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BioSystems 7 (1975) 266--292

© North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands


Department of Biology, Boston University, 2 Cummington Street, Boston, Mass. 02215, USA

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n ian e v o l u t i o n a r y process, o n e is led d i r e c t l y t o

the realization t h a t the organelles o f e u k a r y o t i c
We light microscopists, w h e t h e r we call our- cells originated t h r o u g h a s e q u e n c e o f heredi-
selves microbiologists, p r o t o z o o l o g i s t s , cell tary e n d o s y m b i o t i c association. One reason is
biologists, m i c r o p a l e o n t o l o g i s t s , c y t o g e n e t i c - simple: the processes p o s t u l a t e d to have oc-
ists, histologists or m e m b e r s o f some o t h e r curred during the e v o l u t i o n o f e u k a r y o t e s re-
artificial discipline are direct d e s c e n d a n t s o f curred m a n y times and gave rise to m a n y
the D u t c h school o f m i c r o b i o l o g y and its' great strange microbeasts, some which were first
ancestor f r o m Delft, A n t o n i van L e e u w e n h o e k . witnessed b y t h e draper. C o n t i n u e d s t u d y , van
Insatiably curious, he c o n s i d e r e d all o f n a t u r e L e e u w e n h o e k style, has led to r e o b s e r v a t i o n o f
and especially its " a n i m a l c u l e s " w o r t h y o f these organisms with far finer tools than he had
a t t e n t i o n . T o van L e e u w e n h o e k the world was available, and t o a r e a w a k e n i n g o f interest in
an organic whole e x t e n d i n g into smaller places; the t h e o r y I am advocating.
it was never divided into p e r m i t t e d and forbid- This p a p e r presents the "serial e n d o s y m b i o -
den territories--botanical, zoological, proto- sis t h e o r y " ( T a y l o r , 1974) in its m o s t c u r r e n t
zoological or bacteriological. In this p a p e r I f o r m and shows h o w r e e x a m i n a t i o n o f these
h o p e to revive van L e e u w e n h o e k ' s view t h a t microbial e c o s y s t e m s o f van L e e u w e n h o e k
e v e r y t h i n g small is w o r t h y o f study. (e.g., microbes o f the m o u t h , sea water and
It is m y belief t h a t if o n e follows the exam- ponds, d e c a y i n g m a t t e r ) leads to discoveries o f
ple of van L e e u w e n h o e k and excludes n o n e o f p r e c e d e n t s and analogs for all o f the processes
the living m i c r o b e s f r o m c o n s i d e r a t i o n b u t h y p o t h e s i z e d as steps in the origin of n u c l e a t e d
recognizes all as p r o d u c t s o f the neo-Darwin- cells {Margulis, 1 9 7 0 ) .
It has t a k e n until this second half o f the 2 0 t h
* On March 26 and 27th, 1975, The Royal Academy C e n t u r y to bring van L e e u w e n h o e k ' s observa-
of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- tions into a c o h e r e n t whole. He described
schappen) celebrated the 300th anniversary of the h u m a n and animal sperm, placoid scales o f
work of their illustrious countryman, Antoni van e l a s m o b r a n c h fish, insect appendages, oral and
Leeuwenhoek. This contribution to that occasion was fecal spirochaetes, fossil f o r a m i n f e r o u s lime-
the only one that, unfortunately, was not delivered in
the Dutch language. Because of the nature of the stone, cell division and sexual c o n j u g a t i o n in
meeting, which called together an active, diverse ciliates. Indeed, m o s t m o d e m biologists have
group of biologists and physicians, the paper is a never gazed u p o n m a n y o f the objects he saw. If
review of the present status of the symbiosis theory t h e y had, t h e y would perhaps have n o t f o u n d it
of cell evolution, some aspects of which have ap- so startling t h a t c o m p l e x i n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n
peared before (Margulis, 1975a and b). The entire
symposium ("De microbiologie drie eeuwen na An- species is a fact o f life, t h a t m u c h i n t e r a c t i o n
toni van Leeuwenhoek") will be published by Pudoc, leads to symbioses and t h a t symbioses include
Wageningen. t h o s e o f the h e r e d i t a r y t y p e . T h e h e r e d i t a r y or

cyclical type of symbiosis is a relationship in of study are being seen as relevant to the
which two partners of different species are evolution of microorganisms on the early
regularly associated throughout the life cycle Earth. For some references to these develop-
of both. ments see Barghoorn (1971); Ponnamperuma
Some 200 years after the death of van (1971); Ponnamperuma and Buvet (1971);
Leeuwenhoek came the publication of the little Schopf (1974); Dose et al. (1974); Walters
book by Kluyver and van Niel (1956) in con- (1976). In spite of fantastic new methodologi-
tinuation of the Dutch school of microbiology. cal advances -- transmission and scanning elec-
This may have been the most important step tron microscopy; gas chromatograph-mass
toward the integration of the bacterial "animal- spectrometry; the ultracentrifuge; the use of
cules" into the conceptual framework of bio- radioisotopes; column chromatography and
logical thought. Followed by van Niel and electrophoresis; and so forth -- it is the tool of
Stanier's classic paper {1962), it led to the firm van Leeuwenhoek himself that still occupies
recognition of the prokaryotic nature of bac- the most central role in the analysis of objects
teria and blue green algae. Although the word seen for the first time by him. For comparisons
" p r o k a r y o t e " was probably first coined by of live microorganisms, for the study of micro-
Chatton*, the concept of the prokaryote dis- bial fossils trapped in cherts (e.g., Tyler and
continuity was developed and brought to the Barghoorn, 1954; Schopf and Blacic, 1971; see
rest of Europe and the USA by the descendants Schopf, 1974 for review) and for the study of
of the Dutch school (Stanier and van Niel, chromosomes, the light microscope has no
1962; Stanier, 19,34). equal.
In the late 1950's, with the publication of
The Microbial World (Stanier et al., 1957) and,
more recently, Brock's {1970) elegant tome 2. Outline of the theory of the origin of euka-
Biology of Microorganisms, it became clear ryotic cells by hereditary serial endosymbiosis
what the "animalcules" are and how they differ
from each other and from larger, more familiar What follows is admittedly the " e x t r e m e "
organisms. However, the knowledge that mi- version of the serial endosymbiotic theory
crobes, like metazoans and green plants, are (S.E.T.) in that all three classes of organelles
products of neo-Darwinian evolution is still in (mitochondria, photosynthetic plastids and fla-
process of realization. That evolution in mi- gella/cilia, i.e. 9 + 2 homologues made of micro-
crobes has happened by changes of gene fre- tubules) are hypothesized to have originated by
quencies in natu::al populations with time at hereditary endosymbiosis. For critical discus-
specific places and periods in the history of the sion of these points see Taylor (1974). Al-
Earth is a concept still under development. The though many are willing to accept the S.E.T.
field of evolutionary microbiology is right now for plastids and mitochondria (e.g., Schnepf
emerging, and we are witnessing an enormously and Brown, 1971; Lipmann, 1974; Taylor,
energetic intellectual synthesis in this direc- 1974; John and W~atley, 1975), others feel that
tion. However, :.1o one yet calls himself a the evidence for the symbiotic origin of mito-
microbial evolutionist. chondria is inconclusive or unconvincing (Raff
It is possible that the first seven-eighths of and Mahler, 1972; Avers, 1974; Uzell and
earth's history (from about 3.5 to about 0.6 Spolsky, 1974; Raff, 1975) and very few (if
billion years ago) was the "Age of the Prokary- any) serious scientists share my belief that the
ote Microbes" (Barghoorn, 1974). Entire fields eukaryote cilia-flagella system of microtubules
originated by hereditary endosymbiosis. Even
* This is reputed to be in E. Chatton, 1937, Titres et though it may not be correct, the extreme
travaux scientifique. E. Sottano sete Quatro. 407 p., version of the S.E.T. is both explicit and
but I have been unable to locate the book. testable and will therefore be included in the

subsequent discussion on the status of germane Paracoccus ( Micrococcus) denitrifricans. The

evidence. general similarity of the cytochromes, qui-
All organisms on earth have anaerobic, fer- nones, inhibitor sensitivities and electron trans-
mentative, heterotrophic, prokaryotic ances- port chain between Paracoccus and mitochon-
tors. The triplet nonoverlapping nucleotide dria is overwhelming (John and Whatley,
base sequence that serves as the universal ge- 1975}. The differences between them can be
netic code determining amino acid sequences in interpreted as adaptations to an intracellular
proteins was present in the bacterial population role (e.g., loss of the constitutive nitrate reduc-
ancestral to all extant forms of life. In the early tase pathway; transport of ATP to the sur-
precambrian, selection pressures led to exten- roundings; and so forth}. Perhaps a Paracoccus
sive adaptive radiation among prokaryotes, with predatory behavior might be sought as
primarily on the metabolic level. Among oth- ancestor to mitochondria. The nucleus and
ers, the following cell types evolved: myco- other endoplasmic membranes probably
plasm-like fermenters (catabolizing glucose to evolved autogenously, after the presence of
pyruvate via anaerobic glycolysis using the protomitochondria provided the way for the
Embden Meyerhof metabolic pathway); spiro- steroid biosynthetic pathway. Selection pres-
chaetes; photosynthetic oxygen-eliminating sures for the formation of the nuclear mem-
prokaryotes (coccoid blue green algae); and brane probably involved the segregation of
aerobic gram negative eubacteria that oxidized newly synthesized DNA on endomembrane
small organic acids via the Krebs cycle (Sagan, (Leibowitz and Schaechter, 1974} and/or the
1967; Margulis, 1970; 1971b; 1972a,b; sequestering of nucleoplasm DNA to protect it
1975a,b). from the more oxidizing conditions of the
According to the S.E.T., the first step in the cytoplasm surrounding the mitochondria.
origin of eukaryotes from prokaryotes was the The second symbiotic step is hypothesized
acquisition of protomitochondria. This event to be the acquisition by the mitochondria-con-
could have occurred when a fermentative an- taining amoeboids of highly motile anaerobic
aerobe (host) was invaded by Krebs cycle-con- surface bacteria (very likely spirochaetes}.
taining gram negative eubacteria (protomito- Many mutations and intracellular transfer of
chondria); stabilization of this initially pre- genes from bacteria to host preceded the origin
datory association led to the formation of the of amoeboflagellates, ciliates and many other
mitochondria-containing amoeboids, from protists. The surface spirochaete bacteria
which all other eukaryotes derive (Hall, 1973). evolved into the "9 + 2" homologues: basal
Because pinocytosis and phagocytosis are vir- bodies, cilia, flagella, and other microtubule-
tually unknown in prokaryotes (Stanier, 1970) based structures. Mitosis, as a process, evolved
and because recently characterized Bdellovi- in many lines of organisms as the motile bacte-
brio-like organisms provide such a fine model ria merged with the amoeboid host cell, and the
for the penetration of bacterial hosts by aero- morphogenetic processes of the bacteria even-
bic gram negative eubacteria, I now feel the tually were utilized in the formation of the
first prokaryotic-prokaryotic symbiotic step "achromatic apparatus" (mitotic spindle) of
probably occurred by invasion, modification mitosis. (See Margulis, 1970, 1974b, and
and stabilization of Bdellovibrio-like behavior. Pickett-Heaps, 1974, for detailed but different
(See Starr and Seidler, 1971, and Starr, 1975, expositions of the possible steps involved in the
for details concerning BdeUovibrio.) Alterna- origin of mitosis.)
tively because the electron transport chain of The final symbiotic step involved the acqui-
Paracoccus denitrificans is so similar to that of sition of photosynthesis by different popula-
mitochondria, the first step could have been tions of eukaryotic heterotrophs. Ingestion,
the acquisition of an intracellular endosym- without digestion, of blue green algae by vari-
biont comparable to the facultative aerobe ous protist hosts under nutrient-poor condi-

tions led to the establishment of stable, herita- "cell" is an inadequate term, and follow his
ble, intracellular symbioses. The prokaryotic suggestion that in referring to cells we use
algae eventually became the obligatory sym- words that reflect the number of membrane
biotic photosynt:netic plastids in the origin of bound protein synthesizing units; for example,
various lines of nucleated algae and, eventually, the use of "monad" for prokaryote, "dyad" for
chlorophytes anti archegoniate multicellular heterotrophic eukaryotes and "triad" for pho-
green plants. tosynthetic eukaryotes. (If the spirochaete ori-
Thus, according to the S.E.T., all eukaryotes gin for the flagellar-mitotic system is correct, it
are at least digenomic (contain two indepen- is clear that the once independent protein
dently derived genomes: host and mitochon- synthesizing system of the motile bacteria must
dria); according to the extreme S.E.T., most have become completely integrated into the
heterotrophic eukaryotes were originally tri- complex eukaryotic host system. Thus Taylor's
genomic (host, mitochondria, 9 + 2 homol- terminology can be applied to eukaryotes no
ogue and plastids) as illustrated in Fig. 1. matter which version of the serial endosym-
I agree with Taylor's (1974) contention that biotic theory is finally accepted.) Multicellular

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Fig. 1. Model for the origin of eukaryotic organelles by symbiosis (see Margulis, 1970 for details).

units, then (according to Taylor, 1974) be- my opinion, the strongest advocates of the
come: polymonads (e.g., filamentous and my- nonsymbiotic view (Allsopp, 1969; Raff and
celial prokaryotes such as Gardnerula, Poly- Mahler, 1972 and Raff, 1975; Perlman and
angium or Myxococcus); polydyads (e.g., slime Mahler, 1970; Uzzell and Spolsky, 1974) ig-
molds, ascomycetes, metazoa); and polytriads nore certain critical bodies of literature and
(e.g., bryophytes, tracheophytes, brown and facts (see Margulis, 1975a, for discussion). The
red eukaryotic seaweeds); and so forth. Appli- burden of detailing the nonsymbiotic theory
cation of Taylor's analyses to both cells and predictions must lie with its advocates.
extant associations has already proven useful
(Margulis, 1975b). 4. Experimental studies and explanations
generated by the serial endosymbiotic theory

3. Historical theories: on the nature of the 4.1. Genetic behavior of organelles

Three distinct patterns of inheritance can be
It is never possible to rigorously prove after detected in the ciliate protist Paramecium aure-
the fact that a unique series of events did occur l/a: nuclear (Mendelian); caryonidal (a special-
in any historical context. Evolutionary biolo- ized modified nuclear mode); and cytoplasmic
gists, like historians, deal with series of com- (Sonneborn 1947; Barnett, 1966). For many
plex, irreversible phenomena. They can only years the inheritance of the killer trait has been
present arguments based on the assumption the standard example of the behavior of cyto-
that of all the plausible historical sequences, plasmic genes (Sonnenborn, 1959). The killer
one is more likely to be a correct description of p h e n o t y p e was found to depend on the pres-
past events than another. The probability that ence of cytoplasmic kappa particles. Traits
one particular historical reconstruction is more correlated with the presence of kappa particles
accurate than another increases as the number are inherited independently of the nucleus, yet
of explanations for existing observations in- kappa requires several Mendelian genes for its
crease. An evolutionary theory can also be maintenance (K genes) and is negatively af-
judged by its predictive power. In this con- fected by several other nuclear alleles (S genes).
text, some experimental studies already gener- The complete solution of the problem is at
ated by the extreme S.E.T. are described be- hand. Kappa (Fig. 2) is a class (only one of
low, and a number of potential areas of investi- many, Beale et al., 1969) of hereditary endo-
gation are presented in Section 5. These studies symbiotic bacteria that harbors virus (Preer et
and their predicted conclusions do not neces- al., 1974). The similarity between the genetic
sarily follow from alternative monophyletic behavior of kappa and similar endosymbiotic
and/or partial symbiotic concepts for the origin bacteria and mitochondria and photosynthetic
of eukaryotic cells. plastids is striking. An obvious explanation is
In his remarkably complete and well-argued that both kappa and these organelles began as
paper Taylor (1974) explores several alterna- free-living prokaryotes and, with time, have
tives to the endosymbiotic view of the origin of become hereditary endosymbionts more and
mitochondria and plastids. He enumerates the more dependent on products of nuclear genes.
logical problems with most endogenous or In fact, the hypothesis that mitochondria and
"pinching o f f " hypotheses and considers new plastids originated as prokaryotic symbionts
data from molecular and cellular biology in the has generated some fine experiments and an
light of nonsymbiotic theories (Taylor, 1976). immense literature (see, for example, Nass,
Since his presentation of non-S.E.T, alterna- M.M.K., 1969, 1971; Nass, S., 1969; Cohen,
tives is far less impassioned and biased than 1970, 1973 for review; Pigott and Carr, 1972;
mine, the reader is referred to his reviews. In Ebringer, 1972). Let us take just one limited

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Fig. 2. Examples of bacterial symbionts in the ciliate, Paramecium aurelia. (a) Osmium-lacto-orcein preparation
of stock 239 (syngen 4), whole Paramecium containing "lambda" symbionts, the numerous dark-stained rods
filling the cell. ([Park phase contrast X500, courtesy of Dr. John Preer, University of Indiana, Dept. of Zoology,
Bloomington, Indiana.) (b) Unfixed purified preparation of kappa particles (bacteria) isolated from stock 51
(syngen 4) paramecia. The rods with uniform color are non-bright kappas; those containing a light spherical
refractile (R) body are very slightly unrolled due to coverslip pressure, taking a characteristic V shape. It is
thought that kal:.Pa particles with the ability to kill noninfected paramecia harbor refractile bodies in various
stages of development and that these bodies are a manifestation of the phage (virus) particles untimately responsi-
ble for the killing action. (Bright phase contrast X1650, courtesy of Dr. C. Kung, University of California, Santa
Barbara.) (c) Electron micrograph of stock 7 (syngen 2) Paramecium showing longitudinal section through a
bright kappa particle (bacterium). Note dark staining spherical phage-like structures inside the coiled R body.
Surrounding the P~ body and extending beyond it on either side is a fine membrane, the sheath. (d) Electron
micrograph of stock 1039 (syngen 2) unrolled R body of kappa. The end at the bottom terminates in an acute
angle while the end at top is blunt and irregular (X 30,000).

but extremely exciting example of the useful- algae are products of symbioses, has begun to
ness of the S.E.T. in explaining the recently clarify the relationships among these orga-
discovered "sexual" behavior of mitochondria nisms. Single consistent phylogenies and taxo-
and chloroplasts. nomic schemes for the "lower eukaryotes" can
The evidence that recombination of non- now be drawn. Although symbiosis may not be
Mendelian (cytoplasmic) markers occurs be- a factor in the origin of most higher taxa, it has
tween differently marked mitochondria enter- been decidedly significant in many cases
ing a cross in yeast is now overwhelming {Fig. 4). (See Whittaker, 1969, 1975; Margulis,
(Mounolou et al., 1967; Thomas and Wilkie, 1974a,c for details and Leedale, 1974, for
1968; Wilkie and Thomas, 1973; see Kujon et discussion.)
al., 1974 and Gillham, 1974, 1976 for details.)
Comparable organellar sexual recombination 4.3 The microfossiliferous Preca m brian
phenomena are probably occurring after zy-
gote formation in Chlamydomonas chloro- It has long been recognized that there is no
plasts as well (Sager, 1972; Gillham, 1974). The catastrophic environmental gap in the fossil
best model for the nature of the recombination record between the precambrian and the Pha-
process in organelles is a potentially multipar- nerozoic. The "sudden appearance" of animal
ent, unidirectional (polarized) model {Gillham fossils at the base of the Cambrian has been
et al., 1974; Gillham, 1975). Thus, the detailed puzzling, but the recognition that, fundamen-
comparison of the genetic behavior of organel- tally, the precambrian was the "Age of the
les (mitochondria and plastids) with prokary- Prokaryote Microbes" and the Phanerozoic the
otic recombination systems has proven fruitful. "age of Eukaryotes" clarifies this discrepancy
If these organelles had originated by differen- (Barghoorn, 1974; Margulis, 1972c). Of course
tiation of cytoplasm within a primitive eukary- this is an oversimplification not addressed to
ote, the independent origin of prokaryote-type the origin of shelled metazoans (Cloud, 1968)
recombination in organelles and free-living bac- and the role of oxygen and other environmen-
teria and their viruses is difficult to account for. tal variables shaping the selection pressures on
Genetic interaction between organisms that the biota(Cloud, 1974). However, the symbiot-
are clearly recognizable symbiotic partners is ic theory is consistent with the idea that pro-
not well understood. There is no doubt that karyotic microorganisms, including oxygen-
heritable modification of symbionts occurs eliminating photosynthesizers, preceded by
with time. The gradual development of depen- hundreds of millions of years the origin of the
dence of the host nuclei on symbiont products eukaryotic metazoan animals and green plants
has been directly observed (by Jeon, 1972, for (senso stricto ).
example) in new bacterial-amoebae associa- The recognition that precambrian times
tions (Fig. 3). Because of the usefulness of such were dominated by prokaryotes has led to
information in understanding the processes fruitful collaboration between blue green algal
that have led to the evolution of organelles mat ecologists and precambrian sedimentary
from free-living symbionts, I have recently geologists (e.g., Waiters, 1976; Golubic, 1973),
reviewed this literature (see Margulis, 1975b). the identification of Entophysalis-like coccoid
blue green algae in 2500 million year old rocks
4.2. Protist phylogeny from Belcher Island, Canada for example (Go-
lubic and Hofmann, 1975).
The contradictory classification systems
devised by zoologists and botanists for the 4.4. Additional examples
"lower eukaryotes" are notorious. The recogni-
tion of "anastomosing phylogenies," i.e., that The recognition that microbes are products
certain groups such as lichens and chlorophyte of neo-Darwinian evolution, with selection act-



Fig. 3. The effect o:[ nuclear transplant on the maintenance of symbiotic microorganisms in amoebae. These
amoebae contain mitochondria, the "DNA containing bodies", and a second population of more recently
acquired endosymbiotic bacteria. (a) Electron micrograph of normal Amoeba discoides showing the normal
morphology of the DNA-containing bodies that happen to be clustered together, individually surrounded by
membranes. (X 37,000) (b) Electron micrograph of Ameoba discoides infected with microorganisms of two
kinds. Shown are the more recent symbionts which, unlike the "DNA-containing bodies" and the mitochondria,
tend to look less adversely affected by intraspecific nuclear transplants. (c) Electron micrograph of nucleocyto-
plasmic hybrid (A. proteus nucleus and A. discoides cytoplasm} showing abnormal morphology of a mitochon-
drion and that of DNA-containing bodies. Since proteus nucleus is incompatible with cytoplasm of discoides, this
hybrid is not viable. Courtesy of K. Jeon, University of Tennessee.

ing m a i n l y on m e t a b o l i c r a t h e r t h a n m o r p h o l - a t m o s p h e r e (Cloud, 1 9 7 4 ; L o v e l o c k and Mar-

ogic traits, has aided in placing in a t e m p o r a l gulis, 1 9 7 4 a , b ; Margulis and L o v e l o c k , 1 9 7 4 ;
sequence certain steps in t h e h i s t o r y o f t h e Walker, 1976).

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Fig. 4. Diagram of the role of symbiosis in origin of higher taxa. (From Margulis, 1975a).

The concept that complex (9 + 2) micro- Of course, the concept that mitochondria
tubule-based flagella regeneration is a process and plastids originated as bacteria has led to
homologous to the movement of chromosomes widespread use of specific antibiotics (e.g.,
in mitosis has led to the discovery of mitotic streptomycin and other aminoglycosides,
arrest by melatonin and other specific actions chloramphenicol, cycloheximide) in investi-
of certain microtubule inhibitors (Banerjee and gating the role of the organellar protein syn-
Margulis, 1973; Margulis, 1973; Banerjee et al., thetic system relative to the " h o s t " eukaryote
1975). The awareness of the homology be- (Ebringer, 1972). The assumption that plant
tween the flagella and cilia systems of eukary- cells are the products of hereditary endosym-
otes has suggested a new theory of sensory biosis explains the presence, for example, of
transduction {primarily olfactory, gustatory redundant chloroplast and nonplastid metab-
and auditory, Atema, 1973). olic pathways (e.g., polyunsaturated fatty

acids, Jacobson et al., 1973). It also clarifies the sized to be ancestral to the 9 + 2 flagella/cilia
discovery of a very skewed distribution of homologues, the primary sequence of some
qualitatively recoverable types of mutants in spirochaete proteins will show homologies to
plants and Chlamydomonas relative to animal those of the flagellar/ciliary axonemes and/or
cells and fungi (L: et al., 1967). matrix. It is predicted that spirochaetes that
contain authentic microtubes with colchicine-
binding microtubule protein (perhaps even in a
5. Some predicted results of potential experi- 9 + 2 array) will be found.
ments generated by the S.E.T. Primary amino acid sequence of the eukary-
otic flagella proteins (tubulins) will show great-
The serial endosymbiosis theory has the er similarities to whatever protein(s) is/are
advantage of generating a large number of intrinsically motile in spirochaetes than to any
experimentally verifiable predictions. Some other prokaryotic proteins.
are listed here.
5. 5. Basal body RNA and spirochetes
5.1. Lack of mitosis in blue green algae

No blue green algae that show trends to- RNA of the lumen of eukaryotic basal
wards the evolu;ion of mitosis will ever be bodies will be found homologous to RNA of
found (e.g., with centriotes, microtubules or appropriate free-living spirochaetes. The repli-
histone-containing chromosomes). All blue cation (polymerization) of this RNA (Hartman
green algal developmental and sexual systems et al., 1974} will be required for new basal body
will prove to be similar to those of bacteria. formation, whether in centrioles, kinetosomes
or other de novo production of 9 + O's (Sonne-
5.2. Free-living homologues: plastids born, 1974). This RNA should also be homol-
ogous to "division centre" RNA in Physarum
Since coccoid blue green algae are hypothe- (Laane and Haugli, 1974).
sized to be ancestral to photosynthetic plastids,
the primary sequence of many proteins in the
5. 6. Phylogenetic significance of mitotic varia-
photosynthetic a:3paratus of plastids will turn
out to be homologous to those from the appro-
priate coccoid algae.
Striking variations on the theme of mitosis
5.3. Free-living homologues: mitochondria will be found in "lower eukaryotes." In opposi-
tion to statements in the classical literature
Since certain aerobic bacteria (e.g., Paracoc- (Wilson, 1925), these will turn out to be of
cus denitrificans; John and Whatley, 1975) are phylogenetic significance and generally inde-
hypothesized to be ancestral to mitochondria, pendent of the presence of photosynthetic
the primary sequences of many of the proteins plastid-related traits. (Pickett-Heaps, 1974, has
in the mitochondria will show homologies to already shown the phylogenetic significance of
those from the appropriate respiring bacteria mitotic variations in certain green algae; Kubai,
(e.g., superoxide dismutase, Fredovich, 1975; 1973, and Heath, 1974, have done the same for
c y t o c h r o m e 550 and c y t o c h r o m e oxidase). protists and flagellated fungi.) Meiosis will be
shown to have originated independently in
5.4. Free-living homologues: spirochetes several preadapted lines of protists (e.g., cili-
ates, slime molds, hypermastigotes) just as
Since certain ,;pirochaetes (e.g., Pillotinas, h o m e o t h e r m y originated independently in sev-
Hollande and Gharagozlou, 1967) are hypothe- eral preadapted vertebrate lines.

5.7. Derivation of the red algae thallus from a extant forms of red algae, fungi and other
mycelium with cyanelles eukaryotes that have mitosis but lack flagella.

The photosynthetic plastids of red algae will 5.11. Eukaryote transformation and polyge-
be found to have many metabolic pathways nomic control of metabolic pathways
and primary amino acid sequences in common
with blue green algae; non-plastid cytoplasmic In certain intracellular associations, gene
proteins in red algae will turn out to be more transfer from symbionts (bacteria) to hosts
like certain heterotrophic protists and primi- (eukaryotes) will be proved. With respect to
tive zygomycetes or ascomycetes (amastigote organelles, the particular genes transferred
conjugating organisms). from the mitochondria and/or plastids in any
lineage will tend to be the same within that
5.8. Lack of autonomy as the advanced state lineage and tend to be different outside that
lineage (see Fig. 4). Many gene products (e.g.,
Organisms containing well developed Men- proteins) will be cytoplasmic recombinant
delian genetic systems (e.g., yeasts, metazoans, products requiring two or more non-homol-
metaphytes) will be found to have less auton- ogous genomes for their formation (e.g., of
omous protein synthetic systems in their ribolosediphosphocarboxylase and leghemo-
mitochondria and photosynthetic plastids. globin -- the former requires both nucleocyto-
Conversely, certain "lower eukaryotes" that plasmic and chloroplast protein synthesizing
have no eumitotic sexual systems will be shown systems, the latter requires both symbiotic
to contain organelles with greater autonomy. bacteroid and plant cell systems.)
Attempts to "culture" organelles will be more End products of high selective advantage
successful in organisms that show no or idio- produced by complex metabolic pathways
syncratic sexuality (e.g., euglenids, dinoflagel- {e.g., certain alkaloids, toxins, steroids, lichenic
lates, etc; see Margulis, 1974b and Pickett- acids) will tend to be products of more than
Heaps, 1974 for discussion of some of these one genome; that is, the nucleic acids coding
forms). for the polypeptides of the proteins of these
pathways will reside in part in the organelle(s)
5. 9. Bdellovibrio-like symbionts as well as in the nucleus. The "biological
clocks," or circadian rhythms so characteristic
Bdellovibrio-like bacteria will be found that of and limited to eukaryotic organisms may
maintain stable relationships with their "prey." well turn out to be the result of interaction
between gene products and metabolites of the
5.10. Tubulins multigenomic systems making up eukaryotic
cells (e.g., dyads and triads).
Because of their hypothesized common ori-
gin, ultimately from the ancestral spirochaetes, 5.12. In vivo growth of organelles
the amino acid sequence of mitotic spindle
tubulin proteins from all eumitotic organisms Photosynthetic plastids and mitochondria
will show striking homologies with those from will be cultured in vitro. The growth require-
the (9 + 2) flagellar and ciliary axonemes. ments for their culture will tend to be gene
It will be shown that flagellar proteins (a and products (proteins, peptides or coenzymes)
fl tubulins) are used directly in the formation of and/or metabolites supplied to them by the in
the mitotic spindle microtubes in many if not vivo cycloheximide sensitive 80S ribosomal sys-
all eumitotic eukaryotes. This protein will not tem. Other organeUes (those that presumably
be found in blue green algae. However, homol- had an endogenous rather than exogenous ori-
ogous tubulin proteins will be detected in gin, e.g., Golgi apparatus; pigment granules;

lysosomes; nucle:i) will not be culturable. Or- greatly enhanced by an understanding of euka-
ganelles that originated by hereditary endo- ryotic organellar genetics.
symbiosis will piove to be intrinsically repli-
cating units, unlike the endogenous structures,
which presumably differentiated from the rest 6. Implications of the S.E.T. for the overall
of the cell. classification of living organisms into five
5.13. Protein homologies of the 80S ribosome
Whittaker (1959, 1969), on ecological
By amino acid sequence analysis, eukaryotic grounds, has devised a sound scheme for the
80S ribosomes will show protein homologies, classification of all living organisms into five
indicating that they have more than one pro- groups, one prokaryote and four eukaryote.
karyotic ancestor (e.g., anaerobic fermenter The five-kingdom system of Whittaker was
and heterotrophic eubacteria, host and proto- originally published with only the inclusion of
mitochondrion, respectively; anaerobic fer- the highest taxa: kingdoms and phyla. By
menter and spirochaete, host and flagellum, applying the concepts generated by the sym-
respectively; and so forth). Perhaps proteins of biotic theory, Whittaker's scheme could be
the 80S ribosomes have direct ancestry in modified to form an overall classification con-
certain spirochaete ribosomal proteins. sistent with information generated by genetic
and developmental studies. This detailed clas-
5.14. Anastomosing phylogenies sification as published in Margulis ( 1 9 7 4 c ) a n d
in more detail in Margulis (1974a) is schemati-
Only after acceptance of the symbiotic theo- cally drawn in Fig. 1, which outlines the hypo-
ry for the origin of organelles, will we be able to thesized role of symbiosis in the origin of
construct consis'~ent phylogenies at higher higher taxa as well as other familiar groups that
taxonomic levels {such as those available for have traits strongly influenced by regular sym-
tracheophytes and chordates) that are accept- biotic associations. Although Wallin {1927)
able to botanists, zoologists and microbiolo- certainly overstated the case, it is obvious that
gists. "symbionticism" has been a mechanism in the
origin of new taxa; examples may be found on
5.15. Hybridization between organelles and every level from species to phylum.
free-living microorganism DNAs The basic modified Whittaker five-kingdom
scheme can be summarized as follows: mone-
Direct nucleic acid hybridization studies will rans (all prokaryotes, or monads); protists
reveal homologies between organisms and or- {dyads and triads, diverse groups of asexual and
ganelles as outlined in Fig. 4. The a m o u n t of eumitotic eukaryotes, ploidy levels and mitotic
unique sequence transcribable DNA per or- systems vary); fungi (dyads: amastigote hap-
ganelle will turn out to be an approximate loid or dikaryotic forms, zygo, asco- and basidi-
inverse function of the age of the association. ospore formers that grow by absorptive nutri-
This hypothesis can also be applied to the tion); animals (dyads: diploid metazoans that
nucleic acids of l:,artners in clear-cut examples develop from blastulas and grow by ingestive
of symbioses. nutrition); plants (archegoniate e m b r y o p h y t e
triad photoautotrophs). (For discussion of the
5.16. Organellar genetics and physiology: mod- monad, dyad and triad terminology, see Taylor
els for infection 1974 and Margulis, 1975b.)
This is not the place to detail the modified
Understanding of the genetic interactions in Whittaker classification but only to urge you to
symbioses and pathogenic relations will be look up your organism in it. Is the system

consistent with y o u r own experience with the equipped to photosynthesize are often the least
living form? Any comments would be appre- equipped to move. The formation of a motile
ciated. p h o t o s y n t h e t i c unit by the joining of a fast-
An alternative logical two-kingdom, pro- moving organism to a p h o t o a u t o t r o p h has re-
karyote and eu k ar yot e , system has been sug- peatedly happened t h r o u g h o u t the course of
gested by Taylor (1974). This and several other evolution. In certain cases, such as the photo-
possibilities have been discussed by Leedale synthetic paramecia, hydroids or mollusks
(1974). Following Whitehouse (1969), how- (Fig. 5), it is obvious that the host is fundamen-
ever, it seems to me both logical and respectful tally heterotrophic, and the motile-photosyn-
of systematic tradition to keep the p r o k a r y o t e thetic complex is a p r o d u c t of symbiosis. In
(chromonemal) versus eukaryote (chromo- other cases, such as Cyanidium, Cyanophora
somal) distinction at the superkingdom level. and all eukaryotic algae, the m et hod of origin
Thus the plant and animal kingdoms would of the motile photosynthesizer is not so clear.
remain in a restricted form supplemented by What has becom e increasingly evident in recent
three other kingdoms: monerans, protists and years, primarily due to ultrastructural analyses,
fungi. For the first time the mycologists them- is the prevalence of the p h e n o m e n o n of the
selves have suggested the t r e a t m e n t of fungi as a acquisition of photosynthesis in motile orga-
kingdom (or at least a subkingdom, they have nisms by symbiosis in unrelated forms. Table 1
hedged a bit) in their most recent t a x o n o m i c summarizes some of this information.
treatise (Ainsworth et al., 1973), although they Mesodinium (Fig. 5b), a functionally photo-
have not separated out flagellated " l o w e r " synthetic ciliate, provides us with an example•
forms from the amastigote line. Since it reddens the sea water and its distribu-
tion is ubiquitous, it has often been seen. This
highly successful microorganism was noted by
7. Evolutionary convergence in the microbial Charles Darwin off the coast of Chile in about
world 1839. It is possible that it was first seen by van
Leeuwenhoek at Scheveningen, July 27, 1676
7. 1. The lesson o f Mesodinium: acquisition of (Blackbourn et al., 1973).
photosyn thesis by eukaryotes • . . I went to the seaside at S c h e v e n i n g e n . . .
and viewing some of the Sea-water very
It is a well know observation in evolutionary attentively . . I saw in it a little animal that
biology that severe environmental restrictions was blackish, looking as if it had been made
produce, by convergence, similar structures in up of two globules• This creature had a
r e m o tely related organisms, for example: wings peculiar motion, after the manner as when
for aerial flight in bats, birds and insects; spores we see a very little flea leaping upon a white
resistant to desiccation in clostridia, m y x o c o c - paper (yet at every leap it moved only about
ci, cellular slime molds and ascomycetes; spines the length of a coarse sand grain); so that it
and thorns for p r o t ect i on in roses and lobsters; might very well be called a Water-flea; but it
protective bold black and white color patterns was by far not so great as the eye of that little
in clownfish and zebras; stromatolites by fila- animal which Dr. Swammerdam calls the
mentous blue green and green algae; and so Water-flea [Daphnia]. Letter 18, 1676,
forth. Dobell (1958)
Two o f the most significant sources of selec- Unlike Paramecium bursaria, Stentor poly-
tion pressure in nature are (1) lack of carbohy- morphous and Paraeuplotes tortugensis,
drate and other organic food sources and (2) (which are all photosynthesizing ciliates),
lack o f sufficient motility to escape potential Mesodinium does not contain chlorella-algae.
predators and to migrate from inadequate to Rather, every individual of the species rubrum
optimal habitats. Those organisms best contains what appear to be partial crypto-

monad photosynthetic symbionts. Mesodi- the various groups of eukaryotic algae may be
nium rubrum fu:¢thermore seems to be swim- seen as one example of a c o m m o n process. The
ming backwards and eating little (compared to evolutionary origin of Mesodinium (as well as
other mesodinia), suggesting that the associa- the other entries in Table 1) are further exam-
tion with the provident photosynthesizer has ples. The merging of photosynthetic and motile
led to hereditary alterations in the lifestyle of organisms to form new complexes has hap-
M. rubrum. The reduction of the ingestion pened at many times and places from the
apparatus and t:ne tendency towards greater precambrian until recent times.
autotrophy (relative to their nonphotosyn-
thetic relatives} has happened convergently 7.2. Natural history repeats itself: bacterial
(where known) in most of the organism listed attachment sites
in Table 2.
The acquisition of photosynthesis by hetero- The basal b o d y and root system of cilia and
trophic flagellates that subsequently became flagella has been an enigma since its discovery

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Fig. 5. Functionally photosynthetic organism derived from nonphotosynthetic motile and photosynthetic immo-
tile ancestors. (a) Pelochromatium, bacterial consortium in which large flagellated heterotrophic bacteria are
covered with small photosynthetic bacteria. (structure at the limit of resolution of the light microscope) (Cour-
tesy of James Staley) (b) Mesodinium rubrum, a ciliate, harboring "incomplete photosynthetic cryptomonads."
(Courtesy of F.J.R. Taylor, see Taylor, 1974). (c) Elysia viridis, a gastropod mollusk, harboring functional
chloroplasts (below) ultimately derived from siphoneous food algae. (Courtesy of Robert Trench).

in t h e late 1 9 t h c e n t u r y (see Wilson, 1925 f o r 1 9 7 5 ; a m o n g o t h e r s ) has s h o w n w i t h o u t ques-

review o f early w o r k ) . All e u k a r y o t e cilia and tion t h a t m o s t basal b o d i e s d o n o t divide. T h e y
flagella, w h e t h e r o f s e n s o r y cells, ciliates or are d i f f e r e n t i a t e d f r o m a m o r p h o u s " g r a n u l a r -
s p e r m , originate f r o m these characteristic 9 + 0 fibrillar" m a t e r i a l in various f o r m s a n d n u m -
basal bodies. L w o f f {1950) t h o u g h t t h a t these bers, d e p e n d i n g o n the o r g a n i s m . In s o m e cases
organelles divide a u t o n o m o u s l y . Careful elec- (e.g., a m o e b o f l a g e l l a t e s ) basal b o d i e s a p p e a r
t r o n m i c r o s c o p y (Allen, 1 9 6 9 ; Dippell, 1 9 6 8 , " d e n o v o , " t h a t is, f r o m no p r e e x i s t i n g recog-

E v o l u t i o n a r y s t r u c t u r a l and f u n c t i o n a l c o n v e r g e n c e s in microbial systems.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Convergence E x a m p l e s of Type of Environ- Selection Pressures References

Organisms merit
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

spores myxoeocci soil; tissues and cells desiccation; nutrient Brock, 1970
clostridia; bacilli; of o t h e r organisms depletion
slime molds; s p o r o z o a ;
a p i c o m p l e x a ; fungi
sporebearing strut- m y x o c o c c i (e.u:., soil desiccation and Olive, 1 9 7 5 ;
tures Polya ngiu m ) ; dispersal Brock, 1970
colonial ciliate; fungi
bacterial attach- spirochaetes; uniden- hindl~uts o f roaches hold fasts ( s e p a r a t i o n Raikov, 197,t;
m e n t sites tified b a c t e r i a with and t e r m i t e s ; sand from h o s t ) B h ) o d g o o d , 1974
o t h e r bacteria or grains; ( p s a m m o -
protists phile) ciliates; w o r m
mycelia slime m o l d s ; actino- soil; cells and tissues p e n e t r a t i o n ; in-
m y c e t e s fungi of o t h e r organisms crease of surface area
stromatolites blue green algae; intertidal p h o t i c s t a b i l i z a t i o n of local G o l u b i c , 1973;
c h l o r o p h y t e and o t h e r z o n e e n v i r o n m e n t against A w r a m i e et al., 1975
e u k a r y o t i c algae t u r b u l e n c e , etc.
a c q u i s i t i o n of bacterial c o n s o r t i a ; lake m u d s ; o p e n nutrient depletion Table 1
photosynthesis P a r a m e c i u m bursaria, o c e a n

by motile organ- Glaucocystis: Meso-

isms diniu m
sessile " a d u l t " b u t Caulobacter; s u c t o r i a n surfaces altering
motile "larva" ciliates; c h y t r i d s , (e.g. e n v i r o n m e n t a l con-
(hold fast.s) Blast oclad icl la ) d i t i o n s (larval dis-
mollusks ; t u n i c a t e s persion to o p t i m a l
e n v i r o n m e n t for
adult development)

nizable structure. In others they appear at The basal bodies and their axonemes (cilia
regular positions in regular relations to preex- and flagella shafts) have been hypothesized to
isting basal bodies (e.g., the ciliate cortex). In have originated from free-living spirochaete-
some cases there is one old basal body for each like microbes; it is this postulate that distin-
newly emerging c ne. In other cases they appear guishes the "extreme S.E.T." from all other
as multiples; for example, in the formation of versions of the cell symbiotic theory. The evi-
some plant sperm hundreds to thousands may dence for this concept has been stated previ-
be made at once. There is no evidence that the ously (Sagan, 1967; Margulis, 1971) and will
"reproduction" of basal bodies is an event that not be repeated here.
requires DNA synthesis (Younger et al., 1972); This discussion centers on the principle that
however, new RNA synthesis is required, and it nature repeats itself, that given the appropriate
is thought by some that a specific class of basal environmental selection pressures, comparable
body RNA exists (For discussion of these convergent structures will evolve. Based on this
complex issues see Hartman et al., 1974; principle, one would expect that organelles of
Younger et al., 1972 and Frankel, 1974). motility have evolved from free-living spire-

chaete bacteria by convergence several times, mitosis and the typical basal body (9 + 2) com-
although perhaps in just one ancient popula- plex originate. Many protists form associations
tion of microbes ancestral to eukaryotes did of greater or lesser intimacy with motile bac-


Fig. 6. Bacterial att~chments to protists. (a) Unidentified bacteria on the surface of Urinympha, a hypermastigote
from the hindgut of a termite. (Courtesy of Robert A. Bloodgood, Yale University) (b) Bacteria on the surface of
Pyrsonympha, a polymastigote from the termite Reticulitermes flavipes. (Courtesy of Robert A. BIoodgood, Yale
University) (c) Unidentified spirochaete attached to the surface of Pyrsonympha. (Courtesy of Robert A. Blood-
good, Yale University) (d) Rootlet of the spirochaete, thought to anchor it to Pyrsonyrnpha. Part o f t h e micro-
tubular axostyle of the host can be seen. (Courtesy of Harriet Smith, University of Chicago) (e) Spirochaete
attached to surface of Pyrsonympha from Reticulitermes tibialis showing the specialized attachment region (A).
(Courtesy of Robert A. BIoodgood, Yale University) (f) Bacterial attachment sites on the surface of host protist
Barbulanympha. (g) Detail of Fig. 6f. (Courtesy of Dr. A. Hollande, Laboratoire de l'Evolution des etres organi-
ses, Paris) (h) Unidentified bacteria attached to the sand ciliate Kentrophoros (Courtesy of I.B. Raikov, Institute
of Cytology, Leningrad)

teria. Examples of bacterial attachment struc- ancestral basal bodies. In this connection, the
tures (which clearly evolved by convergence) similarity between the spirochaete attachment
are shown in Fig. 6. These may be analogous to "rootlets" on Pyrsonympha (Fig. 6 c and d)

and eukaryotic cilia rootlets (e.g., gill cilia backwards, and particularly with rolling
Fig. 7 a,b) is striking. Basal bodies (which are around on their long axis, that I coul dn't but
t h o u g h t to have subsequently evolved into behold t hem again with great w o n d e r and
mitotic centrioles for reasons outlined in Mar- delight: the more so because I hadn't been
gulis, 1970) began perhaps as bacterial attach- able to find t hem for several years, as l've
ment sites. In some groups of organisms (e.g., already said. Letter 75, 1692, Dobell (1958)
Mixotricha) continued association led to the The hypothesis that basal bodies originated as
acquisition o f motility, conferred on the host spirochaete a t t a c h m e n t sites and that the cili-
by the symbionts. In the line of organism ary root l et systems arose from bacterial root l et
leading to eukaryotes, it is postulated that this systems analogous to those of the spirochetes
association went much farther: the microtu- of Pyrsonympha (Smith and Arnott, 1974) is
bules of the microtubule-containing spiro- certainly testable (Fig. 7) as noted above. For
chaete were utilized for axopod, axonem e and example, I predict that the RNA of basal bodies
axostyle structure, sensory behavior, mitosis, will show hom ol ogy in the primary sequence of
intracellular pigment transport and many other nucleotides to one of the RNAs of the appro-
microtubule-based eukaryotic cell prosesses. priately chosen population of spirochaetes.
Again, the first description of symbiotic
spirochaetes was given by van L eeuw e nhoe k: 7.3. Evolutionary convergences: cysts, spores
My e x c r e m e n t being so thin, I was at divers and fruiting bodies
times persuaded to examine it; and at each
time I kept in mind what f ood I had eaten, The many mechanisms by which groups of
and what drink I had drunk, and what I organisms resist desiccation and insure disper-
found afterwards: but to tell all my observa- sion are well known. That only very distantly
tions here would make all too long a story... I related microorganisms arrive by convergence
have also seen a sort of animalcule that had at the same sorts of "fruiting b o d y " structures
the figure of the river eels: these were in very can be seen directly by examination of Fig. 8.
great plenty, and so small withal, that I Again van Leeuwenhoek was the first to
deemed 500 or 600 of 'em laid out end to observe the adaptions o f microbial life to dry-
end would not reach to the length of a full ing and rewetting.
grown eel such as there are in vinegar. These Now since we see that these animalcules can
had a very nimble motion, and bent their lie bedded so long in dry matter, as before
bodies serpentwise, and shot through the described, and then on coming into water
stuff as quick as a pike does through the can sweel out their bodies, and swim off, we
water. Letter 34, 1681, Dobell (1958) may therefore conclude that in all pools and
Accordingly, I t o o k (with the help of a marshes, which have water standing in them
magnifying mirror) the stuff of f and from in winter but which dry up in summer, many
between the teeth further back in my m o u t h kinds of animalcules ought to be found; and
where the heat o f the coffee c o u l d n ' t get at even though there were none at first in such
it. This stuff I mixt with a little spit out of waters, they would be brought thither by
my m o u t h (in which there were no air water fowl, by way of the mud or water
bubbles), and I did all this in the way I've sticking to their feet and feathers.
always done: and then I saw with as great a Letter 147, April 1702, Dobell (1958)
w o n d e r m e n t as ever before, an inconceiv- The discussion in this section illustrates that
ably great n u mbe r of little animalcules.., the under the same sorts of selection pressures,
whole stuff seemed alive and a-moving... convergent structures, behaviors and com-
And I saw, too, sundry animalcules... These plexes of organisms originate. The microbial
moved their bodies in great bends so swift a world contains processes precisely analogous
motion, in swimming first forwards and then to those occurring among larger organisms,

Fig. 7. Electron micrographs of cilia and ciliary rootlets from the gill of the fresh water mollusk Elliptio (a) X
51,000 (b) X 90,000. (Courtesy of Fred D. Warner, Dept. of Biology, Syracuse University)

Fig. 8. Convergent evolution of fruiting structures in microorganisms. Light microscope views of live material.
(a) Rhizopus sporangium (zygomycetous fungus, eukaryote). (b) Myxococcus fulvus (fruiting bacterium, prokary-
ote). (Courtesy M. Dworkin and H. Reichenbach, University of Minnesota) (c) Chondromyces apiculatus (fruiting
bacterium, prokaryote). (Courtesy M. Dworkin, University of Minnesota) (d) Unidentified colonial ciliate (eu-
karyote). (Courtesy Lindsay Olive, University of North Carolina).

including precedents for those events hypothe- bodies/flagella/cilia [(9 + 2) homologues] ; and
sized to occur in the serial endosymbiotic ori- photosynthetic plastids all were derived from
gin of eukaryotes. free-living ancestors. This hypothesis is sup-
ported by microbial precedents. The symbiotic
origin of photosynthesis in motile heterotro-
8. Summary phic microorganisms is hypothesized to have
happened convergently several times, as did the
The purpose of a scientific theory is to unite development of specialized attachment sites
apparently disparate observations into accurate for motile spirochaetes. Even if the cell symbio-
generalizations with predictive power. Histori- sis theory turns out to be wrong, it has the
cal theories, which necessarily treat complex, advantage of generating a large number of
irreversible events, can never be tested directly. unique and experimentally verifiable predic-
However, they certainly can lead to predic- tions. The collection of such new information
tions. The " e x t r e m e " version of the serial can do no less than add to our knowledge of the
endosymbiotic theory states that three classes evolution of microorganisms, many of which
of eukaryotic organelles: mitochondria; basal were first seen by van Leeuwenhoek.

Acknowledgements Blackbourn, D.J., Taylor, F.J.R. and Blaekbourn, J.,

1973, Foreign organelle retention by ciliates, J.
M a n y ideas here were d e v e l o p e d in discus- Protozool. 20, 286--288.
Bloodgood, R.A., 1974, UItrastructural, biochemical
sions with J.K. Kelleher, S. G o l u b i c , C. Har- and physiological studies of axostyle motility
w o o d , L. To, R o b e r t T r e n c h and m e m b e r s o f (Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder).
m y symbiosis class. I t h a n k M. Karakashian f o r Bloodgood, R.A., Miller, K.R., Fitzharris, T.P. and
excellent c o m m e n t s on the m a n u s c r i p t and McIntosh, J.R., 1974, The ultrastructure of Pyr-
J.R. Williams and B. Miranda f o r editorial sonympha and its associated microorganisms, J.
Morphol. 143, 77--106.
assistance. I a c k n o w l e d g e with gratitude re- Brock, T., 1970, Biology of Microorganisms (Pren-
search s u p p o r t f::om N A S A ( N G R - 0 0 4 - 0 2 5 ) tice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.).
and travel s u p p o r t to a t t e n d the van Leeuwen- Cloud, P.E., Jr., 1968, Premetazoa evolution and the
h o e k S y m b o s i u m w h i c h c a m e f r o m the Ko- origin of metazoa. In: Evolution and Environment,
ninklijke A k a d e m i e van W e t e n s c h a p p e n , Am- E.T. Drake, Ed. (Yale Univ. Press, New Haven).
Cloud, P.E., Jr., 1974, Evolution of ecosystems,
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