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Ignoring Gender Equality

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Welcome to the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) annual event. My name is (name)

and I am a gender equality and social inclusion specialist. The topic we are discussing today, on

October 28, 2022(preferred date) concerns the problems businesses cause by ignoring gender

equality and how the businesses can address those problems.

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Gender equality is when all people have equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities

regardless of their gender. Each and every one is significantly affected by gender inequality

regardless of their backgrounds and ages. Did you know that research shows that women India

spend an average of six hours per day carrying out unpaid tasks, while on the other hand men

spend only one.

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One of the problem businesses cause by ignoring gender equality in the work place is lack of

diversity which results to less innovation. Companies with gender diversity makes better

decisions 87% of the time hence increasing their profit while companies with less gender

diversity are more likely to make poor decisions hence making less money by approximately


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To solve this problem, a business should use skill-based assessment when hiring so as to

minimize the risk of unfair bias. Structured interviews could be used where by everyone in the

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interview is asked the same questions. All candidates are required to carry out tasks they would

be expected to perform if hired, and the company can select the most suitable candidate

depending on their performance rather than their gender, hence ensuring fairness.

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In the recent decade Australia has made significant progress toward gender equality and social

inclusion. However Australians should still improve, since the workforce gender gaps are still

prevalent. Achieving gender equality is important not only to ensure fairness but also to improve

the overall performance of the country’s economy.

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Foley, M., & Cooper, R. (2021). Workplace gender equality in the post-pandemic era: Where to

next?. Journal of Industrial Relations, 63(4), 463-476.

Reilly, A., Jones, D., Rey Vasquez, C., & Krisjanous, J. (2016). Confronting gender inequality in

a business school. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(5), 1025-1038.

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