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I. Give the words in English for the following items:

1. Linterna : ____FLASHLIGHT______

2. Carpa : ___TENT / LARGE TENT ________

3. Saco de dormir : ___SLEEPING BAG ______

4. Máquina de afeitar : _____RAZOR ________

5. Botiquín de primeros auxilios : __FIRST AID KIT ____

6. Toalla : __TOWEL _____

7. Cepillo y pasta de dientes : ___TOOTHBRUSH AND TOOTHPASTE_____

8. Pilas : ___BATTERIES__________

9. Un par de Tijeras : __A PAIR OF SCISSORS___

10. Bloqueador solar : _SUNSCREEN ___

III.- Look at each picture and give 4 suggestions to do each activity :

1.- Go trekking

1.- You should wear sunnglasses and sunscreen.

2.- It is a Good idea to bring a bottle of wáter, as it is very important that you stay hydrated during
the excursión.

3.- You Will need warm clothing, in case there is a sudden change in weather.

4.- You could have food for when they get hungry.

2.- Go to the Caribbean

1.- You’re going to need insect repellent.

2.- It is important to bring a swimsuit and a change of clothes.

3.- You need to find accommodation according to you needs.

4.- It´s a Good idea to bring souvenirs for the family.

3.- Go to a World Cup

1.- You must wear the shirt of the team you like.

2.- It is a Good idea to buy snacks.

3.- It is necessary to go wu¿ith Friends.

4.-It is a Good idea to wear comfortable clothes to celebrate goals.

IV.- Match the SUGGESTION With the SITUATION. There is One Extra option.

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