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Isai Dali Perez Nava A01423912

Portfolio Partial 3 - Writing Task – Cover letter

You must write a cover letter to the company you are applying to.


• Where you learned about the vacancy

• What training and experience you have
• Request and interview

and any other information you consider relevant

Write at least 180 words

Isai Dali Perez Nava

25 Mayor Street
Temecula, California 76054
777-777-777 (h)
4321-4321-4321 (c)

November 19, 2022

Mr. Jack Smith

X Company
Main Street
Temecula, California 56732

Dear Mr. Smith,

As a long-time fan of the work of X Company, I'm excited to be contacting you about my interest in
the position of Mechatronics Technician Assistant, I learned about your vacancy through a colleague
who is already working for the company.

I understand you're currently adding several new product lines, also implement new technological
branches, and I believe my skills in software and hardware technologies provide a significant
advantage for creating a successful
implementation in the branch. As a longtime user of your
technological products, I'm thrilled at the opportunity to bring my knowledge and passion for
technological development to the company.
I have 3 years of experience working in manufacturing department in a Computer Company. Most
recently, I worked as an Assistant at Tech plus Company, where my responsibilities included
supervise the production line of new products, in addition to
manage the area of the development.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am excited about the opportunity to join your organization
as a Mechatronics Technician Assistant because I would like to implement and develop new
technologies for the company, since I have used many of its products and I am someone with similar
objectives to those of the company. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at
earliest convenience.


Isai Perez


In more or less 40 – 50 words explain what you have learned by doing this task, if you could apply
what you have learned in a real-life situation, if it was challenging or not.

By doing this activity you can see what are the important points when making a cover letter, of
course it was challenging, since I had never done a cover letter, but I feel that this knowledge
can help me when I get a job

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