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The Elizabethtown College Mission

M olded by a commitment to educate for service,

Elizabethtown College is a community of
learners dedicated to educating students intellectually,
confront them with learning experiences that are
compelling, and call out from them responses that
reach beyond what even they thought possible. In this
socially, aesthetically and ethically for lives of service and learning community, our faculty members and other
leadership as citizens of the world. As a comprehensive employees demonstrate their passion for their subjects
institution, the College offers academic programs in the and for continued learning so that our students see
liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. Combining how compelling deep engagement is. Students receive
classroom instruction with experiential learning, these personal attention, as all employees commit to expressing
programs advance independent thought, personal sincere and genuine interest in the educational success
integrity and social responsibility as the foundations for of our students. Our College’s classes deliberately are
a life of learning. Founded by members of the Church kept small to support our students’ individual needs and
of the Brethren, the College believes that learning is challenge them to grow.
most noble when used to benefit others and affirms
the values of peace, non-violence, human dignity and
social justice.

A Transformative Educational Experience

T he impact of an Elizabethtown College education
is long-lasting and far-reaching because it is deeply
transformative. Students acquire new habits of mind
and heart—some in the course of the undergraduate
experience, others as students grow beyond college.

The Qualities of Our Education

O ur educational experience blends a high standard
of scholarship with four signature attributes,
which include commitments to educate our students
in a relationship-centered learning community, to Meet Etown’s president
foster in our students international and cross-cultural Dr. Strikwerda
perspectives, to complement classroom instruction with Carl J. Strikwerda is the fourteenth president
experiential-learning opportunities, and to prepare our of Elizabethtown College, serving since 2011.
students for purposeful lives and meaningful work. Between 2004 and 2011, he served as Dean of
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the College
Relationship-Centered Learning of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

O ur educational programs engage students in

ways that capture their most profound attention,
Previously, he was Associate Dean of the College
International and Cross-Cultural of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of
Perspectives Kansas He received a B.A. from Calvin College, an

E lizabethtown offers a globalized curriculum and co-

curriculum. Programs of study and development
help students understand and effectively engage
M.A. from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D.
from the University of Michigan.

with other cultures and the globalization of life and Besides his scholarship in history, he has published
work. Our staff includes faculty members and other a book, Deans and Development: Making the Case for the
employees who are citizens of countries from around Liberal Arts.
the world, who speak a multitude of languages, and
who have had myriad study and residential experiences President Strikwerda has served as an historical
on other continents. Students study alongside students consultant to the National World War One Museum
from other cultures. Additionally, they encounter our in Kansas City, Missouri, and to a number of colleges
international world when they visit, study in or live in and universities on higher education administration..
cities as diverse as Harrisburg, Philadelphia, London, He has given talks to business groups, schools
Beijing and Quito. and religious organizations on World War One
and the history of globalization. Currently, he
Experiential Learning serves on the Board of Directors of the Lancaster

E lizabethtown seeks to broaden the contexts County Economic Development Company, public
for student learning by fostering educational radio and television station witf in Harrisburg,
experiences through which students learn by doing. and the Association of Independent Colleges and
Through this experiential learning, students develop Universities of Pennsylvania (AICUP), as well as
the aptitude to link theory and experience, and they serving as a member of the Presidents’ Trust of the
are better prepared to continue learning throughout American Association of Colleges and Universities. §
their lifetime. These opportunities are available
through internships and externships, field placement
assignments, independent and collaborative research
Educational Philosophy and Goals
projects, service-learning and civic engagement,

leadership development and campus enjoyment.
lizabethtown College engages students in a
dynamic, integrated learning process that blends the
Purposeful Life Work liberal arts and professional studies. Challenged

I n both the curriculum and cocurriculum,

the College’s educational program
fosters an understanding of education
to take responsibility for their education,
students at Elizabethtown embark on
a journey of self-transformation
for a life of purpose based on that involves intellectual, social,
a holistic model of student and personal growth.
development that integrates
career development; reflection The College is committed
on vocation, meaning and to educating the
life; and a commitment whole person within a
to civic engagement. relationship-centered
As a result, graduates learning community
of Elizabethtown are where common goals
prepared to make the world are achieved through
a better place. They do engagement in a rigorous
so, in part, by living in ways academic curriculum and
that reflect their individual thoughtful co-curricular
commitments, respond to the experiences. Students are
needs of others, and value personal encouraged to develop and
and ethical integrity. challenge their own values, while seeking
to understand and appreciate alternative perspectives. if necessary, refute arguments and claims—both
Embedded in an ever-changing global context, the their own and those of others.
College promotes the developmental, collaborative and • Demonstrate thoughtful and articulate
complex nature of learning. communication by applying knowledge in a
variety of contexts, including writing, speaking,
In seeking to “educate for service,” Elizabethtown listening and interpretation.
College believes that students can perform no greater • Understand the creative process and its role in
service than they do when sharing knowledge and human expression, and cultivate the ability to
creativity with others. Opportunities to strengthen make informed aesthetic judgments.
scholarship and leadership extend beyond the • Navigate diverse cultural world views and
classroom, and students learn actively through practical perspectives, with the realization that differing
experiences and civic engagement. frames of reference influence analysis,
communication and behavior.
The impact of an Elizabethtown College education • Make reflective ethical decisions and act with
is long lasting and far-reaching because it is deeply integrity to seek just outcomes with relationships,
transformative. Students acquire new habits of mind communities and society.
and heart–some in the course of the undergraduate • Apply and integrate different strands of learning
experience, others as students grow beyond college. and comprehend interconnections in the process
of gaining knowledge and experience.
At Elizabethtown College, students are inspired and • Identify and cultivate a sense of purpose that
challenged to: inspires a commitment to meaningful work in
• Assume responsibility for their intellectual service to society. §
development, personal growth and well-being.
Students will learn to sharpen their curiosity and
become aware of the capabilities, strategies and
resources needed to learn.
• Reason, analyze and engage in critical thinking.
Students will make, systematically evaluate, and,

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