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The image you sent contains a math question that asks for the proof that the inverse

of every
invertible element in a set S with an associative binary operation * is unique.


Let a be an invertible element in S. Then, there exists an element b in S such that a * b = e and
b * a = e, where e is the identity element of S.

Suppose there exists another element c in S such that a * c = e. Then, we have:

a * c = e

Multiplying both sides of the equation by b on the left, we get:

b * a * c = b * e

Simplifying the left-hand side using the associative property of *, we get:

(b * a) * c = b * e

Since b * a = e, we have:

e * c = b * e

Multiplying both sides of the equation by c^(-1) on the right, we get:

e * c * c^(-1) = b * e * c^(-1)

Simplifying both sides of the equation, we get:

c = b * c^(-1)

Multiplying both sides of the equation by c on the left, we get:

c * c = b

Since c is invertible, we can divide both sides of the equation by c, and we get:

c = b

Therefore, the inverse of every invertible element in S is unique.


The answer to the math question in the image is:

The inverse of every invertible element in a set S with an associative binary operation * is

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