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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials

Department of Mechanical Engineering

QUIZ 10%
Practice Experimental stress PRESENTATION AND
analysis in elements 2 ANNOTATIONS 10%

NAME Luis Antonio Ortiz Sandoval, RESULTS 25%

Emilio Mariscal Guerra, Roberto DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 15%
Carlos Picazo Hernández, Isaí
Dalí Pérez Nava QUESTIONS 15%


A01733448, A01423912 REFERENCES
TOTAL 100%
LAB GROUP Equipo 1
subject to axial load
INSTRUCTOR Héctor Terán de la Fuente

• The student experimentally determines the stresses induced in axially loaded specimens
also will compare these strains with the previously obtained analytically. Later the
student determines the reliability of the experimental technique


The easiest state to determine experimentally is the uniaxial stress. In this state of stress only one of
the principal stresses is non-equal. For example, in Figures 1a, 1b and 1c, we can observe the
presence of such stress states based on the loading conditions and geometry of bodies.
It is noteworthy that in the examples shown in Figure 1, the state of uniaxial stress shown only occurs
at the point in question; and in similar places where conditions are geometric or charging and allow
the existence of a state of uniaxial stress, however not at all points exist the same states of strain.

Once the state of uniaxial strain has been identified, the determination of elastic stress is done in a
natural way if the way in which the test voltage is developed recalled, and the stress-strain diagram
obtained from such proof. Figure 2 shows how you can view the status of uniaxial stress acting on
all elements of the specimen stress test (ASTM -E8). If we compare the state of stress shown in
Figure 2 with the states of strain in Figure 1, we see that they are equal, so we can deduce that the
estimation of these strain on the elastic range can be done in the same way which would do as is
shown in Figure 2, based on the elastic modulus, obtained from the stress -strain diagram, shown in
Figure 2 and the strain that is presented to the applied load.

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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 1.- United uniaxial stresses indicated in different bodies (R.C. Hilbbeler, 2011)

Figure 2. - Probe subjected to axial load with its corresponding diagram - obtained from the
stress test in the universal machine (R.C. Hilbbeler, 2011)

In this way, the experimental technique reduces the strain measurement, which is done with
the aid of a strain gauge. With this measurement and based on the definition of the elastic modulus,
the formula for calculating the stress experimentally is established as follows:


Since the resistance is the capacity of a structure to resist loads, the criterion can be described as
follows: the real resistance of a structure must be greater than the required resistance. So, the
previous criterion can be written as follow: The ratio of the maximum stress between the required
stress is the safety factor.

𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = (2)
𝜎 𝑟𝑒𝑞

The security factor must be greater than 1.0 to avoid failure. Depending on the circumstances, the
security factor varies from a little more than 1.0 to 10.

The failure can be equivalent to the fracture and as consequence the collapse of the structure, that
means that the strain could be big. If the safety value is low the possibility of failure could be higher,

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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering

and the structure could be unacceptable, and if the safety value is high, the structure will be costly
and maybe the does not work efficiently (could be heavy).

The safety factors are defined by many ways. To many structures it is important the
material remain in the elastic zone to avoid permanent strain. Under these conditions we could
stablish the safety factor respect to yield stress to getting the working stress.

𝜎 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 = (3)
𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟


• Aluminum Specimen E=0.71E6 kg/cm2, v=0.33

• Meter Vernier
• Strain Gauge
• Universal Machine UNITED
• Extensometric gauges


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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. - Fill in the table for each of the experiments in which the theoretical and experimental
results are observed and the error between both methods

Material: Alumin ium Connection: ¼ ge

Load analytical Experimental Error

Kg cm/cm Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 %

4.8242E-05 34.25179611 34.08 0.000866018

6.03025E-05 42.81474514 41.18 0.064895378


Material: Aluminum Connection: ½ dge

Load analytical Experimental Error

Kg cm/cm Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 %

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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering

4.8242E-05 34.25179611 36.92 0.192830769


6.03025E-05 42.81474514 45.44 0.151671723


Material: Aluminum Connection: 1 dge

Load analytical Experimental

Kg cm/cm Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2

4.8242E-05 34.25179611 21.22461927
80 73.84

6.03025E-05 42.81474514 83.78 20.03046199



Para tener una mejor precisión de datos se debe conocer la longitud de la barra con la que se esta
trabajando para poder obtener las medidas reales.


1. – Explain the behavior of the percentage error at different connection types. (1/4
bridge, 1/2 bridge, full bridge).

Los porcentajes de error en ¼ y ½ de puente no presentan mucho error, en cambio en el puente

completo si llega a presentar un porcentaje de error del 20%

2. If you had two specimens of the same size but of different material, would get
different strain under the same loads? Justify your answer for both: experimental strain and
analytical strain.

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Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Si cambia la respuesta debido a que E sería diferente y es algo fundamental en las

fórmulas para calcular el strain.

3. Calculate the safety factor at 100 Kg considering the maximum allowable stress given
in the first practice (Analytic Stress = Required Stress)?

Safety Factor (34.251796110994) =2.919554924

Safety Factor (42.81474514) = 2.335643939

4. Why the experimental technique of this practice is only applicable when there is no
plastic deformation?

Porque se puede seguir experimentando con la barra ya que esta regresará a su forma


Concluimos que no hay mucho porcentaje de error entre los resultados análiticos y los
experimentales, para sacar mejores resultados se debe conocer las medidas de la barra
y las áreas de sección transversal.

• Beer, Ferdinand P.;Johnston, Jr., E. Russell;y más. Mecánica de materiales (7a. ed.)
McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2017

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