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UJCV 03-2022


Unit 8 Write the Instructions
a. The following instructions for making chocolate chip cookies are in the wrong order.
Together with your partner, decide on the right order and number the sentences.


5 Drop the mixture from a teaspoon onto a cookie sheet.
6 First of all, pre-heat the oven to 190 degrees C.
4 Then mix the butter , sugar , eggs and vanilla together.
3 Next, put the butter , sugar , eggs and vanilla in a bowl.
2 Finally, put it in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
7 After that, add the packet of chocolate chips and mix by hand.
1 Add flour, salt and baking soda to the mixture.

b. Together with your partner, choose one of the topics below and write the
instructions. Use phrases such as: first, next, then, finally, after that.
changing a flat tire • making a video recording from TV
buying a second-hand car • making a salad • finding a job

Instructions for:
orange juice
-First of all, cut the oranges into four equal parts. Then, remove the skin and be left
with just the pulp.
-Place the orange in the blender, also the cup of water. Blend until you see it
completely mixed.
-Pass the juice through a strainer to remove the pulp from the orange.
-Your orange juice is ready to drink. You can serve it with ice cubes and honey to

From English Discoveries Online – Intermediate 2 © 2009 Edusoft

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