Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

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Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders:

Innovative Approaches
to Mentorship
By Michael Bergelson


As the economy improves and the hiring environment becomes more competitive, smart use of
mentoring can provide companies with an edge in attracting, developing, and retaining top talent.
We look at innovative approaches that are freshening up some organizations’ mentoring programs.

he phrase “war for talent” was coined ers, and retain their loyalty for the long term. with 67 percent planning to introduce or
by McKinsey and Company back in Everwise data shows that protégés consis- expand mentoring and coaching programs
the late 1990s. Now, thanks to a con- tently identify business-critical skills as areas this year.5 Although mentoring is a time-test-
vergence of economic and demographic for improvement, including executive pres- ed solution for managerial development and
trends, this war is becoming increasingly ence, personal brand, career planning, strate- advancement, a number of companies are
fierce, and is set to intensify in the years to gic thinking, and influence. taking fresh approaches as innovative as in-
come. flight mentoring and virtual speed mentoring.
Indeed, mentoring is the top training and
A recovering world economy means tighter
labor markets and more competition for top
development priority for companies in 2014,
A Brief History of
leadership talent. And at the same time, the Mentorship
retirement of the baby boomer generation is
fueling an exodus of experienced managers. The concept of mentorship dates back to
The Conference Board predicts a 15-year antiquity. The character of “Mentor” was
period of growing talent shortages, in which introduced in Homer’s Odyssey, and from
companies will find it increasingly difficult to there passed into many European languages
hire and retain qualified employees.1 In such as a word meaning a trusted guide for some-
an environment, it’s easy to see why more one younger or less experienced.
than 60 percent of senior executives in devel-
oped economies cite “leadership gaps” as Traditional economies, like the medieval
their top business challenge.2 guild system, incorporated their own versions
of mentorship, with the mentors referred to
There is near-universal agreement that devel- as master craftsmen, and the protégés called
oping talent requires some component of apprentices. The modern mentoring relation-
person-to-person education. Yet executives ship bears striking similarities to the master
can be too busy to develop the skills of their apprentice one, involving the passing on of
own teams, and HR functions are too often skills, knowledge, and wisdom from genera-
resource-starved. A majority of companies Traditional concepts of tion to generation.
report shrinking HR budgets in 2014, and
three quarters are facing either static or
career development and Today, though, mentorship can also take dif-
declining HR staffing levels.3 Consultant Josh internal mobility are being ferent forms. In peer mentoring, for example,
Bersin, founder of Bersin by Deloitte, which colleagues of a similar level of experience
provides research and advisory services in
challenged or tossed mentor each other, learning together and col-
enterprise learning and talent management, aside altogether, along laborating to overcome obstacles. Reverse
reports that 60 percent of organizations com- mentoring involves young people acting as
plain of the problem of “the overwhelmed with hierarchies, job titles mentors to more senior colleagues, recogniz-
employee,” adding to managers’ pressure. and, in some cases, even ing that even people with limited experience
have valuable skills and perspectives to share.
Traditional concepts of career development the HR function itself. And group mentoring brings people together
and internal mobility are being challenged to support each other in achieving their goals,
or tossed aside altogether, along with hierar-
Every future-looking sharing experiences, and holding each other
chies, job titles, and, in some cases, even the research or opinion piece accountable.
HR function itself.4 Every future-looking
research or opinion piece on HR encourages on HR encourages What all these forms have in common is that
“redesign,”“reinvention,” and “redefinition.” “redesign,” “reinvention,” they involve people connecting with one
another to share knowledge. When it’s done
Mentoring can help organizations attract the and “redefinition.” right, both mentor and protégé become better
right people, develop them into future lead- people as a result of the interaction.

VOLUME 37/ISSUE 2 — 2014 19

woman had the chance to talk to four differ-
ent mentors.

Companies such as Rockwell Collins have

run similar events. In 2012, members of the
company’s African American Professionals
Forum and Latino Employee Network met
with 30 of the company’s senior leaders. In
this case, the “speed” rules were even stricter:
just four minutes with each mentor, which
meant participants could speak to up to 18
different people during the session.

Despite the shorter time, employees reported

getting valuable career advice. The event also
gave senior leaders the chance to spot poten-
tial talent, while providing an opportunity
for potential long-term mentorships to be

IBM has taken it a step further by holding

Mentorship is needed now more than ever. new mentor for the duration of the flight, speed-mentoring events inside the virtual
But many companies have tried and failed to getting advice and hopefully forming a pow- world Second Life. A group of experienced
implement programs that deliver real impact. erful connection. business leaders act as the mentors, and
As a result, there’s a gap between what people junior employees meet with them in specially
want and what they’re being given. Accord- The first session took place in March, pair- built “mentoring pods.” Each session lasts 15
ing to a recent global survey of more than ing Eric Migicovsky, founder of smartwatch minutes, and when the time is up, the men-
10,000 professionals, only one in three has developer Pebble, with visual artist James tors move on to different pods and speak
been involved in a mentoring program, even Patten. Then in early May, chef Sean Brock with new protégés.
though 83 percent of those surveyed believe mentored Irina Vishnevskaya, a Minneapo-
they would benefit.6 lis restaurateur who is currently work- Speed mentoring can present a welcome
ing to open a gastropub with its own break from day-to-day routines for people
microbrewery. in both roles without any longer-term com-
New Approaches mitments beyond particular events. As such,
While classic mentoring typically lasts much it can be an easy way for companies to reap
It’s no surprise that companies are rethinking longer than the duration of a flight, these some benefits of mentorship and see the
how they develop tomorrow’s leaders and one-off sessions are an interesting twist, and results to determine overall intentions with
boost productivity and engagement across reveal the value in concentrated interactions such programs.
the organization. with eminently qualified experts. Compa-
nies could consider adapting the idea to their
To unlock potential across the organization own situations, offering their employees the
and also to encourage the cross-pollination chance to compete for a mentoring session
of new ideas from outside, innovative com- with an established industry figure.
panies are revisiting and reimagining the 35–44 year-olds in the United States
person-to-person knowledge management
and delivery system of mentorship. There are
Speed Mentoring
some particularly creative models emerging In a similar vein of intensive sessions, some
that may provide inspiration. organizations have pepped up their mentor-
ing initiatives by playing off the speed-dating
In-Flight Mentoring
Delta Airlines recently announced a new seat- At the 2012 Women of the World festival
ing section on its planes: Innovation Class. in the U.K., protégés were given exactly
Up-and-coming professionals apply to land a 15 minutes to discuss with a mentor an issue
coveted first-class-style seat next to a leader or challenge they were facing, before moving
in their field. They can then chat with their on to talk to a new person. In total, each


To unlock potential across the organization and also to
encourage the cross-pollination of new ideas from
outside, innovative companies are revisiting and
reimagining the person-to-person knowledge
management and delivery system of mentorship.

Job Swapping
job function or organization, yet be discon-
In 2012, Dharmesh Shah, chief technology tinued without disruption if it doesn’t work.
officer at, traded roles for a
Shadow Boards day with’s CTO Paul English. The
experience gave both an opportunity to learn
Rotational Mentoring
In India, industrial conglomerate RPG Group from each other, which is what mentoring is A program sponsored by Women in Technol-
offers a new form of mentoring to promising all about—except that instead of talking, they ogy in the Washington, D.C.-area provides
young managers. It invites them onto a “shad- were essentially living each other’s lives. Job female executives with the chance to meet
ow” board, where they grapple with the same swaps have traditionally taken place inter- with people from its pool of volunteer men-
challenges as top management. A senior team nally, but HubSpot and Kayak are among the tors. Mentors are deliberately rotated so that
member helps younger colleagues come up organizations experimenting with external protégés speak to someone different at each
with solutions to those challenges, while help- swaps. session.
ing to develop their management skills at the
same time. The swap yielded some concrete results.
Shah, for example, was so impressed by some
The program has been running for several of Kayak’s policies—like the “couch rule,”
years, during which time RPG has reaped which says that employees must chat with
powerful benefits. It gives talented young anyone they find sitting in the lobby—that he
employees the chance to meet with senior decided to implement them at HubSpot.
executives and learn from them. They are
exposed to the kinds of situations that senior Other companies are experimenting with
leaders deal with, get practical experience in similar programs, with employees trading
managerial problem-solving, and witness how places for anything from a day to 12 months.
innovative solutions to real challenges can For example, in 2012, U.K. managers from
emerge. the supermarket chain Tesco exchanged
places with counterparts at Coca-Cola Enter- In this program, the mentoring lasts for four
Closer to home, KPMG’s Leaders Engaging prises, resulting in broader experiences for sessions, after which the protégé “graduates”
Leaders program pairs 60 managers with the participants, fresh perspectives, and and is encouraged to become a mentor her-
senior leaders, including members of the board improved management skills. And last year, self. But the rotational principle can also be
of directors. Its program doesn’t involve a U.K.-retailer John Lewis organized a six- applied to longer-term mentoring, in which
separate “shadow” board, but it shares the month job swap program with Julia’s House, protégés work with one mentor for a year or
same aims as RPG’s program: to bridge the gap a charity that cares for children with life- two before being assigned to someone else.
between top management and promising lead- limiting conditions. One of the key benefits of mentoring is the
ers in more junior positions, and to prepare the chance to form a long-term connection with
protégés for future leadership roles. Job swapping between companies and within a single person.
companies can broaden the perspectives of
Shadow boards can amplify certain elements participants. The particular roles and indi- These more transient programs provide a
of mentorship programs, such as accelerating viduals for such swaps can be selected for the chance to meet more people and to get fresh
employee growth by exposing them to issues specific areas of exposure that they or man- perspectives on the issues they’re working on.
beyond their daily jobs. The program also can agement feel would benefit them most. Like And, of course, in certain situations when a
engender greater loyalty by allowing employ- other mentor programs, the benefits of job strong connection is established, the relation-
ees to envision themselves in more senior roles swapping hinge on the low risk and low com- ship can sustain authentically beyond the
and underscoring the company’s seriousness mitment associated with an occasional and specific program’s construct, which can be
about their understanding such roles. brief exercise that can bring fresh energy to a the best indicator of effectiveness.

VOLUME 37/ISSUE 2 — 2014 21

lifts the entire productivity curve. Influential
In a competitive hiring environment, any extra organizations like KPMG are already exam-
ining how they can scale their programs
advantage in attracting and retaining the best beyond senior leadership. Kathy Hannan,
employees is critical. Mentoring offers an attractive managing partner for corporate responsibili-
ty and diversity, told Fortune magazine: “The
option for companies seeking to develop tomorrow’s goal is ultimately to drive it down deeper into
leaders and stay competitive in the global war for the organization. It really helps with reten-
tion … and gives folks a line of sight to a num-
talent. ber of opportunities across the firm.”7

In a competitive hiring environment, any

extra advantage in attracting and retaining
Data-Driven Mentoring toring programs with smart matching to be the best employees is critical. Mentoring
successfully scaled up to eventually support offers an attractive option for companies
Some companies are taking a fresh look at large populations (in the Fortune 500 comap- seeking to develop tomorrow’s leaders and
formal mentoring programs—using big data ny’s case, a 36,000 employee division). stay competitive in the global war for talent.
techniques to improve the experience and Innovative approaches can help launch and
outcomes for participants. For example, a scale mentoring, while infusing more excite-
Fortune 500 global tech company has taken Recommendations ment into existing programs.
a data-driven approach to mentoring, imple-
menting an Everwise solution that pairs its The research shows that employees want men-
managers with experienced mentors from toring but don’t receive as much support as Endnotes
outside the organization. they could, especially as overall HR programs
contract. Best-in-class mentoring programs 1 Evolving talent shortages in the U.S. (May
Data sets from more than 60,000 historical, align with the organizational imperative to 2012). The Conference Board.
cross-organizational mentoring relationships develop human capital in the competitive 2 Bersin, J. (December 2013). Predictions for
drive the matching algorithms, leading to a global market for top talent. As these examples 2014. Bersin by Deloitte.
94 percent match satisfaction across their demonstrate, such programs can take innova- 3 2014 HR Agenda (January 2014). The
partnerships. Partnership outcomes data are tive forms or can simply benefit from formal-
Hackett Group.
fed back into the system to help tune the izing and scaling an existing approach.
match algorithm over time. 4 Weber, L and Feintzeig, R. (April 9, 2014).
Some of the more unusual examples we’ve Companies say no to having an hr depart-
This organization also relies on external rela- looked at are unlikely to replace traditional ment. The Wall Street Journal.
tionship managers to help define partnership mentoring programs but can enhance them 5 2014 HR Agenda (January 2014). The
goals and ensure ongoing engagement and boost employee engagement. They could Hackett Group.
between mentors and protégés. Three added either be implemented in their existing form 6 2013 Employee Insights Survey (2013).
benefits of external staffing are that they’re or adapted to fit the circumstances of individ- Robert Walters International.
specially trained and dedicated to ensuring ual businesses. In-flight mentoring wouldn’t
positive mentoring outcomes; they reduce work for most companies, for example, but a
7 Rouen, E. (April 19, 2012). When leaders
demands on already taxed HR staff; and their similar principle could be used to inspire are scarce, employees look to peers. For-
arm’s-length relationship promotes honesty unique in-person flash-mentoring sessions.
among participants. 8 Weber, L and Feintzeig, R. (April 9, 2014).
It’s also important to look beyond today’s Companies say no to having an hr depart-
The results include a 97 percent successful senior leadership and extend mentoring to a ment. The Wall Street Journal.
mentorship completion rate, with 90 percent broader proportion of the workforce. An
of protégés reporting that they were very sat- estimated 70 percent of Fortune 500 firms
isfied with mentors, and 89 percent making have some form of mentoring in place, Michael Bergelson, CEO of Everwise,
substantial progress towards their goals. according to management professor Ellen co-founded and ran enterprise soft-
Ensher of Loyola Marymount University, but ware company Audium, which was
As new technologies and services allow for often it’s only for high-potential or executive acquired by Cisco in 2006.
smarter and more effective analysis of out- positions. The vast majority of employees feel
comes data, we expect data-driven mentoring they don’t have access to mentoring.
to become more popular. It utilizes technol-
ogy to strengthen the effectiveness of the Extending an existing program boosts reten-
human touch, allowing well-designed men- tion, develops the leaders of tomorrow, and


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