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Q1. A student find the average of ten digit numbers. While copying numbers, by mistake, he writes
one number with its digits interchanged. As results his answer is 1.8 less than the correct answer. The
difference of the digits of the number, in which he made mistake is
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Q2. The milk and water in a mixture are in the ratio 7:5 when 15 litres of water are added to it. The
ratio of milk and water in the new mixture becomes 7:8 The total quantity of water in the new mixture
A. 35 liters
B. 40 liters
C. 60 liters
D. 96 liters
Q3. Two people, Savita and karan get their sales commission based on the number of items sold each
month. Their total sale commission amounts to Rs 56, 100 in a particular month. If Savita got her
commission 12% higher than karan, how much commission did karan earn?
A. Rs 26, 462.26
B. Rs 25, 500.28
C. Rs 29, 500
D. Rs 22, 805.45
Q4. The average age of husband and wife, who were married 4 years ago, was 25 years at the time of
their marriage, the average age of the family consisting of husband, wife and a child, born during the
interval is 20 years today. The age of the child is:

A. 1 years
B. 2 years
C. 2.5 years
D. 3 years
Q5. A shopkeeper sells a badminton racket whose marked price is Rs 30, at a discount of 15% and gives
a shuttle cock costing Rs 1.50 free with each racket. Even then he makes a profit of 20%. His cost price,
per racket is?

A. Rs 21.00
B. Rs 21.25
C. Rs 20.00
D. Rs 17.75
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Q6. A can do a piece of work in 16 days and B in 24 days. They take the help of C and they all together
finish the work in 6 days. If the total remuneration for the work is Rs 400. The amount (In rupees) each
will receive, in proportion, to do the work is?
A. 150:100:150
B. 200:100:150
C. 250:200:230
D. 400:100:200
Q7. Two workers A and B working together completed a job in 5 days. If a had worked twice as
efficiently as he actually did the work would have been completed in 3 days. To complete the job
alone. A would require

A. 5 days

B. 6 days

C. 7 days

D. 8 days
Q8. The ratio of the first and second class train fares between two situation is 3: 1 and that if the
numbers of passengers travelling between the two stations by first and second class is 1 : 50. If on a
particular day. Rs 1325 are collected from passengers travelling between the two stations. Then the
amount collected from the second class passenger is

A. 1250
B. 1000
C. 850
D. 750
Q9. A man borrowed some money from a private organization at 5% simple interest p.a. He lended
this money to another person at 10% compounded interest p.a, and made a profit of Rs. 26.410 in 4
years. The man borrowed

A. 200000
B. 150000
C. 132050
D. 100000

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Q10. After replacing an old member by a new member, it was found that the average of five members
of a club is the same as it was 3 years ago. The difference between the ages of replaced and the new
members is

A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 8 years
D. 15 years
Q11. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 10, 12 and 15 days respectively, they started the work
together. But A left the work before 5 days of its completion. B also left the work 2 days after A left. In
how many days was the work Completed?

A. 4 Days
B. 5 Days
C. 7 Days
D. 8 Days
Q12. The marked price of a watch was Rs 720. A man bought the same for Rs 550.80 after getting two
successive discounts, the first 10%. What was the second discount rate?

A. 12%
B. 14%
C. 15%
D. 18%
Q13. In one glass, milk and water are mixed in the ratio 3:5 and in another glass they are mixed in the
ratio 6:1. In what ratio should the content of the two glasses be mixed together so that the new
mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 1:1?

A. 20:7
B. 8:3
C. 27:4
D. 25:9
Q14. A contractor Undertakes to make a road in 40 days and employees 25 men. After 24 days, he
finds that only one – Third of the road is made. How many extra men should he employ so that he is
able to complete the work 4 days earlier?

A. 100
B. 60
C. 75

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D. None of these
Q15. A person lends 40% of his sum of money at 15% per annum, 50% of rest at 10% per annum and
the rest at 18% per annum rate of interest. What would be the annual rate of Interest, If the Interest
is Calculated on The Whole Sum?

A. 13.4%
B. 14.33%
C. 14.4%
D. 13.33%
Q16. The weight of Mr. Gupta and Mrs. Gupta are in the ratio 7:5 and their total weight is 120 kg. After
taking a dieting course Mr. Gupta reduces by 6 kg and the ratio between their weights changes t 5:6,
So Mrs. Gupta has reduced by?

A. 4 Kg
B. 10 Kg
C. 6 Kg
D. 8 Kg
Q17. Sunil completed a piece of work in 4 days, whereas Dinesh completes the work in 6 days. Ramesh
does the work in 3/2 Times as fast as Sunil Does. The three together can complete the work in.

A. 24/19
B. 25
C. 22/12
D. 30
Q18. On a certain sum of money, the difference between the difference between the compound
interest for a year, payable half – yearly, and the simple interest for a year is Rs 56 if the rate of
interest in both case is 16% then the sum is?

A. Rs. 1080
B. Rs. 7805
C. Rs. 8750
D. Rs. 5780

Q19. By mistake instead of dividing Rs 117 among A. B and C in the ratio : : Was divided in the
ratio of 2: 3: 4. Who gains the most and how much?

A. A, Rs 28
B. B, Rs 3

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C. C, Rs 20
D. D, Rs 25
Q20. A vessel contains 60 litres of milk. 12 litres of milk taken out from it and replaced with water.
Then again from mixture, 12 litres is taken out and replaced with water. The ratio of milk and water in
the resultant mixture is?

A. 16:9
B. 15:10
C. 16:10
D. 9:5
Q21. Father is 3 times more aged than his daughter. If after 5 years, he would be 3 times of daughter’s
age then further after 5 years, how many times he would be of his daughter’s age?

A. 1( ½ times)
B. 2 times
C. 2.5 times
D. 3 times
Q22. Two cars start at the same time from one point and move along two roads, at right angle to each
other. Their speeds are 36 km/hr and 48 km/hr respectively. After 15 seconds distance between them
will be

A. 400 m
B. 150 m
C. 300 m
D. 250 m

Q23. A, B and C invested money in the ratio of in a business. After 4 months A doubled his
investment and after 6 months B halves his investment. If the total profit at the end of year be Rs
34650 then find the share of each in profit.

A. Rs 20, 000, Rs 25, 000, Rs 18000

B. Rs 15000, Rs 27, 200, Rs 20, 450
C. Rs 22,500, Rs 6750, Rs 5400
D. Rs, 10350, Rs 21, 540, Rs 12, 050
Q24. Ram and Shyam started travelling from points A and B which is 710 km apart. Ram is travelling by
train towards point B at a speed of 50 km/hr and Shyam is travelling by bus towards point A at a speed
of 30 km/hr. Shyam started travelling 3 hours after Ram and they met at a point P after certain time.
Find the distance between point P and point A.

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A. 400 km
B. 425 km
C. 450 km
D. 500 km
Q25. A walks at a uniform rate of 4 km and 4 hour after his Start, B bicycles after him at the uniform
rate of 10 km an hour. How far from the starting point will be catch A?
A. 22.2 km
B. 26.7 km
C. 30.2 km
D. 20.6 km
Q26. My brother is 3years elder to me my father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while
my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was
born, then what was the age of my father when my brother was born?
A. 35 years
B. 34 years
C. 33 years
D. 32 years
Q27. The value of 18 ÷ [26 - {25 - (15 - 5) ÷ 2}]of 12 + 2 - 2 ÷ 4 × 16 is:
A. 9/4
B. 3/2
C. - 25 /2
D. - 23/4

Q28. A person invests 12000 as fixed Deposit at a bank at the rate of 10% per annum. Simple Interest.
But due to some pressing needs he has to withdraw the entire money after 3 years. For which the
bank allowed him a lower rate of Interest. If he gets Rs 3320 less than what he would have got at the
end of 5 years, the rate of Interest allowed by the bank is

Q29. Walking at the rate of 4 km an hour, a man covers a certain distance in 3 hours 45 minutes If he
covers the same distance on cycle, cycling at the rate of 16.5 km/hr, the time taken by him is.

A. 55.45 minutes
B. 54. 55 minutes
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C. 55.44 minutes
D. 45. 55 minutes

Q30. If the profit of a shopkeeper is increased by 15% but the sale is decreased by 5%. Find the net
profit of the shopkeeper.
A. 10%
B. 9.25%
C. 8.75%
D. 11.25%
Q31. If the difference between the compound Interest, Compounded every six months and the SI on a
certain sum of money at the rate of 12% p.a for one year is Rs 36 the Sum is?

A. 10000
B. 12000
C. 15000
D. 9000
Q32. If 6 years are subtracted from the present age of Ajay and the remainder is divided by 18 then the
present age of Rahul is obtained. If Rahul is 2 years younger to Denis whose age is 5 years, then what is
Ajay’s present age?

A. 50 years
B. 60 years
C. 55 years
D. 62 years
Q33. A company produces and average of 4000 items per month for the first 3 months. How much
items, its must produce on an average per month over the next months to get average 43765 items per
month over the whole year?

A. 4500
B. 4600
C. 4680
D. 4710
Q34. Aman lends a sum of money to Aman at the rate of 3% for the first 2 years, 5% for the next 3
years and 7% for next 1 year. If the total simple interest for the 6 years is Rs.840, then find the sum of
A. Rs. 2500
B. Rs. 2800
C. Rs. 3000
D. Rs. 3200
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Q35. Nitin Borrowed some money at the rate if 6% p.a for the first three year 9% p.a for the next time
Five Year 13%p.a for the period beyond eight years. If the Total interest paid by him at the end of 11
years is. Rs 8160, the money borrowed by him
A. 12000
B. 6000
C. 8000
D. 10000
Q36. In order to maintain the price line a trader allows a discount of 10% on the marked price of an
article. However, he still makes a profit of 17% on the cost price. Had he sold the article at the marked
price he would have earned a profit percent of
A. 30%
B. 32%
C. 33%
D. 35%
Q37. Two trains A and B starts from stations X and Y towards each other, they take 4 hours 48 minutes
and 3 hours 20 minutes to reach Y and X respectively after they meet. If train A is moving at 45 km/hr,
then the speed of the train B is
A. 50 km/hr
B. 51 km/hr
C. 58 Km/hr
D. 54 km/hr
Q38. An alloy contains Zinc, copper and tin in the ratio 2:3:1 and an other contains copper, tin and lead
in the ratio 5:4:3. If equal weights of both alloys are melted together to form a third alloy, then the
weight of lead per kg in the new alloy?
A. ½ Kg
B. 1/8 Kg
C. 3/14 Kg
D. 7/9 Kg
Q39. Mr. A opened a workshop investing 40,000 He Invested additional amount of 10,000 every year.
After two years his student B joined him with an amount of 85000. There after B did not invest any
additional amount on Completion of four year from the opening of workshop they earned an profit of
1, 95, 000. What will be A’s share in the earning.
A. 85,000
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B. 1, 10, 000
C. 1, 35, 000
D. 95, 000
Q40. A shopkeeper bought 15kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 29/kg and 25 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 20
per kg. He sold the mix true of both types of rice at the rate of Rs 27 per kg. His profit in the
transaction is?
A. Rs 125
B. Rs 150
C. Rs 140
D. Rs 145

Q41. P and Q are 27 km away. Two trains with speed of 24km/hr and 18km/hr respectively start
simultaneously from P and Q and travel in the same direction. They meet at a point R beyond Q.
Distance QR is
A. 126 km
B. 81 km
C. 48 km
D. 36 km
Q42. 3400 is divided among A, B, C, D in such a way that the share of A and B, B and C, C and D may be
as 2:3, 4:3 and 2:3 respectively. The sum of shares of B and D is.
A. 2040
B. 1680
C. 2000
D. 1720
Q43. A mixture contains wine and water in the ratio 3:2 and another mixture contains them in the
ratio 4:5. How many litres of the latter mixture must be mixed with 3 litres of the former, mixture so
that the resultant mixture may contain equal quantities of wine and water?

A. 1 Litres

B. 5 Litres

C. 4 Litres

D. 3 Litres

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Q44. X and Y entered into a partnership, Investing Rs 16000 and Rs 12, 000 respectively. After 3
months X withdrew Rs 5000, while Y invested 5000 more. After 3 months more Z joins the business
with a capital of Rs 21, 000. After a year they obtained a profit of Rs 26, 400 by what amount does the
share of Y exceed the share does the share of Y exceed the share of Z.
A. 3600
B. 3800
C. 4600
D. 4800
Q45. A car travels from P to Q at a constant speed. If its speed were increased by 10 km/hr lesser to
cover the distance. It would have taken further 45 minutes lesser if the speed was further increased by
10 km/hr. The distance between the two cities is?
A. 540 km
B. 420 km
C. 600 km
D. 620 km
Q46. Four milkmen rented a pasture M put to graze 16 cows for 3 months and N 20 cows for 4 months,
O 18 cows for months and P 42 cows for 2 months. If M’s Share of rent be Rs 2400, the rent paid by O
A. 3200
B. 4200
C. 4000
D. 5400
Q47. What equal installments of annual payment will discharge of a debt which is due at Rs 848 at end
of 4 years at 4% p.a simple interest?
A. 200
B. 400
C. 500
D. 600
Q48. A train with a speed of 72 km/hr travelling in the opposite direction crosses an another train
which is half of the length runs at a speed of 54 km/hr in 18 seconds and crosses a platform in 1
minute. Find the length of platform.
A. 780 m
B. 680 m
C. 880 m
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D. 580 m

Q49. A man can row 6 km/h in still water. If the speed of the current is 2 km/h, it takes 3 hours more in
upstream than in the downstream for the same distance. The distance is
A. 30 km
B. 24 km
C. 20 km
D. 32 km
Q50. A man goes downstream with a boat to some destination and returns upstream to his original
place in 5 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water and the stream are 10 km/hr and 4 km/ hr
respectively, the distance of the destination from the starting place is
A. 16 km
B. 18 km
C. 21 km
D. 25 km

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Q1. Two numbers are such as that square of one is 224 less than 8 times the square of the other. If
the numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 4, they are:
A. 12, 16
B. 6, 8
C. 9, 12
D. None of these

Q2. One-fourth of Nikhil’s money is equal to one-sixth of Yogesh’s money. If both together have Rs
600, what is the difference between their amounts?
A. RS. 120
B. RS. 240
C. RS. 200
D. RS. 160

Q3. A vessel, full of water, weighs 27.5 kg. when the vessel is 1/4 full, it weighs 12.26 kg. Find the
weight of empty vessel?
A. 4.18 kg
B. 7.18 kg
C. 8.08 kg
D. None of these


A. 5/4
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10/5

Q5. The cost of 2 chairs and 3 tables is Rs.1300. The cost of 3 chairs and 2 tables is Rs.1200. The cost
of each table is more than that of each chair by?
A. 120
B. 300
C. 200
D. 100

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A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5

Q7. Father’s age is 4 less than five times the age of his son and the product of their ages is 288. Find
the father’s age.
A. 40 yrs
B. 36 yrs
C. 26 yrs
D. 42yrs

Q8. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27,
then how old is B?
A. 18 yrs
B. 20 yrs
C. 16 yrs
D. 10 yrs

Q9. In an examination, 40% of the candidates wrote their answers in Hindi and the others in English.
The average marks of the candidates written in Hindi is 74 and the average marks of the candidates
written in English is 77. What is the average marks of all the candidates?
A. 75.5
B. 75.8
C. 76.0
D. 76.8

Q10. 3 years ago the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. With the birth of a new
baby, the average age of six members remains the same even today. Find the age of the new baby.
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 3 years
D. cannot be determined

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Q11. Ajay leaves Mumbai at 6 am and reaches Bangalore at 10 am. Prakash leaves Bangalore at 8 am
and reaches Mumbai at 11:30 am. At what time do they cross each other?
A. 10 am
B. 8:32 am
C. 8:56 am
D. 9:20 am

Q12. Two trains of equal length running in opposite directions, pass a Man standing by the side of
railway line in 18 sec, and 12 sec respectively. The time that the two trains take to cross each other, is
A. 7.2 sec
B. 9.6 sec
C. 10.8 sec
D. 14.4 sec

Q13. A thief goes away with a SANTRO car at a speed of 40 kmph. The theft has been discovered after
half an hour and the owner sets off in a bike at 50 kmph when will the owner overtake the thief from
the start?
A. 4 hrs
B. 2 hrs
C. 4 hrs
D. None of these

Q14. A train leaves Delhi at 9 a.m. at a speed of 30 kmph. Another train leaves at 2 p.m. at a speed of
40 kmph on the same day and in the same direction. How far from Delhi, will the two trains meet?
A. 400 km
B. 300 km
C. 600 km
D. None of the above

Q15. A and B can do alone a job in 6 day and 12 days respectively. They began the work together but 3 days
before the completion of job, A leaves off. In how many days will the work be completed?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7

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Q16. X and Y can do a piece of work in 30 days. They work together for 6 days and then X quits and Y
finishes the work in 32 more days. In how many days can Y do the piece of work alone?
A. 30 days
B. 32 days
C. 34 days
D. 40 days

Q17. A can do a piece of work in 'x' days and B can do the same work in ‘3x’ days, to finish the work
together they take 12 days. What is the value of 'x'?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 16

Q18. A is thrice as efficient as B and hence completes a work in 40 days less than the number of days
taken by B. What will be the number of days taken by both of them when working together?
A. 22.5 days
B. 15 days
C. 20 days
D. 18 days

Q19. A man is twice as fast as a woman. Together the man and the woman do the piece of work in 10
days. In how many days each will do the work if engaged alone?
A. man-14 days, woman-28 days
B. man-15 days, woman-30 days
C. man-10 days, woman-20 days
D. None of these

Q20. A began a business with Rs 4500 and was joined afterwards by B with Rs 5400. If the profits at
the end of year was divided in the ratio 2 : 1 when did B join as a partner?
A. 3 months
B. 2 months
C. 5 months
D. 7 months

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Q21. The dimensions of a rectangular room when increased by 4 metres are in the ratio of 4 : 3 and
when decreased by 4 metres, are in the ratio of 2 : 1. The dimensions of the room are
A. 6 m and 4 m
B. 12 m and 8 m
C. 16 m and 12 m
D. 24 m and 16 m

Q22. A and B have their monthly incomes in the ratio 8 : 5, while their monthly expenditures are in
the ratio 5 : 3. If they have saved Rs 12,000 and Rs 10,000 monthly respectively, then the difference in
their monthly income is
A. Rs 42,000
B. Rs 44,000
C. Rs 46,000
D. RS 52,000

Q23. When 50% of one number is added to a second number, the second number increases to its
four-thirds. What is the ratio between the first number and the second number?
A. 3 : 2
B. 3 : 4
C. 2 : 3
D. Data inadequate

Q24. The largest and the second largest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 13 : 12. The smallest
angle is 20% of the sum of the largest and the second largest angles. What is the sum of the smallest
and the second largest angles?
A. 120°
B. 108°
C. 100°
D. 102°

Q25. The ratio of two numbers is 4 : 7. If each of these numbers increases by 30, their ratio will
become 5 : 8 . What are the two numbers?
A. 120, 210
B. 145, 120
C. 145, 165
D. 165, 210

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Q26. 20 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 5 : 3. If 4 litres of this mixture be
replaced by 4 litres of milk, the ratio of milk to water in the new mixture would be:
A. 2 : 1
B. 7 : 3
C. 8 : 3
D. 4 : 3

Q27. The simple interest on a certain sum of money at 4% per annum for 4 yrs is Rs. 80 more than the
interest on the same sum for 3 yrs at 5% per annum. Find the sum.
A. Rs. 8000
B. Rs. 5000
C. Rs. 7000
D. Rs. 6000

Q28. Find the amount to be paid back on a loan of Rs. 18,000 at 5.5% per annum for 3 years.
A. 20,000
B. 20,800
C. 20,970
D. None of these

Q29. The difference between compound interest and simple interest for 2 years at the rate of 10%
over principal amount of RS. X is Rs. 10. What is the value of X?
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 3000
D. 4000

Q30. Find the compound interest on RS. 18,750 in 2 yrs the rate of interest being 4% for the first year
and 8% for the second year.
A. RS. 2000
B. RS. 2310
C. RS. 2320
D. RS. 2010

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Q31. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum of money in 3
years at the rate of 7% per annum is Rs. 225.645. What is the principal?
A. Rs. 10, 000
B. Rs. 15, 000
C. Rs. 17,000
D. Rs. 20,000

Q32. If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percent?
A. 4.5%
B. 4.2%
C. 4%
D. 3.8%

Q33. If a shopkeeper sold a book with 20% profit after giving a discount of 10% on marked price. The
ratio of cost price and marked price of the book is.
A. 6:5
B. 5:6
C. 3:4
D. 2:3

Q34. A furniture seller sells two tables at Rs. 1500 each. He earned a profit of 20% on one table and
suffered a loss of 20% on another table. Net profit or Loss in this deal is
A. 4% loss
B. 4% profit
C. Neither profit nor loss
D. 10% profit

Q35. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 5

Q36. A person sold an article for RS. 3600 and got a profit of 20%. Had he sold the article for RS. 3150,
how much profit would he have got?
A. 4%
B. 5%
C. 6%
D. 7%
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Q37. Two articles are sold for RS. 9,720 each. On one, the seller gains 8% and on the other, he loses
10%. What is his overall gain or loss?
A. 380 gain
B. 360 loss
C. 380 loss
D. 360 gain

Q38. If a% of a + b% of b = 2% of ab, then what percent of a is b ?

A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 100%
D. Cannot be determined.

Q39. A fruit seller has a certain number of mangoes of which 5% are rotten. He sells 75% of the
remainder and he is left with 95 mangoes. How many mangoes did he have originally?
A. 500
B. 450
C. 400
D. 350

Q40. In a college election between two rivals, a candidate who got 40% of the total votes polled, was
defeated by his rival by 160 votes. The total number of votes polled was
A. 900
B. 800
C. 600
D. 700

Q41. A number, when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80% . What is four - fifth of that number?
A. 175
B. 140
C. 95
D. 180

Q42. 300 grams of sugar solution has 40% of sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it
50% in the solution?
A. 60gms
B. 80 gms
C. 40 gms
D. 10 gms
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Q43. The price of a car is decreased by 10 % and 20 % in two successive years. What per cent of price
of a car is decreased after two years?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 27%
D. 28%

Q44. A’s income is 60% of B’s income, and A’s expenditure is 70% of B’s expenditure. If A’s income is
75% of B’s expenditure, find the ratio of A’s savings to B’s savings.
A. 5:1
B. 1:5
C. 3.5:1
D. 2:7

Q45. Two trains of lengths 150m and 180m respectively are running in opposite directions on parallel
tracks. If their speeds be 50 km/ hr and 58 km/hr respectively, in what time will they cross each
A. 22 seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 30 seconds
D. 11 seconds

Q46. A train starts from a place A at 6 a.m. and arrives at another place B at 4.30 p.m. on the same
day. If the speed of the train is 40 km per hour, find the distance travelled by the train ?
A. 420 km
B. 230 km
C. 320 km
D. 400 km

Q47. A train covers a certain distance in 210 minutes at a speed of 60 kmph. The time taken by the
train, to cover the same distance at a speed of 80 kmph is :
A. 29/8hours
B. 21/8hours
C. 37/8hours
D. 3 hours

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Q48. A bus moving at 40 km per hour covers a distance in 6 hours 15 minutes. If it travels the same
distance at 50 km per hour how long will it take to cover the distance ?
A. 2 hrs
B. 6 hrs
C. 4 hrs
D. 5 hrs
Q49. A man travels some distance at a speed of 12 km/hr and returns at a speed of 9 km/hr. If the
total time taken by him is 2 hrs 20 minutes the distance is
A. 35 km.
B. 21 km.
C. 9 km.
D. 12 km.

Q50. In a shop, shirts are usually sold at 40% above the cost price. During a sale, the shopkeeper
offers a discount of 10% off the usual selling price. If he manages to sell 72 shirts for 13,608, then his
cost price per shirt, (in) is?
A. 210
B. 150
C. 149
D. 125

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