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The core functions of public health are: Possible Answers A. Epidemiology, statistics, and environmental health sciences B.

Primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention C. Assessment, policy development, and assurance D. Diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapy 2. Public health measures that contribute most to people being healthier today than they were a century ago are: Possible Answers A. Better medical care B. Tertiary prevention C. Sanitation, better nutrition, and occupational safety D. Health policy and management 3. Public health had no role in the response to the crashing of two airplanes into the World Trade Center. FALSE 4. Epidemiology is part of what function of public health? Possible Answers A. Policy development B. Assurance C. Assessment D. Intervention 5. Which of the following is true of politics and public health?

Possible Answers A. Politics is a contaminant of an ideally rational decisionmaking process B. Politics limits people's freedom to improve their health C. Politics provides the scientific knowledge on which public health is based. D. Politics is an essential element of democratic governance 6. Which of the following statements is not true about the differences and similarities between public health and medical care? Possible Answers A. In public health, the community, as opposed to an individual, is the patient B. In both public health and medicine, the patient can accept or reject treatment recommendations C. In public health, there is no way of diagnosing problems D. The goal of public health is prevention rather than cure 7. Mammograms to detect breast cancer are an example of Possible Answers A. Primary prevention B. Secondary prevention C. Tertiary prevention D. Public health assessment 8. The bioterrorism attack in 2001 was a dramatic event that was immediately obvious. TRUE 9. Which of the following statements is not true? Possible Answers

A. Statistics can be used to calculate health risks B. The government collects extensive data on births and deaths of its people C. The population of the United States is less healthy than many other countries D. Most data collected by the government is used for political purposes 10. Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions is an import part of the public health approach to health problems in the community. TRUE 11. Primary prevention refers to: Possible Answers A. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment B. Prevention of exposure to risk factors C. Rehabilitation D. Disability limitation 12. Biomedical sciences role in public health does not include: Possible Answers A. Infectious disease control B. Human genetics C. Surgery for breast cancer D. Understanding mechanisms of chronic disease 13. Which of the following measures to limit the freedom of adults in the name of public health has not been taken by the U.S. or state governments? Possible Answers A. Laws requiring use of seat belts in cars B. Laws against using addictive drugs

C. Laws against smoking cigarettes D. Laws against drinking alcohol 14. Which of the following statements best expresses the market justice view? Possible Answers A. Members of a community have a responsibility to prevent any individual from taking risks that could harm his or her health. B. Every adult individual is responsible for his or her own lot in life. C. the government should provide everyone with an equal income. D. Members of a community have collective responsibility for their common welfare. 15. Restricting individual freedoms for public health purposes is unconstitutional. 16. Which of the following justifications for limiting people's freedom is likely to be the most controversial? Possible Answers A. To prevent someone from harming others. B. To protect children. C. To prevent someone from harming himself. D. To promote the general welfare. 17. Which of the following statements is true? Possible Answers A. Costs of public health measures are easier to calculate than benefits. B. Short term costs of public health measures are usually greater than the benefits.

C. Those who pay for a public health measure usually benefit from it. D. The first step in calculating the benefits of public health measures is to put a dollar value on health. 18. The Institute of Medicine concluded in 1988 that public health in the United States was in disarray. 19. Which of the following statements best expresses the social justice view of public health? Possible Answers A. Every adult individual is responsible for his or her own lot in life. B. Members of a community have a responsibility to prevent any individual from taking risks that could harm his or her health. C. Members of a community have collective responsibility for their common welfare. D. The government should provide everyone with an equal income. 20. The early history of U.S. public health was closely tied to social reform movements. Which of the following public health issues would not be considered social reform? Possible Answers A. Communicable disease control B. Universal health care C. Safe housing for all D. Minimum income levels 21. Which of the following measures could be considered primarily an attempt to legislate morality?

Possible Answers A. Laws against drinking and driving B. Laws against homosexuality C. Laws prohibiting an adult from having sex with a child D. Laws against bringing cocaine over the border into the United States 22. President Obama has promised to restore scientific integrity to public health policy making. 23. Which of the following statements is generally consistent with good public health policy. Possible Answers A. The only acceptable message for sex education in schools is abstinence only. B. Laws against selling cocaine are a generally acceptable limit on individual freedom. C. AIDS is punishment for immoral behavior. D. The National Institutes of Health wastes money when it funds studies on sexual behavior. 24. Which of the following statements is not true: Possible Answers A. Most public health laws require benefits to be weighed against costs. B. The new federalism limits Congress's authority over the states. C. Federal law has priority over state law. D. Legislatures often delegate technical details of a law to public health agencies 25. The government alone cannot achieve the objectives of public health

26. The Supreme Court decision in the case of Jacobson vs. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set a precedent allowing a state to restrict an individual's freedom for the common good. What specific issue did the case apply to? Possible Answers A. Possession of a gun B. Motorcycle helmets C. Smallpox vaccination D. Use of medical marijuana 27. Which of the following activities is not part of the NIH's responsibilities: Possible Answers A. Conduct research on the basic physiology of diseases. B. Operate a reference library for medical information. C. Control the spread of infectious diseases. D. Test experimental medical therapies. 28. Which of the following is not part of the FDA's responsibilities: Possible Answers A. Conduct research on basic physiology of diseases. B. Regulate vaccines and diagnostic tests. C. Ensure the safety of foods. D. Evaluate new drugs. 29. Which of the following agencies is not part of the Department of Health and Human Services: Possible Answers A. FDA B. CDC C. NIH

D. EPA 30. Which of the following statements is not true: Possible Answers A. Police powers are sometimes needed for public health B. Legislatures do not have the power to restrict the actions of public health agencies C. Courts can invalidate regulations that legislatures have mandated public health agencies to create D. The government has the authority to limit individual freedom for the common good 31. Which of the following activities is not part of the CDC's responsibilities: Possible Answers A. Publish MMWR. B. Conduct research on the basic physiology of diseases. C. Control the spread of infectious diseases. D. Identify behavioral health hazards. 32. Which of the following statements is not true: Possible Answers A. The federal agency responsible for conducting research on cancer is part of the National Institutes of Health B. One of the federal agencies responsible for protecting the public from contaminated food is the Department of Agriculture C. The federal agency responsible for collecting and analyzing health data is part of the Centers for Disease Control D. The federal agency responsible for protecting the public from polluted water is part of the Department of Health and Human Services

33. Which of the following agencies do not have some responsibility for environmental health: Possible Answers A. EPA B. NIH C. CDC D. CIA 34. The U.S. Constitution specifically authorizes the federal government to do which of the following activities relevant to public health: Possible Answers A. Tax and spend B. Ban guns within a school zone C. Regulate food and drugs D. Require motorcyclists to wear helmets

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