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Intestate succession or testate succession?

Every family, especially a prominent one, gives importance to the legacy that they may
create and soon leave for the next generation. However, there is much more valuable than this
and that is the inheritance of this legacy. Grandparents are very fun of giving up their “mana” to
their grandchildren. May it be in the form of jewelry, clothing, and property. Most inheritances
are in the form of the last will and testament, and whoever is named on the paper, will eventually
get the inheritance. Alongside this type of inheritance, a conflict would occur for those who
deemed the proceeding unfair. Yet there are people who have inherited properties but did not
leave any will for whom the inheritance will end up. Thus, invoking the law to distribute the
inheritance equally and in fair judgment. The term for these inheritances is the testate
estate where the inheritance can be acquired through a written will, and the intestate estate when
the decedent did not leave a will, and the court shall decide who will be inherited.
In honest faith, if I will inherit an estate from my parents or grandparents, I would
preferably acquire it through the last will and testament or any written agreement. This is
because all process of succession through a will is in good faith (as far as I personally know).
Because of this, the family would respect the decision of the testator. A will is an absolute
testimony and a binding word for the successors for his/her security to the estate. A testate estate
is the “lesser evil” for both types of succession. This is because it prevents conflicts among the
successors unlike for the intestate estate. Don’t get me wrong, both types of inheritances are a
cause of a mortal sin, which is envy. But the mere fact that the court will distribute the inheriting
estate, means a red flag with a conflict written on it. There are a lot of sceneries where people
fought for the claim of their inheritance. This shows that, if the law is to be involved in the
process of acquiring inheritance, a family feud is inevitable.
See where I am going with this? I am for the testate estate because the preservation of
family relationships still weighs more heavily than any form of an estate that can be inherited.
That is why naming it the lesser evil fits. Though it cannot be avoided that in some instances a
family member will see this unfairly. One reason why I also choose a written agreement for
succession is for the preservation of the estate. We have to admit that not all mangoes in a mango
tree are good, some are rotten. The same goes for the family, it is better to give the estate to the
capable member rather than distributing the whole and risk the welfare of it all. Providing that all
family members can enjoy the product of the estate but not absolute for all.

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