Rant About People Trying To Ban Energy Drinks

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This isn't funny, it's SAD!

People like Lenora want to turn our

government into a nanny that powders and pampers our bottoms. We
do NOT need the government to regulate ENERGY DRINKS! What next?
The government starts to regulate coffee drinks? Do we stop selling
aspirin because some people OD on it? Do we stop selling kitchen
cleansers because some toddlers drink it and die? NO. Instead we ask
all adults to act responsibly and parent their CHILDREN! Last year a
toddler drank a large bottle of perfume and died, do we stop selling
perfume? NO. Parents have to child-proof their homes, the government
does not need to ban the sale of perfume because some parent is a
moron and can't keep their toddlers from drinking entire bottles of the

This is what has happened in our country, we have become a nation of

300 million self-interest groups. Activists have turned protesting and
lobbying into a HOBBY. What we need to protest against are people like
Lenora that want to take away our freedoms, bit by bit, until we have
none left and the government tells us what to eat, how much we can
eat and when to got to bed. Maybe you and your family need a nanny
government, Lenora, but the majority of us DO NOT. The majority of us
are responsible adults with a modicum of common sense and we can
take care of ourselves. We don't need the government to tell us, "Oh,
little citizen, you are too irresponsible to refrain from drinking too
many energy drinks or mixing tons of them with too much alcohol! So
we will take that away from you before you hurt your widdle self. Oh,
and you're welcome, Lenora".

Every year thousands of people die from eating disorders. Do we

regulate FOOD because these people can't regulate their intake? NO.
These are the risks involved in a free society. Some people are going
to abuse the freedoms, but we don't take away everyone else's
freedom because a few are irresponsible. We educate, we inform, we
punish those that break the laws, but we do NOT ask the government
to hold our hands and tell us we can't have an energy drink!

Enough is enough! The government has taken away enough of our

freedom. It's time to put our foot down and say "no" to people like
Lenora, because she or her son or daughter are incapable of acting
responsibly. Regulate energy drinks in your OWN HOME Lenora, and let
the rest of the citizenry regulate themselves without the government
have to treat us like petulant children.

Grow up, Lenora and quit asking Uncle Sam to do for you, what you
should be doing yourself: act responsibly, parent your children, and
don't blame energy drinks for you or your children acting irresponsibly.
There are a lot of us that are fed up, sick and tired of people like
Lenora trying to force the government to regulate what we can eat or
drink! We are ADULTS and we can regulate that for ourself and we can
regulate that for our children! If you love freedom then now is the time
to – once and for all – STOP people like Lenora from taking away ANY
MORE of our freedom which has been eloquently expressed in the
Declaration of Independence and guaranteed to us in the Constitution.
Seriously, enough is enough. Say "no" to Lenora and the rest of the
irresponsible fascists that want to take away yet another freedom!

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