zoo with miniature giraffes and pocket-sized elephants?
Character 2: Miniature giraffes and elephants? That's adorable and hilarious! What's next?
Character 1: A roller coaster made from a garden hose and a giant slingshot for launching
Character 2: This carnival is turning into a water-themed adventure! What about snacks?
Character 1: We'd have a cotton candy machine, a popcorn maker, and a snow cone station with
exotic flavors.
Character 2: You've thought of everything! When should we plan this epic backyard carnival?
Character 1: Let's make it a summer tradition, starting next year. It'll be a splash!


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends brainstorming a wild
and entertaining idea for a reality TV show:

Character 1: Hey, have you ever thought about creating our own reality TV show?
Character 2: Absolutely! What kind of reality show are you imagining?
Character 1: How about "Survival Cooking Showdown," where contestants have to cook gourmet
meals using only camping equipment?
Character 2: Survival cooking? That's a unique twist! What's the catch?
Character 1: Well, they'd have to forage for ingredients in the wild, and each episode's location
would be more extreme than the last.
Character 2: It's like "Iron Chef" meets "Survivor"! What's the grand prize?
Character 1: The winner gets their very own food truck where they can serve their signature
wilderness dishes!
Character 2: A food truck adventure as the prize? I love it! Any memorable challenges?
Character 1: How about a challenge where they have to make a three-course meal on a floating
platform in the middle of a lake?
Character 2: That's both thrilling and hilarious! When can we pitch this reality cooking show to the
Character 1: Let's start working on the proposal and make our culinary wilderness dreams a reality!


Let's keep the creativity flowing with another dialogue, this time between two friends planning an
eccentric and unforgettable road trip:

Character 1: You know what we should do this summer? Embark on the wackiest road trip ever!
Character 2: I'm all ears! What's your idea for this offbeat adventure?
Character 1: How about a "Random Road Trip Challenge," where we flip a coin at every
intersection to decide our route?
Character 2: A coin-flip road trip? That's gloriously unpredictable! Where should we start?
Character 1: Let's begin at a giant ball of yarn museum and see where fate takes us from there!
Character 2: Yarn museums and coin flips? This sounds like a hilarious journey. Any rules?
Character 1: We'd have to take on quirky challenges in each town we pass through, like entering
pie-eating contests or participating in llama races.
Character 2: Llama races and pie-eating contests? Count me in! How long should this epic road trip
Character 1: Let's make it a month-long adventure, with no fixed return date. We'll go wherever the
coins guide us!
Character 2: A month of spontaneous, zany escapades! When do we hit the open road?
Character 1: Let's plan for next summer and make it a summer of pure whimsy and hilarity!


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their
fantastical plan to open a theme park of their own:

Character 1: You know what would be the ultimate dream come true? Opening our very own theme
Character 2: A theme park? That's an ambitious idea! What kind of theme park are you imagining?
Character 1: How about a "Fantasy Adventure Park," where visitors step into the pages of classic
fairy tales and myths?
Character 2: A fantasy adventure park? That's enchanting! What attractions would we have?
Character 1: Well, there'd be a dragon roller coaster, a magical forest with talking animals, and a
maze inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
Character 2: Those are some spellbinding ideas! What about food and drinks?
Character 1: How about a café that serves drinks in potion bottles and a bakery with pastries
inspired by fairy tales?
Character 2: Potion bottles and fairy tale pastries? That's whimsical! When can we make this
fantastical theme park a reality?
Character 1: Let's start planning and working toward it. We could make it the most enchanting place
on Earth!


Let's keep the creativity flowing with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing
their plan to organize a whimsical and unconventional talent show:

Character 1: You know what would be a riot? Hosting a talent show that's entirely unique and
Character 2: Oh, I love the sound of that! What's your idea for this offbeat talent show?
Character 1: How about a "Crazy Contraption Talent Show," where contestants have to showcase
their most bizarre inventions?
Character 2: A crazy contraption talent show? That's wonderfully quirky! What kind of contraptions
are we talking about?
Character 1: We'd have everything from self-buttering toast machines to automated sock matching
Character 2: That's delightfully inventive! What's the grand prize for the wackiest contraption?
Character 1: The winner gets a golden wrench and the title of "Master of Whimsical Inventions"!
Character 2: A golden wrench and a whimsical title? I'm sold! Any memorable performances?
Character 1: How about a contestant who juggles flaming rubber chickens or another who plays the
kazoo using their nose?
Character 2: Flaming rubber chickens and nose-kazoo playing? This talent show is going to be a
hoot! When can we start organizing this eccentric event?
Character 1: Let's start brainstorming and planning right away. We'll bring the wackiest inventions
to the world!


Let's dive into another lively dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their ambitious plan
to build a whimsical and eco-friendly treehouse village:

Character 1: You know what I've always dreamed of doing? Building a treehouse village in the
middle of the forest!
Character 2: A treehouse village? That's a fantastic idea! Tell me more about your vision for this
whimsical village.
Character 1: Imagine a "Forest Haven Village" with interconnected treehouses, each uniquely
designed and eco-friendly.
Character 2: A forest haven village? I love it! What kind of treehouses would we have?
Character 1: There'd be a treehouse library, a treetop cafe with hanging bridges, and even a
treehouse art studio!
Character 2: Those sound like enchanting places! What's the mission behind this treehouse village?
Character 1: We'd aim to create a sustainable, off-the-grid community where people can reconnect
with nature and each other.
Character 2: A sustainable, nature-centric community? That's inspiring! How would we power these
Character 1: Solar panels, wind turbines, and rainwater harvesting systems to keep it eco-friendly!
Character 2: Eco-friendly and magical! When can we start working on this dream of building a
forest haven village?
Character 1: Let's begin planning and gathering like-minded dreamers who share our vision. We'll
turn this dream into reality!


Let's continue the creativity with another dialogue, this time between two friends discussing their
dream of starting a whimsical bookstore:

Character 1: You know what would be utterly magical? Opening our very own whimsical
Character 2: A whimsical bookstore? That sounds enchanting! What kind of bookstore are you
Character 1: How about a "Fairy Tale Book Nook," where each room is themed after a classic fairy
Character 2: A fairy tale book nook? That's wonderfully imaginative! What fairy tales would we
Character 1: We'd have rooms for Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and even a Rapunzel tower with
books climbing the walls!
Character 2: Those sound like enchanting reading nooks! What about special events?
Character 1: We'd host tea parties with Mad Hatter's tea, storytelling nights with fairy tale
characters, and even unicorn book signings!
Character 2: Tea parties and unicorn book signings? This bookstore is going to be pure magic!
What's the centerpiece?
Character 1: A giant, talking storybook that reads to children in the most soothing, whimsical voice.
Character 2: That's the ultimate touch of magic! When can we turn this dream of the "Fairy Tale
Book Nook" into reality?
Character 1: Let's start planning, gathering rare books, and creating the coziest reading spots. We'll
make it a haven for book lovers of all ages!


Let's continue the fun with another dialogue, this time between two friends brainstorming their
imaginative plan to organize a fantastical costume ball:

Character 1: You know what would be an absolute blast? Organizing a costume ball like no other!
Character 2: A costume ball? That sounds exciting! What's your vision for this extraordinary event?
Character 1: How about a "Mythical Masquerade Ball," where guests come dressed as legendary
creatures from folklore and mythology?
Character 2: A mythical masquerade ball? That's enchanting! What kind of mythical creatures
would we feature?
Character 1: We'd have everything from majestic phoenixes and mischievous leprechauns to elegant
unicorns and fearsome dragons!
Character 2: Those costumes would be absolutely magical! What about the venue?
Character 1: Picture a grand, ancient castle deep in the woods, adorned with enchanting decorations
and hidden passageways.
Character 2: An ancient castle in the woods? This event is going to be like a fairy tale come to life!
Any special entertainment?
Character 1: How about fire dancers representing the phoenix, and a dance-off between the
leprechaun and the unicorn?
Character 2: Fire dancers and a mythical dance-off? This costume ball is going to be unforgettable!
When can we start planning this fantastical masquerade?
Character 1: Let's begin organizing and bringing our mythical dreams to life. We'll make it a night
of wonder and magic!


Sarah: Hey, guys! What are your plans for the weekend?

John: I was thinking of going hiking up in the mountains. The weather's supposed to be perfect for

Emily: That sounds great, John! I've been wanting to get some fresh air. Count me in!

Sarah: Hiking sounds fun, but I was actually hoping to check out that new art exhibition at the
museum downtown.

John: Oh, the art exhibition! I heard it's really impressive. How about we do the hike on Saturday
and then visit the museum on Sunday, Sarah?

Emily: That works for me! I'll need Saturday to recover from the hike anyway.

Sarah: Perfect! It's a plan, then. John, do you know any good hiking trails around here?

John: Yeah, there's a great trail in the national park about an hour from here. It's got some stunning

Emily: I'm excited! And for the museum, what time should we go on Sunday?
Sarah: The museum opens at 10 AM, so how about we meet there at 10:30? Gives us some time for
a leisurely Sunday morning.

John: Sounds good to me. I'll make sure to wear my comfy shoes for the hike, and I'll check the trail
conditions online beforehand.

Emily: Thanks, John. I'll bring my camera for some hiking snapshots, and Sarah, I can't wait to see
that art exhibition with you.

Sarah: It's a date, guys! I'm looking forward to a fantastic weekend with both of you.

John: Agreed, Sarah. It's going to be a blast!

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