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Stage 1 Mathematics Methods 1 - Functions Folio Investigation

The purpose of this investigation is to explore features of both rational and reciprocal functions. In this investigation,
the gained knowledge of both rational and reciprocal functions, in addition to prior knowledge of other functions,
were used to design and create a piece of mathematical artwork.

PART A: Reciprocal Functions

1 1
Figure 1: Graph of y= Figure 2: Graph of y=
x x +2


Figure 3: Graph of

In the function y= ,the feature which enables the equation of the vertical asymptote to be determined is the
ax +b
denominator where ax +b ≠ 0, due to the reason that if ax +b = 0, the function would be undefined. Consequently,
the vertical asymptote occurs when ax +b = 0, in which the value of x is the value of the vertical asymptote.
Therefore, the equation that can be used to determine the vertical asymptote is x= .

For example, let a = 3, b = 2

Equation of graph: y=
ax +b

2 x +3

Equation of vertical asymptote: x=


1 −2
It can be seen in Figure 4 (below) that the vertical asymptote for the function y= is x= ,
3 x+ 2 3
thus showing the equation of the vertical asymptote can be determined by x= .
Figure 4: Graph of y=
3 x+ 2

1 1
Figure 5: Graph of y= 2 Figure 6: Graph of y=
x ¿¿

1 1
Figure 7: Graph of y= 2 Figure 8: Graph of y= 2
x +4 x −4

1 1
Figure 9: Graph of y= Figure 10: Graph of y=
( x−1)(x −3) x (1−x )
1 1
For the functions, y= 2 and
y= , x ≠ 0 due to the reason that if x=0 in these functions, the
x x (1−x )
denominators would equal 0 which would cause the functions to be undefined as the denominator cannot be 0.
Therefore, the geometrical significance of the function y= 2 is that the vertical asymptote is at x=0 and the range
is { x∨x ≠0 }. For the function y= , the vertical asymptotes are at x=0 and x=1 so the range is { x∨x ≠0
x (1−x )
∪ x ≠ 1}.
Vertical asymptotes can be identified from a reciprocal function by determining the values that cause the
denominator of the function to equal 0. This can be accomplished by setting the denominator equal to 0 and solving
for x .
For example, for the function y= , let x 2−4=0
x +4
x −4=0x =4 ∴ x=± √ 4 ¿ ± 2
2 2

The asymptotes which were determined to be x=2 or x=−2 can be confirmed in Figure 8 (above), in which the
graphs show both of the vertical asymptotes to be at these points.

None of these functions touch the x-axis as in these equations y ≠ 0 due to the fact that a fraction with a numerator
value of 1 cannot equal 0. Since y ≠ 0, no x-coordinates occur when y = 0, meaning the x-axis is always a horizontal

PART B: Rational Functions

ax −x
Figure 11: Graph of y= (where a and b> 0) Figure 12: Graph of y= (where b> 0)
x−b x +b

x+ b ax−b
Figure 13: Graph of y= (where a , b and c >0 ) Figure 14: Graph of y= (where a , b , c and d >0 )
ax−c cx+ d

In the graphs of the above y= rational functions, all of the horizontal asymptotes of the graphs of the
functions except for the function y= , are above the x-axis. This is caused by the horizontal asymptote being
x +b
determined through dividing the leading coefficient of the numerator by the leading coefficient of the denominator.
This is due to the reason that considering if x=∞ , the constants in the equation would be nullified. For example, in
the instance y= , if x=∞ , the value of 1 in the function would be null to the function as it does not make a
x +1
large impact on 2× ∞ on ∞ . Through dividing leading coefficient of the numerator by the leading coefficient of the
denominator, the function becomes y ≈ , hence the equation of the vertical asymptote is x=2. Therefore, since
−x −x
the function y= when dividing becomes or -1, a negative value, it differs from the other functions with an
x +b x
asymptote below the x-axis as the other functions result in positive values when dividing the numerator by the
ax x+ b
denominator. Furthermore, the vertical asymptotes of y= and y= are positive values whereas for
x−b ax−c
−x ax−b
y= and y= , the vertical asymptotes are negative values. Corresponding to the information found
x +b cx+ d
through the investigation of reciprocal functions, the vertical asymptotes are determined through the basis that the
denominator cannot equal 0 otherwise the function will be undefined. Accordingly, the vertical asymptotes of the
rational functions can be determined by calculating the value of x, which causes the denominator to equal 0.

x +b x+b
Figure 15: Graph of y= 2 (where b> 0) Figure 16: Graph of y= (where b , c and d >0
( x−b) ( x−c)(x −d)

x +b
Figure 17: Graph of y= 2 (where b and c >0 )
x +c

In the graphs of the above y= rational functions, all the graphs have a horizontal asymptote of y=0. The
x 1
graphs being linear on quadratic show similar behaviour to y ≈ 2 = which as previously investigated, x cannot
x x
equal 0 due to the reason that the function would be undefined, the reason for which y=0 is the horizontal
asymptote for these functions. Another similarity of these functions are that the horizontal asymptote is crossed.
This is due to the reason that a rational function will have x-intercepts when the numerator of the function is equal
to zero. In the instances that the value of b in the functions above does not equal 0, the numerators of the graphs
can equate to zero, thus having x-intercepts on the horizontal asymptote. A difference between all the graphs are
the vertical asymptotes. As previously discovered, vertical asymptotes are determined when the values of the
x +b x+b
denominator equal 0, thus being undefined. For the functions y= 2 and
y= this can be
( x−b) ( x−c)(x −d)
accomplished. Though, the function y= could potentially have two vertical asymptotes in the case
( x−c)(x −d)
x +b
that the values of c and d are different. On the other hand, for function y= 2 , there are no vertical asymptotes
x +c
due to the reason that the denominator never equals 0 considering that the value of c does not equal 0.

PART C: Mathematical Art

In order to create the mathematical art, a variety of functions and relations were used to define the art piece. These
included linear, quadratic, reciprocal and constant functions in addition to relations such as the graphs of circles.
Additionally, the domains and ranges of the relations were required to be restricted to create specific lines, which
were accomplished using points of intersection, which were identified using the intersection identifier tool on the
graphing package on Desmos. Moreover, trial and error was used in order to determine the suitable dilations for
each of the functions to successfully create the artwork. The design that was created was two flowers in a vase on a
table, within a frame.

Line Calculations (equation) Graph (drawing)
Constant Function The top of the vase was constructed through using a constant
function and had its domain restricted by 5 units on both sides from
0 in order for the vase to be symmetrical on the y-axis.

y=5 { x :5 ≤ x ≤ 5}

Figure 18: Graph of

y=5 { x :5 ≤ x ≤ 5}
Linear Functions The linear functions were constructed by limiting the domain to
intersect with the constant function.
Right line 1
x= y +3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤5 }

The opposite line of the function was found through reflecting

x= y +3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤5 } in the y-axis. Figure 19: Graphs of
2.5 y=5 { x :5 ≤ x ≤ 5} ,
Let f ( y )= x x= y +3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤5 }
Opposite line of function= g ( y ) ,

Left line −1
x= y −3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤ 5}
∴ g ( y )=−f ( y) 2.5
¿−( y +3)
¿− y−3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤ 5 }

Figure 20: Graph of

x= y +3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤5 }
Figure 21: Graph of

x= y −3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤ 5}
Quadratic Quadratic functions were used to create the curved base of the
Functions vase. The domain of these graphs were limited based on the linear
functions so that they would have a point of intersection.

−1 2
y= x + 2{ y :−6 ≤ y ≤ 0 }
Top curve 4.5
Figure 22: Graphs of

The quadratic graph which opened upward was constructed using y=5 { x :5 ≤ x ≤ 5} ,
−1 2 1
the negative coefficient for x in the equation y= x + 2 but x= y +3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤5 }
4.5 2.5
constant, along with the domain , was changed so the vertex would ,

be lower, meaning the function would be lower than the upper part −1
x= y −3 { y :0 ≤ y ≤ 5}
of the vase. 2.5

Bottom curve 1 2
y= x −14 { y : y ≤−6 }

Figure 23: Graph of

−1 2
y= x + 2{ y :−6 ≤ y ≤ 0 }

Figure 24: Graph of

1 2
y= x −14 { y : y ≤−6 }
Reciprocal In order to create a pattern on the vase, reciprocal functions were
Functions used, utilising knowledge learnt from Topic 1. For example, the
denominator was x so that the asymptote would be 0, to create the
particular desired pattern for the art piece. The Desmos intersection
identifier tool was used to identify the points of specific points of
intersection, as these points were irrational numbers, which were
used to restrict the domain of the lines. Figure 25: Graph of Vase

y= {x :−3.224 ≤ x ≤−0.071 ∪0.2 ≤ x ≤ 3.128}

Figure 26: Graph of

y= {x :−3.224 ≤ x ≤−0.071

Line Calculations (equation) Graph (drawing)
Graphs of circles The centres of the flowers were constructed through using graphs
of circles, using the centre-radius form for the equations.
The first circle was placed in the second quadrant, meaning it had
to translate horizontally to the left and upwards in a vertical

2 2 2
( x−a) +( y−b) =r
a = horizontal translation Figure 27: Graphs of
2 2 2
b = vertical translation (x−2.3) +( y −12) =1
2 2 2
( x +4 ) +( y−14) =1
Left Circle 2
∴ ( x−2.3) +( y −12) =1 2 2

The second circle was placed in the first quadrant, meaning it had
to translate horizontally to the right and upwards in a vertical

Right Circle
∴ ( x +4 )2 +( y−14)2=12
Quadratic As the radius of the circles were 1, dilating the petals of the flower
Functions was necessary for them to fit accordingly to the centre of the
flower. Therefore, the quadratic functions were dilated by a scale
factor of 2. The constants were where the vertex of the curved
petal was positioned and were changed for each petal so that they
would be 3 units from the centre of the circle. Furthermore, the
Desmos intersection identifier tool was used to restrict the range
to allow for exact points of intersection. Figure 28: Graphs of
2 2 2
( x−2.3) +( y −12) =1
Flower 1 (left) Centre ( -4 , 14 ) 2
y=−(2 x+ 8) +17 { y : y ≥ 14.64
Top petal 2
y=−(2 x+ 8) +17 { y : y ≥ 14.64 }

Bottom Petal
y=(2 x+ 8) +11{ y : y ≤ 13.36 }
Left Petal
x=(2 y−28) −7 { y : y ≤ 4.64 }
Right Petal
Flower 2 (right) x=−(2 y−28) −1 { y : y ≥ 3.36 }
Top petal
Centre ( 12 , 2.3 )
Bottom Petal y=−(2 x−4.6) +15 { y : y ≥12.64 }
Left Petal y=(2 x+ 4.6) + 9 { y : y ≤ 11.36 }

Right Petal 2
x=(2 y−24) −0.7 { y : y ≤ 1.66 }
x=−(2 y−24) +5.3 { y : y ≥2.94 }
Constant Constant functions were used to construct the square shaped
Functions petals. The constants were determined based on the side being 2
units from the centre of the circle. The domains and ranges of
these functions were restricted based on the point that they
intersected with the curved petals (using Desmos intersection
identifier) and the other constant functions within the same flower.

Flower 1 Centre ( -4 , 14 ) Figure 29: Figure 28, including graphs of

Top Line y=16 { x :−6< x ← 4.5∪−3.5< x ←2 } x=(2 y−28) −7 { y : y ≤ 4.64 }

y=16 { x :−6< x ← 4.5∪−3.5<

Bottom Line y=12 {x :−6< x ←4.5 ∪−3.5< x ←2} ,

x=−6 { y :14.5< y <16 ∪ 12< y

Left Line x=−6 { y :14.5< y <16 ∪ 12< y <13.5 }

Right Line x=−2 { y :14.5< y <16 ∪ 12< y<13.5 }

Flower 2 Centre ( 12 , 2.3 )

Top Line y=14 {x : 2.8< x< 4.3 ∪ 0.3< x <1.8 }

Bottom Line y=10 { x :2.8< x < 4.3 ∪ 0.3< x <1.8 }

Left Line x=0.3 { y :12.5< y< 14 ∪ 10< y <11.5}

Right Line x=4.3 { y :12.5< y <14 ∪ 10< y<11.5 }

Linear Function The stems of the flowers were created using different gradients to
achieve different angles for each flower’s stem. The domains were
restricted from the top line of the vase to the bottom of the
bottom petal of the flowers (using Desmos intersection identifier).

Flower 1 Stem y=5 x { y :5< y <9.586 }

Flower 2 Stem y=−6 x−10 { y :5< y <11.62} Figure 30: Graphs of

y=(2 x+ 8) +11{ y : y ≤ 13.36 }

y=5 x { y :5< y <9.586 }

Figure 31: Graphs of

y=5 x { y :5< y <9.586 }


y=−6 x−10 { y :5< y <11.62


Line Calculations (equation) Graph (drawing)
Constant Function The frame was constructed using constant functions and restricted
domains and ranges were used to create a rectangular shape as the

Top line y=20{ x :−10 ≤ x ≤10 }

Bottom line y=−15{ x :−10 ≤ x ≤10 }
Left Line x=−10 {x :−15≤ y ≤20 }
Right line x=10 { y :−15 ≤ y ≤ 20 } Figure 32: Graph of Frame

Line Calculations (equation) Graph (drawing)
Constant Function The table was created on the x-axis with the restricted domain so
that it would stay within the frame but not go within the vase.

y=0{ x :−10< x ←3 ∪ 3< x <10 }

Figure 33: Graph of

y=0{ x :−10 ≤ x ≤−3 ∪ 3 ≤ x ≤

Figure 33: Graph of Final Mathematical Artwork Piece

In this investigation, there were several limitations and assumptions made, though they did not have a large effect
on the final art piece done. For example, a limitation was that the exact intersections were not able to be self-
calculated since the mathematical knowledge for this was not available. Instead, the Desmos feature had to be used
to determine where the intersections were to create the domain and range. This leads to the assumption that the
Desmos technology was reliable and accurate, and since it was heavily relied on to determine many equations for
the artwork, if the technology was not accurate, the equations would also be incorrect. Furthermore, while it was
desired for the artwork to be shaded with colours, this could not be accomplished due to the limited knowledge of
how to achieve this in Desmos, another limitation on the investigation. Additionally, within Part B of the
investigation, a limitation was that the graphs were only graphed in the instances that a, b, c and d were greater
than 0 rather than in all instances so all the information was not analysed, causing assumptions to be made based on
the graphs drawn and restricting the knowledge of the rational functions.

To conclude, from this investigation, the knowledge of reciprocal and rational functions was gained, especially of
features such as asymptotes. This knowledge of functions was successfully applied to create a mathematical artwork
to an extent, since the assistance of technology was still required and assumptions and limitations were made.
Figures 11-33: Desmos | Graphing Calculator (2022). Available at: (Accessed:
23-28 March 2022).

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